字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 THAT'S THE F**KING POSTER! 這雞X玩意也叫海報!? Look, I'm going to swear in this episode 警告,這一集粗話滿滿 Buckle up 兒童不宜 I've been agonizing over how to properly convey the terribleness of this movie 我糾結了許久,不知道如何表達這部電影的垃圾感 And I think I got it 最後我決定 I'm going to show you one verse 我要給你播一句 Just ONE VERSE 就一句 Of its theme song... 主題曲 Ready? 預備備! "Into Into Into Showbiz" “逐夢逐夢逐夢演藝” "Biz Biz" “圈圈” "Biz Biz Biz Biz" “圈圈圈圈” "Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz" “圈圈圈圈圈圈” "Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz" “圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈” "Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz" “圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈” "Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz Biz" “圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈圈” The whole f**king song is like this! 整首歌都是這個X蛋畫風 For those of you who are unaware 如果你沒聽說過 Pure Hearts: Into Chinese Showbiz is widely regarded as one of the worst Chinese movies 《純潔心靈:夢逐演藝圈》是公認中國電影銀幕史上 To ever grace the silver screen 最差作品之一 Of nearly 88,000 votes on Chinese review site, Douban 在中國影評網站豆瓣上,近88,000個打分裏 96% of them gave this movie a one star rating 96%的人給了這部電影一顆星 It has a 1 star out of 10 on IMDb! IMDb上也是1星(滿分10星)! Look at that damn poster!! 還有那奇葩海報! Sigh... 歎…… Needless to say, this movie became an Internet sensation in China 毫無意外,這部電影網上爆紅 Not in a "so-bad-it's-good" sort of way 但不是那種“爛得好看”的爆紅 "Anyway, how's your sex life" “對了,你的性生活怎麽樣” But rather, everyone despises this movie 而是,全世界人都在鄙視它的爆紅 From the film itself 鄙視電影本身 To the drama behind the scene 鄙視幕後八卦 And everything it stands for 鄙視作品背後的一切 But I don't want to just make fun of this movie 但我不想單純取笑這部電影 Plenty of channels already did that 很多頻道早就把它笑到體無完膚 And comedy is not why you are here 再說,你也不是來聽我搞笑的 You want a video essay 你想要電影分析,對吧? So I'm gonna dig into this pile of sh*t with my bare hands 那我就徒手挖shi To show you how and why this movie is so bad 給你好好分析,為什麽這部電影不僅爛 And so offensive 還爛得讓人反感 Welcome, to the worst Chinese movie ever made 一起來看,中國史上最爛電影 Let's start with the writing... 《異聲影院》第31期: 中國史上最爛電影 If you can call it writing 先從劇情開始談吧 Pure Hearts: Into Chinese Showbiz tells the story of a class in an acting school 雖然這麽說有辱“劇情”二字 And everyone's struggles and sacrifices in the pursuit of their dream career 《純潔心靈》講述了表演學校裏一個班級的故事 And by everyone, I mean EVERYONE! 集中描述班上每個人在追求夢想路上的奮鬥與犧牲 The film has whooping 11 plotlines 我說的班上每個人,還真的就是每個人! One minute we see this girl 這部電影有整整11條劇情線 Whom I'll name "Purity" (you'll know why later) 這一分鍾裏,我們看到這個女孩 Having a crush on his teacher 暫時現叫她“純潔”好了(往後你就明白了) "I have never fallen in love with anybody" 她暗戀著自己的老師 "But it so happens" “我從來沒有喜歡過誰” "That I seem to have a strange feeling on Mr. Wen" “可是我竟然對文老師” Next minute, we are looking at these two "Chads" “有一種別樣的感覺” Walking around, hitting on girls 鏡頭一轉,出現了這兩個“猛男” That's all we know about them, by the way 四處撩妹 No, as in, for the rest of the movie 這就是他們的劇情 And a minute later, two "Stacys" show up 不不,他們往後就沒劇情了 And start talking about how they date older rich men 鏡頭再一轉,兩個“辣妹”出現 To get ahead in life 開始談論他們如何和有錢阿叔約會 Not to mention the dance sequences 借此成名 Yeah, dance sequence 這中間還有舞蹈 Uncomfortable yet? 對,舞蹈! The movie has no structure 看的難受不? Summarizing it is practically impossible 這電影壓根就沒架構 But I'm going to try anyway 我也不知道該怎麽寫大綱 The main story, I think... 