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  • What's up, guys?

  • Jeff Cavaliere,

  • Continuing the series today, were talking about the perfect shoulder workout.

  • I have a guest here with me.

  • Raymond.

  • You guys know Raymond.

  • Raymond, sayhello’.

  • What’s up, guys?

  • Raymond,

  • Okay, enough.

  • The fact is, guys, were going to use Raymond here because, as always, were putting the

  • science back in strength to show you how to construct the perfect shoulder workout.

  • Of course, I’m breaking out the muscle markers in a second.

  • I’m going to talk about that in just a little bit.

  • The fact is, there are some components, just like in our chest and bicep, and every other

  • video weve done in this series, some requirements to claim theperfect workout’.

  • Right off the bat, if were going to do this, we need to start including exercises

  • that activate the shoulder properly, before you train it.

  • Why is it such a big deal here, when we talk about the shoulder?

  • Because the shoulder is a 3-dimensional joint.

  • Not just that.

  • If you look at Raymond herethis is why we brought himwe have all the freedom

  • of the ball-and-socket joint here.

  • We get all this freedom in the shoulder because of the type of joint that it is.

  • But it’s not just that.

  • The socket is actually the shoulder blade.

  • So, we realize all the muscles that are affected by the shoulder movement, we realize it’s

  • not just things that attach to our humerus, but also the things that attach to the scapula,

  • too.

  • So, there are so many muscles at play here.

  • We need to know how to activate them and get them to work together properly.

  • The next thing we have to do is use the foundational strength moves.

  • For this particular muscle group, it’s the overhead press.

  • You can’t get around overhead pressing, but we want to make sure that even when we

  • do that, we do it properly and we have a way we can scale the weights when we do it.

  • And then end with another important component for neuro-muscular reeducation to make sure

  • were locking in what it is were trying to establish with that first set of warmups.

  • We continue on.

  • We want to make sure, of course, that we count for the stretch.

  • Why is that such a big deal?

  • Because in the shoulder itself, it’s probably the biggest muscle group that gets avoided

  • and overlooked when it comes to stretch.

  • Why?

  • Let’s take a look.

  • If we lookbreaking out the muscle markershere at the shoulder, if I were to do

  • this and push up here you can see the front delt is right here.

  • You can see that line right up, in through here.

  • Now, what I have in the back herelet’s use a different color.

  • What I have in the back is the rear delt.

  • You can see that popping out.

  • Down, and around like that.

  • Then all the fibers coming down this way.

  • Which leaves, in the middle, that big area of the middle delt.

  • Which would be right in through here.

  • They all come down and they all feed down into this portion of our upper arm, right

  • here.

  • So, all of them feed down and around into that point.

  • Well, if I look at any movement of the shoulder, whether it be a side lateral raise where my

  • arm stops on the side of my body, or whether it be a front dumbbell raise where my arm

  • stops here on the side of my body.

  • Or a shoulder press where my arm stops, pretty much in the same position; theyre all lacking

  • the stretch placed on the deltoid.

  • Any one of those heads that we can incorporate if we do a few things.

  • If I were to do some exercises like thisthe front delt raiseyou can see if I take

  • my arm back behind the body, look what’s happening here to the fibers in the front

  • delt.

  • Theyre getting stretched.

  • Well, were going to do that and apply that to all heads of the delt as we go through

  • this workout to make a perfect workout.

  • We now also have to understand if you want to train yours shoulders, or any muscle in

  • your body completely, and youre going to follow this channel; you need to train like

  • an athlete.

  • That means it’s not always about isolation.

  • We talked about ways to hypertrophy a certain muscle group.

  • Sometimes dropping the weight down, leaving your ego at the door, making sure you isolate

  • that muscle to gain a maximum hypertrophy.

  • However, if you want to be an athlete, at some point youve got to figure out how

  • to tie it all back together again.

  • We mentioned all the muscles in the shoulder girdle.

  • At some point youve got to get those muscles to be allowed to train together to allow for

  • powerful movements.

  • I’m going to show you exactly how to do that, too.

  • Finally, face pulls.

  • Guys, you know we can’t end a shoulder workoutespecially when were talking about

  • the rear deltand not include face pulls.

