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  • Dutch artist Piet Mondrian's abstract, rectangular paintings

    荷蘭藝術家皮特蒙德里安的 抽象矩形畫作

  • inspired mathematicians to create a two-fold challenge.

    給了數學家靈感, 創造出了一種二重挑戰。

  • First, we must completely cover a square canvas with non-overlapping rectangles.

    首先,我們得要用不重疊的矩形 來把正方形的畫布蓋滿。

  • All must be unique, so if we use a 1x4, we can't use a 4x1 in another spot,

    形狀不可重覆,若用過了 1x4 的 矩形,就不能再用 4x1 的矩形,

  • but a 2x2 rectangle would be fine.

    但可以用 2x2 的矩形。

  • Let's try that.


  • Say we have a canvas measuring 4x4.

    假設我們的畫布大小是 4x4。

  • We can't chop it directly in half,


  • since that would give us identical rectangles of 2x4.

    因為那樣會讓我們得到 兩個一樣的 2x4 矩形。

  • But the next closest option - 3x4 and 1x4 - works.

    下一個最接近的選擇就是 3x4 和 1x4,這是可行的。

  • That was easy, but we're not done yet.


  • Now take the area of the largest rectangle,


  • and subtract the area of the smallest.


  • The result is our score,


  • and the goal is to get as low a score as possible.


  • Here, the largest area is 12 and the smallest is 4,

    在這裡,最大的面積 是 12,最小的是 4,

  • giving us a score of 8.

    所以我們的分數是 8。

  • Since we didn't try to go for a low score that time,

    因為我們剛才在做的時候 並沒有以最低分數為目標,

  • we can probably do better.


  • Let's keep our 1x4

    咱們留下 1x4,

  • while breaking the 3x4 into a 3x3 and a 3x1.

    把 3x4 拆開成 3x3 和 3x1。

  • Now our score is 9 minus 3, or 6.

    現在我們的分數就是 9 減掉 3,也就是 6。

  • Still not optimal, but better.


  • With such a small canvas, there are only a few options.

    這張畫布很小, 可能的選擇很有限。

  • But let's see what happens when the canvas gets bigger.

    但,咱們來看看, 當畫布變更大的時候會如何。

  • Try out an 8x8; what's the lowest score you can get?

    試試看 8x8 的畫布; 你能得到的最低分數是多少?

  • Pause here if you want to figure it out yourself.

    如果你想要自己試試看, 在這裡按下暫停。

  • Answer in: 3


  • Answer in: 2


  • Answer in: 1


  • To get our bearings, we can start as before:

    為了確認方向, 可以用剛才的方式開始:

  • dividing the canvas roughly in two.


  • That gives us a 5x8 rectangle with area 40

    這樣就會有一個 5x8 的 矩形,面積是 40,

  • and a 3x8 with area 24,

    還有一個 3x8 的矩形,面積 24,

  • for a score of 16.

    得到的分數為 16。

  • That's pretty bad.


  • Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10.

    把 5x8 拆成 5x3 和 5x5, 分數就會變成 10。

  • Better, but still not great.


  • We could just keep dividing the biggest rectangle.


  • But that would leave us with increasingly tiny rectangles,


  • which would increase the range between the largest and smallest.

    就會導致最大和最小的 矩形之間的差距變大。

  • What we really want


  • is for all our rectangles to fall within a small range of area values.

    是希望所有的矩形面積 都落在一個很小的範圍內。

  • And since the total area of the canvas is 64,

    因為畫布的總面積是 64,

  • the areas need to add up to that.

    所有面積加總就得是 64。

  • Let's make a list of possible rectangles and areas.

    咱們來做個表, 列出所有可能的矩形和面積。

  • To improve on our previous score,

    若要改善我們先前的 分數(註:10 分),

  • we can try to pick a range of values spanning 9 or less

    我們可以試試把面積範圍 設為 9 或更小,

  • and adding up to 64.

    且面積加總要是 64。

  • You'll notice that some values are left out


  • because rectangles like 1x13 or 2x9 won't fit on the canvas.

    因為像 1x13 或 2x9 的矩形 無法放在這張畫布上。

  • You might also realize


  • that if you use one of the rectangles with an odd area like 5, 9, or 15,

    如果你選用一個面積是 奇數值的矩形,如 5、9,或15,

  • you need to use another odd-value rectangle to get an even sum.

    你就得要用另一個面積是奇數值的 矩形,才能讓總面積是偶數值。

  • With all that in mind, let's see what works.

    記住這些之後, 咱們來看看要如何解題。

  • Starting with area 20 or more puts us over the limit too quickly.

    若一開始就用面積 20 以上, 會讓我們太快超過限制。

  • But we can get to 64 using rectangles in the 14-18 range,

    但我們可以用面積在 14~18 的矩形 來得到 64 的總面積,

  • leaving out 15.

    不要用到 15。

  • Unfortunately, there's no way to make them fit.

    不幸的是,沒辦法 讓它們符合畫布。

  • Using the 2x7 leaves a gap

    用 2x7 會留下一個空戲隙,

  • that can only be filled by a rectangle with a width of 1.

    這個空隙只能用 寬度為 1 的矩形來填補。

  • Going lower, the next range that works is 8 to 14,

    再低一點的下一個 可行面積範圍是 8~14,

  • leaving out the 3x3 square.

    不會用到 3x3 的方形。

  • This time, the pieces fit.


  • That's a score of 6.

    這樣的分數就是 6。

  • Can we do even better?


  • No.


  • We can get the same score by throwing out the 2x7 and 1x8

    還有一種方式得到同樣的分數, 就是放棄 2x7 與 1x8,

  • and replacing them with a 3x3, 1x7, and 1x6.

    用 3x3、1x7,及 1x6 來取代。

  • But if we go any lower down the list,

    但如果我們選用列表中 更低的面積值,

  • the numbers become so small


  • that we'd need a wider range of sizes to cover the canvas,

    我們會需要更大的範圍, 才能把畫布面積都填滿,

  • which would increase the score.


  • There's no trick or formula herejust a bit of intuition.

    這裡沒有什麼秘技或方程式, 只有用一點直覺。

  • It's more art than science.


  • And for larger grids,


  • expert mathematicians aren't sure whether they've found the lowest possible scores.

    數學專家也不確定他們 是否能找到最低的可能分數。

  • So how would you divide a 4x4,

    所以,你要如何分割一張 4x4、

  • 10x10,


  • or 32x32 canvas?

    或 32x32 的畫布?

  • Give it a try and post your results in the comments.


Dutch artist Piet Mondrian's abstract, rectangular paintings

荷蘭藝術家皮特蒙德里安的 抽象矩形畫作


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