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  • (rooster crowing)

  • (beast growling)

  • (wheel clicking)

  • - Welcome to Good Mythical Mor-beez.

  • - Hey, let's check our voicemail.

  • We got a voicemail. - Love our voicemail.

  • - [Luke] Hey, Rhett and Link,

  • this is Luke from Irmo, South Carolina,

  • y'all's neck of the woods.

  • I just wanted to say that Rhett, you're not that tall.

  • I'm six foot nine and I was 6'7", your height,

  • way back when I was in high school.

  • So, I thought I'd throw a little bit of shade

  • from the south of y'all's neck of the woods.

  • And Link, I love your hair.

  • - Thank you man.

  • Wow, Luke, come on over, man.

  • Visit me in LA, we can hang.

  • - Luke is really low-key.

  • - You know what?

  • Don't feel bad about not being as tall as him, man.

  • It's not the end of the...

  • You know what will cheer you up?

  • - You know what?

  • I can get surgery.

  • - I'm gonna give you your own Orbeez beard.

  • - You got, there's...

  • - These are Orbeez-branded spa, or novelty items.

  • We're gonna test 'em all out,

  • but first we're gonna, we're gonna,

  • we're gonna chop our beards.

  • - My beard's too big for me.

  • - So, this is a Orbeez hand spa.

  • Literally, it's branded by Orbeez.

  • How much does this piece of crap cost?

  • - [Crew Member] 20 bucks.

  • - 20 bucks?

  • - 20 bucks, man.

  • - Um, let's see here.

  • - Slice it.

  • (scissors snipping)

  • - Go into the...

  • Oh, you're bouncing a lot.

  • - This one's for you, Luke.

  • (crew laughing)

  • - Oh yeah.

  • And you know how much we paid for that?

  • Probably 60 cents.

  • Wait, you can leave the rest.

  • Oh, it's gonna slowly trickle?

  • Here, chop me.

  • - Let me get 'em...

  • - Whoa, how about that?

  • - Get 'em neat.

  • Why did we let him have scissors?

  • - Ho ho ho-orbee.

  • I'm really gonna have to squeeze to get...

  • (crew chuckling)

  • (both laughing)

  • - There's more fun.

  • - We got all these toys and this is what we're playing with.

  • Oh, I bursted it on myself.

  • Ooh yeah.

  • - Wow.

  • - All right, now...

  • Ooh, I got some down my shirt here.

  • So let's, I mean we got these stress balls here.

  • - First of all, let's-

  • - These are all around my house, Lando makes these.

  • - Let's set the mood, cut your lamps on.

  • - Oh, I got a lamp.

  • - And can we hit the spa music please?

  • (gentle music plays)

  • - Where's the button?

  • - They sell this and expect people to like it?

  • - Does it work?

  • - Orbeez.

  • We've got the meats.

  • ♪ - Stick your hand in the thing. ♪

  • Look at this, look, look.

  • The whole thing is moving.

  • - Same thing happened to me.

  • ♪ - You're not supposed to put this thing in Orbeez, ♪

  • in order to then put your hand in the Orbeez. ♪

  • - [Stevie] Rhett, your beard is still attached to your hair.

  • - I know, Stevie.

  • - [Stevie] Oh, I thought that your hair is just so long,

  • at this point you couldn't feel past a certain point.

  • - I mean, does this cost $20?

  • Seriously?

  • - My hand's too big.

  • - I mean, I'd be tempted to take this home

  • and let Lando play with it because he loves this Orbee crap,

  • but I just don't want even more Orbeez

  • all over my floorbeez, you know what I'm saying?

  • - I think, that one's so-

  • - This is, this is ridiculous.

  • - So small, this one is more my speed here.

  • - Well, that's a...

  • - No no, this is for hands.

  • - That's for feet, bud.

  • - No no, that one's for feet.

  • Is it the same one?

  • When this was handed to me, I was told

  • it was for hands.

  • - [Stevie] No, that is for feet.

  • - They're both for feet.

  • - I thought it was for feet.

  • - So, you put your feet in here, but watch.

  • When you turn it on, it circulates the Orbeez

  • on top of your feet.

  • How much does this cost?

  • 30 dollars?!

  • You and your mango shoes.

  • Look, this almost looks edible.

  • - Well, why don't you try it.

  • - All right, I'll take mine off.

  • - I don't think you're supposed...

  • I think you're supposed to be ground level

  • 'cause I can't get my foot...

  • - I'm just gonna go with one foot.

  • - Ooh, that feels good.

  • - Oh yeah, whoo!

  • Now, this actually does feel better than

  • the thing with the hand

  • but there's not really much massage.

  • I mean, if you wiggle your toes

  • there's kinda like a massaging sensation, but...

  • - [Rhett] I like it.

  • (pulsing music)

  • - Ohhh.

  • We're like the Blue Man Group, but with Orbeez.

  • Give me that.

  • - This?

  • Why'd the beat go away?

  • - My foot's stuck.

  • Ooh! God.

  • (triumphant music)

  • - Put your face down there.

  • What's happening to your glasses?

  • One whole side of your glasses is Orbeez

  • - Oh, my ear!

  • My ear, cut the music!

  • Cut the music!

  • Cut the music!

  • Turn off the device!

  • I can't, I got a Orbee in my left ear.

  • I can't get it out.

  • (crew laughing)

  • - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • - Put your hand down there and see if you can get it.

  • No, don't hit it, catch it.

  • - [Rhett] Here, let me use these scissors.

  • - I got a Orbee stuck in my ear, guys.

  • - You know what?

  • It'll dissolve over time.

  • Look at this, you thought this was just a bowl of water.

  • - [Link] Oh, there's more than one.

