字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 >> A virus concerns honestly, I'm just really happy that I'm just really happy that taking precautions. Rice taking precautions. Rice University takes precautions University takes precautions after member of their staff may after member of their staff may have been exposed to the virus. have been exposed to the virus. ... How one woman managed to turn the tables the tables ... ... on wood the fee to take on wood the fee to take advantage of the lack of advantage of the lack of downtown parking. downtown parking. And the race for the Democratic And the race for the Democratic nomination now down to 6 near nomination now down to 6 near pizza spending his rent pizza spending his rent president what that means for president what that means for those those ... ... who remain. >> But we begin with breaking news out of Northwest Harris news out of Northwest Harris County 2 people killed another County 2 people killed another 2 injured in a violent crash 2 injured in a violent crash involving involving 6 vehicles this is happening on 6 vehicles this is happening on West Mount Houston in TC West Mount Houston in TC jester drive. jester drive. >> That road shut down at this >> That road shut down at this hour as Harris County sheriff's hour as Harris County sheriff's deputies investigate Channel 2 deputies investigate Channel 2 Sally mamdooh live from the Sally mamdooh live from the scene now Sally what have you scene now Sally what have you learned from investigators. learned from investigators. >> Now much right now because >> Now much right now because as you can see right behind me as you can see right behind me see on they're still see on they're still investigating this crash a investigating this crash a portion of portion of to 49 by TC jester has been to 49 by TC jester has been shut down right now we know at shut down right now we know at least 2 people have died in least 2 people have died in this crash. Harris County this crash. Harris County sheriff Ed Gonzalez tells us at sheriff Ed Gonzalez tells us at least 6 cars are involved in least 6 cars are involved in this crash is also set fault this crash is also set fault car believed to have been car believed to have been speeding while attempting to speeding while attempting to change lanes and that's when change lanes and that's when this crash happened. Both the this crash happened. Both the driver and the passenger of the driver and the passenger of the initial speeding car were initial speeding car were pronounced deceased at the pronounced deceased at the scene another car had a father scene another car had a father and a 12 year-old son, those and a 12 year-old son, those 2 have entranced supported by 2 have entranced supported by an ambulance now an ambulance now again and and a portion of this again and and a portion of this area will be closed off as area will be closed off as deputies continue their deputies continue their investigation into this deadly investigation into this deadly crash in again investigating to see just how many cars also were involved like how is all were involved like how is all involved just the the severity involved just the the severity of this crash. But as you can of this crash. But as you can see a portion of this area has see a portion of this area has been blocked off right now as been blocked off right now as they continue to they continue to look into this crash for now look into this crash for now we're live in North Harris we're live in North Harris County Sally mamdooh KPRC County Sally mamdooh KPRC Channel 2 news Sally. Thank Channel 2 news Sally. Thank you, we're also following you, we're also following breaking news breaking news in South. in South. >> East Houston, 2 people >> East Houston, 2 people rushed to the hospital there rushed to the hospital there after being shot this happened after being shot this happened around 7.30 awful needed to around 7.30 awful needed to know when law Crest Houston know when law Crest Houston police police tell us 4 to 5 masked men broke tell us 4 to 5 masked men broke into a game room armed with into a game room armed with weapons there was an exchange weapons there was an exchange of gunfire between 2 employees of gunfire between 2 employees and and the suspects the 2 employees the suspects the 2 employees were shot one is in stable were shot one is in stable condition. The other in condition. The other in critical. The suspects critical. The suspects got away. Police believe though got away. Police believe though one of them and they have been one of them and they have been shot. shot. New information tonight about New information tonight about the spread of coronavirus a the spread of coronavirus a second person Washington state second person Washington state has now died from has now died from the virus. And neither concerns the virus. And neither concerns right here in the bayou city a right here in the bayou city a resort staff member at Rice resort staff member at Rice University being tested for a University being tested for a possible case of coronavirus possible case of coronavirus well they're being tested the well they're being tested the university now recommending 17 university now recommending 17 people who they had contact people who they had contact with the self isolate his bill with the self isolate his bill Barajas live rice with Barajas live rice with University's response and University's response and reaction from students bill. reaction from students bill. >> A university tells us the >> A university tells us the person in question is not any person in question is not any contact with anybody in the contact with anybody in the undergraduate population and undergraduate population and has not been in any residential has not been in any residential colleges or classrooms again colleges or classrooms again this is just a possible case this is just a possible case not a confirmed case. not a confirmed case. >> For most it was just another >> For most it was just another day on campus Rice University day on campus Rice University students got the alert about students got the alert about 24 hours ago. 24 hours ago. >> Yeah, I'd really like the >> Yeah, I'd really like the Some people are debating how Some people are debating how much information they should much information they should you know what college there at you know what college there at things like that, but things like that, but I think to protect the privacy I think to protect the privacy of people that's not super nes of people that's not super nes say that we don't really need say that we don't really need it now. it now. >> The university saying a >> The university saying a research staff member may have research staff member may have been exposed to the virus while been exposed to the virus while on an overseas trip. The on an overseas trip. The university tells us the person university tells us the person in question and contact with in question and contact with 17 others on campus, including 17 others on campus, including doctoral students faculty and doctoral students faculty and staff that group has now been staff that group has now been asked to asked to self quarantine. self quarantine. >> If there were more of a >> If there were more of a concern I think a purpose he concern I think a purpose he never governed presence here never governed presence here but I get the feeling that just but I get the feeling that just more of a precaution at more of a precaution at this point. this point. >> The scare isn't limited to >> The scare isn't limited to Rice rumors on social media of Rice rumors on social media of cause problems are Chinese cause problems are Chinese businesses massa protect businesses massa protect against the virus have sold out against the virus have sold out in many locations, the issue in many locations, the issue prompted Houston mayor prompted Houston mayor Sylvester Turner to address the Sylvester Turner to address the problem on twitter saying quote problem on twitter saying quote there are a lot of things being there are a lot of things being said on social media, but just said on social media, but just for the record there are no for the record there are no confirmed cases of the hashtag confirmed cases of the hashtag coronavirus in Houston. coronavirus in Houston. Harris County Houston Health Harris County Houston Health Department talk coronavirus Department talk coronavirus with khambrel Marshall on with khambrel Marshall on Houston newsmakers here's what Houston newsmakers here's what they say you have to look out they say you have to look out for the fever is for the fever is very common. very common. >> Respiratory symptoms. >> Respiratory symptoms. Perdomo the lower arrest rates Perdomo the lower arrest rates would deep coffers oppose a would deep coffers oppose a nasal congestion the deep Those nasal congestion the deep Those are the 2 big things that we are the 2 big things that we worry about. worry about. >> And as of right now Rice >> And as of right now Rice University says it will not University says it will not cancel any classes operations cancel any classes operations for events on campus if for events on campus if that changes, we'll let you that changes, we'll let you know live from Rice University know live from Rice University bill Barajas KPRC Channel 2 bill Barajas KPRC Channel 2 news. news. >> One of our concerns leading >> One of our concerns leading to the cancellation of an to the cancellation of an energy conference set to bring energy conference set to bring thousands of people thousands of people to Houston. Sara we 2020 was to Houston. Sara we 2020 was set for March 9 through the set for March 9 through the 13th in a joint statement city 13th in a joint statement city of Houston. And organizers said of Houston. And organizers said the move comes at a fear of the move comes at a fear of spread of the virus. People spread of the virus. People attend that conference for more attend that conference for more than 80 countries. Organizers than 80 countries. Organizers say the event will come back. say the event will come back. Next year. Next year. Health officials say taking Health officials say taking care of yourself and good care of yourself and good hygiene are key that includes hygiene are key that includes washing your hands with soap washing your hands with soap and water for at least and water for at least 20 seconds avoiding close 20 seconds avoiding close contact with sick people and contact with sick people and not touching your face and if not touching your face and if you're sick stay home. you're sick stay home. What has paid over the iconic What has paid over the iconic be someone sign with a be someone sign with a seemingly one of the virus seemingly one of the virus related message. And now says related message. And now says wash your hands. Now we don't wash your hands. Now we don't know who did it or what was know who did it or what was done. done. Breaking news out of North Breaking news out of North Korea Rio South Korea's Korea Rio South Korea's military reporting that North military reporting that North Korea has fired an Korea has fired an unidentified projectile just 2 unidentified projectile just 2 days after North Korea's state days after North Korea's state media said Kim Jong un had media said Kim Jong un had supervised it real now Seoul's supervised it real now Seoul's joint chiefs asked couldn't joint chiefs asked couldn't immediately confirm what that immediately confirm what that projectile was or how