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  • Hi, my name is John Green, This is Crash Course World History. Oh my gosh! Today we're going

  • to talk about war. Ah! Explosions everywhere!

  • So, traditionally, historians are pretty keen on wars, because they feature clearly delineated

  • beginnings, and middles, and ends, and because they always have a fair bit of death and drama

  • and mortally wounded generals who have great last words like

  • "Let us cross the river and rest under the shade of those trees,"

  • whereas the last words of, plague victims are always, like, "Unggggg."

  • Sorry, plague victims. As if you don't have enough troubles. Now you've got me teasing

  • you about your uninspired death throes.

  • Wars have easy whens, wheres, whos, and whys: 1861-1865. The United States. The North vs.

  • the South. To end slavery and save the Union.

  • Mr. Green, Mr. Green. Are you gonna show us the hidden complexities behind something we

  • already think we understand again?

  • Sorry me from the past, but yes. However, to placate you, here are some more explosions.

  • The 17th and 18th centuries saw a bunch of top-notch wars, but today we're going to focus

  • on the 7 Years War, also called the French and Indian War, because it was the first truly

  • global war.

  • In fact, no less a historian than Winston Churchill called it "The first world war."

  • But we've been so Eurocentric here on Crash Course that all we are going to say about

  • the ENTIRE WAR IN EUROPE is that Prussia and Great Britain fought France and Austria, and

  • that the Austrian Hapsburgs wanted to win back Silesia, which they failed to do. THERE.


  • So the Seven Years War lasted for...anyone...anyone...

  • Twenty three years.

  • I hate you, Me from the Past. But, as it happens, by sheer coincidence, you are not necessarily

  • wrong.

  • [Intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • [intro music]

  • So, the when: The Seven Years War began in 1756 and ended in 1763.

  • Unless you believeas many historians dothat the 7 Years War lasted 23 years, because it

  • was really a continuation of the War for Austrian Succession.

  • Then you have the fact that much of the information in today's episode is taken from a book called,

  • "The Global Seven Years War: 1754-1763," a nine year period.

  • As for the who: It was mainly fought between the British and the French, seen here reenacting

  • the knife fight from either Beat It or West Side Story, depending on your age.

  • But some of the British were actually Americans, and both the British and the French were supported

  • by American Indians.

  • And there was fighting in India between Indian Indians, the British, the French.

  • And as previously noted the French were fighting the Prussians and the British were fighting

  • the Austrians.

  • The where: Europe, the continental U.S., the Caribbean Sea, off the cost of Africa, India.

  • Basically, the world.

  • And the why: Ostensibly, land. British colonists wanted to expand into land west of the original

  • 13 colonies.

  • And that land was technically held by the French, who left it alone except for a bunch

  • of trading posts. And they were like, "Je de veux pens l'anglais."

  • Thank you, four years of high school French.

  • Anyway, the war wasn't really about land; it was really about our old friend trade.

  • The British wanted to expand into the American interior to allow for more colonists, because

  • the British benefited from both the export of raw materials from the Americas and the

  • import of British consumer goods to the Americas.

  • So, more colonists meant more trade, which meant more wealth, which meant ever-fancier

  • hats.

  • And the French realized that this British-Atlantic maritime trade was making Britain so rich

  • that British might come for France's actually valuable colonieswhich were not in the

  • continental U.S. but those slave-based sugar plantations in the Caribbean.

  • So the fighting began around here. And while the British did send over actual British troops,

  • much of the early fighting was done by colonial militias.

  • Probably the most famous commander of British troops was a Virginia colonel named George

  • Washington.

  • In fact, he may have actually started the shooting at the battle of Fort Necessity in

  • May of 1754. Washington was captured in that battle and then he was immediately released

  • because 18th century war was super weird.

  • Anyway, the real North American action was in New York and Canada. At the battle at the

  • Plains of Abraham in 1759, for instance, the British defeated the French and captured the

  • city of Quebec. Both the British commander, General Wolfe and the French commander, General

  • Montcalm, were killed at this battle, with the death of the former being immortalized

  • in this famous painting, by Benjamin West:

  • As indicated by the picture, almost all the battles in North America featured significant

  • participation by Native Americans.

