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  • It is minus 3 degrees in Seoul and fans have been waiting for hours to see their idols.

  • The falling mercury does not seem to concern the who's who of Korea's pop music world.

  • They arrive for another awards ceremony and cream for the cameras.

  • You think K-Pop stars are beautiful?

  • Yes, popular and beautiful! Their dancing -- perfect. Their face is different. Big eyes

  • This is what sends young Koreans into a frenzy and has taken the world by storm. Catchy tunes

  • and flashy performances by doe-eyed starlets and dapper pin-up boys. They rarely speak

  • publicly about their penchant for plastic, but cosmetic surgery among K-Pop stars is

  • so rampant it is parodied.

  • You know I'm pretty, but with no surgery? You wouldn't know the difference. Idols have

  • all had plastic surgery, you call me 'plastic monster.' Plastic face.

  • But the pursuit for perfection extends much further than Korea's entertainment elite.

  • It makes me happy to think that I'll look prettier after today, I am looking forward

  • to my surgery.

  • Hwain has just finished high school, and her mother has given her a graduation gift. Eye

  • surgery.

  • I hope it turns out well and she becomes prettier. When Hwain looks at herself she thinks she

  • is ugly. We don't think this way but she does. Because every K-Pop star on TV looks so pretty,

  • like a doll, she sees them as a standard of what is beautiful.

  • Hwain will be going to university with new friends and new opportunities.

  • So we thought if plastic surgery will help her feel more confident, maybe it is not such

  • a bad idea.

  • Hello.

  • Hwain is about to undergo what is called double eyelid surgery. Her surgeon, Dr Rhee Se Whan

  • will create a second eyelid to make her eyes look bigger. It is one of the most popular

  • procedures here in Korea. I'm told an increasing amount of teenagers are asking for this procedure

  • straight out of high school, before they head to college.

  • So what I have done is puncture very small holes where her second eyelid will be.

  • The whole procedure is over in 40 minutes. Hwain will spend a short time in recovery

  • before heading home, and will return in a week to have her stitches removed.

  • K-Pop stars and Korean celebrities have influenced. If you look at a before and after picture

  • of a K-Pop star, you will see that they have gotten prettier. When people see the change,

  • they want to be pretty as well. They want to look as good as them.

  • Like Hwain, Gina, Sally and Laura are recent high school graduates, and have agreed to

  • meet me to talk about image and plastic surgery.

  • I don't think any celebrity has not retouched their face.

  • We grab a few magazines and head to a nearby cafe.

  • Almost everyone gets it - especially in normal high schools. Once people graduate, almost

  • all of them get double eyelid surgery done.

  • Have you felt pressured to do it?

  • I've thought about it. Not in America, but in Korea, there are so many more people who

  • are talking about it. You think, "Oh, should I get it done too?"

  • Two of the girls also went to high school in the US. They say surgery is driven by an

  • admiration of celebrities.

  • That is the difference. Like, in America, you will say, "I want a skinnier nose." But

  • in Korea, they say, "I want the eyes of whoever, I want the nose of whoever. Please make my

  • nose into the style of this star."

  • Who are we looking at here?

  • They are 9 girls and they are in an idol group called Girls Generation.

  • Have they had surgery?

  • Yeah. Definitely! All of them - 100%!

  • Many, many, many plastic surgeries. Many! Every time they come out, they come out with

  • surgery...Their faces change.

  • Eyelid surgery can cost up to $2,000. If you cannot afford it, the girls tell me there

  • is another way of getting the coveted big eyes.

  • This is what Koreans call the double eyelid sticker. I've never used it before but according

  • to my friends, they said that it is the easiest and the cheapest way of making double eyelids.

  • I took it off! So it looks like a half moon.

  • Yes! Look at her eyes!

  • This is the district of Gangnam, home to K-Pop's major entertainment companies, and it's also

  • home to South Korea's beauty belt - an area of the highest concentration of plastic surgery

  • clinics in the world, which caters to an ever increasing foreign clientele.

  • So from here the entire street has more than 300 plastic surgery clinics.

  • This street alone.

  • Yes, this street alone, each building has more than three or four plastic surgery clinics.

  • Artist Eunjeong says the rapid growth of Koreas plastic surgery industry is concerning, especially

  • because of its connection to the entertainment world.

  • They send people from the agencies, they can get discount and then from that, they can

  • use their face for the commercial advertisement.

  • Even the subway has become a billboard for cosmetic surgery.

  • They change their facial shape, they cut down their cheekbone, made their eyes bigger their

  • face, their eyes change. They make big eyes, front and back, and they put some fat underneath.

  • They implant hair.

  • Eunjeong knows the passageways well - they inspired her to create an art installation

  • on what she calls Korea's obsession with beauty.

  • They choose one or two types of very beautiful women, with an ideal face. And every woman

  • tries to turn into exactly the same.

