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  • Your internship in Professor Ramsey's physics lab has been amazing.

    你在拉姆西教授的物理 實驗室中實習,這經驗很棒。

  • Until, that is, the professor accidentally stepped through a time portal.

    直到,教授不小心 踏入了一個時空入口。

  • You've got just a minute to jump through the portal to save him before it closes


  • and leaves him stranded in history.

    一分鐘後入口就會關閉, 把他留在歷史中。

  • Once you're through it, the portal will close,


  • and your only way back will be to create a new one

    你唯一能回來的方式 就是創造一個新的入口,

  • using the chrono-nodules from your lab.

    用你實驗室的時間結節 就可以做到。

  • Activated nodules connect to each other

    透過紅或藍色「超光速粒子纏結」, 啟動的結節會彼此連接。

  • via red or blue tachyon entanglement.

    啟動更多的結節,它們就都會 連結到該區域中的其他結節。

  • Activate more nodules and they'll connect

    當以結節為頂點 形成紅或藍色三角形時,

  • to all other nodules in the area.

    就會打開一個穿越時空的門, 帶你回到現今。

  • As soon as a red or blue triangle is created with a nodule at each point,

    但每一段連線 呈現的顏色是隨機的,

  • it opens a doorway through time that will take you back to the present.


  • But the color of each individual connection manifests at random,


  • and there's no way to choose or change its color.

    每一個結節都會造成 時間的不穩定,

  • And there's one more problem:

    增加你在通過入口時 入口垮掉的可能性。

  • each individual nodule creates a temporal instability


  • that raises the chances the portal might collapse as you go through it.


  • So the fewer you bring, the better.

    你最少需要帶多少個結節, 才能確保你能創造出

  • The portal's about to close.

    紅色或藍色的三角形, 以回到現今?

  • What's the minimum number of nodules you need to bring

    如果你想要自己解解看, 請在這裡暫停!

  • to be certain you'll create a red or blue triangle and get back to the present?


  • Pause here if you want to figure it out for yourself!


  • Answer in: 3


  • Answer in: 2

    這個問題非常深奧, 有一整個數學分支,

  • Answer in: 1

    叫做拉姆西理論, 是從它發展出來的。

  • This question is so rich that an entire branch of mathematics


  • known as Ramsey Theory developed from it.


  • Ramsey Theory is home to some famously difficult problems.

    但如果你系統性地 去處理它,是能夠解決的。

  • This one isn't easy, but it can be handled


  • if you approach it systematically.


  • Imagine you brought just three nodules.

    你可能會有兩條藍線 和一條紅線,

  • Would that be enough? No - for example, you might have two blue


  • and one red connection, and be stuck in the past forever.


  • Would four nodules be enough? No - there are many arrangements here

    這裡有許多種排法, 並不會產生出藍或紅色三角形。

  • that don't give a blue or red triangle.


  • What about five?

    有一種連結的排法 並不會產生出藍或紅色三角形。

  • It turns out there is an arrangement of connections

    這些小型的三角形不算數, 因為它們的頂點並不是結節。

  • that avoids creating a blue or red triangle.


  • These smaller triangles don't count because they don't have a nodule at each corner.


  • However, six nodules will always create a blue triangle or a red triangle.

    這一點不用排列出每種可能情況 就證明出來,方法如下。

  • Here's how we can prove that without sorting through every possible case.


  • Imagine activating the sixth nodule,

    並思考它可能會如何 與其他五個結節連結。

  • and consider how it might connect to the other five.


  • It could do so in one of six ways:

    用五條紅色連線、 五條藍色連線

  • with five red connections, five blue connections, or some mix of red and blue.


  • Notice that every possibility has at least three connections of the same color

    不論是哪種可能性, 都會有至少三條同色的線,

  • coming from this nodule.


  • Let's look at just the nodules on the other end

    咱們看看這三條同色線 另一端的結節。

  • of those same three color connections.


  • If the connections were blue,

    在這三個結節中 只要有再一條藍線,

  • then any additional blue connection between those three would give us a blue triangle.


  • So the only way we could get in trouble


  • is if all the connections between them were red.

    是如果它們之間 所有的連線都是紅線。

  • But those three red connections would give us a red triangle.

    但那三條紅線 就會產生一個紅色三角形。

  • No matter what happens, we'll get a red or a blue triangle,

    不論發生哪種狀況, 都會得到紅或藍色三角形,

  • and open our doorway.


  • On the other hand,

    另一方面,如果原本的 三條連線都是紅線,

  • if the original three connections were all red instead of blue,


  • the same argument still works, with all the colors flipped.


  • In other words, no matter how the connections are colored,


  • six nodules will always create a red or blue triangle and a doorway leading home.

    只要有六個結節,就一定會 創造出紅或藍色三角形,

  • So you grab six nodules and jump through the portal.


  • You were hoping your internship would give you valuable life experience.

    所以,你抓了六個結節 便跳進入口。

  • Turns out, that didn't take much time.

    你希望你的實習能帶給你 可貴的人生體驗,

Your internship in Professor Ramsey's physics lab has been amazing.

你在拉姆西教授的物理 實驗室中實習,這經驗很棒。


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