projectile was or how it flew. Well a cool sunny it flew. Well a cool sunny weekend the books, but changes weekend the books, but changes ahead here is Justin with a ahead here is Justin with a look at what we can expect to look at what we can expect to receive a receive a little more rain starting to little more rain starting to back into the forecast probably back into the forecast probably within the next 24 hours will within the next 24 hours will start to see some of that nicer start to see some of that nicer conditions that we saw a lot of conditions that we saw a lot of cloud cover today but our trade cloud cover today but our trade Lindsay camera showing those Lindsay camera showing those temperatures are still fairly temperatures are still fairly warm anywhere warm anywhere from the. from the. >> Mid to upper 60's to about >> Mid to upper 60's to about 66 in Galveston not expecting 66 in Galveston not expecting temperatures to budge much temperatures to budge much tonight to likely kind of sit tonight to likely kind of sit right about where right about where they are the pretty city they are the pretty city Southeast wind that will Southeast wind that will continue through most of the continue through most of the night and that is what is going night and that is what is going to start to get the sea fog to start to get the sea fog moving in likely early tomorrow moving in likely early tomorrow morning I put it down around morning I put it down around some of the coastal counties some of the coastal counties Galveston for Sweeney Lake Galveston for Sweeney Lake Jackson Angleton if you live Jackson Angleton if you live down there. Danbury for example down there. Danbury for example as well and now towards out and as well and now towards out and you may be affected by that you may be affected by that further inland probably won't further inland probably won't be an issue tonight tomorrow we be an issue tonight tomorrow we can see creep a can see creep a little further into that little further into that otherwise I'm gonna keep a 10% otherwise I'm gonna keep a 10% chance for showers overnight chance for showers overnight tonight with a few streamers tonight with a few streamers moving in from moving in from the coast. That's really not the coast. That's really not going to be much of the issue going to be much of the issue and notice those temperatures and notice those temperatures will not budge much at least will not budge much at least overnight so the exact tracks overnight so the exact tracks not showing any rain out there not showing any rain out there now but here's what we're now but here's what we're watching a reason why said watching a reason why said we're going to start to see we're going to start to see some rain chances ramp up into the forecast is because of this area of low pressure sitting area of low pressure sitting off of the Southern California off of the Southern California coastline is going make a coastline is going make a beeline were right across beeline were right across Mexico in towards the state of Mexico in towards the state of Texas not only that but it's Texas not only that but it's going to tap into some of the going to tap into some of the specific moisture so coming up specific moisture so coming up I'm going to show you where I'm going to show you where that goes we'll talk about a that goes we'll talk about a couple of different scenarios couple of different scenarios and how that may either and how that may either increase or decrease our rain increase or decrease our rain chances, especially as we get chances, especially as we get towards the middle of the week towards the middle of the week unfortunately just for the unfortunately just for the start of rodeo but fear not the start of rodeo but fear not the entire work week is not a entire work week is not a washout will look take a look washout will look take a look at that coming up here in just at that coming up here in just a a bit him. bit him. >> And you can track the >> And you can track the weather anytime you want by weather anytime you want by downloading Frank's free downloading Frank's free weather app just search KPRC in weather app just search KPRC in your your app store Pierce County app store Pierce County sheriff's deputies are sheriff's deputies are investigating after a man was investigating after a man was shot and killed by deputies it shot and killed by deputies it happen in cloverleaf along happen in cloverleaf along Freeport Street. Deputies say Freeport Street. Deputies say they've had reports he may have they've had reports he may have been involved in a nearby car been involved in a nearby car jacking and when he pulled him jacking and when he pulled him over he allegedly began waving over he allegedly began waving a gun Brown saying he did not a gun Brown saying he did not want to go back to jail. want to go back to jail. Deputies say he then aimed at Deputies say he then aimed at one of the officers who fired 3 one of the officers who fired 3 shots killing that man. shots killing that man. >> They said the a >> They said the a situation where an doesn't situation where an doesn't measure would take their life measure would take their life but they do kind of triggers but they do kind of triggers situation where the. situation where the. Officers forced to make that Officers forced to make that decision to make their life. decision to make their life. >> The man who was killed has >> The man who was killed has not yet not yet been identified the 2 brothers been identified the 2 brothers recovering after police say recovering after police say they were shot during argument they were shot during argument the Harris County the Harris County Sheriff's office. Says it Sheriff's office. Says it happened around noon on happened around noon on Highland cross in north-central Harris County. Investigators say those brothers were inside say those brothers were inside a vehicle with 2 other men when a vehicle with 2 other men when argument broke out the argument broke out the brothers ran shots were then brothers ran shots were then fired at them we're told both fired at them we're told both of the brothers are expected to of the brothers are expected to be OK the shooters are still on be OK the shooters are still on the run. Only on 2 terrifying the run. Only on 2 terrifying moments moments for convening store worker for convening store worker after 2 men robbed her at after 2 men robbed her at gunpoint in North Harris County gunpoint in North Harris County it happened overnight at a it happened overnight at a Texaco along the North freeway Texaco along the North freeway near veterans Memorial drive. near veterans Memorial drive. Surveillance video showing the Surveillance video showing the moment, the 2 men entered the moment, the 2 men entered the store and pointed a gun right store and pointed a gun right in in ... ... her face. her face. >> When I call it the store and >> When I call it the store and she says on that. she says on that. The money she called the cops The money she called the cops with him last night while she with him last night while she was a fan of she was scared, was a fan of she was scared, I guess he's off I guess he's off >> The robbers got away with >> The robbers got away with nearly nearly $1000. $1000. >> The long-awaited murder >> The long-awaited murder trial of Robert Durst gets trial of Robert Durst gets underway tomorrow in underway tomorrow in Los Angeles Durst is accused of Los Angeles Durst is accused of killing his best friend back in killing his best friend back in 2000 prosecutors say Durst shot 2000 prosecutors say Durst shot her to keep her from talking her to keep her from talking to investigators. to investigators. >> About the 1982 disappearance >> About the 1982 disappearance of his wife in 2003 Durst is of his wife in 2003 Durst is accused of murdering his accused of murdering his neighbor in Galveston neighbor in Galveston he admitted to the murder but he admitted to the murder but claimed self-defense he was claimed self-defense he was found found ... ... not guilty in that death was not guilty in that death was sentenced to 5 years in prison sentenced to 5 years in prison for evidence tampering. for evidence tampering. Testimony begins tomorrow in Testimony begins tomorrow in the trial of former executives the trial of former executives with arkema chemical plant with arkema chemical plant prosecutors accusing prosecutors accusing the company. Releasing toxic the company. Releasing toxic chemicals and putting emergency chemicals and putting emergency crews in danger after the plant crews in danger after the plant was inundated by flood waters was inundated by flood waters from Hurricane Harvey. from Hurricane Harvey. Jurors will decide whether that Jurors will decide whether that company was criminally company was criminally reckless. reckless. >> Coming up tonight weather >> Coming up tonight weather woes in the Northeast what woes in the Northeast what caused these homes to freeze caused these homes to freeze over and where this video over and where this video was taken. Plus strong words was taken. Plus strong words from a heartbroken wife and from a heartbroken wife and mother Vanessa Bryant tonight mother Vanessa Bryant tonight reacting to reports law reacting to reports law enforcement shared photos of enforcement shared photos of the the ... ... deadly crash that killed her deadly crash that killed her husband and daughter. husband and daughter. And the race for the White And the race for the White House getting a little smaller, House getting a little smaller, but a judge Valley out the but a judge Valley out the comments he made tonight in comments he made tonight in South Bend, Indiana.ha >> Toxic cancer causing chemical in the city's chemical in the city's tap water. tap water. >> And as in way more of our >> And as in way more of our water supplies and I think any water supplies and I think any of us have imagined. of us have imagined. >> Now KPRC channel 2 >> Now KPRC channel 2 investigates has the brand new investigates has the brand new test results, everybody's don't test results, everybody's don't drink water. drink water. >> So they they they just they >> So they they they just they start start to freak out. start start to freak out. >> The changes we could finally >> The changes we could finally see af see af there are years of relentless there are years of relentless reporting into the safety of reporting into the safety of our drinking water Monday at our drinking water Monday at 10. 