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In the beginning was the Logos,
the Big Bang, the primordial Om.
Big Bang theory says that the physical universe
spiraled out of an unimaginably hot and dense
single point called a singularity - billions
of times smaller than the head of a pin.
It does not say why or how. The more mysterious
something is, the more we take for granted that
we understand it.
It was thought that eventually gravity would either
slow the expansion or contract the universe in a big
crunch. However, images from the Hubble space telescope
show that the universe's expansion seems to be actually
accelerating. Expanding faster and faster as it grows
out of the Big Bang. Somehow, there is more mass in the
universe than physics predicted. To account for the missing mass,
physicists now say that the universe consists of only 4% atomic matter
or what we consider normal matter. 23% of the universe is dark matter
and 73% is dark energy -what we previously thought of as empty space.
It is like an invisible nervous system that runs throughout the universe
connecting all things.
The ancient Vedic teachers taught Nada Brahma -
the universe is vibration.
The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience
and scientific investigation.
It is the same field of energy that saints,
Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers have observed
by looking within themselves. It has been called Akasha, the Primordial Om,
Indra's net of jewels, the music of the spheres,
and a thousand other names throughout history.
It is the common root of all religions,
and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.
In Mahayana Buddhism in the third century
they described a cosmology not unlike the most advanced
physics of modern day.
Indra's net of jewels is a metaphor used to describe
a much older Vedic teaching which illustrates the way the fabric of the
universe is woven together.
Indra, the king of the gods, gave birth to
the sun and moves the winds and the waters.
Imagine a spider web that extends into all dimensions.
The web is made up of dew drops
and every drop contains the reflection of all the other
water drops, and in each reflected dew drop you will find
the reflections of all the other droplets.
The entire web, in that reflection and so on,
to infinity.
Indra's web could be described as a holographic universe,
where even the smallest stream of light
contains the complete pattern of the whole.
The Serbian-American scientist, Nikola Tesla,
is sometimes referred to as the man who invented the
20th century.
Tesla was responsible for discovering alternating current
electricity and many other creations
that are now part of every-day life.
Because of his interest in the ancient Vedic traditions,
Tesla was in a unique position to understand science
through both an eastern and western model.
Like all great scientists, Tesla looked deeply
into the mysteries of the outer world,
but he also looked deeply within himself.
Like the ancient yogis, Tesla used the term Akasha
to describe the etheric feel that extends throughout all things.
Tesla studied with Swami Vivekananda, a yogi who brought the ancient
teachings of India to the West.
In the Vedic teachings, Akasha is space itself;
the space that the other elements fill,
which exists simultaneously with vibration.
The two are inseparable. Akasha is yin to prana's yang.
A modern concept that can help us to conceptualize Akasha,
or the primary substance, is the idea of fractals.
It wasn't until the 1980s that advances in computers
allowed us to actually visualize and reproduce mathematically
the patterns in nature.
The term fractal was coined in 1980
by mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot
who studied certain simple mathematic equations that,
when they are repeated, produce an unending
array of changing mathematical or geometrical forms
within a limited framework.
They are limited, but at the same time, infinite.
A fractal is a rough geometric shape
that can be split into parts, each of which is approximately
a reduced sized copy of the whole pattern -
a property called self similarity.
Mandelbrot's fractals have been called
the thumbprint of God.
You are seeing artwork generated by nature itself.
If you turn the Mandelbrot figure a certain way,
it looks sort of like a Hindu deity or a Buddha.
This figure has been termed the "Buddhabrot" figure.
If you look at some forms of ancient art and architecture,
you will see that humans have long associated beauty
and the sacred with fractal patterns.
Infinitely complex, yet every part contains the seed
to recreate the whole.
Fractals have changed mathematicians' views of the universe
and how it operates.
With each new level of magnification,
there are differences from the original.
Constant change and transformation occurs as we traverse
from one level of fractal detail to another.
This transformation is the cosmic spiral.
The embedded intelligence of the matrix of time space.
Fractals are inherently chaotic-full of noise and order.
When our minds recognize or define a pattern,
we focus on it as if it is a thing.
We try to find the patterns we see as beautiful,
but in order to hold the patterns in our minds,
we must push away the rest of the fractal.
To comprehend a fractal with the senses
is to limit its movement.
All energy in the universe is neutral,
timeless, dimensionless.
Our own creativity and capacity for pattern recognition
is the link between the microcosm and macrocosm.
The timeless world of waves and the solid world of things.
Observation is an act of creation through limitations
inherent in thinking.
We are creating the illusion of solidity,
of things by labeling, by naming.
The philosopher Kierkegaard said,
"If you name me, you negate me."
By giving me a name, a label, you negate all
the other things I could possibly be.
