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  • -Last time you were here,

  • it was very interesting, I think, for me.

  • We were all trying to figure out how to pronounce your name.

  • -Yeah.

  • -And now here you are -- You're a major contender

  • for getting the Democratic nomination.

  • You just got a big day today. The polls came out,

  • and you're number three in the polls in Iowa.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • What do you attribute your surge in popularity to?

  • -Well, hard work, a really good team, and the right message.

  • I think our message

  • is what Americans are really looking for.

  • It's not just how to end the Trump presidency,

  • which is obviously a huge priority,

  • because our country's future depends on it.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • But it's also about

  • what's America going to need the day after this presidency ends?

  • This presidency will come to an end one way or the other.

  • And when we get there, when the sun comes up over this country,

  • and we're picking up the pieces and figuring out what's next,

  • I think it's going to require that we're ready to undertake

  • bold solutions, but also that we can bring people together.

  • And that's been the core of our campaign.

  • And I think it's resonated.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -I think, the last debate,

  • I think you scored major points for a lot of people during that

  • because, one, with Elizabeth Warren, you challenged her

  • and actually debated, as you would in a debate, with her

  • about her Medicare for All. -Yeah.

  • -And you were saying, "How do you pay for all this?"

  • And she didn't really have an answer.

  • -It's a respectful, honest, but major difference of opinion.

  • First of all, when you're proposing something like this,

  • it's got to be clear how it's paid for.

  • And the plan that I'm putting forward,

  • we call it "Medicare for all who want it,"

  • can be paid for without raising middle-class taxes.

  • And it's got a lot of other advantages, too,

  • because it lets people keep their private plans.

  • So the basic idea is we take a version of Medicare.

  • We make it available for anybody who wants it,

  • but if for some reason you prefer a different plan,

  • that's okay. I'm not going to make you switch.

  • And I just think that's better than saying,

  • "You've got to do Medicare whether you want to or not,"

  • and make that entire change for the entire country

  • in four years or less.

  • So it's just an honest difference of opinion.

  • -And I saw a lot of people were saying, like,

  • "Oh, well, wait a second, Mayor Pete.

  • You said that -- You tweeted out

  • that you were for Medicare for All..."

  • -Yeah. -"...a couple years ago."

  • So what do you say to that?

  • -Yeah, for the long run, that's still my preference.

  • I just think we got to have some humility about this.

  • In other words, to get from here to there,

  • it makes more sense to make it optional.

  • And then if we're right, that that's going to be the best plan

  • for all Americans, then all Americans will choose it,

  • and it'll become the only plan. And if we're wrong,

  • and some Americans would rather be on something different,

  • well, then we're going to be really glad

  • we didn't kick them off the plans they had

  • and force them onto ours. So it's a similar vision

  • about where I think the destination's going to be,

  • but an approach that is more practical

  • and I think more flexible for Americans

  • who I trust to make the right decision

  • on what's right for them.

  • -I think another thing that where you scored --

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Another area where you scored in the debate

  • is when -- with Beto O'Rourke,

  • and you kind of, you guys kind of sparred a little bit

  • about gun reform.

  • And would you like to talk about your stance on that and --

  • -Well, first of all, I think we all want to get real gun reform.

  • There's been way too much talk for way too long.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • And I think the focus right now

  • is we've got to have universal background checks.

  • By the way, Republicans agree on this --

  • not so much Republican members of Congress,

  • but the Republicans across America,

  • and Washington still hasn't been able to get it done.

  • We got to go further than that.

  • We got to have red flag laws that disarm domestic abusers.

  • And we've got to ban the sale of these assault weapons

  • and the high-capacity magazines to load them.

  • That will save lives in America.

  • And we've got to do it right away.

  • -And that's a -- It's a big issue for you.

  • If you do become President, you'll -- you'll --

  • that'll be one of your focuses?

  • -Yeah, I mean, we can't go on like this.

  • You know, I was in high school

  • when the Columbine shooting happened.

  • And since then, we've generated

  • a second school-shooting generation.

  • Shame on us if we allow there to be a third.

  • [ Applause ]

  • -And you know these guns

  • because you've seen these assault rifles.

  • You were in Afghanistan.

  • -Yeah.

  • -What is your take on everything with Syria and Turkey and --

  • -I got to tell you, it's just a bad day for America

  • when our country can't be relied on to keep its word.

  • You know, I really felt when I was deployed

  • that, in addition to my body armor

  • and the weapons I was carrying,

  • that one of the things that protected me

  • was that the flag on my shoulder

  • represented a country that was seen as credible,

  • that our allies and our enemies knew

  • that when we said we would do something, we would do it.

  • So when you got these Kurdish fighters,

  • they put their lives on the line to be at our side

  • fighting against ISIS, and you betray them,

  • which is what this president has done,

  • not only is it undermining stability in Syria,

  • it's undermining the honor of American soldiers

  • who feel now that their honor has been taken away.

  • And when you take away a soldier's honor,

  • you're taking away the most important thing.

  • And it's taking away our country's honor.

  • It makes the world a more dangerous place.

  • And when I am president, when I am Commander in Chief,

  • we will restore American credibility,

  • because lives depend on it.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -I know you're in New York,

  • and I saw that you were riding the subway today, which is --

  • There you are right there.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • I don't know if you were here --

  • I don't know if you were here to stop by "Saturday Night Live"

  • to ask them to stop doing an impression of you.

  • I don't know. But I don't if you saw,

  • they did an impression of you.

  • But they're not on this week.

  • But yeah, you didn't see it? -I didn't see it.

  • [ Laughter ] -You didn't see it at all?

  • -No. -No, you didn't see it.

  • -Was it good? -Well, we have --

  • Here's a here's a clip of Colin Jost playing Mayor Pete

  • on "Saturday Night Live." Take a look.

  • -Hi. [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Thank you very much. Thank you. I went to Harvard,

  • but they don't teach you where to put your arms.

  • Why am I not winning this, you know?

  • I'm a veteran.

  • I'm under the legal retirement age.

  • And when I talk, it makes sense.

  • Is something wrong with me?

  • -No, no, you're a great guy,

  • just, like, as a friend, not for president.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -So, you like it?

  • -It's okay. -It's okay. It's not --

  • It wasn't that bad.

  • -Yeah, I just want to say I'm very comfortable in my own body.

  • I know exactly what to do with my arms.

  • I don't know -- -But now you're over-thinking

  • what to do with your arms now? -Yeah, now, I'm wondering.

  • Are they too far out, too far in?

  • -I'll make it easy for you. I just want to shake your hand.

  • Thank you for coming on our show tonight.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • Mayor Pete Buttigieg, everybody!

-Last time you were here,


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A2 初級

市長Pete Buttigieg談論醫療保險計劃、槍支控制以及Colin Jost的SNL模仿。 (Mayor Pete Buttigieg Talks Medicare Plans, Gun Control, and Colin Jost's SNL Impression)

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