不過我還是試試看吧 Is about the teacher 我覺得吧,這主要的劇情 Played by the writer-director-- 發生在老師身上 (Are you f**king surprised?) 老師,當然由導演本人扮演 His girlfriend leaves him one night (用膝蓋都能猜出來) Because he's a failed artist and poor 一天晚上,就因為他是個窮藝術家 "Also, that's actually not my home" 他女友選擇了和他分手 "Only a leased apartment" “那還不是家” To gain back her love “是租的!” The teacher decides to, what else, make a movie with his students 為了挽回她的愛 In the process of funding his project 老師決定和學生們拍一部電影 Multiple of his students were sexually harassed and assaulted 而在籌集資金的過程中 By perverted directors and producers 他的多個學生被色狼導演和制作人 ...Of course 所性騷擾和侵犯 So it's pretty much a story of him saving his students (膝蓋都能猜到) Sprinkled with unrelated plotlines 所以整體劇情吧,就是他各種營救學生 Like this "Pretty Boy" getting into a relationship with a sugar mama 中間在穿插一些無關痛癢的劇情線 Or this "Good Boy" losing his legs in a car accident 例如“小白臉”被富婆包養 And that's it, that's the entire character arc 或者“好孩子”慘失雙腿 He shows up twice in the movie 這個角色就只有這個劇情 Once to establish him as a lone son in a poor single parent household 他在電影中出現了兩次 Then he comes back later in the movie to lose his legs 第一次出現,他旁白了自己是一個窮苦單親家庭的獨生子 Trust me, there is just about as much info in my narration 第二次出現,腿沒了 As in the movie 真的,我旁白裏的信息,和電影給的信息 Because, let's get to the heart of the problem here 差不了多少 The movie is just a quick amalgamation of tropes 因為,我們就單刀直入吧 Forbidden love between a teacher and a student 這電影劇情全都不過是老套路 Sexual bribery 師生戀 The starving artist 性賄賂 The Tragedy 窮藝術家 Sugar mama 悲劇 Mobsters 包養 Perverted Director 黑社會 Perverted Producers 變態導演 Rape 鹹濕制作人 Suicide 強奸 These are not stories 自殺 They are sh*t that the director finds fascinating 這些都不是故事 And inserted into the movie with no care whatsoever 這是導演覺得有趣的bi事 The movie has no interest in further exploring these topics 于是強行插入的要素 The forbidden love bothers no one whatsoever 電影壓根沒興趣探討這些話題 The sexual bribery takes Stacey zero seconds to make the commitment 師生戀沒有萌芽 Suicide comes and goes with no ill effects on the characters 性賄賂也沒有讓辣妹有一分糾結 The director has nothing to say about any of these things 自殺的抉擇對角色影響微乎其微 How could he? 導演根本就沒有想要表達的東西 There are overused tropes from popular media 畢竟 Digested versions of stories from other films and TV shows 這些都是用爛了的老套路 It is not the director's personal experience 別人都消化完了的冷飯 As a result, the characters and events are detached from reality 這不是導演的個人經曆 The film has no nuance or genuine emotion 于是,人事物與現實不接軌 It doesn't want to ask the hard questions 電影沒有真實的感情 It is not interested in the substance of good movies 作品根本不想面對這些問題 It just wants to... LOOK like other good movies 這部作品只追求看起來像大片 All it wants 對好電影的本質並不在意 Is to keep up an image 它想要的 Keep that in mind as we go forward 就是一個大片外表 When a movie is recognized as bad 記住這一點 It's more often than not aesthetically bad 一部電影被認為是爛片的時候 And that's the fun part 爛的往往是畫面 I mean, how do you come to the conclusion that this looks good? 而爛畫面也是最有趣的地方 But if we take what we learn from our discussion on the film's writing 說真的,到底是誰覺得這電影畫面能及格? Suddenly, this film's questionable aesthetic choices 但是,聯系之前我們談到的點 Make a lot more sense 突然間,這部電影的醜陋美學 Let's start with the title screen 就開始合理了 Gold... 先從標題開始說吧 And diamond... 黃金 Hmm... I wonder what joke I'm goin-- 還有鑽石 "We were inspired by the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles" 嗯...你猜我准備說- Pompous “我們的靈感來自凡賽爾宮” That's how I'd describe this movie's aesthetic 浮誇 From the John Wick inspired typography 這部電影就是愛好浮誇 To the tacky variety show chapter screens 從《殺神John Wick》畫風的文字設計 This movie is again, a buffet of-- 到俗氣的綜藝節目章節畫面 Wait, what the f**k? 