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  • So hello! How are you?

  • I feel great! Because I'm ready for the interview.

  • Can you give me a self-introduction first?

  • My name is Vivian Wong, and I'm currently a Primary Six

  • student studying at Chung Sing School.

  • And can you tell me why you would like to join our school?

  • Because I've attended one of your activities that you

  • organised before.

  • I think that your teachers and students are very attentive and helpful.

  • We've gone through a lot of difficulties but your students

  • and teachers are willing to help us go through these difficulties.

  • You can start now.

  • It was Chinese New Year and the moon hung like a huge lantern.

  • Okay. When you're ready. Please start.

  • This picture shows a fire.

  • Three. Two. One. Start

  • Hello everyone! Today we need to discuss

  • "Should Tablets Replace Textbooks in School."

  • I couldn't agree with you more.

  • What else can you suggest?

  • I agree to a certain extent because...

So hello! How are you?


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A2 初級

2018年林光語文中學招生面試備考方案 - 升中面試班 模擬片段 (2018 Limelight Language Secondary School Admissions Interview Preparation Programme - 升中面試班 模擬片段)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日