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  • In today's video,

  • we're going to see what happens if these water absorbing beads

  • get put into a deep fryer.

  • [Music]

  • Guys, oil and water don't mix.

  • You know that.

  • But when you heat up the oil,

  • you can actually get a pretty explosive reaction

  • when you add water.

  • Oil heats up to a temperature far above that of water.

  • Water will boil away,

  • and oil at much higher temperatures

  • will still be there frying and bubbling and boiling.

  • When you add water into it,

  • the water will vaporize causing to expand very very quickly.

  • And if it's underneath the oil at all,

  • it can cause the oil to get launched through the air

  • while still at boiling hot temperatures,

  • or even on fire.

  • Well, Orbeez have a lot of water in them.

  • They absorb many times their own weight in water,

  • and so we wanted to see

  • what happens if you put Orbeez into boiling hot oil.

  • To be safe, we're going to start out

  • with just one or two into the hot oil,

  • see what happens,

  • and as we scale it up, we are going to be moving away.

  • That's why we're here at the Dome.

  • Now, we're going to take the Orbeez, both of the tiny ones

  • and the bigger ones,

  • and we let them absorb a whole lot of water,

  • and once they're expanded,

  • we're going to try putting them into some hot fry oil.

  • We can try frying some that haven't absorbed water too.

  • Here's the basic idea.

  • We are going to take some Orbeez,

  • and drop them into a deep fryer just to see what happens.

  • After that, we're going to overheat that oil,

  • drop them in again, and see if there's anything different.

  • For our first test,

  • we are going to take some of our non expanded Orbeez,

  • we're going to put them into a metal cup,

  • put them into the oil, see what happens.

  • I doubt it's going to be very exciting,

  • but I'm curious.

  • [Music]

  • Not a whole lot as Orbeez go.

  • We're just going to see what happens.

  • This is very hot oil.

  • You think they're going to pop like popcorn?

  • Sounds like popcorn.

  • Oh, that's so cool.

  • Wait!

  • Wait!

  • No way.

  • That one actually like popped like popcorn.

  • One single Orbee.

  • [Music]

  • Okay, not that bad.

  • Initially, it hissed a bit,

  • but didn't do too much else.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm wondering as it's starts to--

  • But now yeah...

  • There you go.

  • Yeah, Orbee itself is starting to heat up now.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • I think our orbee ruptured.

  • Yeah.

  • Still a lot of boiling and bubbling going on.

  • Okay, I'm not going to get too close,

  • but I want to see...

  • It moved.

  • Okay, so the whole things rolled over to the side.

  • Oh, now we see oil starting to spread out.

  • There we go.

  • That's just one.

  • So the last one did rupture, but it was a lot tinier.

  • So what's this one gonna do?

  • That's a lot more water.

  • Okay.

  • It's gonna take a little bit longer,

  • but we still don't want to be close to that.

  • Because if it does happen to explode,

  • and you know, oil flies everywhere,

  • that's gonna hurt.

  • >> There we go. >> I think it split.

  • There we go.

  • That, that is cool.

  • Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble.

  • Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble.

  • There's still some of it left.

  • Oh no.

  • A lot of it left, in fact.

  • Well, one little orbee was pretty fun,

  • and one big orbee was pretty fun.

  • I think it's time to upgrade to a fry basket full of Orbeez.

  • We've got a lot of little ones,

  • and a few of the big ones.

  • I'm excited.

  • This is gonna make a mess.

  • I think it will.

  • Ready?

  • Careful.

  • [Music]

  • Oh my gosh.

  • [Music]

  • It is really mad about that.

  • [Music]

  • So it was initially mad,

  • because when we lowered it in,

  • the Orbeez themselves had water on the outside.

  • Now, the oil itself is kind of cooled down,

  • so they've calmed down,

  • but as the oil heats back up, I think we're going to get that.

  • Some new explosions.

  • [Music]

  • Nice.

  • You can kind of see

  • that big pink one in the middle hasn't gone yet.

  • I want to know what happens when it does.

  • [Music]

  • Yes.

  • That was about half a cup of oil that just left the machine.

  • I fear for our camera.

  • I fear for our cameraman.

  • He is getting very brave.

  • Here's, here's the first big Orbeez that we fried.

  • Oh that feels so weird.

  • It's like breaks apart very very easily.

  • Deep-fried non expanded Orbeez.