  • Let me put all this together for you, show you exactly how to do this step by step.

  • We kick this one off, like I said in the intro, with that all-important warmup.

  • It’s important because of all the freedom we have in that range of motion in the shoulder.

  • That means we’d better have it before we attempt to do these exercises.

  • So, we have to warmup the shoulder properly.

  • We do that with the overhead band press.

  • It looks like an overhead press< but look where the resistance is coming from.

  • It’s not from the ground up like a typical dumbbell, or barbell would be.

  • It’s pulling you toward the front.

  • That means you have to activate the muscles on the backside of your body.

  • The rear delt, and more importantly, the rotator cuff.

  • This is a good activator to get your shoulder to start working properly.

  • We know that we need the support of the rotator cuff because we do overhead activities.

  • So, we want to warm it up.

  • We do that here with a three second hold.

  • Very deliberate.

  • Good, quality reps.

  • Two sets before we move on.

  • We move onto, what else have we talked about in the beginning?

  • The value of those foundational exercises.

  • The ones that you can overload the most.

  • Which, in this case, would be the overhead press.

  • When we do our overhead press here, we really setup to target four sets and we do it in

  • a descending fashion.

  • So, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 and 6.

  • Ideally, youre going to add some weight to the bar and not just having fatigue bring

  • your reps down.

  • If you do that, again, were working on trying to overall build our strength.

  • Now, if youre training at home and you don’t have access to a barbell for a press,

  • don’t think youre getting off so easy.

  • You can always do the handstand press.

  • Guys, this is not easy.

  • As a matter of fact, anybody that does this will tell you it’s a difficult exercise.

  • The key here is that were lighting up the entire shoulder girdle in a way that you can

  • clearly overload.

  • For some reason, if this is too easy for you, throw a weighted vest on and youve just

  • made this thing harder.

  • Before were done, we come back one more time to that same exercise here with the band.

  • It’s done more as a reinforcer.

  • Neuromuscular reeducation.

  • You just went through this exercise with the weights, with that vertical force up and down,

  • now you want to reinforce it once again.

  • Get the rotator cuff awakened again.

  • Make sure it’s working.

  • So, we can integrate that better, and better from session, to session and make sure we

  • avoid any of those injuries that usually come with an inaccurate warmup prior to training.

  • Next, we have to incorporate this stretch that I said were often overlooking when

  • it comes to shoulder training.

  • We don’t do it, most of the time, in any of the other muscles that we train because

  • it naturally works its way into the exercises.

  • Here, as I mentioned in the shoulders, you have to force it into what we do.

  • But it doesn’t make it any less important.

  • So, we can do that here in a tri-set.

  • Basically, a 21.

  • Were doing cable raises.

  • Were doing them for the front delts, the middle delt, and the rear delt.

  • Now, the key again is, where youre finishing and starting.

  • Not necessarily what’s happening in the middle because in the middle of the exercise

  • it’s going to look just like what you do with a dumbbell.

  • But because of the cables, and because of how we can position our body we can place

  • a good stretch on the muscle as we do it.

  • Watch as I do this rear lateral raise here.

  • Again, a couple of things to point out.

  • You guys know that I think in order to get the rear delt the best you have to get extension

  • of the arm behind the body.

  • Get shoulder extension, and then let it come out in front of your body, across the front

  • of your body.

  • Get a full stretch.

  • Were not really going to do that if were just doing dumbbell raises.

  • Were going to stop at midline.

  • But we work our way around from the weakest to the strongest.

  • So, we have energy when we get to the 14th or the 21st rep.

  • So, we go to the middle delt next.

  • Again, I’m not just raising my arm up to the side and dropping it like I would be in

  • a regular dumbbell lateral raise.

  • What I’m getting here is the position of my arm behind my back, getting that extra

  • stretch on the middle delt every, single time.

  • You can see I’m starting with a big stretch and I’m exploding it out of there to get

  • to the top.

  • We wrap around to the front, we do the same thing.

  • Again, by positioning myself in a split stance and allow my arm to go back into extension

  • behind my body, I’m placing a better stretch on the front delt fibers.

  • So, I get that more powerful contraction when I come out of that position.

