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What you want to clean that dirty car like that
Nope shoo shoo. Go away go away
Sure night, could you join mine? I don't think so
Park right there an idea
I'll be right back
Good okay bye
Cool nice thank you. Oh
Thank you
Right, I'm joining in with this. Oh, okay
Very nice, huh any well, thank you. Thank you. My pleasure
That's enough sir today now Oh
Were closed they'd
Okay, come on come on very good and this way
Yeah, can I get you anything anything at all sleepless paper tape
Oh, isn't that nice good job. Thank you very much
Well, I can fix it I know what to do
Biscuit no. Thank you
Bein only one thing
Where's the paint
Very nice job one likes it one likes it very much
Thank you your majesty
Wow your majesty
Hmm thank you what I'll look after that
Now there's a good idea
What's you up to
What do you think that's cool let's come on hmm better get back to work
Very nice Oh
Co-op to kill harder now
Hmm well I like it
I will sleep soundly tonight
Pain well, push it back as equals. Oh you're out
The jetpack
There we go
Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing? Put it back now?
Where are the other mrs. Orcutt what I'm going to enjoy this dream
It's not a dream no eggs here, let me wipe
My lovely rose how wonderful oh, but look at that. Oh
Kabam pain, you need to help out to beat cut the grass go on
Sorry mute or the like to do
Competition today
Hello, would you like to sign her you could win this lovely Spade? Oh
Let me show you to your plants oh and here are the reigning champions
He's got no chance
Here we are and this is yours
I know what this means
Scrapper, what are you doing?
Just ignore him
Is that it
Our first contestants who are charming and did this take you long
And here are our reigning champions, man, oh I see
Wonderful. So one imagine some
Your majesty to meet you
How divine oh
And the winner is mr
B mr. B I
Don't believe it
Look what I've won. This should do the job
Sure go on then
That needs oil I'd better get some
This is the place
Good morning. Good morning, sir. Could I have some oil please? Certainly won't be a moment
What's going on
I'll be right back. We are
Extras Barry, excuse me. Thank you
- later. Oh
One please
Cafes that door sir. No, I want to go in there kids only
Relax in the cafe. We all about the kids
Fantastic this is a guy that made rule in here I come
Yes, could you deal with him please
What's next
Excuse me
Right you
And stay out kids only oh
My keys, where are they?
I better retrace my steps
Well as I'm not allowed in there
Hello, I need nets drainpipes lots of rubbish eating plastic dustbin lots of sponges and
What's all the noise beam
It's nothing really move out the way
You're welcome. Oh, what's this? It's a slide? Oh
Excuse me boy. What'd you turn? But this is my
Oh oil art forgotten about the hot
That's all right, I'm going no come in come in I don't know why but suddenly there's plenty of room