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  • – Four out of 10 children in parts of Barrow are born into poverty.

  • That's not good enough is it?

  • Well it's appalling and of course, but everybody, and it's not just people in Westminster.

  • It's not just at national level, it's at local level

  • through the investment.

  • – It's the government and you're had nearly ten years.

  • Well, it's not the government though, is it?

  • Everyday just says it's the government as if it's sort of like bland blob

  • that you can just go and blame.

  • – So the government is not responsible for poverty?

  • Actually, well, it's not because it's all parts

  • of society and the structures.

  • Local authorities have a role to play; education, public services,

  • which are locally led and locally run.

– Four out of 10 children in parts of Barrow are born into poverty.


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B1 中級

'這不是政府的問題'。Priti Patel說貧困不是威斯敏斯特的錯 ('It’s not the government': Priti Patel says poverty is not Westminster's fault)

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