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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 175. The proverb today is honesty is

  • the best policy. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here. The proper basically

  • means it is usually best to tell the truth. Simply put, that's really what it

  • means. It stresses the idea that even though honesty is sometimes difficult in

  • certain situations, in the long run it usually produces the best results. So

  • that's the idea. That's the real idea behind it. Lies can start to have a life of

  • their own. You know, maybe you get lucky. Maybe you just tell a lie and that's it. It's

  • over, but on the other hand. Sometimes, sometimes more lies must be told to

  • cover previous lies and it could become a vicious cycle. And you never get any

  • rest. And you might eventually get caught in your lies. Once a person is considered

  • a liar, one can lose all credibility and then people may not even trust you when

  • you are telling the truth. So that's why they often say honesty is the best

  • policy. Or at least in most cases. Or if it's serious enough or if you really

  • don't have to lie, try to avoid lying. I guess that's the idea. All right. Let's

  • continue here though. However there is another side. On a daily basis people

  • often tell white lies. Now remember a white lie is a lie that's considered to

  • be less serious but also one that you tell simply so that you don't hurt

  • someone's feelings.So simply to be polite or not hurt the feelings of

  • others. If anyone had ever seen the old movie "Liar Liar " with Jim Carrey. You

  • can see many circumstances or many situations where white lies can make

  • life easier. You may not realize how many times, how many times a day you might actually

  • be telling some white lies. And you know not think anything that serious about it.

  • In, in the plot , his son wishes his father could never lie again because his father

  • disappointed him many times. He didn't show up for many dates and he had

  • a birthday and he made a wish and he wished that his father could never lie

  • again. And supposedly in the movie it comes true. And the father is unable to lie and

  • then you see all the situations that could happen on a daily basis where

  • sometimes you almost need to lie. You know, I don't know I guess there's a

  • woman who had a crazy hairdo and she asked them what do you think ? And he has to go

  • like "Oh it's special " Or you know he has to ... he has to find some way to get around it.

  • Or you know, I think there was a scene where he's, he's sleeping with one

  • of his superiors at the ... you know, at the law firm. It was a woman and she says oh well

  • how was it for you ? And he, he just came out wiht " I've had better. "

  • Yeah. Of course, she got really insulted by that. But you know, he he couldn't even

  • believe that came out of his mouth because he couldn't lie at that point. So

  • yeah, it was a lot of funny scenes in that movie. I think it was one time where

  • the teacher had asked the son, yeah what does your father do for a living ? And the

  • son says well he's a liar. And she says oh you mean a lawyer don't you ? No. and

  • he's like ( shrugging one's shoulders) that. Like what's the difference ? They lie all the time. So but

  • you know, in a serious manner that we... people probably do tell a lot of minor

  • lies. These are probably not the ones that they're talking about. But the more

  • serious lies or if you can avoid lies you know, it's probably always best to do

  • it because in the long term it may have the best results. Well let's continue

  • here. The proverb is often credited to Ben Franklin because it is included in

  • his writings. I think it's in I think it's in one of his books of Proverbs as

  • well so that's why they often give him credit for it. However the earliest

  • citing predates Franklin The first appearance of this proverb was stated by

  • Sir Edward Sandy's, an English politician. You know I think it was almost like

  • about a hundred years before Franklin was around. So he may have been the first

  • one to actually say it. Okay. Let's just give a couple of examples here. Example

  • number one. Don't some convoluted lie you know, a lot of

  • you know a lot of details and this deep story to excuse your behavior . Just be

  • honest with him. honesty is the best policy. So this is a

  • way that somebody may use it. Or number two here. You should have known better

  • than to let yourself get caught in a web of lies. Well that's a little bit like we

  • talked about before because sometimes you have to tell lies to cover the other

  • lies to cover the other lies. sometimes it gets hard to remember the

  • lies . Remember I think I covered a video of Mark Twain talking about. It's easier

  • to tell the truth simply because then then, then it's it's not so complicated.

  • You don't have to remember all the lies. Okay. Honesty is the best policy.

  • Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it was clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 175. The proverb today is honesty is


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語家教Nick P 諺語(175) 誠實是最好的政策。 (English Tutor Nick P Proverbs (175) Honesty is the Best Policy)

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    anitawu12 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日