這部電影就是套路自助-- F**k? 等等,這什麽jb玩意? Despite the film's focus on troubled artists 什麽jb玩意? And the half-hearted lesson on not taking shortcuts in the road to success 盡管電影講述這窮藝術家的故事 "Put it back on" 表達著在成功道路上不走捷徑的道理 The movie is hellbent on putting up a "wealthy" display “你給我穿上” From the landscape drone shots 這部電影卻一直在炫富 To the boats, wines and babes 從無人機拍攝曬風景 To race cars 到船酒辣妹 To the inclusion of a skydiving scene at the end of the movie that serves no purpose 名貴跑車 Other than to blow the budget, I guess 以及電影結尾處,完全不聯系劇情的跳傘鏡頭 Even though the story tells us we are in a sleazy area 感覺搞半天就是為了消耗經費 The camera is practically licking this sexy DJ 哪怕故事來到了風月場所 In other words, the film doesn't even believe in its own message 電影也不忘對性感DJ一遍舔 It wants to look rich 搞半天,連電影自己都不相信自己教的道理 And it's taking every shortcut to do so 它就想炫富 And if you are still unconvinced 用一切捷徑來炫富 In the end credits, you can see the movie flaunts its expensive production 如果你還不信 Helicopters 片尾中,您可以看到這部電影是怎樣曬自己”大制作“的 Race cars 直升飛機 Skydiving 跑車 Pop stars 高空跳傘 Jackie is proud of his stunts 偶像明星 That's what you see in his movie end credits 成龍最關系自己電影的特技 Stephen Chow is proud of his characters and jokes 片尾就選擇曬特技 That's what you see 周星馳關心片中角色和笑點 This movie doesn't want to show you the acting 結尾就曬角色曬笑點 All it cares about is looking expensive 這部電影結尾不曬演藝 Keeping up the appearance 只曬看起來昂貴的東西 Now, we know how is this movie bad 只想炫富 It's one big buffet of tropes 這下我們知道這部電影哪裏爛了 But the real question is, "why"? 就是各種老套路地爛 First, why is this bad? 但真正的問題是,為什麽爛? Well, obviously, it's lazy 首先,為什麽老套路不好? But then, why is laziness so bad? 用套路是懶惰的體現,對吧? Well, let's take a closer look: 但是,為什麽劇作上地懶惰不好呢? Purity here has no character arc 我們來看仔細一點: Her entire point in the story is to be saved by the teacher 電影裏,”純潔“這個角色沒有自己的劇情 From being sexually assaulted 整個存在意義就是為了被侵犯 Her purity and virginity become the most valuable and characteristic aspect of her 再被老師所拯救 "I guess you are still a virgin?" 她的純潔和童貞成為她的唯一角色價值 The Pretty Boy decides to leave his Sugar Mama “你還沒跟男的親熱過吧?” Not because of his conscience ”小白臉“決定離開富婆 As he was using the Sugar Mama's money 但不是因為他良心有責 But to pursue another girl 畢竟他用著富婆的錢 He leaves, because he is under too much pressure from cheating 去追求其他妹子 "I'm stressed out everyday" 他之所以離開,是因為他壓力太大 His mistake almost kills his teacher “我每天壓力實在是太大了” And his regret is enough to gain back the love of his girlfriend 他犯下的錯誤惹來黑幫,差點害死老師 And the teacher's love interest 但他一點悔改之心,就足夠挽回女友的愛 She is not a real character 還有老師的女友 She exists as a roadblock and a reward 她也沒有自己的劇情 She has no ambition 她就只是一個劇情障礙和獎勵 Her only ambition is for the teacher to git gut 她沒有抱負 So that she can marry him 唯一志向就是希望老師能進步一點 And have a good life 這樣她才能嫁給他 "What I need is a real home" 過上美好生活 "And a real man I can rely on" “我需要的是一個真正的家” Because when the director is too lazy to think about his story “一個厚實的肩膀” Unintentional messages begin to emerge 當導演對劇情不予仔細思考 It's all because acting schools are said to be a world of pretty girls" 電影就會開始暴露一些奇怪的信息 Often, they are problematic views ”視聽說表演系美女多才考的“ Internalized by a director who's unwilling to challenge himself 這些信息往往三觀不正 "Plump as she may be" 多是因為導演自身三觀不正,又懶于反省 "I really like her so much" “盡管雅麗有點胖” In this case, it's misogyny “但我真的很喜歡很喜歡她” Manifested on, practically every single female character in this movie 這部電影裏,幾乎每個女角色 When your desire in life isn't to pursue the substance 都清楚反映出導演的大男人主義 When you only