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  • - Knife.

  • (Orange screams)

  • (fruits scream)

  • - Hey, guess what, Tomato.

  • - What, what is it?

  • - You're a vegetable again.

  • - You really mean it?

  • - Yeah, they just announced it on the news.

  • You're not a fruit anymore.

  • - (gasps) That's, that's, oh, my god, I'm a vegetable again.

  • I knew this would happen.

  • This is the greatest day of my life.

  • - Hey, Tomato.

  • - Yes, Orange?

  • - April Fools, you're still a fruit. (laughs)

  • - You jerk!

  • You can't just prank people like that.

  • - Sure you can.

  • Everyone's doing it.

  • - Hey, Pear, get a look at my new flower.

  • - What?

  • I don't smell anything. (water splashes)

  • (Little Apple laughs) Whoa.

  • - Happy April Fools Day. (laughs)

  • - Easy, guys, you better watch it.

  • - I think you mean wash it. (laughs)

  • - That felt like rain.

  • And rain makes me think of rainbows.

  • - Okay.

  • - That Pear, he's so crazy. (laughs)

  • - Hey, do you guys hear something?

  • - Hear what?

  • - What is it?

  • - Shh, listen. (air squelching)

  • (all laughing)

  • It's coming from Pear's derriere. (laughs)

  • - I'm sitting on a cloud.

  • Yay!

  • - Hey, shut up, dude.

  • - Hey, what's going on with you two?

  • - Yeah, you guys are acting kinda weird.

  • - Weird?

  • We're not weird.

  • I still love horses, with hats,

  • that can fly and...

  • And bunnieS!

  • Oh yeah, bunnies, you gotta love the bunnies. (giggles)

  • - I'm warmer than a hot fudge sundae with an itty,

  • bitty cherry on top, yay!

  • - Hey, you don't sound like Pear.

  • You sound like-- (zipper scrapes)

  • - Yay!

  • - Marshmallow.

  • - But if you're Marshmallow, then who's that?

  • - Thanks a lot, Marshmallow. - Whoa.

  • - Hey, I was melting in there.

  • - Yeah, well you should try getting into this outfit.

  • - (laughs) Yeah, he didn't have any room to pear.

  • - Nice try, lame-os. (laughs)

  • (dramatic music) Uh-oh.

  • (skin cracking)

  • - What's going on? - Oh no.

  • (Grapefruit yells)

  • - Wow. - Grapefruit?

  • - What?

  • Like you guys are so original.

  • - (laughs) Looks like Apefruit was stretching the truth.

  • (Pear groans)

  • Wait, if Marshmallow was Pear,

  • and Pear was Marshmallow,

  • and if Little Apple was Grapefruit,

  • then who are you?

  • - Uh, I'm still a tomato.

  • - We'll see about that.

  • (Orange gags) (seed thuds)

  • - Ow, that hurts.

  • - Yup, she's a tomato all right. (laughs)

  • - What is wrong with you?

  • - I take it back, you're an apple. (laughs)

  • - (groans) You know what you need, Orange?

  • - What?

  • - Knife!

  • (Orange screams)

  • (all screaming)

  • - Oh no!

  • Orange!

  • Orange, say something, buddy.

  • Please.

  • Huh?

  • - Hey, that's not Orange, that's Little Apple.

  • - And I would've gotten away with it too

  • if it weren't for that pesky Knife.

  • - Hey, did someone say, "Knife?"

  • (Tomato screams) (Marshmallow screams)

  • - Whoa! - Ow.

  • - Whoa, now that's fool for thought. (laughs)

  • (whoopee cushion whooshes)

  • Hey! (both laughing)

  • - Where is it?

  • Where is it?

  • - Oh, oh, there it is.

  • - Where, where?

  • - I dunno, what are we looking for? (laughs)

  • - The TV remote.

  • MC Goat-Yells' new music video is on

  • and I can't turn the TV off!

  • (goat bleats)

  • Aw, somebody make it stop!