  • So, it’s a different way to apply the same stretches that you normally would with a dumbbell

  • and get the added benefits of the stretches that are often overlooked every time we train

  • them.

  • Moving on, I mentioned in the beginningand always on this channelif you want to

  • look like an athlete, youve got to train like an athlete.

  • One component of that is that you have to train explosively.

  • When we try to train explosively it’s not time to try and isolate individual muscles.

  • At this point, you want to make sure youre including something that allows all these

  • muscles of the shoulder girdle to work together.

  • We can do that with a combo of a cheat lateral, going into a dumbbell push press.

  • What we do is load up our weight higher than what we would normally use a for a lateral

  • raise.

  • Again, were not specifically looking to activate the middle delt to do this exercise.

  • Were allowing the traps to help here.

  • I’ve talked before about the trap strap.

  • When youre looking to strictly develop the middle delt you want the traps out of

  • it.

  • When youre trying to train power and explosiveness, you want the trap to help because it’s trying

  • to help.

  • All these muscles are situated in this area together because they prefer to work together.

  • At least have one component of your workout that focuses on that.

  • Were going to do that with that cheat lateral.

  • Again, were trying to eccentrically control.

  • This weight is not out of my control.

  • Even though it’s heavier, I get the chance to swing it up, but I have to control it on

  • the way down.

  • If I can’t control it on the way down, I’ve used too heavy of a weight.

  • But I go right from there into a dumbbell push press.

  • I clean it up to my shoulder, and now I’m trying to press up overhead explosively.

  • I’m allowing the legs, I’m allowing the hips, I’m allowing my entire body to help

  • me in this movement.

  • Just like I would if I was out in the field of competition and I had to push somebody,

  • or something away from me.

  • I’m not just going to try and isolate the middle delt.

  • I want all the muscles at my disposal to kick in.

  • Were going to do that and take advantage of that in this set.

  • We take that for three sets on each arm to double failure, and we move onto the last

  • exercise here, which is the cable face pull.

  • I’ve talked about it – I’ve made a whole video on iton why you should end every

  • workout, not just this one, with the face pull.

  • Of course, it’s going to show up here and wrap up the perfect shoulder workout.

  • The key in doing this exercise is your mindset.

  • I have for your to do three sets of 15, but you know what?

  • You should focus doing 15 sets of 1, three times.

  • Which means, quality trumps everything.

  • Make sure that every, single rep you do, youre not focused on pulling, but keeping the knuckles

  • facing backward to demand external rotation.

  • And to provide that support for the shoulder, to incorporate the rotator cuff with the rear

  • delt.

  • These are so important.

  • Again, youre not just trying to throw these reps away and call them a finisher and be

  • done.

  • Youre not looking for a burn.

  • Youre looking for high quality repetitions every, single time.

  • So, there you have it, guys.

  • The perfect shoulder workout to make sure you hit all heads of the deltoh.

  • This, here?

  • A little bit of a casualty.

  • If you haven’t been following me on Instagram, guys, youre going to want to make sure

  • you do that – @ATHLEANXto see the whole story of how that happened.

  • I’ll leave it at this: youve got to at least see what I did to Jesse.

  • I’ll leave it at that.

  • Guys, the fact is, if youre looking for science-based training, this is the place

  • to come.

  • If you haven’t already subscribed to our channel, please do so.

  • And turn on your notifications so you never miss a video.

  • If youre looking for science-based workouts, step by step, day by day; that’s what we

  • do here all the time.

  • All our programs are available over at

  • In the meantime, let me know what you want me to cover.

  • I know there are other muscle groups you want me to cover in this series.

  • Just let me know and I’ll make sure I do that for you.

  • If I have to break out Raymondsay something, Raymond.

  • Say something, Jeff.

  • Okay, whatever.

  • This guyhell be here to make sure that we cover everything you need to know.

  • All right, guys.

  • I’ll be back here again in just a few days.

  • See you.

What's up, guys?


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A2 初級 美國腔

完美的肩部鍛鍊(包括成套和重複次數) (The PERFECT Shoulder Workout (Sets and Reps Included))

  • 11 1
    Yu-Heng Hsieh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日