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  • hello everybody and welcome to investing with IBD sponsored by Market Smith

  • today is February 19 2020 I'm your host Irusha Peiris and with me today is Andy

  • Swan he is the founder of LikeFolio thanks for being here Andy yeah thanks

  • for having me on on today's podcast we are going to talk

  • about the current markets how social data can help you in your stock analysis

  • and then we will end the episode with three current stocks so the current

  • market the market continues to be in an uptrend we have two distribution days on

  • the Nasdaq five on the S&P 500 but the market continues to climb that wall of

  • War II and more importantly leading stocks are acting well in hitting new

  • highs Andy what are your thoughts on the market yeah I think you nailed it it's

  • just very strong and continues to just defy expectations I think you know it's

  • almost like the more negativity is in the in the headlines of the world the

  • higher the market goes yeah I think there's pretty good reason for that I

  • think that the economy is strong there's a lot of wealth being created and you

  • know there's a lot of great companies doing some extremely innovative things

  • so I think that drives a lot of this and there's excitement around around all

  • that plus money's pretty cheap that's true and and also you know the US

  • markets are now like the safe haven right this seems like the money's coming

  • from everywhere else and let's Park in the US markets because of that

  • innovation and also where we're not having as many crises as a lot of other

  • parts of the world that's right yes exactly and and so you definitely want

  • to make sure you're keeping your watchlist fresh keep an eye on those

  • leaders because eventually there's going to be a time for a pullback and so

  • they're gonna set up and give everyone an opportunity to get buy more shares or

  • start initial positions so Andy let's get into how you got into investing

  • you've been doing this for a while now and so why don't you walk us down the

  • path that led you to starting LikeFolio yeah so we actually it's

  • you know my brother and I have been partners in this since the very

  • beginning we actually opened our first brokerage account together we were

  • college roommates oh wow and this was you know this was in

  • college it was 1998 1999 markets were popping like even at the

  • gym people were watching CNBC rather than anything else it was just the

  • dot-com boom and everything was moving and it was a great way to get involved

  • in it was really like very exciting and it made sense to me the markets did I

  • understood not necessarily you know valuations and things like that but I

  • understood supply and demand and how companies can participate in in growing

  • the economy and that sort of thing and so there was this new era that made

  • sense to me I was online a lot I understood the dot-com boom and in the

  • in the ways that I could yeah and so I got very interested in the stock market

  • started studying it started trading our money and you know really just kind of

  • learned by going and that I think a lot of times people miss that aspect of it

  • it's everything's kind of academic until you have real money on the line I think

  • for a lot of people and it doesn't have to be a lot we started with a couple

  • grand in a brokerage account and that was you know very real to us and very

  • fun and you know it's just super interesting from the very beginning in

  • 1998-1999 it sounds like a long time ago now but it doesn't feel like it no not

  • at all because that that was the time where I got exposed to the markets too

  • and it was remarkable how everyone was talking about the stock market at that

  • time let's you touched on an interesting concept here about you know putting real

  • money on the line and the emotions that people feel a lot of people it you know

  • especially more analytical people they want to do all the analysis first before

  • making that move and it's that paralysis by analysis but going to a little bit

  • more about you know just put some money on the line and learn to feel those

  • emotions that come out when you start doing well in the markets and then when

  • you start doing really poorly yeah I think I just think that it's really easy

  • to pretend that you're doing something and you know it's kind of like I you

  • know I like to make sports analogies all the time because I play basketball and

  • you know it's like you can't really read a book on how to shoot a free-throw and

  • eventually you got a step to the line with a crowd around you and with other

  • players on the line and the scores going to matter and that changes everything

  • and all that stuff that you read goes out the window and so I think it is

  • important because probably the most important part of investing I think is

  • you know understanding your own emotions and how they can throw you off track and

  • disrupt a strategy that you might have and so until you have those emotions

  • engaged you really don't know how to control them and unfortunately I haven't

  • found anything that really beats a couple of bad losers in terms of

  • teaching lessons in a really quick way and that's true though the market has a

  • great way of humbling all of us yeah so after you and your brother started your

  • brokerage account you started putting real money on the line what were the

  • next steps that got you more involved and really started you know enabling you

  • to become an entrepreneur yeah well we had we had really good success and you

  • know a lot of people a lot of people did at that time because it was the dot-com

