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  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • - [Narrator] Welcome to Lima,

  • the only Latin American capital facing the ocean,

  • a culinary North Star in South America.

  • The cuisine draws influence from both the land and the sea.

  • And we're here to explore, of course, the street food.

  • In the neighborhood of Surquillo you'll find

  • a one-man band cooking some of the best seafood in town,

  • it's a dish with a serious kick.

  • (exciting music)

  • (speaks in a foreign language)

  • Head toward the neighborhood of La Punta in Callao

  • and meet Juan Hernandez,

  • a fishmonger turned sandwich-maker-extraordinaire.

  • (speaks in a foreign language)

  • Back in Surquillo we're at the stand of Mrs. Chinén

  • who makes a Peruvian classic you cannot afford to miss.

  • (speaks in a foreign language)

  • For those with a sweet tooth we head to eat

  • a dessert made from corn, purple corn.

  • (speaks in a foreign language)

  • Finally, we're in the traditional neighborhood of Magdalena,

  • at a hidden stand serving a dish

  • that might might you rethink the humble potato.

  • (speaks in a foreign language)

  • (chiming)

(upbeat electronic music)


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B1 中級 美國腔

利馬5個最棒的街頭美食發現 (5 of the Best Street Food Finds in Lima)

  • 20 0
    芸 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日