  • Different Native tribes sided with both the British and the French, but as a broad generalization,

  • Native Americans were more likely to support the French.

  • Up to this point, shrewd Indian tribes had been able to play the British and the French

  • off each other and maintain a degree of autonomy for themselves.

  • And as long as the French were present, the British were prevented from encroaching too

  • much on lands Native Americans were using for hunting and agriculture.

  • Now, we haven't talked much about American Indians, mostly because they were geographically

  • isolated and didn't have a written language. But let's at least give them a Thought Bubble.

  • Before the arrival of the Europeans, most Native Americans lived in tribal groups. And

  • they subsisted on a combination of small-scale agriculture and hunting and gathering, depending

  • on where they were situated.

  • There were too many tribes to generalize about specific social structures but it's probably

  • safe to say that in terms of gender they were much more egalitarian than the Europeans who

  • they met up with.

  • Which may explain why European women who were taken captive by Indians sometimes preferred

  • to stay with the tribe rather than be rescued, although that's somewhat controversial.

  • One thing we can say about the Indians: their notions of what it meant to hold property

  • were very different from those of the Europeans. Individual Indians did not "own" land in the

  • European sense; they used it, and not always particularly intensively.

  • Europeans, when they came to North America, had a hard time even recognizing that the

  • Indians were raising crops because their forms of farming were so different from European

  • agriculture, so the French and especially the English just assumed that the Indians

  • weren't improving the land, which meant that they didn't own the land, so that meant that

  • it was ok for Europeans to take it. As you might imagine, that was problematic for the

  • Indians.

  • In general, Indian tribes initially got along better with the French than with the Dutch

  • or English because 1. The French did not settle in large numbers,

  • as they were mostly traders and fur trappers, and 2. French missionaries who made the journey

  • to the Americas were Catholic, often Jesuits, who were so intent on converting the Indians

  • that they took the time to learn Indian languages and try to make Catholicism more amenable

  • to Indian religion.

  • The end result of the war, a greatly reduced French presence on the American mainland,

  • meant that Indians could no longer easily play the British and French off each other,

  • which opened the floodgates of British settlers. In the end, the American Indians were perhaps

  • the biggest losers of the 7 Years War.

  • Thanks Thought Bubble. So, two thousand miles south, in the Caribbean, there was also quite

  • a lot of fighting between the French and the British over sugar colonies.

  • Most of these were naval battles, and by 1761, Spain got involved, because, you know, they

  • had some sugar colonies of their own.

  • While these battles get a lot of ink, it's interesting to note that by far, the greatest

  • threat to combatants, was disease.

  • By October of 1761 the British had lost about 1,000 men to war and 5,000 to disease.

  • Meanwhile in West Africa, the British and the French were fighting there too. Because,

  • you know, why not?

  • The British attacked the French at a trading post called Saint Louis. Aw, Stan, don't make

  • me say it right. Fine. Saint Louis.

  • And at a town called Goree, both in Senegal. Why? Well, trade, of course.

  • Senegal was the major source of gum Arabic, which is notable for many reasons but most

  • importantly, it is a key ingredient in the Diet Coke and Mentos phenomenon, so of course

  • the British wanted lots of it.

  • The French were also fighting the British in India.

  • In the 18th century India was nominally ruled by the Mughal empire. I bet I'm saying that

  • wrong, aren't I?

  • Computer: Mugal. John: Yeah, that sounds more plausible.

  • But as throughout most of its history, the real power in India lay with local kings and

  • princes, sometimes called nawabs.

  • And these princes, just like their European counterparts were constantly vying for power

  • and control over more territory.

  • And to get it, they often enlisted the help, especially the military help, of Europeans.

  • This is what happened in the most notorious event in the 7 Years War in India, the Black

  • Hole of Calcutta.

  • In June of 1756 the British governor of Calcutta, Roger Drake, made the mistake of insulting

  • the emissaries sent by the nawab Siraj-ud-daula, who duly besieged and captured the English

  • garrison of 500 with his own army of 30,000.

