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  • A hostile artificial intelligence called NIM has taken over the world's computers.

    有敵意的人工智慧「NIM」 已經主宰了全世界的電腦。

  • You're the only person skilled enough to shut it down,

    你是世界上唯一有足夠技能 可以將它關閉的人,

  • and you'll only have one chance.


  • You've broken into NIM's secret lab,

    你闖入了 NIM 的秘密實驗室,

  • and now you're floating in a raft on top of 25 stories of electrified water.

    現在你坐在橡皮艇上, 漂浮在 25 層通電的水上。

  • You've rigged up a remote that can lower the water level

    你草草做出了一個遙控器, 可以降低水位,

  • by ejecting it from grates in the sides of the room.


  • If you can lower the water level to 0,

    如果你能把水位降到 0,

  • you can hit the manual override,


  • shut NIM off,

    將 NIM 關機,

  • and save the day.


  • However, the AI knows that you're here, and it can lower the water level, too,

    然而,人工智慧知道你在這裡, 且它也能夠降低水位,

  • by sucking it through a trapdoor at the bottom of the lab.

    它的做法是從實驗室 底部的活板門將水吸出。

  • If NIM is the one to lower the water level to 0,

    如果 NIM 將水位降到 0,

  • you'll be sucked out of the lab,


  • resulting in a failed mission.


  • Control over water drainage alternates between you and NIM,

    排水的控制權是由 你和 NIM 輪流取得,

  • and neither can skip a turn.


  • Each of you can lower the water level by exactly 1,

    你們兩個都能將水位 一次降低一層、

  • 3,


  • or 4 stories at a time.

    誰能在自己的那一輪 將水位剛好降至 0,

  • Whoever gets the level exactly to 0 on their turn


  • will win this deadly duel.

    要注意的是,你們兩個 都不能把水位降到比 0 更低;

  • Note that neither of you can lower the water below 0;

    如果水位是在 2,

  • if the water level is at 2,

    那麼唯一能做的就是 將水位降低一層。

  • then the only move is to lower the water level 1 story.

    你知道 NIM 已經計算出了 這場比賽的所有可能結果,

  • You know that NIM has already computed all possible outcomes of the contest,

    且一定會採取讓它的 成功機會最大的做法。

  • and will play in a way that maximizes its chance of success.


  • You go first.

    你要如何存活下來 並將人工智慧關閉?

  • How can you survive and shut off the artificial intelligence?

    如果你想要自己解解看, 在這裡按暫停。

  • Pause here if you want to figure it out for yourself.


  • Answer in: 3


  • Answer in: 2


  • Answer in: 1

    你不能完全靠運氣—— NIM 只要能佔便宜就一定會佔。

  • You can't leave anything up to chance - NIM will take any advantage it can get.

    你得要針對它可能的 每一步棋做出反應。

  • And you'll need to have a response to any possible move it makes.

    這裡的密訣在於要從 你想要的結果反向推導回來。

  • The trick here is to start from where you want to end and work backwards.

    你想要成為將水位降至 0 的人,

  • You want to be the one to lower the water level to 0,

    那就表示當你拿到 控制權時,水位必須是

  • which means you need the water level to be at 1, 3, or 4

    在 1、3,或 4。

  • when control switches to you.

    如果水位在 2,

  • If the water level were at 2,


  • your only option would be to lower it 1 story,

    那就會讓 NIM 能做出 贏得勝利的一步。

  • which would lead to NIM making the winning move.


  • If we color code the water levels,

    我們就能看出這裡 有個簡單的原則:

  • we can see a simple principle at play:

    有「必輸」的樓層,比如 2,

  • there arelosinglevels like 2,


  • where no matter what whoever starts their turn there does, they'll lose.

    也有「必勝」的樓層, 如果你從那裡開始你的那一輪,

  • And there are winning levels, where whoever starts their turn there

    你就會贏,或是讓你的對手 只能到達必輸的樓層。

  • can either win or leave their opponent with a losing level.

    所以「必勝」樓層 不只是 1、3,和 4,

  • So not only are 1, 3, and 4 winning levels,

    還有 5 和 6,

  • but so are 5 and 6,

    因為從這兩層你都可以 把你的對手送到 2 。

  • since you can send your opponent to 2 from there.

    那 7 呢?

  • What about 7?

    從 7,不論你做什麼, 都會把你的對手送到必勝樓層,

  • From 7, all possible moves would send your opponent to a winning level,

    因此 7 也是必輸樓層。

  • making this another losing level.

    我們可以用這種方式 一路向上做判斷。

  • And we can continue up the lab in this way.

    如果你是在必輸樓層 向上加一、三,或四層樓,

  • If you start your turn 1, 3, or 4 levels above a losing level,


  • then you're at a winning level.


  • Otherwise, you're destined to lose.

    你可以一直這樣做,直到 25。

  • You could continue like this all the way to level 25.


  • But as a shortcut,

    你可能會發現,樓層 8 到 11 和 1 到 4 有一樣的顏色。

  • you might notice that levels 8 through 11 are colored identically to 1 through 4.

    因為一層樓的顏色是由它向下 一、三,及四層樓所決定的,

  • Since a level's color is determined by the levels 1, 3, and 4 stories below it,

    這就表示樓層 12 和 5 的顏色會一樣,

  • this means that level 12 will be the same color as level 5,

    13 和 6 會一樣,

  • 13 will match 6,

    14 和 7 會一樣,以此類推。

  • 14 will match 7, and so on,

    特別的是,必輸樓層 都一定是 7 的倍數,

  • In particular, the losing levels will always be multiple of 7,

    以及 7 的倍數再加 2。

  • and two greater than multiples of 7.

    現在,回到你最初的樓層 25,

  • Now, from your original starting level of 25,

    你得要確保你的對手每一輪 都要從必輸樓層開始——

  • you have to make sure your opponent starts on a losing level every single turn

    如果 NIM 從必勝樓層開始,

  • if NIM starts on a winning level even once,


  • it's game over for you.

    所以你第一輪唯一的選擇 就是向下降四層。

  • So your only choice on turn 1 is to lower the water level by 4 stories.


  • No matter what the AI does,


  • you can continue giving it losing levels

    直到你達到 0,進行人工覆寫。

  • until you reach 0 and trigger the manual override.


  • And with that, the crisis is averted.

    現在可以回到比較 沒有壓力的上網瀏覽了。

  • Now, back to a less stressful kind of surfing.

A hostile artificial intelligence called NIM has taken over the world's computers.

有敵意的人工智慧「NIM」 已經主宰了全世界的電腦。


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