10. ... >> More news, a Democratic presidential hopeful is calling presidential hopeful is calling it quits mayor Pete buttigieg it quits mayor Pete buttigieg ending his ending his campaign tonight and former campaign tonight and former Vice president Joe Biden has Vice president Joe Biden has some momentum some momentum ... ... heading into super Tuesday heading into super Tuesday after South Carolina when nbc's after South Carolina when nbc's Dan scheneman has the latest on Dan scheneman has the latest on the race for the White House. >> You'll buy a big win in South Carolina, the former vice South Carolina, the former vice president back on the president back on the campaign trail, speaking to one campaign trail, speaking to one of his core constituencies of his core constituencies African American voters in Selma, Alabama. >> The >> The >> front runner senator Bernie >> front runner senator Bernie Sanders was now trying to Sanders was now trying to regain his momentum after regain his momentum after finishing a distant finishing a distant second in South second in South >> line a our campaign is >> line a our campaign is reaching out to millions of reaching out to millions of working people who have given working people who have given up on the up on the political prop. So it's because political prop. So it's because they think the establishment they think the establishment has turned its back has turned its back on them. on them. >> The results in South >> The results in South Carolina were enough to Carolina were enough to convince businessman Tom Stier convince businessman Tom Stier to end his campaign. to end his campaign. And former South Bend mayor And former South Bend mayor Pete buttigieg announced he's Pete buttigieg announced he's bowing out I will no long. bowing out I will no long. >> Or seek to be the 2020 >> Or seek to be the 2020 Democratic nominee Democratic nominee for president I will do for president I will do everything in my power to everything in my power to ensure that we have a new ensure that we have a new Democratic president come Democratic president come January. January. >> The next big showdown for >> The next big showdown for the candidates is this week the candidates is this week super Tuesday voters in 14 super Tuesday voters in 14 states will go to the polls states will go to the polls and likely shape the next phase and likely shape the next phase of the race Dan scheneman of the race Dan scheneman NBC News. NBC News. >> Former Vice president Joe >> Former Vice president Joe Biden heading to the bayou city Biden heading to the bayou city ahead of ahead of super Tuesday. Biden will host super Tuesday. Biden will host a rally tomorrow at Texas a rally tomorrow at Texas Southern University it kicks Southern University it kicks off at 1 o'clock at the off at 1 o'clock at the school's College of science. school's College of science. Again the Texas primary is this Again the Texas primary is this Tuesday aside from the Tuesday aside from the presidential pack, I'm Mary presidential pack, I'm Mary there are several local and there are several local and state races on the ballot on state races on the ballot on click 2 Houston dot com we've click 2 Houston dot com we've got a rundown of the big races got a rundown of the big races under the under the politics tab. Voters in politics tab. Voters in Oklahoma also heading to the Oklahoma also heading to the polls Tuesday to decide of polls Tuesday to decide of liquor stores can open on liquor stores can open on Sunday. If the measure passes Sunday. If the measure passes it will be up to individual it will be up to individual sources side whether they want sources side whether they want to open on that to open on that extra day. The president extra day. The president Oklahoma's liquor lobby says Oklahoma's liquor lobby says he's confident it will be good he's confident it will be good for business. for business. >> They would love to be able >> They would love to be able to take some of the business to take some of the business away from the grocery stores in away from the grocery stores in the chain currently get all of the chain currently get all of the beer wine and. the beer wine and. >> Spirits business on Sunday. >> Now opponents of the measure fear will lead to more alcohol fear will lead to more alcohol related deaths. related deaths. Members of Mike Bloomberg's Members of Mike Bloomberg's campaign team say their campaign team say their Burlington Vermont office has Burlington Vermont office has been vandalized, representative been vandalized, representative say someone threw a brick say someone threw a brick through the window staffers through the window staffers found the damage on found the damage on Saturday morning. Saturday morning. >> It's hard to You know it's >> It's hard to You know it's not I don't think it's not I don't think it's representative of. representative of. >> We are as from honors who we >> We are as from honors who we are as Americans. are as Americans. >> Police are now investigating >> Police are now investigating but as a Bryant. The widow of but as a Bryant. The widow of Kobe and says she is devastated Kobe and says she is devastated by reports. The sheriff's by reports. The sheriff's deputies share photos of the deputies share photos of the helicopter crash involving her helicopter crash involving her husband daughter and 7 others husband daughter and 7 others through her attorney Brian through her attorney Brian said quote. This is an said quote. This is an unspeakable violation of human unspeakable violation of human decency respect and of the decency respect and of the privacy rights of the victims privacy rights of the victims and and their families. She's now their families. She's now demanding those involved be demanding those involved be disciplined the Lee County disciplined the Lee County sheriffs Harmon says the sheriffs Harmon says the allegations are allegations are under investigation. A man under investigation. A man accused of intentionally accused of intentionally driving onto a busy sidewalk in driving onto a busy sidewalk in San Diego is behind bars San Diego is behind bars tonight officers say the tonight officers say the suspect had been asked to leave suspect had been asked to leave a bar because he was too a bar because he was too intoxicated he then allegedly intoxicated he then allegedly got into his rental U haul van got into his rental U haul van and drove it into a sidewalk and drove it into a sidewalk hitting 3 people. The word hitting 3 people. The word tonight on tonight on their conditions. 100 people their conditions. 100 people without a home after a massive without a home after a massive 2 alarm fire ripped through an 2 alarm fire ripped through an apartment complex in Nashville, apartment complex in Nashville, Tennessee. That fire started Tennessee. That fire started just after 7 o'clock Saturday just after 7 o'clock Saturday and quickly spread across the and quickly spread across the complex thankfully, everyone complex thankfully, everyone was able to was able to escape safely. escape safely. >> Once we got everybody off >> Once we got everybody off the 3rd floor scaled down to the 3rd floor scaled down to the second floor and we the second floor and we caught them, I'm not a bottom caught them, I'm not a bottom what's at them all out there we what's at them all out there we just attempted to 9 feet on the just attempted to 9 feet on the doors of everybody that we can doors of everybody that we can get to them. It started on get to them. It started on site. site. >> Officials say one person was >> Officials say one person was taken to the hospital for taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation now in stark smoke inhalation now in stark contrast to our almost contrast to our almost spring-like weather here. spring-like weather here. It's been so cold in New York. It's been so cold in New York. Some homes are encased Some homes are encased in ice. Check this out these in ice. Check this out these waterfront homes are on Lake waterfront homes are on Lake Erie Erie in Hamburg. And all of this ice in Hamburg. And all of this ice is the result of 2 straight is the result of 2 straight days of gale force winds and days of gale force winds and freezing temperatures. Some freezing temperatures. Some people saying it looks like a people saying it looks like a scene out scene out of Narnia. of Narnia. >> as cold right there on the >> as cold right there on the lake yeah well not only can. lake yeah well not only can. >> I mean now if you've got >> I mean now if you've got let's say, but 12 inches of ice let's say, but 12 inches of ice you get it like pop all that you get it like pop all that throughout how fast it is rough throughout how fast it is rough start to collapse as well scary start to collapse as well scary now that's not fun, I would now that's not fun, I would enjoy that so enjoy that so that's where I live down here that's where I live down here in Texas will enjoy that for in Texas will enjoy that for sure I let's talk about what we sure I let's talk about what we saw for today temperatures out saw for today temperatures out there on the warm side 75 in a Continental 74 at hobby Galveston around 71, so Galveston around 71, so certainly not record setting certainly not record setting temperatures but as you temperatures but as you mentioned very spring-like and that's going remain over the next couple of days. I think next couple of days. I think we'll see much change and that we'll see much change and that in fact notice for the most in fact notice for the most part we get that Southeast wind part we get that Southeast wind that's got the temperatures that's got the temperatures kind of holding in the mid kind of holding in the mid upper 60's. This is likely upper 60's. This is likely where they'll sit maybe drop a where they'll sit maybe drop a degree or 2 that's about it. degree or 2 that's about it. I don't think there's going to I don't think there's going to be much too much of the be much too much of the night tonight in fact the winds night tonight in fact the winds may say somewhat elevated I may say somewhat elevated I think we're going public. think we're going public. He police to 1015 mile an hour He police to 1015 mile an hour wind as you get down towards wind as you get down towards Galveston Angleton as well and Galveston Angleton as well and that's where we'll start to see that's where we'll start to see some of the sea fog moving some of the sea fog moving inland right now inland right now fairly quiet at the start of fairly quiet at the start of the showers that will show you the showers that will show you if we do happen to see any of if we do happen to see any of that fog will be out there for that fog will be out there for the most part the most part don't think we're going to see don't think we're going to see as I said not much change in as I said not much change in the temperature Fox let's get a the temperature Fox let's get a little more widespread as we little more widespread as we get towards tomorrow morning. get towards tomorrow morning. One of the reasons why that is One of the reasons why that is is because that Southeast wind is because that Southeast wind has been pumping in all the has been pumping in all the moisture more moisture in the moisture more moisture in the air that means the dew points air that means the dew points get higher the higher the dew get higher the higher the dew points get in the air points get in the air temperature doesn't fall they temperature doesn't fall they get real close to each other get real close to each other that's when we get some of the that's when we get some of the dense fog and that's what we dense fog and that's what we think we'll see over the next think we'll see over the next couple of mornings so that said couple of mornings so that said noticed by tomorrow morning. noticed by tomorrow morning. Still holding around 6667 Still holding around 6667 degrees and the jumping up into degrees and the jumping up into the mid 70's as we get to the mid 70's as we get to tomorrow afternoon now tomorrow afternoon now could we see a couple of stray could we see a couple of stray showers absolutely 20% chance showers absolutely 20% chance similar to what we saw today similar to what we saw today the be very light don't expect the be very light don't expect to see much change and that to see much change and that it's really Tuesday Wednesday it's really Tuesday Wednesday is the time frame when we start is the time frame when