  • Drake escaped to nearby ships with the town's women and childrenyou know the old saying,

  • women, children, and governors first.

  • But the town's defenders remained, and the survivors were imprisoned in a small windowless

  • room that came to be known as the Black Hole.

  • And 40 of 63 prisoners suffocated overnight.

  • This story is mostly famous, in a war that killed a million people, because the British

  • press exaggerated the numbers in order to build support for the war in India.

  • Not the last time that exaggerations of enemy brutality would be used to gin up support

  • for a war.

  • Perhaps the most interesting thing about the military campaigns in this part of the world

  • is that, at least initially, they were not undertaken by governments themselves, but

  • by corporations that had their own armies.

  • The British East India Company was the most successful of these corporations primarily

  • because of the military skill of its leader, Robert Clive.

  • Oh, it's time for the open letter? An Open Letter to Robert Clive.

  • But first, let's see what's in the secret compartment today. Oh, bubbles. That makes

  • sense, Stan. The British East India Company was involved in several early market bubbles.

  • Mmm, bubbles.

  • Dear Robert Clive, You were a complicated man, and not entirely

  • likable, but you did win a very important battle at Plassey in 1757.

  • And the way you won it says a lot about the relationship between Europe and its colonies.

  • So, the key to your success was a conspiracy to overthrow the existing nawab orchestrated

  • by a Bengali banking family, called the Seths. No, Stan. The Seths. Yes. Come on.

  • And in thanks for your support of their conspiracy, the new nawab quickly signed a treaty with

  • your company, the East India Company.

  • And thereafter, the British had effective control over trade in Bengal and the French

  • were excluded from it.

  • This was an incredibly valuable region because it produced silk and inexpensive cotton cloth

  • for export. And it gave the British a decisive advantage over the French and eventually allowed

  • them to control all of India.

  • And you accomplished this, Robert Clive, primarily by fomenting revolution. Why does this work

  • for you and it never works for the CIA? Best wishes,

  • John Green

  • So, by now you have probably figured out that since the French kept losing battles they

  • eventually lost the war.

  • The main peace treaty, signed in Paris in 1763, limited French presence in the Caribbean,

  • in India, and in North America.

  • Although not completely, otherwise they couldn't have sold Louisiana to Thomas Jefferson in

  • 1803.

  • So, France was obviously dramatically weakened. But overall, so was Britain.

  • One thing rarely mentioned is the actual human cost of war. As many as a million combatants

  • died in the Seven Years War, but even that doesn't tell the whole story.

  • In the 18th century armies usually fed themselves by foraging, which really meant just pillaging

  • the countryside.

  • In Europe, a single Prussian province lost a fifth of its population to pillaging. And

  • in North America settlers in frontier regions lived in constant fear of raids.

  • And, one of the perhaps lesser known outcomes of the war was the systematic deportation

  • of the French Acadians from Maine to Louisiana where they became Cajuns.

  • Meaning that the stars of the television shows Lobster Wars and Swamp Wars are basically

  • the same people. What's that? There's no television show called Swamp Wars? STAN, CANCEL EVERYTHING


  • One last thing about wars: they are expensive.

  • In 1756 the British national debt was £75million; in 1763 it was £133 million.

  • Someone had to pay for this, and the British felt it was only fair that American colonists

  • should foot the bill.

  • And those taxes, which helped fuel the American Revolution, were a direct result of the Seven

  • Years War.

  • So in one way, winning the Seven Years War cost Britain its first empire.

  • But, when we remember that it was a global war, and especially when we think about what

  • happened in India, then the Seven Years War also begins to look like the beginning of

  • Britain's second, and much greater empire.

  • Winning is losing is winning is losing. Such is life, and such is history. Thanks for watching.

  • See you next week.

Hi, my name is John Green, This is Crash Course World History. Oh my gosh! Today we're going


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七年戰爭:世界歷史速成班 #26 (The Seven Years War: Crash Course World History #26)

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