  • boom and everything was going up but you know we had some unique advantages we

  • figured out we figured out like simple things like real time quotes and level 2

  • quotes and things like that that were kind of unique at the time so we were

  • always looking for that little edge and we were able to find someone exploit

  • them and eventually you know through the chat rooms and other message boards of

  • the time had actually built up a little bit of a name for ourselves through what

  • we were posting both in terms of picks but more importantly educationally

  • online and so about a little ways through law school about six weeks into

  • law school in fact I decided this this is not for me I don't necessarily want

  • to work with and surround myself with lawyers for the rest of my life

  • I really have something good going in the stock market and people are coming

  • to me constantly not for my picks but more for you know

  • how to get started in that educational component

  • so that's when land and my brother and I got together and decided let's start

  • something where people can actually pay us to help them get started investing we

  • did that we we eventually turned that into I think it was the world's first

  • live-streaming you know content and educational channel for that was that

  • was going across the internet throughout the market day and you know people

  • subscribe to that and we built that into a nice little business that eventually

  • we sold and and that got us kind of kicked off on the entrepreneurial path

  • that's very very cool and so now your latest venture and and is like folios

  • your brother involved in that one - yeah we're partners on that as well this is

  • our third fin tech company together and yeah we're having a lot of fun with this

  • the the reason that we started LikeFolio kind of goes back to those roots

  • and its pivoted since then but back at the beginning the idea behind LikeFolio

  • and the name was really we wanted to help people create portfolios based on

  • the companies and products that they actually liked in real life and so we

  • use social media to figure out what they and their friends were talking about

  • online and actually created a portfolio based on those products called a like

  • folio the the idea was to get people interested in investing it didn't take

  • long though for us to realize that there was a lot of value in the data itself

  • and in figuring out what brands and products people were talking about we

  • were able to see some really interesting correlations between that data that we

  • saw in social media and upcoming future earnings reports and savings store sales

  • numbers yeah and I I saw you speak in the traders Expo in Las Vegas back in

  • November and it was a really fascinating presentation because for us a lot of

  • times we're looking for stocks that aren't strong up trends you're looking

  • for the purchase intent in strong up trends but the stocks might be getting

  • hit and might be you know falling off a lot of people's radar so that's what I

  • liked about it it's like okay this is another way to get some of those stocks

  • that might have fallen off my radar back on my

  • yeah a great example of that would be you know last summer the our great call

  • on Crocs the maker of the ugly shoes and what we start you know that stock had

  • fallen off everybody's radar it was down around fifteen or sixteen bucks and

  • really kind of dead money but what we saw was a massive uptick and a really

  • pretty fast and accelerating uptick in the number of people talking about

  • buying Crocs and liking Crocs shoes and the new models that they had and there

  • was some influencer action behind that I think Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber

  • were caught in public wearing Crocs and not necessarily paid to do so and that

  • just started this this trend and Crocs were on a comeback and we were able to

  • see that through the mining of social media data you know well before the

  • stock made the move from I think 16 to you know forty dollars yeah and and in

  • the end you know the large concept that we're all looking for here is you know

  • that supply and demand whether you see it in the stock market or in the

  • products that can eventually lead to those Rises and in stocks yeah that's it

  • I mean I think what everybody's looking for is an edge right we don't claim to

  • have the golden goose that produces profits every single time no one should

  • ever claim that you know but what we can provide and what we do you know work

  • really hard to discover are those small little edges that can add up to a

  • distinct advantage for the investor over the rest of the market and once you get

  • that you start exploiting it over and over and you know those those what were

  • small gains can start to turn pretty large absolutely so the markets continue

  • to remain in a strong uptrend and we're almost done with earnings season let's

  • take a quick break but when we return we'll go more into this and we'll talk

  • more about the social data and how it can help you with your investing stay

  • tuned I am here with Scott st. Clair Scott's

  • one of our senior product coaches at MarketSmith now Scott there are a ton

  • of publicly traded stocks just on the US I think it's over five thousand stocks

  • who has the time to go through all these stocks and find the very best one yeah

  • most people don't right so what you need is a tool like MarketSmith we have

  • decades of research and what makes a great winning stock so we've done all

  • the research for you so we're gonna try to highlight those specific stocks with

  • those great data points so if you're looking for that next great potential

  • big winner orange stock ideas button you just click on it and you've got some of

  • the main reports that we use including the growth 250 yeah and the grow 350 is

  • the first list that I go through on the weekends yeah it's the most popular one

