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  • You know when you drive by McDonald's and look at the logo right

  • The big M with the two arches

  • Have you ever wondered to yourself, " is there a hidden message behind the McDonald's Logo?

  • *quick sigh*, no? M-most people don't ask themselves that question.

  • But, I mean it's not just an M, there is actually hidden messages behind some of these logos.

  • And that's where we are going to look at today, guys.

  • Welcome to Reaction Time to another episode, and today, we are going to be looking at some famous logos

  • But see their secret meanings and hidden messages.

  • So, without further ado, we're going to get right into this video, thank you so much for suggesting it.

  • So yeah lets go, lets do this!

  • Alright, the first one is Baskin Robbins

  • So basically, what you have to look for here is what's highlighted in pink.

  • Okay, so, what's highlighted in pink actually says 31.

  • Which is actually the number of flavors they actually offer.

  • So when you go to a Baskin Robbins, and you're just like, "Why are there SO many flavors?"

  • Well now you know it's actually in the logo, there is 31 different flavors.

  • I mean it's already bad enough that there is so many delicious choices, I don't know why they torture them like that.

  • I can't just choose one, I have to do- I have to do all of them

  • Alright, we got Northwest Airlines, so this logo actually has TWO hidden messages.

  • Alright, so as you guys can see, it features N and a W.

  • So this is the N right here *shows N with mouse* and this is the W *shows W with mouse*

  • So Northwest

  • And then it says the triangle and the circle, which is actually this, points Northwest.

  • That's actually really cool and really smart. I didn't even think of that.

  • Alright next, we have our beloved

  • That's the only online place I shop at, Amazon! Prime shipping is so fast I love Amazon.

  • Alright, so what you have to look for here is the arrow that actually looks like a smiley face, you guys might have never noticed that before.

  • If you guys just kinda step back and look at it, it's legit a smiley face.

  • That's not the only hidden message, the other hidden message is that amazon actually offers products A to Z, *claps* That's so smart! I didn't even, no one actually cares about these logos.

  • I don't why they try- they put so much effort *laughs* Who actually thinks about it like that?

  • Alright so the M actually means M for McDonald's

  • And there's actually a funny story it actually says here,

  • That McDonald's wanted to change their logo

  • But Cheskin *some guy who was a phycologist* insisted on leaving the golden arches, I don't know who Cheskin is *thank you someone's with me.*

  • I guess it was the CEO or something

  • He said it because customers unconsciously recognized the logo as symbolism of a pair of norshing breasts.

  • So apparently, this *hovers mouse over M.* is supposed to make you think of titties, I don't know HOW that works out, guys, *laughs* I don't know how it works out.

  • But McDonalds, I'm lovin' it! Well you're lovin' the pair of titties.

  • Alright next we have Tostitos!

  • I just noticed this right now before I even read the description, there is two people right here, stick figures,

  • And that's the bowl of salsa, and that's the chip in the middle, that's so cool, that's so smart, I don't know, it looks so playful, I love it.

  • Alright, Hope for African Children Initiative.

  • So, this one.. is Africa, you guys see Africa? *No.. I see Antarctica.. of course we all see Africa [sarcasm]*

  • But it's also an adult and a child, so that's cool, this one is more like an illusion, I really like that one.

  • Toblerone.

  • And what I notice here is that, Toblerone actually- it said originated from Bern, Switzerland.

  • So, if you take out T,O,L,O, it has Bern, there you go, just Bern

  • Alright, Pepsi.

  • It says in 2008, Pepsi spent 1M dollars to pay Arnold Associates to come up with a new logo.

  • So this is the old one *hovers on left one* and this is the new one, *hovers on the right* The old one is on the left, and the new one is on the right.

  • Apparently, the one on the right has some sort of Da Vinci *that's what I heard* code, what?

  • It has fang shui, renaissance, geo-dynamo, the theory of relativity, *chuckles* the universe, and more.. What are they sa-

  • I think they're going a little too crazy, it's just a logo.

  • Alright next, we got IBM.

  • It says the white lines passing through gave the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner. *finds it* Oh, it's right here! Ok.. representing equality.

  • That one's kind of stupid.

  • Alright, number 14 is goodwill.

  • So if you look at the g, it's a lowercase g. But at the same time it's also a smiley face, that's cute. I like that one.

  • Alright, next we got Toyota.

  • So, it says that the actual Toyota symbol represents 3 hearts. Each ellipse is a heart. One for the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of progress in the field technology.

  • I always thought it meant a T. It was just, T for Toyota. I- I don't know.

  • Alright, we got Wendy's. It's gonna be the last one, guys.

  • So it says,

  • In the Wendy's logo, if you look at the collar of the girl, it actually says the word, "Mom".

  • I guess they're talking about this. This is an M, O, M.

  • So next time you think of "Mom's cooking." You'll think of Wendy's. Alright, that one- that one could work. I don't know if it was intentional or not but, I think they were like "Ay, this could mean Mom, lets go with that."

  • Guys, that was some hidden messages in famous logos, I hope you guys enjoyed, let me know if you guys want to see a part 2, or if you know any other hidden messages in famous logos please tweet it at me or tag me on Instagram I'll love to see them.

  • But with that being said, guys, please suggest some more videos and I'll see you next time in another episode, until then, have a good one and peace out! :)

You know when you drive by McDonald's and look at the logo right


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著名標誌中隱藏的資訊 (Hidden Messages In Famous Logos!)

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    Nina 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日