  • [Music]

  • It's just...

  • It's like plastic.

  • Well, a form of plastic, sort of.

  • When we just did one,

  • it fell apart so much that it wasn't even

  • in the basket anymore.

  • But it looks

  • like we still have some results this time.

  • At least a larger ones.

  • The smaller one's maybe at the bottom.

  • It's true.

  • Let's find out.

  • And also, still orbeez, still full of water, still oil.

  • [Music]

  • I don't think the big ones have even popped yet.

  • They have--

  • Okay, putting them back in.

  • I want to see that.

  • It might take some more time, but...

  • Well, we put a lot in there.

  • We cooled that oil

  • >> down significantly. >> That's true.

  • I think we fried our Orbeez pretty good.

  • I don't think they're going to do anything else,

  • so I think it's time to scale it up.

  • The fryer has a limit to how hot it gets,

  • and so to make sure we really get enough heat,

  • we're going to take it up to a different level.

  • We're going to try it on a propane stove.

  • Hopefully, that gets hot enough.

  • If not, we might use the foundry.

  • We've got a burner,

  • this should get our oil pretty nice and hot,

  • and then we just got these rocks here.

  • Those are just stability because this can by itself,

  • I don't trust to hold everything up,

  • but the rocks are holding it pretty nicely in place.

  • We want that rip roarin' hot.

  • Ah, hot oil.

  • So this point,

  • the oil in the pot is I believe far higher temperature

  • than you would ever fry any actual food.

  • There's a lot of smoke coming off of it,

  • and it's a vegetable oil blend,

  • which has a pretty high smoke temperature.

  • We're going to start with one tiny orbee first,

  • and see what happens.

  • Not that one.

  • [Music]

  • Yes.

  • Oh.

  • [Music]

  • Oh, for a second I thought oil had splashed

  • and is starting to catch...

  • [Music]

  • What is dripping?

  • >> Oh, whoa, what is happening? >> I wonder if there's a hole in this bucket.

  • We've realized that we have a slight problem.

  • There's actually a hole in the bucket that we're using,

  • and that's super dangerous with our propane tank

  • directly underneath it.

  • So we're going to switch to our foundry regardless,

  • little bit safer in regards to explosions.

  • So our oil is started to light on fire,

  • and it is gorgeous.

  • Really dancing around a lot.

  • Now, it doesn't have a lot of oxygen in there,

  • which it does still need to burn properly.

  • But you can see that it's starting to pick up more.

  • As fire comes up out,

  • it draws more oxygen down inside.

  • Okay, that is well and truly on fire now.

  • Okay. I'm going to try--

  • I'm going to try a handful.

  • Do it.

  • Ready?

  • I think we both missed.

  • Again.

  • We have more Orbeez.

  • More Orbeez.

  • Oh, there we go.

  • >> I missed again. >> Farther. Farther.

  • [Music]

  • That's amazing.

  • [Music]

  • Big one?

  • Guys, just remember,

  • we do have fire extinguishers on hand.

  • Lots of them,

  • and this is a very fireproof dome.

  • Like it hasn't really cause them to pop

  • like I thought.

  • No, but they are--

  • Okay, so when they are hitting it,

  • just at the very top,

  • we are getting these beautiful sparks.

  • [Music]

  • Try one more.

  • Come on.

  • [Music]

  • Oh, well, okay.

  • [Music]

  • >> That just splashed. >> Yes!

  • [Music]

  • Less of a splash.

  • It's still splashed some fire out.

  • I'm just interested,

  • like it doesn't seem to be like frying and popping them.

  • [Music]

  • That shouldn't be so much fun.

  • Oh, there you go.

  • Whoo!

  • Yikes.

  • I'm just gonna throw the biggest handful

  • of tiny Orbeez.

  • [Music]

  • Usually, you're supposed to hit it.

  • Guys, you know, we've always got more for you to see.

  • That box of the will take you to our last video.

  • You should go check that out.

  • The other boxes going to show you

  • what YouTube thinks you should be watching next.

  • This bomb in the middle will subscribe to the channel.

  • Hit that, joining the club, never miss out on a video.

  • Don't forget to ring that bell,

  • and we will see you in the next one.

  • Talk to you soon.

In today's video,


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B1 中級

在極熱的油中滴下巨大的奧比茲。 (Dropping Giant Orbeez in Extremely Hot Oil)

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