  • but there are others there's the breaking out today stocks near a pivot

  • and then the blue dot list right which is very popular it's going to show you

  • the stocks with the best relative strength so we've done a lot of the work

  • for you what you have to do is review these lists you're going to come up with

  • some of the best ideas in that current market environment perfect MarkSmith

  • saves you time and makes investment research that much easier for more

  • information go to investors comm slash podcast 2020

  • and II Swan is our guest on investing with IBD sponsored by MarketSmith okay

  • Andy let's go over how we can use social data to help us with our stock analysis

  • and I think maybe the best way to start off is with how Tesla came on your radar

  • because that was a pretty cool story that I heard back in Vegas when you gave

  • your presentation yeah back in November I was a little

  • nervous to give that because Tesla was going through a little bit of a rough

  • patch it started to move higher at that point but you know was was widely hated

  • I want to just I think it's a great opportunity to make clear that what

  • we're doing it LikeFolio has nothing to do with tracking investor chatter about

  • the stock itself we're not concerned with that at all in fact a lot of times

  • we found that that can be a contrarian indicator and rather what we're doing is

  • focused on what consumers are saying about the brands and products that the

  • company makes and all of that information is you know it's publicly

  • available on Twitter we have a great feed directly from Twitter we're

  • partners of theirs and so this is you can kind of think of it as a real-time

  • consumer poll that runs 24/7 you know and is looking at the the opinions and

  • experiences of people that don't necessarily know that they're being

  • watched so you can trust the data a little bit and so with Tesla what we saw

  • was a really nice spike and very sustained in purchase intent mentions

  • and so that's what we call it when people are talking about actually making

  • a purchase of the product they're leasing a Tesla they're buying one

  • they've pre-ordered that sort of thing and so we saw a really nice sustained

  • acceleration and purchase intent mentions especially around the Tesla

  • Model 3 which was what Elon Musk had essentially bet the company on right and

  • we so at that point we're able to see that consumer demand for this product is

  • extremely high and is growing rapidly at almost a you know kind of an insane pace

  • what we don't know is whether or not Elon Musk and the company is going to be

  • able to deliver what their production issues might be their debt structure all

  • those types of things still have to come into play but

  • we could say with certainty on that stage was that consumer demand for Tesla

  • vehicles and especially the model three was through the roof and for me that's a

  • great starting point when you're looking at a company especially one with the

  • short interest that Tesla has yes exactly

  • and and as we know I mean probably tussles around 350 at that point when

  • you were talking about it and who could have imagined that it would have gone on

  • the amazing run that's gone but when you are heavily as shorted as Tesla was you

  • know that the shorts have to learn a lesson too about not fighting the trend

  • yeah I think you know it's it's kind of one of those you know perfect storms in

  • a lot of ways because you know you had a huge short interest on the stock that

  • had to come off at some point and it just seemed like with the data that we

  • had on on consumer demand for the products that at some point the dam was

  • likely to break to the upside now did I see it going to $900 no but but I did

  • but we did think that it had room to run in a very meaningful way over the course

  • of a you know two or three years it just happened to happen much faster than that

  • and a lot of that was due to the you know the demand that had to come into

  • the stock once it started moving higher and those shorts started having to cover

  • right and and and that's where that's that little bit of an edge that that you

  • give and you get a few of these edges that's that can make all the difference

  • in the world because you take that edge and then you apply it to your own stock

  • strategy and your own setups and when you know whatever stock is actually now

  • buyable for according your strategy now you can put that plant in a place so

  • that's what I like about it is that okay here's a little bit more insight that I

  • did not have before yeah I think that I think that's the whole key and that's

  • why you know most of our clients and most of our revenue you know ninety

  • percent plus comes from institutions and institutional investors who are looking

  • to put this into their formulas and into their processes and the biggest

  • component here that we can offer is that we can say

  • I don't know about the debt structure I don't know about their ability to

  • produce but what I do know is that the demand has never been higher and is

  • growing in an exponential pace and that a lot of times is enough because if you

  • remember back in the summer of 2019 and even into the fall when I was speaking

  • on that stage there was a lot of chatter online that maybe people weren't going