we start to see that system come on to see that system come on through now farm wise what will through now farm wise what will likely be looking at is likely be looking at is especially West and South down especially West and South down around the coast. I think around the coast. I think that's where we'll see the that's where we'll see the impact especially by around impact especially by around sunrise could see those uh sunrise could see those uh visibility is down to about it visibility is down to about it half a mile 2 quarters of a half a mile 2 quarters of a mile in some spots, 3 quarters mile in some spots, 3 quarters on Highland Galveston that on Highland Galveston that should start to improve as we should start to improve as we get later on into the morning get later on into the morning and welcome to rinse and repeat and welcome to rinse and repeat that over the next couple of that over the next couple of days, Jack tracks fairly quiet days, Jack tracks fairly quiet got a few showers trying to pop got a few showers trying to pop as you get over towards the as you get over towards the East Texas pecan widen East Texas pecan widen things out and show you what's things out and show you what's happening here is our low that happening here is our low that we're going to keep a track on we're going to keep a track on for Tuesday and Wednesday and for Tuesday and Wednesday and notice we've got this will notice we've got this will stream the Pacific moisture stream the Pacific moisture that's moving in as well put that's moving in as well put those 2 together those 2 together that is what could be dealing that is what could be dealing with a recipe for some heavier with a recipe for some heavier rain potential now, rain potential now, here's kind of what it looks here's kind of what it looks like we're going to take a like we're going to take a bigger picture I want to show bigger picture I want to show you 2 different scenarios of you 2 different scenarios of what we may see some what we may see some by Tuesday that front is by Tuesday that front is stretching just to the north of stretching just to the north of us it's going bring some us it's going bring some showers a few thunderstorms but showers a few thunderstorms but it's really Tuesday night into it's really Tuesday night into Wednesday, when this low tracks Wednesday, when this low tracks on on through now. Once that moves through now. Once that moves closer to us here 2 scenarios closer to us here 2 scenarios if this area of low pressure if this area of low pressure stays a little further inland stays a little further inland most the heavy rain is going to most the heavy rain is going to be north of Houston up around be north of Houston up around Dallas. But if it starts to Dallas. But if it starts to track a little track a little further South. Let's say moves further South. Let's say moves around Corpus well then the around Corpus well then the further South you get that further South you get that heavy rain potential could move heavy rain potential could move a little further South right a little further South right now the way that it looks like now the way that it looks like is it is going to stay a little is it is going to stay a little further north of us. further north of us. That's our future cast. That's our future cast. Rainfall totals for the most of Rainfall totals for the most of the area here anywhere between the area here anywhere between half an inch to half an inch to an inch notice the 2 to 3 is up an inch notice the 2 to 3 is up near Dallas if that happens the near Dallas if that happens the shift a little further South shift a little further South expect these colors allowed the expect these colors allowed the heavier rain potential to heavier rain potential to continue to shift a little continue to shift a little further South as well so it's further South as well so it's something we'll have to watch something we'll have to watch over the next couple of days in over the next couple of days in fortune know fortune know that's when the primary is on that's when the primary is on Tuesday folks that are voting Tuesday folks that are voting and the start of rodeo as well and the start of rodeo as well so it's going to be sloppy both so it's going to be sloppy both Tuesday and Wednesday so Tuesday and Wednesday so just keep yourself whether just keep yourself whether where both those days, good where both those days, good news is news is by Thursday Friday and into by Thursday Friday and into Saturday for the first weekend Saturday for the first weekend We're looking good, nice cool We're looking good, nice cool mornings in Florida in the 50's mornings in Florida in the 50's it is it is and nice afternoons in the low and nice afternoons in the low 70's, so decent weather but 70's, so decent weather but you know it wouldn't be rodeo you know it wouldn't be rodeo if we didn't have at least one if we didn't have at least one or 2 days where things just get or 2 days where things just get a little ugly out there. a little ugly out there. Yes, and as the clock it's Yes, and as the clock it's going to be the case, let's get going to be the case, let's get ready to kick things off on ready to kick things off on Tuesday. Tuesday. >> Theresa by now we know to >> Theresa by now we know to prepare we can still have a prepare we can still have a good time I was going to say good time I was going to say you know what you just and said you know what you just and said exactly those things to do the exactly those things to do the right I heard that you're right I heard that you're talking about. Alright is a now talking about. Alright is a now and a great day for and a great day for the cook. the cook. >> A minute but a lot of good >> A minute but a lot of good days lely is a fun team to days lely is a fun team to watch a young team getting watch a young team getting better is a March Madness a better is a March Madness a rolls around here about 3 weeks rolls around here about 3 weeks the time for a place the time for a place to live the AC today Cougars to live the AC today Cougars are getting down to houma keep are getting down to houma keep a share that conference lead a share that conference lead how they took down Cincinnati how they took down Cincinnati coming up straight ahead, coming up straight ahead, great crowds. great crowds. >> Plus for Tommy John surgery >> Plus for Tommy John surgery >> We are counting down the days until the 2020 summer days until the 2020 summer Olympics. We're now just 144 Olympics. We're now just 144 days away from the days away from the opening ceremony. And this year opening ceremony. And this year skateboarding has been added to skateboarding has been added to the list of the list of competitions but if you're competitions but if you're hoping to see Shaun white trade hoping to see Shaun white trade his snow board for his snow board for a skateboard you're going to be a skateboard you're going to be disappointed the 3 times disappointed the 3 times snowboarding champ telling the snowboarding champ telling the Associated Press. He is taking Associated Press. He is taking skateboarding off of his plate skateboarding off of his plate and that he won't try to and that he won't try to qualify for that sports Olympic qualify for that sports Olympic debut later this year. A man debut later this year. A man has been beef and hot. has been beef and hot. >> Big name not going to be >> Big name not going to be there I I think a lot to there I I think a lot to work out. I will someone else work out. I will someone else will take a spot for shot will will take a spot for shot will be some great athletes, a time be some great athletes, a time talks a sports analyst right talks a sports analyst right into water they finished forced into water they finished forced S busy sports stay here in S busy sports stay here in Houston, we start over U of H Houston, we start over U of H Cougars Kelvin Sampson's crew Cougars Kelvin Sampson's crew in are today with just 3 games in are today with just 3 games left in this left in this regular season. They're playing regular season. They're playing great basketball share first great basketball share first place on the line as a cruise place on the line as a cruise host Cincinnati Cougars are host Cincinnati Cougars are ready for St. Kaila Mills, the ready for St. Kaila Mills, the offensive star look at that offensive star look at that shot right there to the folly shot right there to the folly of 5th teen he was steady again of 5th teen he was steady again fellow freshman Marcus Sasser fellow freshman Marcus Sasser filled in all day at 5 of you filled in all day at 5 of you may just may just 8, 3, pointers they had a team 8, 3, pointers they had a team I need game high 21 you based I need game high 21 you based on by 7 at the half a win on by 7 at the half a win by 13. Now share the conference by 13. Now share the conference lead with toll so with 2 games lead with toll so with 2 games left to play in this regular left to play in this regular season more coming up on sports season more coming up on sports Sunday last week holder junior Sunday last week holder junior meanwhile, he last pitched in a meanwhile, he last pitched in a game back on game back on 8/3/2018 500 days later and 15 8/3/2018 500 days later and 15 months after Tommy John surgery Astros right-hander back on the Hill today this time over West Hill today this time over West Palm Beach for callers fired up Palm Beach for callers fired up the be out there has to be the be out there has to be contained a little bit of a contained a little bit of a dusty Baker wants to ease him dusty Baker wants to ease him back into back into his routine at a discount of 20 his routine at a discount of 20 or less a day wind up throwing or less a day wind up throwing it 16 times struck out one gave it 16 times struck out one gave up a double and 2 thirds of any up a double and 2 thirds of any such a small right there is such a small right there is this is a this is a successful day. successful day. >> After his got a 2 run triple >> After his got a 2 run triple Ronnie as far as the ball game Ronnie as far as the ball game with the fees story the with the fees story the long-awaited debut. This spring long-awaited debut. This spring for for Merkel aches. Merkel aches. >> He mostly what I wanted to >> He mostly what I wanted to do I mean 16 per do I mean 16 per se through really only maybe se through really only maybe one or 2 one or 2 I didn't execute kind of where I didn't execute kind of where I'm I was hoping to prepare I'm I was hoping to prepare each so really happy just a way each so really happy just a way for all. for all. >> And xfl they and upbeat and >> And xfl they and upbeat and Houston roughnecks a gnarly to Houston roughnecks a gnarly to date on the Dallas renegades date on the Dallas renegades perhaps a new robbery bring perhaps a new robbery bring here 6 nothing roughnecks a 2nd here 6 nothing roughnecks a 2nd quarter quarter PJ Walker over the middle in a PJ Walker over the middle in a Cali for the touchdown. I love Cali for the touchdown. I love this they would for a 3 point this they would for a 3 point conversion and got it when a 15 conversion and got it when a 15 nothing late in the 3rd and nothing late in the 3rd and 1511 the Walker fire still wide 1511 the Walker fire still wide open open Blake Jackson for another Blake Jackson for another touchdown to use an old off touchdown to use an old off Dallas 2720 they improved to Dallas 2720 they improved to 4 and sea Island this season, 4 and sea Island this season, the only undefeated team left the only undefeated team left right now the xfl are coming right now the xfl are coming back home coming up on Saturday back home coming up on Saturday lot to get into will see at 11 lot to get into will see at 11 o'clock on sports. And I think o'clock on sports. And I think you you really are. really are. >> All right coming up a mom >> All right coming up a mom going viral with overwhelming going viral with overwhelming support after support after ... ... >> she was caught on camera >> she was caught on camera keeping her son and line across keeping her son and line across store restroom. And only on 2 store restroom. And only on 2 tonight, tonight, a man posing as a parking a man posing as a parking >> And in the heart of downtown Houston. A woman says she was Houston. A woman says she was told to pay nearly 3 times more told to pay nearly 3 times more than the going rate to park than the going rate to park only on 00:02AM tonight, the only on 00:02AM tonight, the person police arrested for that person police arrested for that prime plus former warehouse prime plus former warehouse worker one to Exxon employ on worker one to Exxon employ on the run from the law in facing the run from the law in facing a felony was accused of doing a felony was accused of doing that loss the company thousands of dollars and the coronavirus claiming another life here in claiming another life here in the United States what we know the United States what we know about the second death in about the second death in ... ... 