You lock the particle into being a thing
by pinning it down, naming it,
but at the same time you are creating it,
defining it to exist.
Creativity is our highest nature.
With the creation of things comes time,
which is what creates the illusion of solidity.
Einstein was the first scientist to realize
that what we think of as empty space is not nothing,
it has properties,
and intrinsic to the nature of space
is nearly unfathomable amounts of energy.
The renowned physicist Richard Feynman once said,
"there is enough energy in a single cubic meter
of space to boil all the oceans in the world."
Advanced meditators know that in the stillness lies
the greatest power.
The Buddha had yet another term for the primary substance;
what he termed kalapas, which are like tiny particles
or wavelets that are arising and passing away trillions
of times per second. Reality is, in this sense,
like a series of frames in a holographic film camera
moving quickly as to create the illusion of continuity.
When consciousness becomes perfectly still,
the illusion is understood
because it is consciousness itself that drives the illusion.
In the ancient traditions of the East,
it has been understood for thousands of years
that all is vibration.
"Nada Brahma" - the universe is sound.
The word "nada" means sound or vibration
and "Brahma" is the name for God.
Brahma, simultaneously IS the universe and IS the creator.
The artist and the art are inseparable.
In the Upanishads,
one of the oldest humans records in ancient India,
it is said "Brahma the creator, sitting on a lotus,
opens his eyes and a world comes into being.
Brahma closes his eyes,
and a world goes out of being."
Ancient mystics, yogis and seers
have maintained that there is a field
at the root level of consciousness.
The Akashic field or the Akashic records
where all information, all experience past,
present and future, exists now and always.
It is this field or matrix
from which all things arise.
From sub-atomic particles, to galaxies,
stars, planets and all life.
You never see anything in its totality
because it is made up of layer upon layer
of vibration and it is constantly
changing, exchanging information with Akasha.
A tree is drinking in the sun, the air,
the rain, the Earth.
A world of energy moves in and out
of this thing we call a tree.
When the thinking mind is still,
then you see reality as it is.
All aspects together.
The tree and the sky and the Earth,
the rain and the stars are not separate.
Life and death, self and other are not separate.
Just as the mountain and the valley are inseparable.
In the native American
and other indigenous traditions
it is said that every thing has spirit
which is simply another way of saying
everything is connected to the one vibratory source.
There is one consciousness, one field,
one force that moves through all.
This field is not happening around you,
it is happening THROUGH you
and happening AS you.
You are the "U" (you) in universe.
You are the eyes through which creation sees itself.
When you wake from a dream you realize that
everything in the dream was you.
You were creating it.
So called real life is no different.
Every one and every thing is you.
The one consciousness looking out of every eye,
under every rock, within every particle.
International researchers at CERN,
the European laboratory for particle physics,
are searching for this field
that extends throughout all things.
But instead of looking within,
they look to the outer physical world.
Researchers at the CERN laboratory in Geneva,
Switzerland announced that they had found
the Higgs Boson, or the God Particle.
The Higgs Boson experiments prove scientifically
that an invisible energy field fills the vacuum of space.
CERN's large hadron collider consists of a ring
17 miles in circumference, in which two beams
of particles race in opposite directions,
converging and smashing together at nearly the
speed of light.
Scientists observe what comes out of the
violent collisions.
The standard model can not account for
how particles get their mass.
Everything appears to be made of vibration
but there is no 'thing' being vibrated.
It is as if there has been an invisible dancer,
a shadow dancing hidden in the ballet of the universe.
All the other dancers have always danced
around this hidden dancer.
We have observed the choreography of
the dance, but until now we could not see that dancer.
The so-called "God Particle",
the properties of the base material of the universe,
the heart of all matter which would account for the
unexplained mass and energy that drives the universe's expansion.
But far from explaining the nature of the universe,
the discovery of the Higgs Boson simply presents an
even greater mystery, revealing a universe that is
even more mysterious than we ever imagined.
Science is approaching the threshold between consciousness
and matter.
The eye with which we look at the primordial field
and the eye with which the field looks at us
are one and the same.
The German writer and luminary Wolfgang Von Goethe said,
"the wave is the primordial phenomenon
which gave rise to the world."
Cymatics is the study of visible sound.
The word cymatic comes from the Greek root "cyma"
which means wave or vibration.
One of the first Western scientists to seriously study
wave phenomenon was Ernst Chladni,
a German musician and physicist,
who lived in the eighteenth century.
Chladni discovered that when he spread sand
on metal plates and then vibrated the plates
with a violin bow, the sand arranged itself into patterns.
Different geometrical forms appeared
depending on the vibration produced.
Chladni recorded an entire catalogue
of these shapes and they are referred to as
Chladni Figures.
Many of these patterns can be found throughout
the natural world. Such as the markings of the tortoise
or the spot patterns of the leopard.