want to keep up the image 當你一生的追求不是優秀的本質 Your worst qualities will never go away 只追求看起來有錢 And they will manifest 你三觀不正的地方就永遠不得糾正 "And this suit of clothes cost 8,000 yuan" 並會在你的作品中表現出來 But there is one character that's flawless “我這身衣服八千多” Who does no wrong 但電影裏還是有一個完美無瑕的角色 "Mr. Wen is pretty young" 從不犯錯 "But he is very talented too." “文先生很年輕” Played by the writer-director “但很有才華。” The teacher's love interest is widely considered to be the most photogenic of all the actresses 出演人:導演 Coincidentally, they are the only couple to have a kissing scene 很多人都覺得,老師的女朋友是劇中女演員裏最漂亮的 All actors in this film are alledgedly unpaid volunteers 巧合的是,她和導演也是唯一一對有吻戲的角色 Most of them, at the time of filming, were still students 據聞,電影裏所有演員都是免費志願者 They were frequently overworked 拍攝期間,他們大多數都還是學生 9 actors chose to leave the production because of this 演員們經常被過度操勞 Actors were given extra duties unrelated to the film 為此,9位演員中途退出拍攝 The night before Chinese New Year 演員還被安排參與和電影無關的活動 The director called and gathered them up for group activities 除夕當晚 After only 3 hours of sleep 導演集合了所有演員進行集訓 The director woke everyone up 才睡了三個小時 To participate in the flag ceremony 導演叫醒大家 Behind the scene dramas are numerous in this production 一起參加升旗儀式 That's why the film is so notorious 幕後事故多之又多 "I feel like that's not a music video" 電影也因此臭名昭著 "It's an album for future blackmailing" “我覺得那不是MV” When pre-release reviews were released “那是黑曆史合集” With quote-unquote "experts" giving hollow, non-specific compliments 預發評論裏 "The chapter titles are very well done" 一些”專家“給著不著邊際的贊賞 Chinese audience understandably gets suspicious “章節的題目起得特別好” A short investigation reveals that the film festival this movie was shown in 中國的觀衆就起疑心了 Is nothing more than an award farm 簡單調查發現,這部電影參加並得獎的電影節 Finally, as soon as the film is released to the public 是給錢就能得獎的”野雞電影節“ The reviews show the film as what it truly is 終于,電影正式發行 A piece of sh*t 大衆評論暴露了電影真實水平 Instead of accepting the criticism 壓根一坨shi The director sue the review site for suppressing review scores 導演不願接受批評 This movie isn't just bad 反而起訴了評論網站,指其故意打壓分數 It is offensive 這部電影不只是爛 A narcissistic director 還惡心 With delusion of grandeur 自戀的導演 Who refuse to accept criticism 帶著宏偉的妄想 And fails to see his moral failure 拒絕接受批評 And I don't just hate the movie 三觀不正 I hate what it stands for 我討厭的不只是這部電影 Searching had a budget of 880,000 dollars 更是這部電影代表的一切 Halloween, 325,000 《人肉搜尋》的預算為88萬美元 The Following, 6000 《月光光心慌慌》,32.5萬 This movie cost over 3 million! 《跟蹤》,6千 And they can't even find a font that works properly 這部電影花了超過三百萬美元 Half of the characters reverted back to the default font 卻連字體都沒找對 Somehow, even the attempt at keeping up the appearance is half-assed 簡體字全都變回默認字體 Just really shows you how much the director cares about this vanity project 這電影,連炫富都是半吊子 Then again, what do you expect from an artist who's too lazy to challenge himself 可見導演對這部作品的用心程度有多低 At this point, I'm fairly confident that I put more thought into this movie 導演連自己三觀都不關心,還關心電影? Than the director 對于這部電影,我想我的理解 And possibly any other human beings on Earth 比導演都深了 So, I'm going to call it 搞不好是地球上最深度理解這部電影的人了 I'm gonna leave you with this scene 那就這樣吧 Where the movie attempts to wrap up all 11 plotlines 結束之前,我們來看看這個 With a "graduation drama" 這一幕裏,電影試圖用畢業大戲 Enjoy 總結11條劇情線
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 電影 圈圈 導演 劇情 老師 角色 史上最爛的中國電影 - 視頻論文 (The Worst Chinese Movie Ever Made | Video Essay) 224 2 Harry Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字