24 hours and concerns here at 24 hours and concerns here at home. But we begin this half home. But we begin this half hour with a story you'll hour with a story you'll see only. see only. >> Only on 00:02AM tonight, a >> Only on 00:02AM tonight, a man taken into custody in man taken into custody in downtown Houston after woman downtown Houston after woman noticed something was up quite noticed something was up quite right with the amount of money right with the amount of money he charged he charged to park John to sell him spoke to park John to sell him spoke with that woman about the red with that woman about the red flags that led her to call flags that led her to call police the woman tells me. police the woman tells me. >> The man handed her this fake ticket here and we also most got to speak to get from the got to speak to get from the same man while we parked in same man while we parked in this parking lot. this parking lot. >> What Tony Gillespie has to >> What Tony Gillespie has to downtown to dine at her go to downtown to dine at her go to a restaurant. She typically a restaurant. She typically parks here at this paid parking parks here at this paid parking lot by Le branch and out. lot by Le branch and out. But this Saturday she says she But this Saturday she says she can for her parking at the can for her parking at the machine and we were approached machine and we were approached by by a man. a man. >> A man who said a what's >> A man who said a what's going to be a special event going to be a special event parking today because of all parking today because of all the events on our the events on our rodeo etcetera. rodeo etcetera. >> And that man told Tony she >> And that man told Tony she would have to pay him $20 to would have to pay him $20 to park he had on the park he had on the vendors tag. vendors tag. >> So I looked and said well >> So I looked and said well let me see your Tech is unusual let me see your Tech is unusual outcome scissors were pretty outcome scissors were pretty frequently in the park is used frequently in the park is used his office $7 something just his office $7 something just seemed off to Tony when she seemed off to Tony when she noticed the man's a vendor tag noticed the man's a vendor tag was expired he's was expired he's >> well, I know it's expire, >> well, I know it's expire, but my partner has an unknown but my partner has an unknown wars, your partner as partners wars, your partner as partners not around Tony paid them and not around Tony paid them and $20 and return them $20 and return them and handed which seems to be a and handed which seems to be a valet ticket but that ticket valet ticket but that ticket belongs to the Renaissance belongs to the Renaissance Hotel Hotel in Austin Tony check with the in Austin Tony check with the restaurant to see the reason restaurant to see the reason for the price increase and for the price increase and that there was no price that there was no price increase and that she had been increase and that she had been scammed she didn't immediately scammed she didn't immediately flagged down an officer flagged down an officer patrolling the area patrolling the area who found the man in the who found the man in the parking lot and arrested him parking lot and arrested him for theft this all happened for theft this all happened while we're in the same while we're in the same parking lot. You see the man parking lot. You see the man now identified as Elliott now identified as Elliott Knicks had tried to scam us an hour before the man was scoping the parking lot looking for the parking lot looking for potential victims. That's when potential victims. That's when he spotted a sitting in the new he spotted a sitting in the new struck the man it happened on struck the man it happened on the hood of the car to get the hood of the car to get our attention. I was wondering our attention. I was wondering whether we pay for parking or whether we pay for parking or not but was he notice that not but was he notice that we've for parking and the we've for parking and the tickets tickets right here, he backed off right here, he backed off immediately and walked away immediately and walked away looking for another potential looking for another potential victim that's when he victim that's when he found Tony who is glad she took found Tony who is glad she took action is is that the. action is is that the. >> Follow your instincts if >> Follow your instincts if someone approaches you and say someone approaches you and say hey you need to hey you need to pay me and they have a ticket pay me and they have a ticket just be cautious when asked just be cautious when asked questions questions woman tells. woman tells. >> The that after police >> The that after police arrested the suspect they were arrested the suspect they were able to give her back her $20 able to give her back her $20 in downtown Houston Sally in downtown Houston Sally mamdooh KPRC Channel mamdooh KPRC Channel 2 news. 2 news. >> New at 10 a former >> New at 10 a former exxonmobil employee facing exxonmobil employee facing serious charges after he serious charges after he allegedly stole nearly $180,000 allegedly stole nearly $180,000 worth of equipment from his worth of equipment from his employer, 37 year-old conductor employer, 37 year-old conductor roan lot now facing a felony roan lot now facing a felony theft charge. According to theft charge. According to court documents he stole 164 court documents he stole 164 computers from Exxon I was computers from Exxon I was working in their warehouse working in their warehouse in spring. Investigators say in spring. Investigators say was caught on surveillance was caught on surveillance camera carrying the law tops of camera carrying the law tops of the business several times last the business several times last March a lot has yet to be March a lot has yet to be arrested. During out or whether arrested. During out or whether we hope you enjoy the we hope you enjoy the sunshine on Saturday while last sunshine on Saturday while last day we may not see much more of day we may not see much more of the next few days how to the next few days how to meteorologist Justin Stapleton meteorologist Justin Stapleton in now with what we can expect in now with what we can expect not sure and there today not sure and there today was it. was it. >> Now it was difficult to >> Now it was difficult to really kind of like that get really kind of like that get through the clouds yet we're through the clouds yet we're going to see the same thing going to see the same thing tomorrow probably not much tomorrow probably not much change in the forecast, change in the forecast, especially overnight. We'll see especially overnight. We'll see those temperatures holding in those temperatures holding in the the mid 60's right about where mid 60's right about where they're at right now I don't they're at right now I don't think we're going to see much think we're going to see much dip and all in fact we've got a dip and all in fact we've got a couple of cool couple of cool cool or spots out there 64 K 66 cool or spots out there 64 K 66 in Sugar Land and that's kind in Sugar Land and that's kind of where everyone sitting right of where everyone sitting right now Southeast winds helping now Southeast winds helping that as well so let's take it, that as well so let's take it, let's roll through the rest of let's roll through the rest of the night tonight notice that the night tonight notice that the fog starts to move in as the fog starts to move in as well right now we haven't seen well right now we haven't seen a whole lot of visibilities are a whole lot of visibilities are anywhere from around 7, 8, anywhere from around 7, 8, miles an hour. It's miles an hour. It's fairly good. But I do expect us fairly good. But I do expect us to start to create or as we to start to create or as we head to early tomorrow morning head to early tomorrow morning might see a quick shower or 2 might see a quick shower or 2 that's about it otherwise that's about it otherwise overcast is how we'll start the overcast is how we'll start the day like where we're going to day like where we're going to finish as well as we head in finish as well as we head in towards our Monday. So towards our Monday. So temperatures a look temperatures a look like this, not much change like this, not much change we're going to keep it right at we're going to keep it right at about 66 degrees or so notice about 66 degrees or so notice will quickly jump will quickly jump back up into the 70's now to back up into the 70's now to keep just about a 10% chance of keep just about a 10% chance of a shower a shower or 2 for early tomorrow morning or 2 for early tomorrow morning that chance will go up as we that chance will go up as we start to track start to track this is going to be an area of this is going to be an area of low pressure sliding its way in low pressure sliding its way in from Southern California got to from Southern California got to tap into some of the specific tap into some of the specific moisture and that will bring moisture and that will bring back some more widespread rain back some more widespread rain chances, but just how much rain chances, but just how much rain are we talking and will there are we talking and will there be any flood concerns with that be any flood concerns with that can get into all those details can get into all those details here here coming up. coming up. >> In just a bit OK Justin >> In just a bit OK Justin thank you remember you can thank you remember you can track the weather the time by track the weather the time by downloading Frank's free downloading Frank's free weather app just search for weather app just search for KPRC in your KPRC in your app store. We have new details app store. We have new details tonight in the coronavirus tonight in the coronavirus crisis Rice University alerting crisis Rice University alerting students and staff students