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-I'm the avocado toast of the Democratic Party.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh, hey. Fallon.
-Pete Buttigieg?
Are you on the show tonight?
-Uh, no. God, no.
I'm doing Seth.
-Oh, of course, yeah.
-But I did see your little sketch from the other night.
-Oh. Yeah?
-Didn't -- Didn't really look like me.
-Really? It kinda, little bit
looked like you, right?
-Ehh, not really.
Oh, since you're here, do you want to do a little
quick interview while you're here?
-Yeah, sure.
-How's the campaign going?
-Great. You know, we've been travelling the country,
the message is resonating.
People are really excited about
a new generation of leadership.
-Yeah, I mean, you're only 37, right?
-That's right, yeah.
-What do you say when people say
you're too young to be president?
-Well, hey, I got more
government experience than the president.
I got more executive experience than the vice president.
I got more military experience than anybody to walk into that
office since George H.W. Bush.
-Pretty convincing.
-Yeah. Not too bad for the boy who became mayor, was that it?
-Sorry about that. You know, I'm just gonna make some jokes.
I'm going to make fun of your last name, how to spell it,
the 20 languages that you speak.
You know, just a little comic relief.
-Yeah, yeah. Sure.
[ Speaking foreign language ]
[ Conversing in Spanish ]
[ Conversing in Italian ]
[ Conversing in French ]
[ Conversing in foreign languages ]
-Hey, I got an idea.
Why don't we continue this interview on our show?
May 13th?
-Hi, I'm Mayor Pete Buttigieg,
and I'll be on "The Tonight Show" on May 13th.
[ Speaking foreign language ]
[ Cheers and applause ]