  • to buy these cars that they weren't popular enough that they were sitting on

  • you know in the parking lots of the production facilities going unsold and

  • it was you know kind of that ability to tap into social media data that it led

  • us to say that's absolutely not true we know that with a high degree of

  • certainty because the sample size is really nice and and the data was very

  • clear in terms of trend yeah and I definitely remember seeing pictures

  • going through Twitter all these parking lots and all these model threes and

  • saying see they're not selling any of them so this is a little bit more

  • objective way to look at the data and see what a buyers are actually doing now

  • one other thing that I noticed when I was looking at your site another trend

  • that's I've been doing pretty well and something that yeah you spoke about in

  • in November - is the the plant-based trend and and beyond meat was one of

  • those that did well but that that trend seems to be getting pretty strong and

  • and I guess I've been coming a little bit more aware of it too because I've

  • been trying it a lot more you know sticking to I'm trying to stay away from

  • the meat a little bit more but I think with the younger generation some like

  • that it's a lot more popular there and it just seems to be growing and your

  • data is picking that up yeah this that's one thing we do look at as well as not

  • just at the company and product level what we do look like these consumer

  • macro trends and what is what is really trending you know in terms of consumer

  • behavior shifts and you know switching to a plant-based diet or at least trying

  • to like you're talking about you know that I think the new term might be

  • flexitarian or something like that where you might have some meat here and there

  • but you're trying to avoid it and that is that is

  • trend that we saw you know really taking off it started you know near the end of

  • 2018 beginning of 2019 it was a huge New Year's resolution at the beginning of

  • 2019 we saw that sort of pop in terms of a trend and and that's the kind of thing

  • that you can just use to say all right I don't know what beyond me it should be

  • valued at you know thinking back in 2019 I don't know what beyond me it should be

  • valued at but I know that there are enormous cultural tailwinds behind this

  • company and sometimes that's all it takes in order for a company to ride

  • away for quite a while you know we saw we see that with the

  • streaming space and the cord-cutting space which I think you know we've got a

  • couple stocks in the next segment that we'll get into that are based on that

  • but that's the idea is can we figure out big cultural shifts and consumer

  • behavior and then tie that off into its impact on specific companies by looking

  • at how the brands and products are doing in the marketplace know that that's

  • perfect now one other thing that is very important is finding a strategy that

  • works for you that's most importantly aligned with your personality we talked

  • a little bit about that you've been doing this for a while and talk about

  • how you aligned your strategy with your own personality yeah I this is so

  • important and I think it's part of the part of the process of having a little

  • bit of real money on the line it's figuring out you know how your your

  • strategy might align with your personality because it's pretty easy to

  • go by the book until you know your own personality starts to get in the way and

  • I think for me it was quite a process right I had to go through a lot of

  • different ideas and systems and then finally I've I figured out that I like

  • to swing for the fences I like hire more risky plays I like to involve options in

  • doing so in order to kind of get the risk side of it pared down to some

  • reasonable level yeah but it but but essentially my personality is one that

  • it's I think I'm right I feel like if I don't get the maximum gain out of being

  • right I can handle losses really easily it's not

  • problem for me they roll right off of me and so what has to happen is that I have

  • to maximize the return when I do when my edge does pay off and so that's just a

  • personality thing that's the way that I look at it and so I'm able to create a

  • strategy that says I'm going to use options I'm gonna use them really smart

  • I'm gonna take as many swings as I can with a high amount of leverage and

  • understand that forty forty-five percent of the time I'm going to be wrong and

  • lose but on that fifty fifty five percent sixty percent that I'm right I

  • really want to make a considerable amount more now other people like to win

  • eighty percent of the time and there's you know there's ways to do that and a

  • lot of people get very disturbed when they start to lose a little bit of money

  • and so you just have to understand that about yourself it takes a little time

  • but I encourage people to try to figure out a way to balance that risk versus

  • reward but more importantly that percentage of losers because I think the

  • main key for a lot of people is they can't some people can't handle hardly

  • any losers at all it just really bothers them and so when you're when you're in

  • that situation you have to start thinking about putting a bunch of stocks

  • together in a bunch of positions together at once and and thinking more

  • long-term but you know for me it was a process I think it's gonna be a process

  • for a lot of people but I do think it's extremely important because there's no

  • such thing as a good strategy if you don't stick to it and your personality

  • eventually will win out ya know that that's a great great advice there yeah

  • you always have to make sure that that risk reward ratio is there right and

  • yeah and you also said it another thing I mean you've been doing this for a long