and staff that research staff member man that research staff member man possibly contracted the virus possibly contracted the virus during a trip overseas. The during a trip overseas. The university initially put out university initially put out the the alert yesterday officials at alert yesterday officials at Rice telling students that a Rice telling students that a staff member was on campus staff member was on campus Monday and Tuesday of last week Monday and Tuesday of last week and had direct contact with 17 and had direct contact with 17 people. The university people. The university recommending those 17 people recommending those 17 people self isolate while the staff self isolate while the staff members tested Rice did say the members tested Rice did say the staff member did not have any staff member did not have any contact with the undergraduate contact with the undergraduate population, residential population, residential colleges or classrooms. colleges or classrooms. >> One of the speaking it was >> One of the speaking it was bound to happen. It's we have bound to happen. It's we have one of the largest one of the largest international Airport in the international Airport in the world like 30 minutes away world like 30 minutes away we'll not what I'm looking our we'll not what I'm looking our baby we have 2 major airports baby we have 2 major airports right here. I think inevitably right here. I think inevitably someone was going to come someone was going to come through. Houston in general and through. Houston in general and get it. get it. >> There are currently no >> There are currently no confirmed cases of coronavirus confirmed cases of coronavirus in the city of Houston that's in the city of Houston that's according to the Houston according to the Houston Health Department. The Health Department. The coronavirus has claimed a coronavirus has claimed a second life in the US tonight, second life in the US tonight, Washington state health Washington state health officials say a second person officials say a second person has died has died from coronavirus a man in his from coronavirus a man in his 70's died a Seattle area 70's died a Seattle area hospital. He did have hospital. He did have underlying health conditions underlying health conditions when he died at evergreen when he died at evergreen health in Kirkland at the same health in Kirkland at the same facility where officials facility where officials identified the first person identified the first person who died. In who died. In ... ... the nation that patient was a the nation that patient was a man is 50's also with man is 50's also with underlying health conditions. underlying health conditions. Tonight New York says it's Tonight New York says it's dealing with its first case in dealing with its first case in a statement the governor. a statement the governor. So the woman in her 30's So the woman in her 30's contract to the virus during a contract to the virus during a recent trip recent trip to Iraq on she's being to Iraq on she's being isolated. He added she's been a isolated. He added she's been a controlled situation since controlled situation since arriving in New York. And the arriving in New York. And the spread is having a drastic him spread is having a drastic him packed on the daily lives of packed on the daily lives of 10's of millions of people 10's of millions of people today the business was in the today the business was in the world certainly close. world certainly close. More evidence of the effect of More evidence of the effect of the virus on sports commerce the virus on sports commerce and culture nbc's bill Neely and culture nbc's bill Neely reports from Italy. reports from Italy. >> The world's most visited >> The world's most visited Museum the loser in Paris shop Museum the loser in Paris shop done because of the world's done because of the world's most most contagious virus. Stop afraid contagious virus. Stop afraid thousands locked eyes thousands locked eyes and worried. and worried. >> I'm going to try to stay >> I'm going to try to stay healthy and happy and live my healthy and happy and live my >> from the World Health >> from the World Health Organization today. More Organization today. More aggressive advice them from us aggressive advice them from us officials advising anyone officials advising anyone over 60 or with underlying over 60 or with underlying conditions that's hundreds of conditions that's hundreds of millions globally to avoid millions globally to avoid crowded areas. crowded areas. We need. We need. >> And prepare for the >> And prepare for the hurricane Center and the day by hurricane Center and the day by day. day. >> He sees a window of >> He sees a window of opportunity closing. opportunity closing. >> In South Korea another huge >> In South Korea another huge surge surge of infections. The entire of infections. The entire population urged to stay home, the Capitals, mayor leveling murder charges at the leader of murder charges at the leader of a religious sect where the a religious sect where the country's epidemic began to country's epidemic began to surge of its cases were traced surge of its cases were traced to to this group. this group. >> I'm with Americans not being >> I'm with Americans not being officially warned to stay away officially warned to stay away from hot spots like from hot spots like South Korea and here in Milan, South Korea and here in Milan, multiple airlines, including multiple airlines, including American are not abandoning new American are not abandoning new look look perverts. perverts. >> The pope counseling more >> The pope counseling more events he coughed and sneezed events he coughed and sneezed praying in praying in Rome today, the Vatican saying Rome today, the Vatican saying he has a. he has a. >> Cold not >> Cold not the virus. Italy's infection the virus. Italy's infection rate jumped 50% today more than 1600 cases, 34 dead an Italian tourists in the an Italian tourists in the Dominican Republic, the first Dominican Republic, the first person infected in person infected in the Caribbean. Australia and the Caribbean. Australia and Thailand reporting their Thailand reporting their ... ... first deaths. Bill Neely NBC first deaths. Bill Neely NBC News Midland, Italy. News Midland, Italy. >> And we're following breaking >> And we're following breaking news out of East Houston news out of East Houston Houston police tweeting just Houston police tweeting just moments ago there's been moments ago there's been a fatal auto pedestrian a fatal auto pedestrian accident in the 5400 block of accident in the 5400 block of Market Street, and they're Market Street, and they're learning that the vehicle in learning that the vehicle in Van it was stolen. Van it was stolen. It struck a person then fled It struck a person then fled the scene and unfortunately the scene and unfortunately that pedestrian has passed away that pedestrian has passed away right now they're looking for 3 right now they're looking for 3 people who fled people who fled on foot. There's an ongoing on foot. There's an ongoing search for the suspects will search for the suspects will continue to follow this and continue to follow this and bring you the latest as bring you the latest as it develops. Thousands of it develops. Thousands of people making their way people making their way downtown to Houston in downtown downtown to Houston in downtown Houston to raise awareness and Houston to raise awareness and money for AIDS research. money for AIDS research. It's a nation Houston holding It's a nation Houston holding its 31th annual AIDS walk at its 31th annual AIDS walk at Sam Houston Park. Sam Houston Park. Nearly 3,000 people Nearly 3,000 people participating 5 can help raise participating 5 can help raise awareness and funds for a ton awareness and funds for a ton Taishan Houston. Taishan Houston. >> We had 14 and getting >> We had 14 and getting agencies are partners this year agencies are partners this year with us we're also raising with us we're also raising money for the organizations money for the organizations they they work for and bringing people work for and bringing people out to the park today to to out to the park today to to educate themselves may be educate themselves may be testing today at the park testing today at the park as well, 2.22 people know their as well, 2.22 people know their status and then status and then take action. take action. >> Even also supporting several >> Even also supporting several other organizations working to other organizations working to help the nearly 30,000 help the nearly 30,000 Houstonians living with Houstonians living with the virus. Turning now to the the virus. Turning now to the future of space space X getting future of space space X getting ready to launch its ready to launch its 22th dragon spacecraft on its 22th dragon spacecraft on its Falcon 9 rocket that launched Falcon 9 rocket that launched originally originally set for tomorrow but has been set for tomorrow but has been pushed back now to Friday at pushed back now to Friday at 10:50PM and when it blasts off 10:50PM and when it blasts off to the Nash they station it to the Nash they station it will be carrying 5,000 pounds will be carrying 5,000 pounds of cargo including of cargo including live mice. Those mice. We study live mice. Those mice. We study to get a better understanding to get a better understanding of the gravitational biology of of the gravitational biology of mammals. Well she may be small but. >> She is a fighter coming up >> She is a fighter coming up next the heroic dog who helped next the heroic dog who helped one girl escape a pair of armed one girl escape a pair of armed robbers and it came to the robbers and it came to the rescue to help save a veteran rescue to help save a veteran from from ... ... freezing waters. freezing waters. Then Then ... ... later an incredible dream, >> Police in Georgia on the hunt tonight for 2 men caught hunt tonight for 2 men caught on camera breaking into a home on camera breaking into a home before police say they before police say they threatened to shoot a girl and threatened to shoot a girl and put a bullet inside a dog. put a bullet inside a dog. The homeowner says her niece The homeowner says her niece was home alone when the 2 men was home alone when the 2 men approach and forced their way approach and forced their way inside but they were met with a inside but they were met with a whole lot of trouble in a whole lot of trouble in a little tiny package there. little tiny package there. 2 year-old starlet is tracking 2 year-old starlet is tracking the 2 men long enough for the the 2 men long enough for the girl to make it outside. girl to make it outside. During the escape the gunman During the escape the gunman shot starlet 2 times before shot starlet 2 times before chasing after the girl as they chasing after the girl as they followed followed her out. So it's tarly even her out. So it's tarly even with the bullet in her leg, the with the bullet in her leg, the 2 men and eventually hopping in 2 men and eventually hopping in their car and their car and taking off. In North Dakota to taking off. In North Dakota to contractors being credited for contractors being credited for saving an elderly man's life saving an elderly man's life after they quickly jumped into after they quickly jumped into action when hearing him call action when hearing him call for help. Deputies say the man for help. Deputies say the man fell into the Missouri River fell into the Missouri River Friday. That's when pair Friday. That's when pair contractors working on a home contractors working on a home nearby her and his calls they nearby her and his calls they found a man struggling in the found a man struggling in the frigid waters. They were able frigid waters. They were able to pull him out and warm up to pull him out and warm up until first responders can until first responders can arrive that was until after arrive that was until after the rescue. The to find out the rescue. The to find out they have safety 96 year-old they have safety 96 year-old World War World War 2 veteran. 