  • - Oh, you looking for me?

  • Sorry, went to grab some lunch.

  • Boom.

  • - Aw, he was just getting to the good part. (laughs)

  • - Too bad you can't pause real life too, huh, Remote?

  • (laughs)

  • - Pause real life?

  • Oh, I can do that.

  • (Orange laughs) Boom.

  • - This changes everything!

  • (upbeat music)

  • - I guess I never thought it was a big deal.

  • I mean, I am a universal remote.

  • - Is that even remotely possible?

  • - (laughs) Remote.

  • - Hey, guys, what's cookin'?

  • - Hey, hey, Little Apple, hey!

  • - Yeah, Orange?

  • - Pause. - Huh?

  • - What are you doing?

  • - Come on, don't pause our friends.

  • - Why not?

  • It's fun. (laughs)

  • - I feel so violated.

  • (remote thuds)

  • - Hey, Little Apple, hey.

  • Blink zero times if you're a vegetable.

  • (laughs) Knew it, vegetable.

  • - Orange!

  • - All right, all right.

  • I'll stop playing around and press play. (laughs)

  • - Whoa, what happened?

  • I feel woozy and--

  • - Subtitles, Spanish!

  • French.

  • German.

  • - Stop it, Orange!

  • - (groans) Put me down!

  • (glass shatters) - Sorry, Remote.

  • I didn't mean to push your buttons. (laughs)

  • - That's it!

  • Orange, you've lost your remote privileges.

  • (Orange groans)

  • You okay, Remote?

  • - Yeah, it's just I never realized I had such--

  • - Power? (laughs)

  • 'Cause he has a power button.

  • (both groan)

  • - Just remember, Remote,

  • with great power comes great responsibility.

  • - Help, help me!

  • - Oh, no, that loaf of bread is in trouble!

  • - I'm on it, pause!

  • - Whoa, thanks, buddy.

  • I was almost toast. (laughs)

  • And by the way, Knife!

  • (Orange screams)

  • - Did you really half to do that? (groans)

  • - Oh, no, Orange!

  • (Orange screaming)

  • - I'm too late.

  • - Orange, no!

  • He's been juiced.

  • - I told him he was getting too ripe.

  • Why didn't he listen?

  • - Wait, I wonder.

  • Rewind!

  • (Orange screaming)

  • (Orange speaking gibberish)

  • - Hurray! - Hurray!

  • - Hurray!

  • - Wow, thanks for the instant replay, Remote.

  • - My pleasure, always happy to help.

  • - Well, duh, you are a control freak. (laughs)

  • - (laughs) Yes, very funny.

  • - What's that?

  • I can barely hear you.

  • What, are your batteries getting low?

  • - Hey now, that's a very common problem.

  • - Calm down, it's fine.

  • Besides, it's not like anybody watches TV anymore. (laughs)

  • - So, I'm guessing you guys are okay with this.

  • - Totes.

  • - Totes.

  • - Great now, now I can finally watch my favorite show

  • in peace and quiet.

  • Go, go, MC Goat-Yells!

  • (goat bleating)

  • - No! - No!

  • - What up, fruit lovers?

  • A to the O here with the whole gang.

  • Say "hey" everybody.

  • - Hi. (fruits chattering)

  • - Today we're doing a never before seen challenge,

  • the Scare Pear Challenge.

  • Ooh!

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Cool sounds like a bundle of fun.

  • - It's a fundle of fun for sure. (laughs)

  • Here's how it works,

  • Pear's gonna sit his little heinie here

  • and one by one me and the gang are gonna take cracks

  • at making him scream the loudest.

  • We all excited to do this?

  • - Ya! (fruits cheering)

  • - No.

  • - Then it's unanimous.

  • Here's the Scare Pear Challenge comin' at ya. (laughs)

  • (Pear groans)

  • (dramatic music)

  • - Hi, Pear.

  • - Hey, Marshy.

