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  • Hi. I'm dr. Julie Casani and I'm the Director and Medical Director for NC

  • State Student Health Services. We're here today to talk about a hot topic on

  • campus, which is coronavirus of 2019. Symptoms of this coronavirus tend to be

  • respiratory symptoms, so coughing, shortness of breath with fever are the

  • major symptoms, and it can range anywhere from a mild cold-like symptoms to

  • something more severe, severe respiratory problems and breathing

  • difficulties. So right now, the biggest risk is for those people who have

  • traveled from China. Initially it was from the Hubei province

  • in China, but it has expanded as the outbreak has expanded throughout China.

  • So that's the biggest most important risk, either that or you have been in

  • direct contact with someone who has been diagnosed with the new coronavirus. The

  • best way to prevent coronavirus if you are in contact with an individual who

  • has it, is to use respiratory precautions, but also good hand-washing.

  • The things that we do for all other respiratory infections, like good

  • hand-washing. Cover your cough and stay home if you're sick. So the first thing

  • that we're doing and we have been doing since the middle of January is that we

  • are staying informed. So we are following the CDC website the W.H.O. website and we

  • have actually put up on the Student Health Service website a coronavirus tag

  • so that people can go and look at information about what we're doing here

  • on campus. So right now the risks to campus is very low. We do know that we

  • have had people who have returned from China who are now on campus and we're

  • again getting information out to them about what precautions to take, but the

  • risk is low right now on campus. The bigger risk is with influenza. We have

  • actually seen quite a few cases of influenza in student health and we hear

  • reports about students who have influenza who are trying their best to

  • stay healthy and keep going to classes, so we're recommending again that the

  • best thing to do is to wash your hands, cover your cough and stay away from

  • people when you're sick.

Hi. I'm dr. Julie Casani and I'm the Director and Medical Director for NC


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