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  • AMNA NAWAZ: Now to the economic worries that triggered a sweeping new sell-off on Wall

  • Street today.

  • The Dow Jones industrial average plunged nearly 1,200 points, its largest single-day point

  • drop ever, to close at 25766. The Nasdaq fell 414 points, and the S&P 500 fell 137.

  • All three indexes were down more than 4 percent. They're down at least 10 percent from record

  • highs earlier this month, wiping out more than $2 trillion of value this week. We're

  • now officially in a market correction. And this is the fastest one to happen in 50 years.

  • Liz Ann Sonders is the chief investment strategist for Charles Schwab and Company. And she joins

  • us now.

  • Welcome back to the "NewsHour," Liz Ann.

  • You heard Dr. Hotez talk about all the uncertainty around the coronavirus. There are many questions

  • we don't yet have answers to.

  • Is it clear? Do we know that that uncertainty is leading to these market drops?

  • LIZ ANN SONDERS, Charles Schwab: I think it's not only the uncertainty, but the fact that

  • the most recent experience we have with something similar was when we had the SARS outbreak

  • in 2003.

  • And I think the most important difference, and maybe why this is more severe, is that

  • China's share in global economic growth has quadrupled. And their consumer has become

  • a much more integral part of global consumption.

  • So, that, plus the complexity of supply chains, how integrated everything has become in terms

  • of production, that, I think, adds to the uncertainty. We don't know the timing of this,

  • and the severity of the ripple effects is pretty significant.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: We're seeing some companies immediately affected, obviously, the ones you would expect,

  • specifically around travel with the news of quarantines and travel restrictions around

  • the world.

  • How bad is the impact so far? And where else -- how wide do you think those ripple effects

  • will go?

  • LIZ ANN SONDERS: Well, we have seen analysts trim their estimates for corporate earnings

  • for 2020.

  • But that's with very little information from the companies, because the companies themselves

  • aren't armed with the information to give guidance as to how big of a hit to earnings.

  • So, the cuts have started. There's probably more to come. But there's really no sense

  • of how deep we have to go before we finally see some stabilization.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: So, obviously, the severity of this drop is causing concern. The speed of

  • this drop is also causing some concern.


  • AMNA NAWAZ: But is it fair to say that, in some ways, there was a lot of anticipation

  • that the market would pull back at some point, some kind of news event or some world event

  • would trigger that.

  • In other words, was this just a correction waiting to happen?

  • LIZ ANN SONDERS: To some degree, I think, yes.

  • I wrote a report for our clients in mid-January that talked about investor sentiment having

  • gotten probably way too complacent, too much euphoria and optimism. And that sets up vulnerability,

  • to the extent there's some sort of negative catalyst, which clearly has been the case.

  • So I think there's been this somewhat necessary re-rating and bringing down some of that optimism.

  • Unfortunately, though, what we also have had happen is that there was a lot of momentum-driven

  • trading happening in the market, a lot of big institutions, more professional investors

  • that play on rising momentum.

  • Well, momentum then reversed, and we have that same force now sort of chasing momentum

  • on the downside, which means that the move on the upside may have gone a bit too far,

  • and we could get to a point where the move on the downside goes a bit too far.

  • But that's the nature of the market right now.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: So, Liz Ann, a lot of the headlines are focused on this largest point drop.

  • What's important to understand about that?

  • LIZ ANN SONDERS: We really have to look at percentages here.

  • I don't want to dismiss the negative feeling you get when you have a 4 percent drop. But,

  • for instance, the crash of '87 was only 500 points on the Dow, but that was 23 percent.

  • We are now in correction territory, which means the drop is more than 10 percent from

  • a high. But, to put that in context -- again, not to dismiss the pain investors are feeling

  • -- but, on average, since the inception of the S&P in 1927, we have had about one correction

  • of that magnitude every year.

  • So, we do have to put it in percentage context.

  • AMNA NAWAZ: That is Liz Ann Sonders of Charles Schwab and Company.

  • Thanks for being with us.

  • LIZ ANN SONDERS: My pleasure.

AMNA NAWAZ: Now to the economic worries that triggered a sweeping new sell-off on Wall


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