  • - [Rhett] It's clear Orbeez.

  • - [Link] Oh, snag.

  • It's way in there.

  • There's a friggin' Orbee in my ear.

  • - You know how you get Orbeez out?

  • It's just like glue, you have...

  • It's like gum.

  • - Take this seriously.

  • - You gotta stick another Orbee in there.

  • - Shut up!

  • - To grab that one Orbee.

  • - Somebody get a, yeah.

  • - Here, I'll suck it out.

  • - Now don't suck too hard, I'm serious.

  • - Okay.

  • - Hey, hey, I'm serious now.

  • There's a Orbee stuck in there.

  • - I'm gonna get it, man.

  • - I'm gonna hold it.

  • - I'm like a doctor.

  • - Turn this off!

  • - Turn this off!

  • - I'm gonna hold this.

  • - Why you gonna get?

  • - [Stevie] Wait, let him look in your ear.

  • - Yeah, let me... - Can you see?

  • Do you see a Orbee in there?

  • There's a Orbee, man.

  • - You know what?

  • I don't know if it's good news or bad news

  • but I do not see an Orbee in there, oh God.

  • - I swear to you, there's an Orbee in there.

  • - All right, place this Orbee (laughs)...

  • Place this straw-

  • - Switch seats, 'cause I wanna, switch seats.

  • - Place this straw on the Orbee

  • and when you get it nice and secure, I'll suck on it.

  • - But, gently.

  • - I'm not gonna suck your ear out.

  • - I'm kinda scared, so...

  • - There's nothing to be worried about,

  • you have a straw stuck in your ear

  • and your best friend's about to suck on it.

  • - All right, now if you suck too hard you might choke.

  • It'd be really bad if like,

  • either I'm gonna go down or you're gonna choke and die.

  • - I'm not in any danger, man.

  • I'm not the one who should be worried.

  • - I'm worried about me, too!

  • - Okay.

  • - Now don't push on the straw, suck gently now.

  • Ooh.

  • Oh, why did you blow?!

  • - I didn't blow.

  • - Did you blow?

  • - No, I sucked, man.

  • You're crazy.

  • - It felt like you blew.

  • - I sucked!

  • I'm (laughing) only sucking.

  • - Suck is in!

  • - I'm only (laughing)...

  • Suck is in!

  • - Blow is out, suck is in.

  • - I sucked, man, I'm sucking.

  • I swear I'm sucking.

  • I'm only sucking, I'm not blowing.

  • - It felt like it, it really felt like it was blowing.

  • - No, and I think you made good contact.

  • I think there was a seal for a second

  • but you got too jumpy.

  • - Well, I don't...

  • Ooh.

  • - Ugh.

  • (crew giggling)

  • - What's it taste like?

  • Smarts?

  • - Get it onto the Orbee.

  • - Don't talk into the straw!

  • - I'm not.

  • - You're yelling into the damn straw!

  • Here.

  • If you're gonna talk, talk that way

  • and use a whisper.

  • - Okay, gosh, I'm just trying to help you, man.

  • Let your doctor help.

  • - Did you--

  • - If you just let somebody help you, it would be okay.

  • - Well, I'm a little frazzled.

  • - I think I had it for a second.

  • (straw squeaks)

  • - Did you hear the noise it made?

  • It whistled.

  • (crew laughing)

  • - Well, no, no, no.

  • - [Stevie] No, no, no, don't.

  • - Don't do that.

  • - Suck again.

  • (straw squeaks)

  • What?

  • Do you hear that noise?

  • - Yeah, it's the--

  • - Did you "Ooh," in that? - Okay, let's--

  • - It's "Ooh," is what it sounds like.

  • Ooh! That loud.

  • Ooh!

  • - I know.

  • Let me explain what's happening.

  • This is coming in contact with the Orbee,

  • and I'm sucking, and that is creating a noise,

  • like a reed.

  • It's not me, I'm not making a noise.

  • - [Stevie] Let me see.

  • - Let Stevie, like, shine a light in it.

  • Can you see it?

  • - [Stevie] No, I don't see anything.

  • - It's deep, it's deep in there.

  • - What color is it?

  • - [Stevie] Are you sure?

  • 'Cause if it is, then we have to go somewhere.

  • - No, I think a Orbee just dissolves over time.

  • - I wonder if I just like go into a sauna.

  • - I think it will become part of your body.

  • - If I just drive to the desert, will it just desiccate?

  • - I think eventually it just becomes part of your body.

  • I mean, do you know how many little kids

  • got Orbeez in their ears right now?

  • Hundreds, right now.

  • - What if you gave me a cotton swab

  • with some super glue on the end of it?

  • (Rhett laughs)

  • - [Crew Member] No, we're not gonna do that.

  • It'll dry up and get small.

  • - It'll dry and get small and it'll fall out.

  • A couple days from now, you'll just be walking along...

  • - You know what?

  • I actually, I do think it came out.

  • (crew laughing)

  • But it felt like it was still in there.

  • Like, talk to me.

  • Whisper something to me.

  • (Rhett mumbling)

  • It sounded muffled, but...

  • I actually thought, one flew out

  • and I thought there was a second one,

  • and now that I'm like sitting here not panicking...

  • - Yeah.

  • - I feel like there's no Orbee in there.

  • - All right, so you can take another one now.

  • (crew laughing)

  • - Okay, all right.

  • All right, I think I'm good.

  • I'm good.

  • - What I wanted you to think that I think

  • that you would think was that I was just a good father.

  • But what I really wanted you to think was that

  • oh, he's a really good photographer.

(rooster crowing)


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測試Orbeez Spa (Testing The Orbeez Spa)

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