  • time too it's funny it losses don't bother me at all now

  • I've just taken so many of them right that it's a gig it's just part of the

  • game right it's like yeah it's a numbers game in the end and then how you how big

  • the reward you want to get you know you're figuring that out too yeah I mean

  • what what bothers me it still does bother me when I have you know something

  • going that looks like I hit it out of the park and then it

  • versus and you know like too quickly to even capture my profits I thought it was

  • gonna run like that still makes me mad yes you know it's still I still don't

  • like that but the idea that I'm down some money doesn't bother me

  • you know I do I do zoom out and look at the longer-term and think about how my

  • winning positions are paying off or could multiply and so I think that's it

  • I think that's for a lot of people finding that match between strategy and

  • personality it takes a little time it takes some experimentation and then

  • definitely I think takes a little bit of real money on the line in order to

  • figure it out absolutely so purchase intent with social media can

  • give you a nice edge on your stock analysis and also identify some of those

  • stocks that may have fallen off your radar and then also remember know

  • yourself and that way you can find a strategy that works best for you coming

  • up next we will discuss a number ideas that are worth looking into

  • we'll be back I'm here with Scott st. Clair and Scott is one of the senior

  • product coaches at MarketSmith now Scott we bumped in doing this for a long

  • time and we know that investment research takes a lot of time there are

  • so many factors that you want to look into to try to figure out whether this

  • is a stock to buy or not quarterly earnings huge sales growth hey our

  • institutions buying it the list goes on and on yeah it's a common question I

  • hear it all the time I don't have time to do this work

  • so you don't have to spend that much time if you have a tool like Market

  • Smith we do a lot of that work for you right there on the chart earning sales

  • group strength institutional sponsorship like you just mentioned it's all there

  • in the chart so it allows you to make a decision much easier yeah and the beauty

  • is that we have in Al's analysts that go through the SEC filings they pull out

  • those numbers and they put it right on the markets mic chart and all you have

  • to do is analyze them yeah I couldn't imagine having to go to the SEC website

  • and look at the income statement etc that sounds like a lot of work yeah and

  • and that would take hours and hours and in that time you can go through hundreds

  • of stocks and find the best ones so don't miss out on a big winner because

  • you don't have enough to research it for more information go

  • to investors comm slash podcast 2020 we are back with Andy Swan on investing

  • with IBD sponsored by MarketSmith okay Andy let's talk about a few current

  • stocks and the first one is Roku and obviously Roku is in the middle of this

  • huge cord-cutting trend that you guys are also seeing unlike folio yeah that's

  • what initially got us into Roku and interested in looking at it was that

  • consumer macro trend of cord-cutting of moving away from cable or traditional

  • TV and streaming programs through devices and kept popping up Roku did as

  • a product that consumers actually really liked and that bridged the gap between I

  • know I want to get rid of cable I know I don't want to be paying all this stuff

  • for content I don't use I know there's better stuff on my laptop but really I

  • don't understand how to get that onto my TV and Roku was the one to step in and

  • do that and so I think it was about a year ago the stock was at 40 bucks we

  • loved Roku purchasing - it had pulled back I think you know by 50 percent or

  • something right the purchase intent mentions unlike folia we're just

  • absolutely going through the roof and to top it off consumer happiness levels

  • which we also also measure that kind of sentiment of the consumer was also very

  • high which is honestly pretty rare normally when companies see a large

  • purchase intent move to the upside it means that you know there's a lot of

  • demand coming in to the products and a lot of times that gets strained and the

  • consumer experience starts to dwindle okay with Roku that didn't happen so we

  • knew that they had a very high quality product and so it's nice to get into a

  • stock when it has those macro tailwinds of consumer behavior plus it's a Best of

  • Breed product that holds up well under growth conditions yeah and and when you

  • guys were seeing that and really what your seniors I am ager divergent between

  • the purchase and ton and and they did not being displayed in the stock price

  • it was around 40 at that point and it only went up to 170 or so it's pulled

  • back now it's 125 but the thing about it is this this cord cutting movement is

  • only gaining steam and I think a lot of times we get caught up in valuations and

  • you know companies what I found you know through a 22-year career is the best of

  • breed companies that have consumer tailwind at their back like the Amazon's

  • of the world like the Google's the Facebook's they're expensive for a

  • reason and they tend to get more expensive over time and that can last

  • for a really long period of time and so when I look at Roku I mean one of the

  • most amazing stats on Roku to me is that currently 30% of all TV viewing time is

