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  • - [Narrator] If you want to become

  • that incredibly confident man that everyone admires,

  • the only thing you need to do is.

  • (pen scratching on screen)

  • In this video, I'm going to change your perspective

  • on what confidence is, and I'm gonna share with you

  • the single most impactful thing that skyrocketed

  • my own personal confidence.

  • Let's start this video off by asking a question.

  • Have you ever paused and asked yourself,

  • what is the definition of confidence?

  • The Oxford English Dictionary has 11 definitions

  • of confidence, but it's the first two

  • that are especially helpful.

  • The first definition is,

  • the mental attitude of trusting in

  • or relying on a person or thing.

  • The second definition is,

  • the feeling sure or certain of a fact or issue.

  • Both of these definitions have a common thread,

  • trust and certainty.

  • Confidence hinges on you being sure about something.

  • It could be that you feel certain

  • that a given outcome will be achieved, or certain that

  • you'll have five friends in the audience cheering you on.

  • Or you will be utterly positive that you will be able to

  • remember and say the first three lines of your presentation.

  • Neither of these definitions say that confident

  • is a state of being or a personal characteristic.

  • Confident isn't really something that we are or aren't.

  • It's something that we feel at certain points in time

  • under certain conditions.

  • I'll give you an example.

  • Kobe Bryant has been said to be

  • one of the best basketball players of all time,

  • and he is known for his inner beliefs

  • and confidence within himself.

  • There is no question that this is a confident man

  • on the basketball court, but what if we put Kobe

  • in an environment where he is not as experienced?

  • Here is a short clip of Kobe

  • talking about his experience with accounting and finance.

  • (Kobe Bryant laughs)

  • - [Interviewer] Are you getting good

  • at reading balance sheets and income statements?

  • - No, I'm getting better at it, but it is not my strength.

  • - [Narrator] Does that sound like someone who is confident?

  • Of course not!

  • He isn't confident,

  • because he does not have much experience in that area,

  • opposed the basketball court,

  • where is has 30 years of experience.

  • But experience is not the only key to confidence.

  • The key to confidence is, both, experience and results.

  • Kobe is so confident on the basketball court

  • because he has five championship rings,

  • and he even was voted

  • the most valuable player in the entire league.

  • If you want to become that incredibly confident man

  • that everyone admires, the only thing you need to do

  • is get results in the area where you want to be confident.

  • I think many men associate confidence

  • with being good with people and dating.

  • If you want to get confidence in the dating world,

  • you have to get experience and results in the dating world.

  • But being confident with dating women

  • will not make you confident in everything that you do.

  • A really common suggestion to improve your confidence,

  • quote unquote, is to dress better.

  • Yes, dressing better will give you more confidence

  • in your appearance, but dressing better

  • will not improve your conversation skills.

  • It will not make you funny or more witty.

  • If you want to become funnier and wittier,

  • what you should do is go take improv classes.

  • And, through that, you'll start making people laugh,

  • which is a result,

  • in which case you'll become more confident in that area.

  • Again, confidence is not really a state of being.

  • It's something that you have under certain circumstances.

  • If you want to become confident in something,

  • then you have to get experience and results

  • in that certain area.

  • If you do that, you'll become a rock star in no time.

  • If you enjoyed this video, please leave it a like

  • and, of course, subscribe to the channel.

  • Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next one.

  • (gentle piano music)

- [Narrator] If you want to become


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何立即成為自信(動畫)。 (How To INSTANTLY Become Confident (Animated))

  • 63 2
    Shinichiro 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日