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  • Hello and welcome to Todd's kitchen. Soy milk is consumed by millions of people

  • throughout the world

  • as an alternative to normal cows milk, but did you know you can make it in your own home?

  • and it is so much cheaper to so at the end of this video keep on watching and you will see

  • just how cheap it is

  • So join me today as we make soy milk.

  • So we are going to start of with our soy beans

  • Now you should be able to find these at most supermarkets. But if you can't thy should also be

  • available at most Asian supermarkets as well

  • Now mist soy beans are dried like this. So what we are going to do is grab a bowl and place our soy beans in the bowl

  • Now for this i really recommend filtered water

  • because these beans are going to soak up all the water and the taste

  • So if posible use filtered water

  • So just fill the bowl up with the water

  • You probably don't need this much water but you want to make sure

  • the soy beans are completely covered in the water

  • because what their going to do now is soak up all this water and

  • double in size

  • this is going to take a about eight hours

  • So what i recommend to do is soak them the night before

  • and they will be ready the next day

  • So i have had these soaking over night

  • and they have almost tripled in size

  • So now we are going to out these into another container with water

  • and we are going to rub them between our fingers

  • in the palm of your hand

  • and this is going to remove the skin from the beans

  • Now for this step we are going to use a blender, any blender will do.

  • So the ratio is one cup of soy beans

  • to about three and a half cups of water

  • If posible try and use filtered water

  • Again the filtered water removes that extra taste

  • So what we are going to do is blend this for about two minutes

  • But preferably three minutes

  • okay so i have a bowl here

  • with a strainer just on top

  • But most importantly some cheese cloth which you can pick up at most

  • fabric type shops. So i have this folded five times over

  • so its five

  • sheets thick

  • So put that over the strainer

  • then im going to poor our mixture

  • just straight through

  • and what this is going to do is

  • collect all the small little bits of

  • soy beans

  • So once its all through

  • and there is still some in the cloth

  • next we are going to grab the cloth

  • just seal it up the top

  • then just force the rest through

  • just like this

  • You just want to gently force it through

  • so you have have is liquid that comes out

  • So once its strained through

  • and as you can see theres the leftover

  • pulp from the soy beans

  • Now you can put it in the bin or even better in the garden

  • and it will just breakdown and feed your plants

  • Next i have a pot on the stove on a medium heat and to that we are going to pour in

  • our liquid

  • Now what we are going to do with this is bring it up to a simmer. Now once it starts simmering turn

  • the temperature down a bit to maintain that simmer

  • and what thats going to do is cook the soy milk so its fit for consumption.

  • Now every few minutes your going to get this thin film

  • forming on top

  • just like that now its unavoidable and you can't stop it

  • What you're going to do say every three-four minutes

  • With a spoon just scoop it up

  • as best as you can

  • Its not been twenty minutes so we are going to take it of the heat

  • With a clean bowl place of a sifter

  • and we are going to pour our soy milk

  • straight through. The reason why i have the sifter is to remove any of those

  • filmy bits left over.

  • and as you can see i just picked up a couple. So what we are going to do now is let this sit here for about

  • one hour then its ready to put in to the fridge

  • Now that is how you make soy milk

  • now how simple and easy was that to turn this

  • into this

  • All these soy beans cost me

  • $1.60 AUD

  • This is a 375g packet

  • and out of that i say i would get about

  • ten litres of soy milk

  • and at the shops today it was about $2 for one litre so by making it myself

  • i got 10 litres for $1.60 AUD

  • So if you drink soy milk you can see there is no comparison

  • You are so much better of making it yourself and the other thing is you know exactly what goes in your soy milk

  • There are no artificial flavours, preservatives or colours or anything

  • just pure soy milk

  • Personally i only have it with cereal, but if you want to drink it by its self just add a little sugar.

  • But now lets see what it tastes like

  • Now that is really good

  • that is such a lovely refreshing taste

  • Its knowing there are no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added to this

  • its just pure

  • soy milk, and for a home made soy milk

  • this taste simply delicious

  • So from the bottom on my heart

  • if you do drink soy milk

  • start making it at home

  • because i guarantee you're going to love it and you will thank me

  • now when you do make it, it should last three days in the fridge

  • Thank you for watching this episode of Todd's kitchen

  • a list of ingredients are down below as well as links to my facebook, twitter and Google+ pages

  • Please give this video a massive thumbs up and leave a comment and i will see you next time for another

  • Delicious recipe.

Hello and welcome to Todd's kitchen. Soy milk is consumed by millions of people


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B1 中級

如何製作豆漿 (How to make SOY MILK)

  • 139 27
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日