字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 To the top 10 weather events of the past decade. 過去十年十大天氣事件。 We've chosen the top 10 weather events that have impacted so many of you over the past 10 years. 我們選出了過去 10 年中影響你們許多人的 10 大天氣事件。 And it was not easy going through all of the data, but the ABC seven Chicago weather team, we have done our best and we have chosen the top 10 weather events of the past decade. 查閱所有數據並非易事,但芝加哥廣播公司七臺的氣象團隊已經盡了最大努力,選出了過去十年中的十大天氣事件。 Here they are starting off our list at number 10. 在這裡,他們排在我們榜單的第 10 位。 The largest hailstone to ever fall in the state of Illinois that fell on June 10th 2015 in Minooka, Illinois, the hailstone four and three quarter inches in diameter. 2015 年 6 月 10 日,伊利諾伊州米努卡降下了伊利諾伊州有史以來最大的冰雹,冰雹直徑為四又四分之三英寸。 Although that sounds huge. 雖然這聽起來很大。 The largest hailstone to ever fall in the US was almost double that size at eight inches in diameter and that fell in South Dakota. 美國有史以來降下的最大冰雹直徑為 8 英寸,幾乎是這一尺寸的兩倍,而且是降在南達科他州。 Number nine is the unprecedented rainfall that led to historic flooding on area rivers, April 17th and 18th. 第九,4 月 17 日和 18 日,史無前例的降雨導致該地區河流發生歷史性洪水。 2013. 2013. Many locations got well over seven inches of rain. 許多地方的降雨量都超過了 7 英寸。 The worst flooding was right along the Fox and Dis Plains rivers, both which reached record crests, many homes were flooded and it took weeks for the rivers to recede. 最嚴重的洪災發生在福克斯河和迪斯平原河沿岸,這兩條河都達到了創紀錄的最高水位,許多房屋被淹,河水幾周後才退去。 Number eight is one of the coldest February ever. 八號是有史以來最冷的二月之一。 February 2015 tied for the coldest February on record. 2015 年 2 月並列成為有記錄以來最冷的 2 月。 You had to bundle up all month long as the average monthly temperature was just 14.6 degrees. 由於月平均氣溫只有 14.6 度,整個月都得裹得嚴嚴實實。 That's a full 13.1 degrees below the monthly average. 這比月平均氣溫低了整整 13.1 度。 And it wasn't just the cold that lands this frigid February in the top 10. 在這個寒冷的二月,躋身前十名的不僅僅是寒冷。 It also snowed a lot that month with 26 inches of snow reported in that frosty Frigid frozen February of 2015. 那個月還下了很多雪,據報道,在 2015 年那個冰天雪地的二月,降雪量達到了 26 英寸。 Number seven on our top 10 list is another record rainfall event. 十大降雨量排行榜的第七位是另一個創紀錄的降雨量事件。 This one in the city of Chicago, over six inches of rain fell on July 23rd, 2011. 2011 年 7 月 23 日,芝加哥市降雨量超過 6 英寸。 This is the all time greatest daily rainfall total on record. 這是有史以來最大的日降雨總量。 The water flooded homes and cars were stranded across the city. 大水淹沒了整個城市的房屋和汽車。 The Dan Ryan was even covered with water. 丹-瑞安號甚至被水覆蓋。 What made this event so remarkable was that most of the six inches of rain fell in just a three hour window. 這次降雨之所以如此引人注目,是因為六英寸的降雨量大部分是在短短三小時內降下的。 This led to extreme flash flooding. 這導致了特大山洪暴發。 Number six on our list, a very rare November tornado outbreak. 名單上的第六位,是非常罕見的 11 月龍捲風爆發。 This one especially notable here how warm it was before 12 days before Thanksgiving on November 17th, 2013/25 tornadoes were reported across the state of Illinois and 30 were reported in the state of Indiana. 特別值得一提的是,2013 年 11 月 17 日感恩節前 12 天,伊利諾伊州報告發生了 25 起龍捲風,印第安納州報告發生了 30 起龍捲風。 The largest of those one that I'll never forget personally, ef four tornado with winds up to 190 MPH that hit Washington, Illinois. 其中最大的一場龍捲風讓我終生難忘,它以高達 190 兆帕的時速襲擊了伊利諾斯州的華盛頓。 