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  • -How are you? -I'm good.

  • How are you? -Good. I'm impressed.

  • I'm well. I'm impressed with your energy.

  • -You bet. Today's a good day.

  • -You had a good day because one of your former, I guess,

  • competitors for the nomination, Julian Castro,

  • endorsed you this morning.

  • -Yes, he did. -That's really nice.

  • -It really is. [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -It must be particularly nice to get an endorsement from someone

  • who, you know, has shared a stage with you,

  • has gone through the first few months of this process with you.

  • How do you find out about something like that happening?

  • -Well, you know, Julian and I

  • have been friends for a long time,

  • because we fight for a lot of the same things.

  • He has this remarkable story about his life

  • and how he ended up in public service.

  • And we're out there

  • fighting for people who don't have a voice in our government.

  • You know, we both see an America

  • that's working great if you're rich, if you're powerful,

  • if you have an army of lawyers and lobbyists.

  • But it's not working so great for everybody else.

  • And we feel like we've got this chance in 2020, this real chance

  • to be able to build an America that works for everybody.

  • And Julian is just -- just a great partner in this fight.

  • -Now, you mention partner, because, of course,

  • anytime anyone endorses someone else,

  • they go, "Oh, potential running mate."

  • What do you have to --

  • -Way too presumptuous

  • to be talking about that sort of thing.

  • -Yeah, you don't rush into things.

  • You got to go slow with stuff like that.

  • I want to talk about someone

  • that we're both, I believe, fans of.

  • It's her birthday today -- Kate McKinnon,

  • who does an impression of you on "SNL."

  • [ Cheers and applause ] And I was wondering --

  • I was wondering how you feel about the impression.

  • What is it like seeing yourself on "Saturday Night Live"?

  • How do you feel Kate's doing?

  • -You know, I have to say she is really fabulous.

  • She's smart. She's engaged.

  • You know, she brings a lot of energy.

  • We wear the same jackets.

  • -Yeah. [ Laughter ]

  • I want to give credit -- I want to do give quick credit

  • to the "SNL" wardrobe department,

  • who makes more jackets than you can believe to match candidates.

  • -That's exactly right. She does great.

  • And, look, here's the deal.

  • Elect me President of the United States,

  • and we get eight more years

  • of Kate McKinnon on "Saturday Night Live."

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • You know, I --

  • I played John Kerry, and I think it worked against him.

  • -See. -Yeah.

  • I think it worked against him.

  • -I just got to say, Seth, I know John Kerry.

  • You're no Kate McKinnon.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -That's very -- That is very fair.

  • One of the things, as you fight big money in politics,

  • as you fight corruption in politics,

  • you stay away from big donors, large-dollar donors.

  • So you have smaller-dollar donors.

  • And you sort of famously call a lot of them personally.

  • -I do.

  • -But I would have to imagine

  • a lot of them don't believe it's you.

  • -[ Laughs ] It's true. -What is it like when you --

  • I mean, what are some of the things

  • that people say when you call?

  • -Well, a lot of people really start with serious cuss words.

  • -Uh-huh. [ Laughter ]

  • Sure. No, you know, in the middle of dinner,

  • you don't want a fake Elizabeth Warren calling you.

  • -No, they just keep saying things like, "Holy --

  • Oh, my -- Really?" So there's a --

  • And then some of the best ones,

  • I've actually been cross-examined to prove

  • I'm not the newest version of artificial intelligence.

  • -Yeah, sure. -And so I've had people ask me,

  • like, "Okay, this is gonna be a trick question.

  • When I say 'yes,' you have to say 'no,'"

  • and -- in order to get me to verify.

  • But, you know, this is one of the best parts

  • of running a campaign like this.

  • I call people who make $5 contributions and $25 --

  • In fact, go to tonight,

  • make some contributions, I'll make some phone calls.

  • -There you go!

  • -Okay? Let's do it!

-How are you? -I'm good.


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伊麗莎白-沃倫參議員談朱利安-卡斯特羅的支持,凱特-麥金農和呼籲捐助者。 (Sen. Elizabeth Warren Talks Julian Castro’s Endorsement, Kate McKinnon and Calling Donors)

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