2 veteran. >> Journaling will kick there >> Journaling will kick there in the starting at a mother and in the starting at a mother and all the fast you know before all the fast you know before you owe you owe mortgage broker they like Just mortgage broker they like Just you know call him once. you know call him once. >> Now it's unclear how long >> Now it's unclear how long the man spent in the frigid the man spent in the frigid water but he is reportedly water but he is reportedly doing okay and is expected to doing okay and is expected to fully recover. One mother going fully recover. One mother going viral tonight after good. viral tonight after good. >> Anderson a lesson and >> Anderson a lesson and discipline in the middle of discipline in the middle of a shock thing trip a woman a shock thing trip a woman capturing this moment in the capturing this moment in the restroom of a hobby lobby store restroom of a hobby lobby store in Killeen that's 30 miles west in Killeen that's 30 miles west of Temple. It was then posted of Temple. It was then posted on the facebook the on the facebook the mom scene holding one of her mom scene holding one of her children while she had her 10 children while she had her 10 year-old son doing year-old son doing the mother says she asked her the mother says she asked her son to behave in stop bother son to behave in stop bother his little brother in the his little brother in the store. We didn't listen she store. We didn't listen she took him to the bathroom for took him to the bathroom for this punishment. The mom now this punishment. The mom now receiving praise from hundreds receiving praise from hundreds of parents for that move. of parents for that move. More than 4,000 people daring More than 4,000 people daring to dive into Chicago's frigid to dive into Chicago's frigid Lake Michigan to raise money Lake Michigan to raise money for the special Olympics. for the special Olympics. Nbc's today show personality Al Nbc's today show personality Al Roker and Craig Melvin were Roker and Craig Melvin were among the brave swimmers. among the brave swimmers. The event benefits 7500 special The event benefits 7500 special Olympic athletes and Chuck go Olympic athletes and Chuck go days water temperature just days water temperature just about 20 degrees cooler than about 20 degrees cooler than the 40 degree air temperature. the 40 degree air temperature. ... ... I felt the side of being call I felt the side of being call out. out. >> 1000 meals all I want to >> 1000 meals all I want to grow. >> Going to get your adrenaline up by doing that just screaming up by doing that just screaming no help for me operate or as I no help for me operate or as I say that event did in fact say that event did in fact raise more than 2 million raise more than 2 million dollars. dollars. It was definitely for a great It was definitely for a great cause you're down one of those cause you're down one of those and I have not I put my toe and I have not I put my toe into into the lake I was a student at the lake I was a student at Northwestern Chicago but oh Northwestern Chicago but oh yeah up during a. yeah up during a. >> The winter time yeah I've >> The winter time yeah I've done a few those for charity as done a few those for charity as well, and that's a group that's well, and that's a group that's a perfect description of the a perfect description of the Dow set its second 1000 the Dow set its second 1000 the just all he wants. So a lot of just all he wants. So a lot of families to double and Eugene families to double and Eugene that the Willamette Valley but that the Willamette Valley but their lead River their lead River which stays generally coal which stays generally coal because all mountain right no because all mountain right no runoff right so even in runoff right so even in the summertime at the actual the summertime at the actual temperature, the water is only temperature, the water is only about 45 degrees so it was about 45 degrees so it was chilly that's for sure you can chilly that's for sure you can see see Williams tower there's got the Williams tower there's got the old beacon out tonight in old beacon out tonight in anticipation that we're likely anticipation that we're likely going to see the clouds start going to see the clouds start to settle down. We'll start to to settle down. We'll start to see some fog out there tonight see some fog out there tonight as well one of the reasons why as well one of the reasons why these temps these temps teachers there slowly falling teachers there slowly falling back into the low 60's which is back into the low 60's which is right about where the dew right about where the dew point is it's fairly quiet out point is it's fairly quiet out there now in terms of fog there now in terms of fog visibilities are all okay about visibilities are all okay about 7, 8, 9.10 miles 10 miles of 7, 8, 9.10 miles 10 miles of Max, when you see the 10 on the Max, when you see the 10 on the board. That's good but I do board. That's good but I do expect some of these start to expect some of these start to create or as we head in towards create or as we head in towards the rest of the night the rest of the night tonight, including especially tonight, including especially down at the coast and further down at the coast and further out West as well with Dew out West as well with Dew points are little points are little higher and that's a very higher and that's a very important number because is important number because is that in the air temperature get that in the air temperature get real close together that's when real close together that's when you get that dense you get that dense fog so tomorrow morning if fog so tomorrow morning if you're headed out 05:06AM, or you're headed out 05:06AM, or us for sure before sunrise do us for sure before sunrise do be ready for some of that fog be ready for some of that fog out there. Attorneys on burial out there. Attorneys on burial have most of that for you and have most of that for you and then as we get through the rest then as we get through the rest the morning. We'll see that the morning. We'll see that start to wind down should be start to wind down should be a-ok temperatures as I a-ok temperatures as I mentioned not much change from mentioned not much change from what we saw earlier this what we saw earlier this evening, they're all sitting in evening, they're all sitting in the mid 60's out there and the mid 60's out there and that's about where those set of that's about where those set of the the dew points as I said are all in dew points as I said are all in the low 60's and so as those the low 60's and so as those Dew points in the air Dew points in the air temperatures start to get temperatures start to get closer together. That's when closer together. That's when the farm will start to really the farm will start to really start to move in so that said start to move in so that said showers likely will as well, showers likely will as well, but they'll be but they'll be very very light overnight very very light overnight tonight into tomorrow even by tonight into tomorrow even by tomorrow afternoon it still got tomorrow afternoon it still got us about a 20% chance. us about a 20% chance. I don't think we're going to I don't think we're going to see much in the way of any kind see much in the way of any kind of heavier rain notice the of heavier rain notice the temperatures get back up into temperatures get back up into the mid 70's so more the mid 70's so more spring-like conditions and a spring-like conditions and a little bit of rain that we're little bit of rain that we're seeing out there now is moving seeing out there now is moving its way over in towards East its way over in towards East Texas and eventually into Texas and eventually into Louisiana, this is what we're Louisiana, this is what we're going to keep watch on going to keep watch on this little area of low this little area of low pressure just south of Los pressure just south of Los Angeles right now bring some Angeles right now bring some wet weather across la but wet weather across la but notice that this little more notice that this little more called in Avenue so to speak as called in Avenue so to speak as Pacific moisture that low's Pacific moisture that low's going to track its way across going to track its way across Mexico Mexico and eventually work on closer and eventually work on closer to us as it does that's what we to us as it does that's what we expect to see it took up with expect to see it took up with this front that will stall out this front that will stall out just a bit now the question and just a bit now the question and I mentioned this earlier is is I mentioned this earlier is is where does attract from there where does attract from there if it tracks a little further if it tracks a little further North it will keep the heavy North it will keep the heavy rain up near Dallas of the rain up near Dallas of the tracks a little further South tracks a little further South that puts us into play that puts us into play for seeing more potential for for seeing more potential for some heavier pockets of rain some heavier pockets of rain versus if it's just going to be versus if it's just going to be you know scattered showers and you know scattered showers and thunderstorms moving on through thunderstorms moving on through so we still have a couple of so we still have a couple of days to track this which days to track this which is good. We will do so but do is good. We will do so but do know Tuesday Wednesday likely know Tuesday Wednesday likely are going to be fairly are going to be fairly unsettled days both days unsettled days both days I think pretty much fair game I think pretty much fair game for that now how much rain for that now how much rain we'll see from that same story we'll see from that same story if it tracks North if it tracks North heavy 2, 3, 4 inches stays up heavy 2, 3, 4 inches stays up near Dallas of it's a little near Dallas of it's a little closer to us we'll move that closer to us we'll move that further South right now we'll further South right now we'll kind of go glass kind of go glass half full. 18 inch to an inch half full. 18 inch to an inch and a half we need the rain to and a half we need the rain to we've got some spots out there they're getting unusually dry in terms of the drought monitor in terms of the drought monitor so little sloppy start not only so little sloppy start not only for the primary thinking about for the primary thinking about voting. But of course for the voting. But of course for the start of radio as well start of radio as well and then as we get into and then as we get into Thursday Friday and Saturday Thursday Friday and Saturday much better looking weather much better looking weather keep those overnight lows, nice keep those overnight lows, nice and cool in the low 50's and and cool in the low 50's and afternoon highs, afternoon highs, fairly