字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This episode is sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates. 本節目由 Bill aand Melinda Gates 贊助播出 I have some bad news for you. We're all going to die. 我有些壞消息要告訴你,我們都終將一死 In fact, 1.8 people die every second. 事實上,平均每秒會有1.8個人死去 The main way of knowing how you're gonna die is based on your age. 你最主要會怎麼死的會是以你的年齡而定 So here are the statistics of how you're likely going to die. 接下來就會有統計會告訴你你可能的死因 Let's move in reverse and begin with those who are 70+ years old. 讓我們相反地從那些70歲以上的人開始講起 This is the age bracket accounting for nearly half of all deaths worldwide 以全世界來說,這階段是接近一半的人會死去的年齡 and the leading cause of death in this age group is overwhelmingly heart disease. 70歲以上的人的壓倒性的死因是屬於心臟方面的疾病 If you're between the ages of 45 to 64 in the US, cancer is the leading cause of death. 如果你是45到64歲的美國人,癌症則是最主要的死因 In 2016, globally, 8.9 million deaths were attributed to cancers which is 5.7 million more than in 1990. 在2016年,全世界有890萬人死於癌症 比1990年的人數還多570萬 Wait, why has cancer increased so much? 等等,為什麼得到癌症的人會突然增加這麼多? It's because as our population grows and lifespans increase, so do the cancer rates. 是因為我們的人口增多以及壽命被延長 所以得到癌症的人就變多了 If you die between the age of 25 and 44, 如果你是死在25到44歲之間時 the most common cause of death in America is from unintentional poisoning. 在美國的話最主要的死因是誤服中毒 This may sound strange, 或許這聽起來頗奇怪的 but it's because unintentional poisoning as a term includes deaths related to overdosing on drugs. 其實是因為「誤服中毒」這一術語也包含藥物濫用致死 Dying due to drug use in the US has tripled since 1999 to 2016, 從1999到2016,在美國藥物濫用致死的人數已經變成三倍了 largely due to the opioid crisis. 最主要則是因為鴉片類藥物氾濫(opioid crisis) The data now coming in from 2017 indicates that it is the worst year in US history for overdose fatalities. 最新從2017年來的數據說明那年是美國歷史以來藥物濫用致死人數最糟糕的一年了 In fact, in 2017, the death toll from drugs is higher than US military casualties 事實上,在2017年藥物致死的人數比美軍在伊拉克戰爭加上越戰的傷亡人數還多 in the Vietnam and Iraq war combined. 但是,這不是全世界的主要死因 But this is not the case around the world. 在南非,在這階段的年齡居處第一的死因是愛滋病 In South Africa, the number one killer for this age group is HIV/AIDS 而在巴西,第一名死因則是殺人(homicide) and in Brazil, it's homicide. 在15到24歲時的美國,最主要的死因是汽車的車禍 Between 15 to 24 years old in the US, the leading cause of death is motor vehicle accident. 尤其在剛拿到駕照後的數月更容易發生車禍 Crash risk is particularly high within the first few months of obtaining a license. 而且,有53%的事故發生在星期五,星期六或星期日 Also, 53% of these fatalities occur on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, 相對於女性駕駛,男性駕駛的車禍死亡機率高出了一倍 with male driver death rates being twice as high as their female counterparts. 而且繫安全帶的青少年的人數是最少的 Teens also have the lowest incidence of wearing a seatbelt, 他們更可能會超速 are more likely to speed, 而且他們跟其他車子的距離比正常人的更近 and leave a smaller space between drivers. 而在5到14歲,最主要的死因是瘧疾(malaria) For ages 5 to 14, the leading cause of death is malaria. 形成瘧疾的根源是一個單細胞的寄生微生物叫瘧原蟲 Malaria is the result of single-celled parasitic microorganisms called plasmodia 它是透過蚊子進行傳染 that are transmitted via mosquitoes. 瘧疾寄生蟲的複雜性導致疫苗十分地難以製作 The complexity of the malaria parasite makes developing a vaccine very difficult, 但是最近的問題顯示出了有希望的結果 but a recent trial is showing promising results. 在2017年,有540萬的5歲以下的孩童死亡 5.4 million children under the age of 5 died in 2017. 最主要的死因是各式各樣的新生兒障礙 The leading cause of death was a variety of neonatal disorders. 渡過了悲劇之後,孩童的死亡率開始急遽下降 Though tragic, the death rate among children has dropped dramatically. 在1990年,每11個五歲以下孩童就有1個不幸早逝 In 1990, 1 in 11 children under five passed away 但在2017年,就從每11個變為每26個 but in 2017, the number was 1 in 26. 所以你會「如何」死會以你「何時」死而定 So how you will die greatly depends on when you will die. 如果是在老年時期,心臟疾病就有可能會發生在你身上 If you make it to old age, heart disease will likely do you in. 話雖如此,在100年前最主要的死因是流感 That being said, 100 years ago influenza was the leading cause of death. 所以,我們又怎麼知道在未來我們會怎麼死呢? So who knows how we will die in the future? 但我們可以做得更好,藉由科學的幫助 But we can do better, and science can help. 審查了超過4萬的自願提供的DNA樣本 By reviewing over 40,000 DNA samples voluntarily submitted, 基因學家們發現到早產兒及其所產出的礦物質--硒 geneticists have discovered a link between 研究發現懷孕中帶有此基因的的母親更可能早產 premature births and the genes that process the mineral selenium. 每年有1500萬的嬰兒為早產 The study found that expectant mothers who carry the gene were more likely to give birth early. 並了解到這些早產的原因是個很重要的因素 15 million babies are born premature every year 這些嬰兒在低收入的國家有著更高的死亡風險 and understanding what causes prematurity is hugely important 這件事及暫時的解決辦法是其中一個迷人又驚人的議題 as these babies in the low-income countries are at much higher risk of death. 你可以去GatesLetter.com.的Bill and Melinda Gates'的Annual Letter讀到的資訊 This issue and potential solution is one of the fascinating and surprising issues 在這一年,他們分享他們在工作中所遇到的事 you can read about in Bill and Melinda Gates' Annual Letter at GatesLetter.com. 包含馬桶在這一世紀中都不曾改變過 This year, they're sharing the surprises they've encountered in their work, 以及教科書變得過時的事 including the fact that toilets haven't changed in a century 這些令人驚訝的原因是這兩件事的資訊其實非常的重要 and that textbooks are becoming obsolete, 你發現這些出人意料的片刻會讓他們幫助這個世界並讓它變得更好 and the surprising reasons these two pieces of information are actually really important. 所以去看看 GatesLetter.com 吧 You're gonna want to learn about how 記得按下訂閱鈕就能看到我每星期四的科學影片 ( 中文(台灣)字幕 by DCX(某個心血來潮的懶人) ) these surprising moments are prodding them to help make the world a better place, so go check out GatesLetter.com and subscribe for more weekly science videos every Thursday.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 人數 致死 藥物 瘧疾 癌症 車禍 這很可能會要了你的命 (This Will Most Likely Kill You) 467 6 Taka 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字