I was actually on scene for the damage the three days following this and it truly left a trail of destruction, nearly wiping out the whole town. 事後三天,我一直在現場處理損失情況,它確實留下了破壞痕跡,幾乎摧毀了整個小鎮。 The EF four tornado that went through Washington alone did $935 million. 僅穿越華盛頓的 EF4 級龍捲風就造成了 9.35 億美元的損失。 Number five, we have another tornado outbreak for you. 五號,我們為您帶來另一場龍捲風疫情。 This one perhaps even rarer than number six. 這個可能比第六個更罕見。 It's the first significant February tornado outbreak in the history of northern Illinois. 這是伊利諾伊州北部歷史上首次在二月份爆發大規模龍捲風。 On February 28th, 2017, 10 tornadoes touched down in Illinois including an EF three with winds around 155 MPH that struck Ottawa and play. 2017 年 2 月 28 日,伊利諾伊州發生了 10 次龍捲風,其中一次為 EF3 級,風速約為 155 英里/小時,襲擊了渥太華和遊樂場。 The video of the tornado is breathtaking in the Ottawa cell hail. 龍捲風視頻中的渥太華冰雹令人歎為觀止。 The size of baseballs fell. 棒球的尺寸縮小了。 These tornadoes turned out to be deadly, leaving 14 injured and two killed and leaving a long path of destruction. 這些龍捲風結果是致命的,造成 14 人受傷,2 人死亡,並留下了長長的毀滅之路。 Number four takes us from winter tornadoes to record spring warmth. 第四個節目把我們從冬天的龍捲風帶到了創紀錄的溫暖春天。 During March of 2012, we set record highs for nine consecutive days and including an unbelievable 87 degrees on March 21st. 2012 年 3 月,我們連續 9 天創下最高氣溫紀錄,其中 3 月 21 日的氣溫高達 87 華氏度,令人難以置信。 This was our all time warmest March by nearly five degrees. 這是我們有史以來最熱的一個三月,氣溫上升了近 5 度。 Flowers were blooming more than a month early as temperatures were above normal. 由於氣溫高於正常水準,花朵提前一個多月綻放。 27 of the 31 days of the month into the top three, we go our ABC seven weather team. 在本月的 31 天中,有 27 天進入了前三名,我們走我們的 ABC 七天氣團隊。 All agree. 大家都同意。 These are events that will be talked about well beyond our decade. 這些事件將在我們的十年之後被人們津津樂道。 With number three being the polar vortex, the polar vortex of January 2019 gripped the Chicago area with life threatening cold. 第三位是極地漩渦,2019 年 1 月的極地漩渦讓芝加哥地區籠罩在威脅生命的寒冷之中。 Just how cold the all time coldest temperature ever recorded for the state of Illinois occurred during the morning of January 31st when the temperature dropped to 38 degrees below zero. 伊利諾伊州有史以來最冷的氣溫出現在 1 月 31 日早晨,氣溫降至零下 38 度。 In Mount Carroll Illinois here in Chicago, the temperature dropped to negative 23 degrees and an aurora negative 32 the wind chills during this period made it feel like it was 50 to 55 degrees below zero. 在芝加哥的伊利諾伊州卡羅爾山,氣溫降到了負 23 度,極光為負 32 度。 The temperature stayed below zero for over two days until the thought started. 氣溫在零度以下持續了兩天多,直到人們開始思考。 And Chicago recorded its second coldest high temperature ever of only negative 10 degrees on January 30th. 而芝加哥在 1 月 30 日創下了歷史上第二低的最高氣溫,只有負 10 度。 Number two is the tornadoes we saw in the year 2015, both numerous and violent because of that. 其次是我們在 2015 年看到的龍捲風,數量之多、來勢之猛都是由此造成的。 We combined two large tornado outbreaks that happened into our number two spot. 我們將兩場大型龍捲風合併在一起,排在第二位。 The severe weather season got off to a quick start with the first outbreak occurring in April on April 9th. 惡劣天氣季節開始得很快,4 月的第一次爆發發生在 4 月 9 日。 2015, 11 tornadoes touched down in Illinois. 2015 年,伊利諾伊州發生了 11 起龍捲風。 Six of these tornadoes were spawned from the same super cell with one of those tornadoes being an absolute monster and ef four with winds up to 200 MPH. 這些龍捲風中有六個是從同一個超級細胞中產生的,其中一個龍捲風絕對是個怪物,四個龍捲風的風速高達 200 英里/小時。 