comfortable in the low fairly comfortable in the low 70's. So as we said also see an 70's. So as we said also see an wouldn't be rodeo unless we had wouldn't be rodeo unless we had one or 2 nasty days to be exact one or 2 nasty days to be exact off with it all right, thank off with it all right, thank you doesn't that are stronger you doesn't that are stronger >> Action magazine is the result of a boy's dream to put result of a boy's dream to put us spotlight on the us spotlight on the bullying epidemic. A real Silva bullying epidemic. A real Silva was bullied while he was in was bullied while he was in school he took his experience school he took his experience and want to help others who are and want to help others who are going through going through similar situations. In this similar situations. In this week's Sunday conversation week's Sunday conversation tonight right introduces us to tonight right introduces us to the local actor who shares his the local actor who shares his story. story. Okay Gabriel can you tell us a Okay Gabriel can you tell us a little bit about your story. little bit about your story. >> Okay well I was being >> Okay well I was being bullied at when I was little in bullied at when I was little in elementary school because of my elementary school because of my size and so this way and to size and so this way and to acting because the first time acting because the first time on put me in there to build up on put me in there to build up my self esteem and at first my self esteem and at first they really they really didn't like get and then I didn't like get and then I started to like it and wow I'm started to like it and wow I'm acting I am an introvert but acting I am an introvert but lamb act thing you just a bit lamb act thing you just a bit different because I think it is different because I think it is that it is somebody else's that it is somebody else's shoes for a minute and I find shoes for a minute and I find the fun. the fun. >> You said you were bullied >> You said you were bullied when you're an elementary when you're an elementary school and you kind school and you kind of did the whole action of did the whole action magazine actually action magazine actually action clothing line to kind of clothing line to kind of spotlight spotlight on Boeing's spotlight spotlight on Boeing's yeah. yeah. >> Tell us a little bit >> Tell us a little bit about that. about that. >> Well basically how we >> Well basically how we started the whole magazine. started the whole magazine. I know that was I know that was I've gotten back from Los I've gotten back from Los Angeles and I found out that Angeles and I found out that something and left school my something and left school my friends are starting to be friends are starting to be I felt amid angry because I I felt amid angry because I couldn't do anything to help couldn't do anything to help them and sell them on I came up them and sell them on I came up with the idea of the with the idea of the clothing line and magazine all clothing line and magazine all that that to spotlight. Knowing and help to spotlight. Knowing and help maybe into one day. maybe into one day. >> These are your >> These are your friends were the boy but once friends were the boy but once you kind of branched out and you kind of branched out and start talking about a more start talking about a more thorough that he saw it was thorough that he saw it was actually happening to a lot of actually happening to a lot of people you may not even expect. people you may not even expect. Yeah. He tells a lot about that Yeah. He tells a lot about that like when I like when I found out. found out. >> It was like much people like >> It was like much people like celebrities, anyone believe in celebrities, anyone believe in out just fine, wow because you out just fine, wow because you never expect that. never expect that. >> Can you tell us a few people >> Can you tell us a few people that were featured in the that were featured in the magazine are ones magazine are ones interviews are. Thank you interviews are. Thank you hours, you know different and hours, you know different and unique. unique. >> Like in their own way >> Like in their own way they've off they've off FEC out. So it's hard to name FEC out. So it's hard to name one person or one interview. one person or one interview. Because I think off the cap. Because I think off the cap. >> Okay can you tell us a >> Okay can you tell us a little bit about like one or 2 little bit about like one or 2 specifically maybe. specifically maybe. >> I knew right from little >> I knew right from little women I think women I think it was it was interesting that it was it was interesting that someone from like a pop someone from like a pop the TV show and reach out to us the TV show and reach out to us and asked for an interview. and asked for an interview. >> He tells a little bit about >> He tells a little bit about what she said in that interview what she said in that interview that was a special or start out shoes. >> Talking about how she was >> Talking about how she was going through the things going through the things because she was small for Saif because she was small for Saif and that just like out because and that just like out because I was like basically my I was like basically my situation when I was little but situation when I was little but I think Billy because my I think Billy because my height. height. >> Did you have any good advice >> Did you have any good advice for you heard for you heard by space. by space. >> I then matter at a high in >> I then matter at a high in the sky is the limit you can the sky is the limit you can pretty much do anything we pretty much do anything we started this tell people but I started this tell people but I never thought I really thought never thought I really thought it would help that many people it would help that many people to us. to us. Thank you very much loved. Thank you very much loved. >> How does it feel you guys >> How does it feel you guys have had have had people who read your articles people who read your articles and something in Argos and something in Argos resonated with them or people resonated with them or people who have been bullied and have who have been bullied and have seen them and it makes seen them and it makes him feel better or makes them him feel better or makes them think of it in a different way think of it in a different way so has that make you guys feel so has that make you guys feel them them ... ... you miss. you miss. >> So they happen because they >> So they happen because they were able to do what we set out were able to do what we set out to do. to do. >> It's going out there to >> It's going out there to Hollywood and being in movies Hollywood and being in movies and being a around big and being a around big celebrities has got celebrities has got to be. to be. >> Just really >> Just really ... ... >> exciting yet is it is >> exciting yet is it is exciting to just be there and exciting to just be there and have fun. have fun. >> Can tell us something like >> Can tell us something like the people you've met. the people you've met. >> I most of the people that >> I most of the people that I've met that have second I've met that have second and smeared so he will behind and smeared so he will behind the scenes because eventually the scenes because eventually and want to be a director and and want to be a director and producer and all that. So it is producer and all that. So it is getting to see them work and getting to see them work and then shine we had to do these then shine we had to do these things has been just the best things has been just the best part. part. >> Who inspires your who would >> Who inspires your who would you like to would you want to you like to would you want to be in Hollywood. be in Hollywood. >> They said that that that a >> They said that that that a lot and I always say I don't lot and I always say I don't want to be the next whoever I want to be the next whoever I want to just be me. want to just be me. >> A great answer you can see >> A great answer you can see th th make everyone happy. make everyone happy. >> Get the 20 to 50 in total >> Get the 20 to 50 in total ... ... >> savings or 0.9% apr for 72 >> savings or 0.9% apr for 72 months on the 2022 side. months on the 2022 side. Hyundai dot com today. >> I will come back we're 3 short minutes away from the short minutes away from the start of sports Sunday. Join me start of sports Sunday. Join me Ari Vanessa and wex in studio Ari Vanessa and wex in studio is coming up at is coming up at 11 o'clock small ball really 11 o'clock small ball really working out just fine for the working out just fine for the Rockets of late after an upset Rockets of late after an upset in Boston last night we're in Boston last night we're going to break down why it is going to break down why it is working so far for these rocket looking good. How the young inmates Cougars took another inmates Cougars took another giant step towards their big giant step towards their big conference go over to the conference go over to the center today. A big step for center today. A big step for West Palm there for Alaska West Palm there for Alaska callers junior is back on the callers junior is back on the Hill after his long journey Hill after his long journey back from Tommy back from Tommy John surgery and Bill o'brien John surgery and Bill o'brien on giving up his play calling on giving up his play calling duties to 10 Kelly this season duties to 10 Kelly this season will talk about that about that will talk about that about that plus we're hanging with the plus we're hanging with the dynamo fans. dynamo fans. >> On game days sports Sunday >> On game days sports Sunday coming up in a couple minutes coming up in a couple minutes getting sued. getting sued. >> All right Randi thank you >> All right Randi thank you know, I'm so prepare for this know, I'm so prepare for this rain I was reading my rain gear inside you I know people are making fun of me, but I'm ready making fun of me, but I'm ready you know you know >> they they're going to make >> they they're going to make it fun you'll be you see that it fun you'll be you see that on Wednesday when everybody on Wednesday when everybody comes in also that's comes in also that's right here. I told you I right here. I told you I listened Stapleton, we all do listened Stapleton, we all do that so I think the which is that so I think the which is second at your ten-day forecast right now we're going to go a little sticky over the next little sticky over the next couple of days, it's going very couple of days, it's going very humid out there, especially humid out there, especially Monday Tuesday and even into Monday Tuesday and even into Wednesday, keep those Wednesday, keep those temperatures overnight lows in temperatures overnight lows in the mid 60's. I do think Fox the mid 60's. I do think Fox going to be an issue each going to be an issue each morning as well and then morning as well and then Wednesday right now is the time Wednesday right now is the time frame if we do happen to get frame if we do happen to get that low coming through here that low coming through here bring in some heavy rain is bring in some heavy rain is likely be then set just in time likely be then set just in time for for the start. But they cleared out the start. But they cleared out by Thursday Friday and Saturday by Thursday Friday and Saturday we backed. we backed. >> Thank
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