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- Hey guys, before this video starts,
I just want to let you know that I filmed this
like over a month ago, so that's why
my pregnancy belly is suddenly missing.
But also, I want to know what you guys want to see next.
So, at the end of this video I'm doing a poll
and you can pick what my next Youtube video will be.
So please, watch to the end and here's the video.
JoJo, come in! - No!
- Hi guys, I'm Colleen Ballinger
and this is JoJo Siwa - Hi, friends!
- and that's Rachel Ballinger.
I'm in JoJo's bedroom right now because,
that sounded really weird, right?
- I wanna say that was creepy, wow.
- I'm with JoJo right now because
she is letting me give her a makeover.
I'm the last person who should ever give anyone a makeover.
- Why?
- I'm literally wearing overalls right now (laughs).
JoJo is one of my favorite people in the whole world
and I'm about to go on tour. - Oh, you're sweet.
- When this comes out, I will be on tour.
Come get tickets, come see me, buy my book.
♪ I'm on tour and I'm comin' to your city ♪
♪ Now you're goin' round town like a little kitty ♪
- Isn't the song like that (laughs)?
- I am shook because I literally don't know my own songs
'cause once I write them and put them up,
I never listen to them. - You never listen to them.
- So at first I was like what is she singing,
that's kind of cute. - (laughs loudly)
- And then I realized, I was like, I think I wrote this!
But today, JoJo's gonna let me do her hair.
- I don't know why (laughs).
- I'm so excited. - I'm excited to see it.
- You're gonna do my hair and my makeup, right?
- Yeah I'm gonna give her a makeover like full-on.
I don't know how to do makeup,
you can tell by the fact that I didn't blend-in
my purple eyeshadow today. - Your makeup looks cute!
- Do you want me to do hair first,
makeup first, outfit first?
- I would've said hair last so that
it's down for the littlest amount of time as possible.
- (laughs loudly) Alrighty, so...
Can I go to town? - Yeah!
- Should I fully cake her face?
- Cake her face, cake her face!
- Should I James Charles your butt?
- I'm getting hot.
- This isn't even gonna be your color.
- Can I put not white on?
- Just saying. - Yeah, stalling...
- And this is better, cause... - This is NOT my color.
- No it's not even a little bit (laughs).
- I think that you are literally probably
the one person that I would let do this to me.
- I know, I am shocked you're letting me do this right now.
- Go like this: Mmm... - Mmm (group laughs loudly)
- Ew! So much snot just went on this
and I'm not gonna clean it!
- We need a lot of (laughing)...
- We love a hard time. - We love splotchy salad.
- Good enough, that's how I do makeup,
by the way... good enough! - Good enough!
- My way that how I do my makeup's like
if you go like this to me like, huh (laughing),
then you're like oh, it's okay.
But if you look closely, you're like, "Oh, God!"
That's the look I'm going for.
Whenever in Beauty Guru videos
when they're like "I'm using the Morphe 372 for the crease"
I'm like, I'm using the big brush for my face
and the little brush for my eyes.
Should I contour next, or should I do eyes next?
- Contour! - I don't know how to contour.
Suck in your cheeks, girl! Okay, that's a thing.
(laughing) Just dirt on your face.
Is that good, not that it matters 'cause I'm just gonna
put it wherever I want and make you look dirty.
I have to move this closer,
'cause you guys have to see the disaster.
It's like a dirty nose (laughing).
- You gotta charge your toothbrush?
- I slick my hair with this. - Oh! (laughing)
- Listen... (faint music playing)
♪ I don't really care about what they say ♪
♪ I'm comin' back like a boomerang ♪
- Come here! - Sorry.
- Moving on, do you have brushes for your eyeballs?
- (gasps) You look like a drag queen.
- Love that, (gasps), oh God!
- I think it's gonna look cute when I'm done.
Let me live my freaky life.
I never said I was good at makeup, okay?
This brush does nothing.
- Yeah, it's the brush, it's not me.
Um, you look like a peacock.
(Rachel belches)
- Whoa. - Love that.
- [Rachel] It's the Coca-Cola.
- It's the baby.
- Rachel's pregnant with a high-top shoe.
♪ My High Top Shoes ♪
- [Rachel] Hey, I got twins in me.
- JoJo wanted me to have twins.
She thought I was having twins.
- I really genuinely thought...
- I mean, I'm kind of living for this look.
I'll clean it up, but like
I think I'm gonna love it in the end.
- I haven't worn eyeliner in literally three years.
- I love eyeliner.
Oh, I hate silence.
(Rachel singing) (laughing)
I'm just trying to figure out what I wanna do here.
- Buffalo Hot Wings is shaking.
- Okay, girl. (group laughing and mumbling)
- Sorry! - Just don't make me laugh.
- [Rachel] You still haven't done her brows, just saying.
- I know, I'm working on it! (group laughing)
She's requesting that we don't do lipstick 'til the end.
- That's a true fact, I just don't like lipstick;
it just bugs me. - Yeah, my life.
- You want me to move this forward?
- Oh my gosh, this is the moment.
- [Rachel] The mound of hair ties,
oh you did it all in one!
- Yeah bish - Yas.
- It's not that crispy today.
- No I showered two days ago.
- [Rachel] Do you sleep in it in a ponytail?
- Yeah.
- Does it hurt when it's down?
- Yeah.
- Oh my gosh who are you?
Oh my gosh what if it all falls off?
- [Rachel] I was just thinking that.
- 'cause there's so much hairspray in it.
I'll come back to it if I have time.
- You look different! You look so different!
It is just blowing my mind! (laughs)
So, I don't know how much space is doing that.