Studying Chladni Patterns or cymatic patterns
is one secret way in which high-end guitar, violin
and other instrument makers determine the sound qualities of the instruments they make.
Hans Jenny expanded on Chladni's work in the 1960's
using various fluids and electronic amplification
to generate sound frequencies and coined the term "cymatics".
If you run simple sine waves through a dish of water,
you can see patterns in the water.
Depending on the frequency of the wave,
different ripple patterns will appear.
The higher the frequency, the more complex the pattern.
These forms are repeatable, not random.
The more you observe,
the more you start to see how vibration arranges matter into complex forms
from simple repeating waves.
This water vibration has a pattern similar to a sunflower.
Simply by changing the sound frequency,
we get a different pattern.
Water is a very mysterious substance.
It is highly impressionable.
That is, it can receive and hold onto vibration.
Because of its high resonance capacity
and sensitivity and an inner readiness to resonate,
the water responds instantaneously to all
types of sonic waves.
Vibrating water and earth
make up the majority of mass in plants and animals.
It is easy to observe how simple vibrations in water
can create recognizable natural patterns
but as we add solids and increase the amplitude,
things get even more interesting.
Adding cornstarch to water,
we get more complex phenomena.
Perhaps the principles of life itself
can be observed as vibrations move the cornstarch
blob into what appears to be a moving organism.
The animating principle of the universe
is described in every major religion
using words that reflect the understanding
of that time in history.
In the language of the Incas, the largest empire in pre-Columbian America,
the word for "human body" is "alpa camasca"
which means literally, "animated earth".
In Kaballah, or Jewish Mysticism,
they talk about the divine name of God.
The name that can not be spoken.
It can not be spoken because it is a vibration
that is everywhere. It is all words, all matter.
Everything is the sacred word.
The tetrahedron is the simplest shape
that can exist in three dimensions.
Something must have at least four points
to have physical reality.
The triangle structure is nature's only
self-stabilizing pattern.
In the Old Testament the word "tetragrammaton"
was often used to represent a certain manifestation of God.
It was used when talking about the word of God
or the special name of God, Logos or primordial word.
The ancient civilizations knew that at the root structure
of the universe was the tetrahedral shape.
Out of this shape, nature exhibits a fundamental drive
toward equilibrium; Shiva.
While it also has a fundamental drive towards
change; Shakti.
In the Bible, the gospel of John usually reads,
"in the beginning was the word"
but in the original text the term used was
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus,
who lived around 500 years before Christ,
referred to the Logos as something
fundamentally unknowable.
The origin of all repetition, pattern and form.
The Stoic philosophers who followed the teachings
of Heraclitus identified the term with
the divine animating principle pervading the universe.
In Sufism the Logos is everywhere and in all things.
It is THAT out of which the unmanifest becomes manifest.
In the Hindu tradition Shiva Nataraja literally means
"lord of the dance".
The whole cosmos dances to Shiva's drum.
All is imbued or ensouled with the pulsation.
Only as long as Shiva is dancing
can the world continue to evolve and change,
otherwise it collapses back into nothingness.
While Shiva is representative of our
witnessing consciousness, Shakti is the substance or stuff of the world.
While Shiva lies in meditation,
Shakti tries to move him,
to bring him into the dance.
Like yin and yang,
the dancer and the dance exist as one.
Logos also means unconcealed truth.
He who knows the Logos, knows the truth.
Many layers of concealment exist
in the human world as Akasha as been swirled
into complex structures
concealing the source from itself.
Like a divine game of hide and seek,
we have been hiding for thousands of years,
eventually forgetting about the game completely.
We somehow forgot that there is anything to find.
In Buddhism, one is taught to directly perceive the Logos,
the field of change or impermanence within oneself
through meditation.
When you observe your inner world,
you observe subtler and subtler sensations and energies
as the mind becomes more concentrated and focused.
Through the direct realization of "annica"
or impermanence at the root level of sensation,
one becomes free of attachment to transient external forms.
Once we realize there is one vibratory field
that is the common root of all religions,
how can we say "my religion" or "this is my primordial Om",
"my quantum field"?
The true crisis in our world is not social,
political or economic.
Our crisis is a crisis of consciousness, an inability to directly experience our true
An inability to recognize this nature in everyone
and in all things.
In the Buddhist tradition, the "Bodhisattva"
is the person with an awakened Buddha nature.
A Bodhisattva vows to help to awaken every being
in the universe, realizing that there is only one consciousness.
To awaken one's true self one must awaken all beings.
"There are innumerable sentient beings in the universe
I vow to help them all to awaken.
My imperfections are inexhaustible.
I vow to overcome them all.
The Dharma is unknowable.
I vow to know it.
The way of awakening is unattainable.
I vow to attain it."