字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Many of us have downtime where we feel bored and use that time in ineffective ways. 我們很多人都會在休息時間時感到很無聊然後就將它胡亂打發掉了。 While we don't think twice about it at the time, it often can result in you feeling like you wasted an opportunity later on. 但在那個當下我們並沒有多想,可是自己到後來又感覺浪費了一個能善用時間的好機會。 Therefore, in this video, we look at five things you can do when bored. 所以在這個影片中,我們會介紹五件當你無聊時可以做的事情。 Number One: Learn 第一:學習。 If you feel bored, one of the most effective ways to use the time is to learn something new. 當你無聊時,運用時間最有效的方式之一就是學習新事物。 This can be done in a multitude of ways, whether going out somewhere like the library, on your computer or your phone, learning is easier than ever. 可以透過很多方式來學習,不管是要去圖書館、看電腦或是用手機,學習觸手可及。 As you learn, you grow to expand your mind and view, perhaps finding that beliefs you previously held are challenged, making you think more. 在學習的時候,你可以拓展思路、增進視野,或許會發現你曾經深信不疑的事受到了挑戰,讓你想得更廣更深。 The process of thinking also benefits you long term, slowing the aging process and consequently, brain degeneration. 這樣的思考方式長期下來也有益於你的健康,像是減緩老化、還有腦力的退化。 Number Two: Consume Culture 第二:學習文化 Learning about and taking part in cultural events can be a great way to use time when bored. 學習並參與文化活動也是一個很好的消遣方式。 There's often going to be a local event taking place and it can be worth going to experience something new and different. 一些在地活動是值得一訪來得到不同體驗的。 This can help you meet new and interesting people that otherwise you may never met at all. 你可以因此碰到那些本來沒機會認識的有趣的人們。 And importantly, it helps you experience something different, which brings variety in life, something we all crave as individuals. 重要的是,截然不同的新體驗能讓你的生活多采多姿,那是我們每個人都會想要的。 Number Three: Take Up a Hobby 第三:培養興趣 Try to use the time to take up a new hobby which can take pretty much any form you want, but ideally make it something that will help you develop new skills. 試著花時間來培養一個新興趣,不管是怎麼樣的都可以,但最好能讓你培養出你的新技能。 For example, creating something, such as arts and crafts, can be a highly beneficial way to use time, as you develop and learn new skills along the way. 例如可以創作出東西,像是藝術品或是手工藝,那相當有利於善用時間,因為你在這過程中可以培養或是學習新技術。 However, it doesn't have to be restricted to this, as you may want to read and learn about something new. 不過,當然也不是一定要在這個範圍中,因為你可能也想要藉由閱讀來學習。 The key is, make sure whatever you do helps you progress in some way, as naturally when you feel you're making progress on a given endeavour, it makes you happier in life. 關鍵是,不管你做什麼都必定會幫助你在某方面的進步,就像你為了某件事努力而取得進步後,你就會感到更加地開心。 Number Four: Do Something For Mental Health 第四:做一些有益於心理健康的事情 Boredom is often akin to feelings of anxiety and depression, and so it's useful to learn mental exercises that help alleviate feelings of boredom. 無聊的感覺常常類似於焦慮和憂慮,所以學習一些能幫助打消無聊時光的身心鍛鍊是有用的。 This might be to practice mindfulness or meditation, proven to help improve your mental health as well as serve a number of positive benefits. 或許能試著練習正念減壓或是冥想,經證實這些都有助於你的心理健康並帶來一些好處。 The great thing about meditating is it doesn't require much, if anything, to get started, as all you really need is a quiet space to yourself. 冥想的好處就是不需要太多東西也能進行,如果真的說要準備什麼的話,那就是找一個能讓你靜下心來的環境吧。 This will also help you contemplate aspects of yourself and your life, coming to conclusion where you want to focus and really coming to terms with how you use your time. 這也能幫助你沉思自己的內心和人生,找到真正想要專注的事物以及想要如何利用時間。 Number Five: Do Little Tasks 第五:做些小事 If you're bored then simply put identify little tasks that you can do and get them out of the way. 如果你閒閒沒事做,那就想幾件能做到的小事並把他們完成。 Chances are, these little tasks are things you're going to get done at some point, and if left alone could build up to become bigger tasks. 這些小事可能是你遲早要做完的事情,但如果一直放在那小事會變得越來越大。 For example, cleaning is the obvious example of what could potentially be a little task, but as a mess is left to build up, will eventually become a big task. 打掃就是一個很簡單的例子,因為他可以是很簡單的事情,但如果只要一直累積沒完成,最後就會變成是一個浩大的工程。 So take control, do the little things, because doing so will use your time well and give you more time and peace of mind later down the line. 所以呢,掌握好控制權,做一些小事情,因為這些事情可以讓你更善用自己的時間,最終也會為你省下不少的時間以及心力。 What do you do when bored? 你閒來無事的時候都做些什麼呢? Let me know in the comment section below. 在下方留言讓我知道。 Please like, share and subscribe as we help you live life on your terms. 請多多喜歡、分享、並且訂閱,我們會幫助你活出自己要的人生。 Don't forget to hit the bell icon to ensure YouTube notifies you of the latest uploads. 打開小鈴鐺來收到 YouTube 新影片的通知。 Thanks for watching. 謝謝你的收看。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 無聊 學習 事物 時間 心理 興趣 五件無聊時該做的事情! (Productive Things To Do When Bored At Home - What To Do When You're Bored) 32905 879 ally.chang 發佈於 2022 年 08 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字