  • done via streaming but only 3% of advertising dollars are going to

  • streaming right so that that gap has to close and there's a 10x gap in there and

  • when your best to breed like Roku that's a lot of revenue potentially capturing

  • so I don't know is it worth 125 is it worth 60 or could it or could you just

  • say this could be worth 500 or a thousand dollars five years from now and

  • it doesn't really matter what it's at today right and yeah the nice thing

  • about Roku it's kind of the neutral player - it's gonna you know it can have

  • Apple on it Amazon Disney Plus everyone and they're also integrated in a lot of

  • TVs - TCL TVs maybe some of the Samsung TVs I think are integrating it now - and

  • of course that customer experience would just learn leading to the happiness

  • mentions on your site yeah I think it's another crazy said I I think a majority

  • of televisions sold in the United States have a Roku built into them that's great

  • at this point like it's it it's insane they're they're the perfect neutral

  • player they're like you know the the perfect neutral player for this and I

  • just think you know with the consumer tail wind at their back I just like it I

  • think it's something to have in it's an expensive stock so you got to be ready

  • for some serious volatility but the upside could be considerable right and

  • and I think the biggest part of that story is only 3% of the advertising

  • revenue it's kinda streaming which that that's

  • gonna obviously close now Roku on the marksman charts it's it's building a big

  • a couple of handle here it's finding support around the 200-day and and so it

  • is taking some time off after that monster monster run that it had in 2019

  • okay let's go to the second stock and this is Canada goose ticker symbol GOOS

  • and what is what are you guys seeing on this with the purchase intent yeah so

  • what's cool about this company this company is you know very easy one for us

  • to track because they essentially have one product it goes by a single brand

  • that is very popular that people tend to talk about when they do buy the product

  • it's expensive it's a one-time purchase it kind of has

  • all of those elements that makes a company really nice for like photo and

  • to top it off it's extraordinarily seasonal because they sell very

  • expensive cold weather friendly jackets and coats yeah and so every year around

  • January around the end of December we're able to look into like folio purchase

  • intent mentions and just see alright how much are people talking about Canada

  • Goose jackets and from 2015 and 2018 every year that spiked in the winter was

  • bigger and bigger and bigger Wow and then this past you know six

  • months or so actually three months we've seen that this year's peak although

  • still you know much larger than what you see in the fall or spring and of course

  • summer is considerably lower than in prior years and so you know we put out a

  • bearish signal on this I think that the stock was something like 36 or 37 bucks

  • and you know what we saw in the last earnings report was very much in line

  • with what we expected to see from the like fuller data and that was a

  • softening of sales but what's interesting about it to us at least

  • going forward it's been a nice play I think it's a 20 percent gainer from a

  • bearish position right now but I still think they're significantly more to this

  • because the way the company explained their soft sales was

  • aiming it on the coronavirus in China oh wow and to me that to me that just

  • doesn't ring true yeah I think an easy scapegoat but we were seeing a softness

  • in consumer demand for Canada goose coat coats as early as Black Friday and all

  • the way through and and none of this coronavirus stuff had even hit the radar

  • at that point so I don't think you know I don't think Canada goose is telling

  • the full story I do think that there is a softening of consumer demand and

  • they've got a lot to try to overcome over the next year and so from a

  • long-term perspective I think you know I think the stock somewhere right around

