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As coronavirus spreads through China, drugstores are selling out of surgical masks.
Take a look through the news stories and you'll see photos of concerned citizens with their faces covered.
But is covering your mouth enough to prevent this life-threatening illness?
And if not, what's really the best way to stay healthy?
We spoke with an expert to better understand this outbreak.
So coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are responsible for about 25 % of cases of the common cold.
冠狀病毒是一族各種不同病毒的總稱,他們引起了約百分之 25 的常見感冒。
Before this latest outbreak, there were six coronaviruses that were known to infect humans.
And four of them were just kind of common cold viruses that occasionally could cause pneumonia or severe disease.
Coronavirus is an umbrella term that refers to a family of upper-respiratory diseases, including the common cold, MERS and SARS.
冠狀病毒是指一族會引起上呼吸道疾病的病毒的總稱,包括引起一般感冒、MERS 和 SARS。
The virus can present in several ways.
Sometimes as a mild illness and sometimes as a life-threatening disease.
The current strain in China is highly contagious, hundreds of people have been infected, and several have died.
On January 21, it was confirmed that this strain of coronavirus has made its way to the U.S.
在 1 月 21 日,確認了這種引起新冠肺炎的病毒已經擴散至美國。
Soft surgical masks, like the one shown here, are designed to prevent the wearer from spreading their germs to others.
But they won't prevent inhalation of airborne germs.
Their loose sides reduce their effectiveness as a barrier against disease.
To block out the greatest number of airborne germs, you'd need an N95 respirator mask.
要阻擋絕大多數的空氣傳播細菌,你需要一個 N95 口罩。
This mask is what a surgeon would wear around a patient with a highly infectious disease, like tuberculosis.
These masks aren't a foolproof solution for the public either.
Surgeons get their masks fitted and generally only wear them for a short period of time.
Just buying a mask from the drugstore wouldn't give you the same snug fit around the mouth that keeps those germs from getting in.
Furthermore, respirator masks actually filter air, which makes them a great barrier against disease.
此外,N95 口罩會過濾空氣,使它們成為一個更強大的防疫屏障。
But according to Dr. Amesh Adalja, they restrict oxygen flow too much to be worn all day.
但根據 Amesh Adalja 博士,這類型的口罩會限制氧氣進入口罩內,因此很難全天戴著。
A study conducted by the University of New South Wales found that when worn correctly, these masks have an 80% efficacy rate of protecting the wearer against a proven viral infection.
一份新南威爾斯大學的研究顯示,正確配戴口罩可以保障 80% 的人避免受到病毒感染。
This study focused on the spread of influenza, but Dr. Adalja says that the two diseases spread in comparable ways.
這份研究主要在討論流感的傳播,但 Adalia 博士指出兩種疾病是以類似的方式傳染。
Coronaviruses spread through the respiratory route, so that's through coughs and sneezes and little droplets to come out of your mouth.
And that's pretty much very similar to the influenza.
They do spread very readily, and that's the concern when you have one that can cause severe illness.
Unfortunately there's a catch.
The same study found that mask-usage compliance, or the portion of people using the masks effectively was only 50%.
在同一份研究顯示,民眾正確使用口罩或有效配戴口罩的比例只有 50 %。
With the noncompliant users incorporated, there was no difference in infection rate between the mask wearers and the control group.
So what's the best way to keep yourself safe?
Dr. Adalja's advice is simple.
Adalja 博士的建議很簡單。
So the best thing you can really do is to practice good hygiene, wash your hands, stay away from sick people if you can.
If you're in those parts of China where cases have occurred, you want to stay away from the live animal markets which may have been part of the origin of this new virus.
But there isn't anything specific you can do other than a lot of common sense and good hygiene.
If you do choose to wear a mask, try to follow the rules:
Don't remove the mask frequently, touch your face under the mask or reuse it.
Doing so will greatly diminish its benefits.
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