  • - I don't wanna scare you, I wanna hug you.

  • Is that okay?

  • - Sure, I mean, you could try.

  • It's kinda hard to hug someone when you don't have any--

  • - Tentacles? (dramatic music)

  • (Pear screams)

  • (laughs) Did I scare you?

  • - Yeah, kinda.

  • How did ya?

  • - Thanks, Baby Octopus.

  • - Anything for a friend.

  • Bye.

  • - Marshy, you got some weird friends.

  • Cute, but weird.

  • - The Scare-O-Meter gave Pear's scream 75 decibels.

  • Marshy takes the lead.

  • - Yay!

  • (dramatic music)

  • - [Little Apple] Boo, I'm a scary ghost.

  • - Yeah, you're something all right.

  • - Oh, man, are you really not scared?

  • - Sorry, Little Apple, not scared at all.

  • - Aw, and to think I went to all the trouble

  • of studying up on ghosts at the library

  • before it burned down.

  • (dramatic music) - The library burned down?

  • No!

  • - (laughs) Gotcha, Pear.

  • - The library didn't burn down?

  • Oh, thank goodness.

  • - That's 76 decibels.

  • Congrats, Little Apple, you've moved into the lead

  • by the smallest of margins. (laughs)

  • (Little Apple groans)

  • (dramatic music)

  • - Excuse me,

  • could somebody tell me what I'm doing here again?

  • - You're trying to scare me, Grandpa Lemon.

  • - Oh, I see.

  • I've got a little trick up my sleeve.

  • Here, take these. (teeth whoosh)

  • - Ew!

  • - Okay, I'll be back.

  • - Where is he going?

  • Hello?

  • Grandpa Lemon?

  • Anybody?

  • What the heck is going on?

  • Where is everybody?

  • - Right here. (Pear screams)

  • (horn blares)

  • (Grandpa Lemon laughs)

  • - How did you do that?

  • - A magician never reveals his. (snores)

  • - Oh, good grief.

  • - The Scare-O-Meter gave it an 85.

  • Congrats to Grandpa Lemon, our new front runner.

  • - Thank you kindly. (Pear screams)

  • (dramatic music)

  • - You don't stand a chance, bro.

  • I brought the scariest thing of all time.

  • A tarantula.

  • - I'm not scared of tarantulas.

  • - You're not?

  • Even though they're huge and hairy and could eat you?

  • - Nope.

  • But it seems like you are.

  • - Nuh-uh, I'm not scared of anything.

  • - Then open the cage.

  • - Maybe I will.

  • - Cool, so do it.

  • - I'm gonna.

  • - When?

  • - Soon.

  • - How 'bout now?

  • - Don't rush me!

  • (dramatic music) (Grapefruit screams)

  • - Yo, what's with that guy?

  • - I dunno, your guess is as good as mine.

  • (dramatic music)

  • - [Orange] Oogie, boogie, oogie, boogie, boogie, boogie,

  • oogie, boogie.

  • - Not scary.

  • - Aw man, okay, let me try a different mask then.

  • - I don't think it's the mask.

  • I think it's the fact

  • that you're not doing anything surprising.

  • (Knife crashes) Orange!

  • - (laughs) I so got you.

  • - What the?

  • - I put a mask on an orange ball, see?

  • - I'll admit, that was a good one.

  • - Thanks for the help, Knife.

  • - You're welcome.

  • See you tomorrow when I try to kill you for reals.

  • - Bye.

  • - Okay.

  • - And the Scream-O-Meter agrees.

  • That was 97 decibels, which means I win the grand prize.

  • - Well I didn't know there was a grand prize.

  • - Yeah, what's the grand prize?

  • - This megaphone!

  • - No! (Orange warbling)

  • - Hey, everyone, bad news about today's episode.

  • There's not gonna be any TNT,

  • 'cause Pear made me promise to give it all to him

  • before making the episode.

  • - That's right, no TNT today, folks.