This tornado was on the ground for 30 miles from Franklin Grove to Fairdale. 這場龍捲風從富蘭克林格羅夫到費爾代爾,在地面上颳了 30 英里。 This tornado took two lives. 這場龍捲風奪走了兩條生命。 The second outbreak occurred on June 22nd 2015 when a dozen tornadoes touched down in northern Illinois with 10 forming from just one super cell, one of the 10 was rated in EF three and had winds up to 160 MPH. 第二次龍捲風爆發發生在 2015 年 6 月 22 日,當時伊利諾伊州北部發生了十幾個龍捲風,其中 10 個龍捲風僅由一個超級細胞形成,10 個龍捲風中的一個被評為 EF 3 級,風速高達 160 英里/小時。 Those winds hit both Coal City and Braidwood. 這些風同時襲擊了煤城和布raidwood。 Thankfully, no one was killed in that tornado but 11 people were injured. 值得慶幸的是,沒有人在龍捲風中喪生,但有 11 人受傷。 We knew what number one would be before we gathered the other nine. 在收集其他九個之前,我們就知道第一個會是什麼。 We're sure by now you can guess too. 相信你現在也猜到了。 What list isn't complete without the historic Groundhog Day blizzard. 如果沒有歷史性的土撥鼠日暴風雪,這份清單就不完整。 Many of us lived here around the station for three days as we couldn't get home. 由於無法回家,我們很多人在車站附近住了三天。 So yes, we plan to pack our bags. 所以,是的,我們打算收拾行李。 What was really interesting about this storm is we had some really good lead time with data. 這次風暴的有趣之處在於,我們有非常充足的數據準備時間。 The models were all coming together days in advance to warn us. 所有的模型都提前幾天向我們發出警告。 This would be a significant storm State street. 這將是一條重要的暴風雨國家街道。 That Great Street was snow covered and deserted so that blizzard takes number one on our list for crippling the entire region for two days in February of 2011. 2011 年 2 月,大雪覆蓋了整條街道,街道上冷冷清清,是以那場暴風雪使整個地區癱瘓了兩天,在我們的排行榜上名列第一。 Who can forget the scene on Lake Shore Drive as the heavy snow shut down the drive with many stranded in their cars, people boarding CT A buses to stay warm until they could be rescued. 誰能忘記湖濱大道上的情景:大雪封路,許多人被困在車裡,人們登上 CT A 公車取暖,直到獲救。 Winds along the lakefront gusted to 70 MPH. 湖濱地區的陣風高達 70 英里/小時。 Almost hurricane strength when all was said and done. 當一切結束時,幾乎達到了颶風的強度。 21.2 inches of snow officially fell at o'hare. 奧赫爾正式降雪量為 21.2 英寸。 But with all the blowing and drifting, it's likely the true number could be even higher. 但由於吹風和漂移的影響,真實數字可能會更高。 Still that snowfall is good for third all time dating back to the late 18 seventies when record keeping began with the historic precedent and lasting impact felt by the storm. 不過,從 18 世紀 70 年代末開始記錄這場暴風雪的歷史先例和持久影響時起,這場降雪量就已經排在歷史第三位了。 The ABC seven weather team deems it worth the of the number one spot on our list of the top 10 weather events of the decade that wraps up our list. 美國廣播公司七頻道的氣象團隊認為,在我們的十年十大天氣事件榜單中,這值得排在第一位。 But what do you think? 你怎麼看? Log on to our ABC seven Chicago Facebook page? 登錄我們的 ABC seven Chicago Facebook 頁面? Hit us up on Twitter with your take. 請在 Twitter 上發表您的看法。 Tell us your memories of these events or send us some pictures. 請告訴我們您對這些活動的回憶,或給我們發送一些照片。 Use the hashtag ABC seven Chicago. 使用標籤 ABC seven Chicago。 Tell us what you think and of course, we will keep you posted on what the upcoming decade brings from the ABC seven Weather Center. 請告訴我們您的想法,當然,我們也會隨時向您通報 ABC 七大氣象中心在未來十年的最新動態。 Hey, if you like that video, be sure to subscribe to our ABC seven Chicago youtube channel. 如果您喜歡這段視頻,請務必訂閱我們的 ABC seven Chicago youtube 頻道。
A1 初級 中文 龍捲風 氣溫 天氣 芝加哥 事件 襲擊 芝加哥地區十年來的十大天氣事件 (Top 10 weather events of the decade in the Chicago area) 208 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字