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The design of this board game started in 1904 with a woman named Elizabeth Magie.
這個桌遊的設計始於 1904 年,設計者是一位名叫 Elizabeth Magie 的女士。
She was a fan of a book called "Progress and Poverty" by economist Henry George.
她非常喜歡由經濟學家亨利喬治 (Henry George) 所寫的《進步與貧困》。
In it, he argued that renting out land only profited a few individuals at the expense of the community.
To teach people about George's theories, Lizzie Magie created a game with two sets of rules.
為了傳授喬治的理論,Lizzie Magie 發明了一個有兩套不同規則的遊戲。
In one, players all shared money when someone purchased a piece of land.
And in the other, everyone tried to get as rich as possible while bankrupting others.
This way, she hoped people would see how unfair land-grabbing was.
The Landlord's Game, as it was known, became popular, particularly among Quakers.
With each person drawing the board by hand onto tablecloths or fabric and modifying the rules.
One of those people was Charles Darrow.
其中一個人是 Charles Darrow。
He would only use the rules that were cutthroat and made a version of the board in the shape of his dining table.
He also took street names from Atlantic City, grouping them by color and adding small illustrations to create the board we know today.
When Parker Brothers bought the rights to Monopoly from Darrow in 1935, they soon added a portly mascot with a top hat and cane, rumored to be modeled on wealthy banker J.P. Morgan.
當 Parker Brothers 在 1935 年向 Darrow 買下《大富翁》的版權後,他們很快加上了一個戴著高帽、拿著拐杖的發福吉祥物,據傳是以富裕的銀行家 J.P. 摩根為原型。
They also distributed every set with metal tokens, inspired by the trinkets Darrow had used from his niece's charm bracelet.
他們也在每一組遊戲中分配金屬代表棋子,靈感來自於 Darrow 使用的小飾品,其原本為他姪女幸運手鍊上的裝飾。
Within a year of the release, 35,000 copies of Monopoly were being made each week.
在《大富翁》發行後一年內,每週都會賣出 35,000 份《大富翁》。
Now more than 1 billion people in 114 countries have played the game.
現在,共有 114 個國家超過 10 億人玩過這個遊戲。
Classic and familiar, this is the design that set out to make us work together but has been dividing families ever since.