  • If you're looking for explosions, look elsewhere.

  • Today will just be standard, boring, old questions.

  • Speaking of which, let's get to them now.

  • - [Announcer] "Is Pear secretly a stick of TNT?"

  • - That's ridiculous.

  • I couldn't be a stick of TNT.

  • - Yeah, there's no way your stem could be a TNT fuse.

  • - Yeah.

  • - And there's no way your pear-shaped body

  • could possibly be hiding TNT in it.

  • - Well, I mean.

  • - So naturally you're not at all concerned

  • that you're standing next to that open flame.

  • - Yeah, totally.

  • I'm not concerned because I'm certainly not TNT.

  • - Good to hear, 'cause your stem just caught on fire.

  • (Pear screams)

  • Pear, calm down.

  • Let me just blow it out.

  • - But what if I am TNT?

  • Orange, am I TNT?

  • - No.

  • But that sure is.

  • (Pear screams)

  • - [Announcer] It's time for "Ask Orange."

  • "What did the door say to the other door on a date?"

  • - I dunno, what?

  • - [Narrator] "You're adorable."

  • - (laughs) I love door jokes so much

  • I can barely handle it. (laughs)

  • - [Announcer] I love Pear, Orange, Little Apple,

  • and Grandpa Lemon.

  • - [All] Aw!

  • - Once again, I was not invited.

  • - [Announcer] "Hey, Orange, bowl a strike."

  • - Okay, here we go.

  • (Orange whooshes) (pins clatter)

  • Wow, that hurt.

  • Man, do I feel like a pinhead. (laughs)

  • Owie!

  • - [Announcer] "One like gives the gang legs and arms."

  • - Legs and arms for every like?

  • Well that seems like it'd be real handy. (laughs)

  • Whoa. - Yes!

  • This is awesome!

  • - True, but what happens when a second person

  • likes the video?

  • - Oh.

  • Yeah, we definitely didn't think about that.

  • (like icon dings) (all screaming)

  • - [Announcer] "Every Ask Orange episode

  • "all of your jokes are super funny."

  • - No, people think our videos are too funny!

  • They're liking it too much.

  • (all screaming)

  • - [Announcer] "Haha, this is funny."

  • (like icon dings)

  • - Well okay.

  • This is getting out of hand. (laughs)

  • (announcer laughs)

  • - Stop making jokes, dude!

  • - Yeah, the more jokes you make the more likes we get.

  • - Me, stop making jokes?

  • That'd be quite a feet. (laughs)

  • (all screaming)

  • - [Announcer] "Hi."

  • - Hi.

  • - [Announcer] "Hey, Orange, I want everyone to say

  • "'Hi, Kaylee.'"

  • - Ready everyone?

  • One, two, three.

  • - [All] Hi, Kaylee.

  • - Once again, I was not invited.

  • Hi, Kaylee.

  • - [Announcer] "Hey, Orange, pop."

  • - Huh? (screams)

  • (Orange grunts)

  • Whoa, it was just a dream. (laughs)

  • What a relief.

  • I thought for a moment there I was actually gonna

  • pop. (screams)

  • (can thuds)

  • (Orange grunts)

  • That was just a dream too?

  • Oh, thank goodness.

  • 'Cause I definitely don't wanna be done in by a,

  • pop?

  • - It's me, son, your pop.

  • - Dad, is that you?

  • Wow, I'd huge you but I don't have any arms.

  • - (grumbles) Instead?

  • (both grumbling)

  • - [Announcer] "Orange, look out, it's a Pear-achu!"

  • - Sure enough!

  • - Pika.

  • (ball thuds) Ow!

  • Hey!

  • - [Announcer] "Orange, can you inhale like Kirby?"

  • - Here we go.

  • (sharply inhales)

  • - Once again I was not inhaled.

  • (upbeat electronic music)

- Knife.


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惱人的橙子死了!!(Supercut) (Annoying Orange DIES!!! (Supercut))

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