  • This is my studio, and this work is from my exhibition Body Factory. Every work in here

  • comes down to the people losing their identity. That is why they treat their body as a product,

  • they are losing the meaning of who they are.

  • Do you feel like that is happening as a society here?

  • Yes.

  • Because I heard it described as a plastic surgery obsession.

  • Yes.

  • Do you think that Korea is obsessed with plastic surgery?

  • I don't think it is obsessed with plastic surgery but obsessed with the way they look.

  • We are heading outside Seoul's city to meet a man who's had several procedures done to

  • his face on his jaw, his nose, his eyes. Now, while it is true that more women get plastic

  • surgery here in South Korea, it is by no means exclusive to women. A growing number of men

  • are also getting surgical procedures.

  • If you cut your jawline a bit, I think you could be really pretty.

  • At just 21, Hwan Kim has had 17 procedures so far.

  • The number of times? I have done my eyes three times, my nose once, my chin, cheekbones,

  • my squared jawline.

  • And that's not counting botox injections and fillers.

  • You don't want to show us the pictures? Why?

  • I'm embarrassed. Shame, shame.

  • This is what Hwan looked like before he began to reshape his appearance.

  • I had a complex about my appearance, so the most important thing is when I met up with

  • people I used to wear a mask or when I talked to people, I'd always cover my mouth.

  • Hwan has spent $30,000 on cosmetic surgery. And his friends want surgery too.

  • My nose, cheekbones, chin and what else did you say? Botox!

  • I want to get braces and shave down my jaw.

  • Night falls and the city streets come alive. Hwan and his friends are getting ready for

  • a night out. He says his cosmetic compulsion is paying off.

  • Now I have a lot of confidence in the way I look, I want to meet people, I want to meet

  • girls and I really believe this has been made possible through plastic surgery.

  • In another dimly-lit room on the other side of Seoul is a very different music world.

  • Playing tonight is an indie band called Love X Stereo. Its front woman, Annie, has invited

  • me to watch them perform. She spent years in the pop industry signed to a mainstream

  • entertainment company as a solo artist. In order to make it big, she was told to change

  • her sound, and her face.

  • They liked my voice, but they didn't like my appearances, so they wanted me to have

  • plastic surgery here and there, like nose, my eyes. They occasionally talked about my

  • teeth a lot because I have very - yeah, rabbit teeth.

  • Why did you decide against it?

  • Because I like my face.

  • The band rehearses and records in its own small rented space. Each member has a second

  • job to support themselves - a small price to pay, says Annie, for creative freedom.

  • Some of the criticisms of K-Pop has been that it is a very manufactured industry.

  • Yeah, absolutely. It is. They kind of, you know, recruit young kids, like 13, 14, and

  • they make something - they kind of grow them into - in a certain way, and cut them along

  • the way, and make a group.

  • Here we go, this is the band!

  • K-Pop dominates much of Korea's entertainment news.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show, we are happy to have you here with us on Showbiz

  • Korea Time.

  • Adrien Lee hosts Showbiz Korea, a daily entertainment show broadcast around the world on Korea's

  • only English-speaking network.

  • We have some K-Pop news coming your way - big news, actually.

  • Adrien also hosts his own radio show on Korean culture. He says even though pop stars get

  • surgery to improve their prospect, talent still plays a big part in the K pop industry.

  • No matter how much plastic surgery you get, it will not make you a big star. You need

  • to have talent. Maybe on top of that, later on you can add a plus alpha, with a little

  • bit of plastic surgery, but that won't initially play a big role for you to become a huge star.

  • As he shows me around the network, we meet a group hoping to become the next big thing.

  • We just bumped into a group, coming into record a show here at Arirang. You mentioned stuff

  • about the visuals, the looks. You can have a look - this is a new group. Can you introduce

  • yourself.

  • One, two, three... Purple, purple, Purpley. Hello, we are Purpley!

  • OK, there you go! Great! That is how they introduce themselves.

  • So many young people look up to them, and think they are really attractive.

  • Good! We're very nervous, we hope to have a lot of influence on the younger generation.

  • They tell me they have not had any surgery. But, as they walk away, I wonder whether that

  • will change. 18-year-old Hwain has returned to her clinic a week after her eye surgery

  • to have her stitches removed. Her eyelids are still swollen, but she is positive about

  • the result.

  • Are you happy with your surgery?

  • Yes. Yes, I'm happy.

  • And mum is also satisfied.

  • Well, double eyelid surgery generally makes people prettier, I think Hwain will look even

  • prettier, more than I expected.

  • Ten minutes after arriving, Hwain leaves with new eyes. The first step, I'm told, to becoming

  • beautiful.

It is minus 3 degrees in Seoul and fans have been waiting for hours to see their idols.


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K-pop效應 - 韓國 (The K-pop Effect - South Korea)

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