- Okay, so I'm gonna curl.
I'm gonna do it layer-by-layer.
I feel like that will be boring for you guys to watch,
so I'm gonna time-lapse this, mothafucka.
(electronic music)
- I'm gonna change her clothes - You're not gonna do that!
I'm gonna put on lipstick. I'm gonna do the final reveal.
She is spazzing, we're almost there, we're almost there.
- What do you think?
- (gasps) Oh my God.
- Come back! (laughter)
- I look like a middle-aged woman!
- (laughs) You look pretty!
- My hair looks great, but my orange face!
- Yeah your makeup is pretty bad.
I love it! Alright, we need to close this out
so that she can take it off, because she was--
- [Rachel] You have to show your mom!
- Okay, we can show my mom.
I hate this.
- (laughs) It looks really cute!
- [Colleen] Her makeup is a hot mess,
but I think her hair looks good!
- [Mom] I love it!
- [Colleen] She wants to kill me.
- It's really cute! It's really cute.
- [Colleen] I know, doesn't her hair look pretty?
- I love the hair. - You're moving the hair.
- [Colleen] The makeup is a hot mess,
but they wanted me to do pink and like, craziness.
So it looks like-- (record skip)
- No, we said you could do whatever you want.
- [Rachel] Yeah, I think it's really cute.
- If we woulda done what I wanted to do,
it would not have been this orange makeup.
- [Mom] God, the hair looks really cute.
- [Colleen] Yeah, the hair looks cute, right?
(laughter) - What is this? What?
- [Colleen] Is that like good?
No! Don't do it! (laughter)
- The before and after. - Yeah, no.
- [Colleen] I am shook!
(group affirming) - Real shook.
- [Colleen] I know! It's crazy! (laughs)
- But I like that one.
- You need to put a jacket on,
I think the shirt is making you
feel like you're not yourself.
Put like a little pink jacket on.
- [Colleen] I think it's the hair that's making her...
- [Rachel] I love the hair.
- Wait, do we want a sequined jacket?
- [Colleen] Go for it. You can wear whatever you want,
you let me take your hair down.
So you can wear whatever you want.
- [Rachel] Does your hair hurt being down?
- I hate it. (laughter)
- [Rachel] Okay, I didn't ask if you liked it,
I said, "Does it hurt?"
- We're working on her honesty. (laughs)
- I can't even get over what you look like.
You look so different.
- [Colleen] I know. Well it's all about to come off,
so I had to have you guys see it.
- Hey wait, can I be you in a blog?
- [Colleen] Yeah. Oh, that's me in a blog?
Yeah, every ten seconds touching my hair.
- Now that I have hair down, I can mess
with my hair when it's down.
This is your dream, isn't it?
- It is! I love it! - I think it looks so pretty!
- It makes me feel happy that you have good hair left.
- [Colleen] Yeah! (group laughing)
- Ty, you post it! - I won't!
- [Mom] Okay.
- Alright, thanks for watching, everybody!
We're gonna go cut my hair on JoJo's channel.
- Yes, and I'm giving you payback!
- Oh, thanks. - You're getting payback.
So go subscribe to JoJo and watch her snip off all my hair.
Make sure to come see me on tour and get my book and--
Don't touch it! It looks good!
Okay, we're leaving, bye!
Okay so, I know I look rough,
but that's because I am rough, honey.
Pregnancy ain't no wonderful life.
I'm very grateful to be preggers,
but I have been going through it
(belches) Okay! What?
So we're gonna do a poll.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what videos to post.
Because when I post pregnancy videos, people get real mad.
But when I don't post pregnancy videos, people get real mad.
So I'm just gonna let you guys pick what my next video is,
because clearly when I pick, you guys don't like it.
So the next video I'm gonna post is either going to be
seeing my baby for the first time in 3D with my in-laws.
Or I can post me giving you all the secrets
about my new book, "My Diarrhe."
There's a lot of little hidden secrets
in that book that nobody knows about
that I'd love to share with you guys.
Or I could do Erik and I reacting to Erikleen videos.
- [Erik] What?
- Cause before we were out and about
telling people we were together,
there was a lot of conspiracy videos about me and Erik.
And so we've been wanting to do,
well I've been wanting to do, a video reacting
to the conspiracy theory videos about us.
Or I can do kind of a pregnancy update video
where I explain to you what I've been going through,
show you my bump, explain to you my favorite things
about pregnancy, the worst things about pregnancy,
what's helped me get through the hard stuff with pregnancy.
I know that's not a relatable to a lot
of younger people out there, but there's been
a lot of moms reaching out to me,
giving me advice and asking for advice.
So I don't know if you guys would want that too.
So anyway, those are your options.
Please vote in the poll.
I don't even know how this works, or if it's going to work.
So if there's a poll here click it.
If there's not a poll here cause I couldn't figure it out,
leave a comment, tell me which one
that you guys wanna see next.
Okay, I love you guys.
I'm going to eat some Chipotle and upload this video.
I hope you liked it, and I love you JoJo,
thanks for being in my video, and come see me on tour.
I'm still on tour for another week, so come get tickets
while you can, cause this is my last tour for a long time.
Okay love you guys, byeee.
♪ Or a hug, people want hugs ♪
♪ People need hugs ♪
♪ Something to hold onto ♪
♪ A hug can really help a lot ♪
♪ Love, give them your love ♪
♪ Tell them they're loved from your toy computer ♪
♪ I love you ♪ I love you
♪ I love you ♪ I love you
♪ I love you ♪ I love you
♪ So much! ♪
♪ Aah ♪ Time goes by
♪ Aah ♪ Very slow
♪ Or very fast ♪