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  • We typically think of ballet as harmonious, graceful and polished

    我們通常認為芭蕾是和諧的、 典雅的、優美的——

  • hardly features that would trigger a riot.


  • But at the first performance of Igor Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring,"

    但在伊果·史特拉汶斯基的 《春之祭》首次演出時,

  • audience members were so outraged that they drowned out the orchestra.

    觀眾極為憤慨 聲音壓過了管弦樂團。

  • Accounts of the event include people hurling objects at the stage,

    對該事件的記述包括: 有人向舞台上丟東西,

  • challenging each other to fights, and getting arrested


  • all on what started as a sophisticated night at the ballet.

    發生這一切的那個夜晚, 本來是個精緻的芭蕾之夜。

  • First performed in May 1913

    最早於 1913 年五月

  • at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris,


  • "The Rite of Spring" is set in prehistoric times.


  • The narrative follows an ancient Pagan community


  • worshipping the Earth and preparing for the sacrifice of a woman

    他們膜拜地球, 準備要用一名女子獻祭,

  • intended to bring about the change of seasons.


  • But the ballet is much more concerned with the violent relationship


  • between humans, nature, and culture


  • than with character or plot.


  • These themes manifest in a truly upsetting production

    這部很讓人心煩意亂的作品 將這些主題表現出來,

  • which combines harsh music, jerky dancing, and uncanny staging.


  • It opens with dancers awakening to a solo bassoon,


  • playing in an eerily high register.


  • This gives way to discordant strings, punctured by unexpected pauses


  • while the dancers twitch to the music.

    接著帶出了很不協調的弦樂, 穿插著未預期的停頓,

  • These frightening figures enact the ballet's brutal premise,


  • which set audiences on edge

    這些嚇人的身影帶出了 該芭蕾舞作的粗暴前提假設,

  • and shattered the conventions of classical music.


  • In these ways and many more,


  • "The Rite of Spring" challenged the orchestral traditions

    《春之祭》以這些方式 及許多其他方式

  • of the 19th century.


  • Composed on the cusp of both the first World War

    創作的時間點是在第一次 世界大戰和俄國革命的關口,

  • and the Russian revolution,


  • "The Rite of Spring" seethes with urgency.

    在多部先前的實驗作品當中 都有這種緊繃感,

  • This tension is reflected in various formal experiments,


  • including innovative uses of syncopation, or irregular rhythm;


  • atonality or the lack of a single key,


  • and the presence of multiple time signatures.


  • Alongside these strikingly modern features,

    史特拉汶斯基還結合了 俄國民俗音樂的面向——

  • Stravinsky spliced in aspects of Russian folk music


  • a combination that deliberately disrupted


  • the expectations of his sophisticated, urban audience.

    這並不是史特拉汶斯基 第一次使用民俗音樂。

  • This wasn't Stravinsky's first use of folk music.

    史特拉汶斯基於 1882 年 在聖彼得堡外的一個小鎮上出生,

  • Born in a small town outside of St. Petersburg in 1882,

    他的華麗芭蕾舞作 《火鳥》鞏固了他的名聲。

  • Stravinsky's reputation was cemented with the lush ballet "The Firebird."


  • Based on a Russian fairytale,

    內容充滿了史特拉汶斯基 對於民俗文化的著迷。

  • this production was steeped in Stravinsky's fascination

    但他在《春之祭》中 策劃了更狂野的計畫,

  • with folk culture.

    挑戰民俗和音樂的界線, 赤裸裸呈現異教的儀式。

  • But he plotted a wilder project in "The Rite of Spring,"

    史特拉汶斯基和藝術家 尼古拉斯·洛里奇合作,

  • pushing folk and musical boundaries to draw out the rawness of pagan ritual.


  • Stravinsky brought this reverie to life

    洛里奇很迷戀有文字 記載之前的時代。

  • in collaboration with artist Nicholas Roerich.

    他發表過一些關於 活人獻祭的文章,

  • Roerich was obsessed with prehistoric times.


  • He had published essays about human sacrifice


  • and worked on excavations of Slavic tombs

    他參考俄國的中世紀藝術 及農夫衣著,為《春之祭》

  • in addition to set and costume design.

    創造出醜陋地掛在 舞者身體上的服裝。

  • For "The Rite of Spring," he drew from Russian medieval art

    洛里奇再將它們搭配 生動的原始自然背景;

  • and peasant garments to create costumes that hung awkwardly

    滿是巉岩、若隱若現的樹木, 以及惡夢般的顏色。

  • on the dancers' bodies.


  • Roerich set them against vivid backdrops of primeval nature;


  • full of jagged rocks, looming trees and nightmarish colors.


  • Along with its dazzling sets and searing score,

    這是傳奇舞者 瓦斯拉夫·尼金斯基的傑作,

  • the original choreography for "The Rite of Spring"

    他開發出讓人重新思考 「動作根本」的舞蹈。

  • was highly provocative.

    雖然史特拉汶斯基後來 表示他感到很挫折,

  • This was the doing of legendary dancer Vaslav Nijinsky,

    因為尼金斯基對排演很苛求, 又對音樂一味做詮釋,

  • who developed dances to rethinkthe roots of movement itself.”


  • Although Stravinsky later expressed frustration

    和史特拉汶斯基的作曲 同等具有開創性。

  • with Nijinsky's demanding rehearsals


  • and single-minded interpretations of the music,


  • his choreography proved as pioneering as Stravinsky's composition.

    許多觀眾期望在這類作品中 看到的是優雅和浪漫。

  • He contorted traditional ballet


  • to both the awe and horror of his audience,

    表演者像是中邪了一樣 蜷縮、扭動、跳來跳去。

  • many of whom expected the refinement and romance of the genre.


  • The dancing in "The Rite of Spring" is agitated and uneven,


  • with performers cowering, writhing and leaping about as if possessed.

    尼金斯基指示他們 要把腳趾轉向內,

  • Often, the dancers are not one with the music

    跳躍之後要重重落地, 通常還不在節拍上。

  • but rather seem to struggle against it.


  • Nijinsky instructed them to turn their toes inwards

    一名女子在巨響和刺耳的 弦樂聲中獨舞至死。

  • and land heavily after jumps, often off the beat.

    這部芭蕾舞作在刺耳惱人的 和弦中很突兀地結束。

  • For the final, frenzied scene,

    現今,《春之祭》仍然和它那 爭議的初次演出一樣讓人寒心,

  • a woman dances herself to death to loud bangs and jarring strings.

    但原作的震波仍然持續 回響著,鼓舞人心。

  • The ballet ends abruptly on a harsh, haunting chord.


  • Today, "The Rite of Spring"

    現代爵士的決鬥式節奏、 民間古典樂,

  • remains as chilling as its controversial debut,


  • but the shockwaves of the original work continue to resound and inspire.


  • You can hear Stravinsky's influence in modern jazz's dueling rhythms,

  • folky classical music, and even film scores for horror movies,

  • which still illicit a riotous audience response.

We typically think of ballet as harmonious, graceful and polished

我們通常認為芭蕾是和諧的、 典雅的、優美的——


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