  • 30 right now I could easily see this in the upper teens if we talk again next

  • year at this time yeah and so there's a softening in the consumer demand and

  • there's also a softening and demand in the for the stock this is and a very

  • consistent downtrend for quite a while right now it almost

  • seems like it's been about maybe below the 200-day moving average for a year

  • yeah it's so it's like so any way you look at it this has been a you don't

  • want to be owning this stock at all and if you want to bet against it now that

  • that's a different story but the trend is clearly down here and it's being

  • backed up by the purchase intent that that you guys are seeing yeah it's just

  • you know it's just a it's a it's a one trick pony type of company yeah where

  • that one-trick pony is not performing so well anymore

  • yeah you know and and there are plenty of stocks like this that there are more

  • kind of the faddish kind of that they have there runs for a year plus and then

  • after that they're done you know I mean gold immediately comes to mind on that

  • when all the competitors come out in Crocs you know like I talked about Crocs

  • last year last summer we got the great run we got it all the way through the

  • fall the stock is doubled and then some and now what we wait for on Crocs is

  • another seasonal development just like on Canada goose there's no that we have

  • no edge right now on Crocs there's nothing going on but once we start into

  • the warm winter months and we start picking up whether or not you know if

  • the teenagers continue to go back out or you know you know the

  • the KFC crocs that just came out like those are gonna be ahead like they have

  • some weird stuff that they do but they bring attention to themselves so what

  • I'm what I'm getting at is Crocs is also seasonal and so we have to wait for a

  • rat somewhere around the spring to start to see if what we saw last summer can

  • continue into 2020 or if like Canada goose it's a fad whose time has come and

  • gone so we just have to wait on that one but historically our date has been very

  • good on it so I'm excited about seeing what the data show yeah exactly

  • let's go to the third stock and this is Adobe and and so what are you guys

  • seeing on this yeah Adobe I like it's something bullish we put out I think of

  • somewhere around 300 it's climbed with the market really nicely I think that

  • Adobe's it kind of reminds me of Microsoft a bunch of years ago because

  • you know Mike what Adobe's done is they've transitioned into this

  • subscription business model they have a Best of Breed product line up in all of

  • their you know Photoshop and all of their video editing software things like

  • that they have a subscription model that gives them very comfortably recurring

  • revenue and so what that does is it allows them to kind of take some bets

  • that are moonshots and one of those bets that we're seeing that I don't think the

  • markets really picked up on I'm not sure yet if it's going to be a success is

  • their bet on again the streaming ad technology and so Adobe has built out a

  • really unique personalized you know down to the individual but still you know

  • still anonymous advertising technology that works on roku that they can that

  • they can provide to all of their fortune 500 brand customers and so I think that

  • kind of like Microsoft where they built that subscription revenue base for their

  • core products and then took this moonshot bet on cloud computing yeah I

  • see the same type of thing happening with Adobe right now and it's pretty

  • exciting in that they have a great subscription business

  • daka's and the company's fine just based on their product their core products

  • alone but the moonshot that they're taking on streaming ad technology I

  • think is one to pay attention to and that could pay off big for the company

  • yeah I mean that that's very interesting because they're there there's gonna be a

  • big fight for all those advertising dollars on the streaming devices like a

  • rope yeah and you know that brings up to mine because another one that I'm I keep

  • an eye on I do have shares of his trade desk trade desk is almost that kind of

  • the neutral player versus you don't want to go for Google or Facebook you want to

  • advertise and trade that's where the rest of the Internet as they say and

  • they're also poised to do well as more streaming dollars ad dollars go and so

  • that that's kinda know about Adobe that they could become a pretty big

  • competitor to trade desk I think there's complementary services

  • for each because a lot of its the the automated mechanical buying of these ads

  • yeah it's very reminiscent of what happened with how Google came on to the

  • scene and kind of disrupted the the advertising space online and took

  • everybody from banner ads to you know search based and and individual based

  • ads I think the same things happening and streaming and it's probably too

  • early to call the winners but the ones that are showing progress right now and

  • they're showing real promise are those Roku's trade discs and now kind of Adobe

  • with this moonshot play which I like if you don't want a pure play if you want

  • to have something with a little bit more of a diversified revenue stream

  • Adobe's definitely in the mix yeah and Dobby broke out of a couple of handle

  • back-end late this up and it back in mid-december after their poor their

  • their earnings they're up twenty percent from that and you know that's nice about

  • having a diversified mix of revenue streams this has just been kind of a

  • nice smooth ride off not a lot of volatility

  • yeah and they and they have you know when we look at consumer happiness

  • around Adobe's products it's off the charts high so that tells us when you

  • have that combined with a subscription revenue service that means you have

  • pricing power yep and so anytime Adobe wants to drop a little more money to the

  • bottom line they have the opportunity to do that so

  • that's that's a nice safety valve for the company going forward for sure

  • that's awesome so there are a few ideas that are worth looking into and

  • considering adding to your watchlist thank you Andy for joining us today well

  • thanks for having me I appreciate it love the podcast that's it for this week

  • on Investing with IBD sponsored by MarketSmith next week we will have

  • Besime Nawaz on he is also known as Trader Stewie on Twitter so that's it

  • I'm Irusha Peiris and thanks for listening

hello everybody and welcome to investing with IBD sponsored by Market Smith


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