字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 On Christmas Eve 1971, lightning struck a commercial jet flying over Peru. 1971 年的平安夜,閃電擊中了一架飛往秘魯的客機。 It exploded. 它爆炸了。 The only survivor out of 92 people on board? 機上 92 名乘客唯一的生存者? 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke. 17 歲的 Juliane Koepcke。 Still strapped in her seat, she fell two miles into the Peruvian rainforest. 仍被安全帶固定在座位上,她掉在兩英里外的秘魯雨林裡。 Thanks to the survival skills her father taught her, she emerged 10 days later with a broken collarbone, ruptured knee ligaments, and covered in deep gashes, but still very much alive. 多虧了她父親教她的生存技巧,十天後她獲救了,鎖骨破裂、韌帶斷裂,身上還有極深的傷口,但生命現象穩定。 Now, not all of us are trained survivalists, but there are certain things we can do to increase our chances of surviving a plane crash. 不是每個人都是生存專家,但有些事可以幫助提高空難的生存率。 After all, plane accidents in general have a 95 percent survival rate. 畢竟,一般空難都有 95% 的生存率。 How to survive a plane crash. 如何在空難中活下來。 You can start before you even get to the airport. 在去機場前就能開始準備了。 Experts recommend wearing tight-fitting clothing when you fly. 專家建議搭機時穿著合身衣物。 If there is an accident, loose or baggy things are more likely to snag on jagged edges and slow you down. 如果真有意外,寬鬆飄逸的衣物容易卡進縫隙裡,拖慢逃生。 Plus, long, snug jeans and shirtsleeves can protect your limbs from sharp objects and fire. 再者,貼身長牛仔褲與衣袖可以保護手臂被割傷或燒傷。 Double down on fire safety by wearing clothing made from cotton or other natural materials. 為了將消防安全實施得更好,請穿著棉製或其他自然材質的衣物。 They don't burn or melt as easily as synthetic ones. 比起人造材質,它們較不容易起火或融化。 And your shoes should be just as practical as the rest of your outfit. 你的鞋子也得像其餘服裝一樣實用。 Boots, sneakers, and other shoes that won't fall off your feet are the smart choice when it comes to a safe escape. 當面臨逃難時,靴子、運動鞋或其他不會輕易從腳上脫落的鞋子,是最聰明的選擇。 Officially, the Federal Aviation Administration says that no seat on an airplane is safer than any other, but the statistics disagree. 美國聯邦航空總署表示,飛機上每個座位的生存率都一樣,但數據卻不是這樣顯示的。 In 2015, Time studied airplane accidents from the previous 35 years. 2015 年時,時代雜誌研究了 35 年來的空難。 It found that the seats in the back third of the plane had a 32 percent fatality rate, compared to 39 percent in the middle and 38 percent in the front. 結果發現,空難時,飛機機身的後三分之一座位僅有 32% 的死亡率,中段為 39%,而前段座位的死亡率則是 38%。 And if you narrow it down even further, middle seats in the back had the best odds of survival, and the aisle seats in the middle of the craft had the worst. 再精準一點的話,後方座位的中段生存率最高,而飛機中段走道座位生存率最低。 An analysis by University of Greenwich Prof. Ed Galea found that sitting within five rows of an emergency exit will drastically improve your chance of survival. 格林威治大學教授 Ed Galea 分析發現,若座位離緊急出口的距離為五排內,可大大增加空難生存率。 Galea analyzed the seating charts from more than 100 plane crashes, interviewing 1,900 passengers and 155 crew members. Galea 分析了 100 多起墜機事件的飛機座位圖,訪問了 1,900 名乘客與 155 名機組人員。 He found that most survivors only had to move five rows or less before escaping the plane. 他發現大部分的生存者,都只需要移動五排座位內的距離,就能逃離飛機。 Any more than that, your odds of survival drop. 多於五排,生存機率便會下降。 Giving up a little leg room is a small price to pay for some extra protection. 捨棄一點腿部伸展的空間,是增加防護的小小代價。 Broken feet and legs are very common in plane crashes. 空難時最常發生的就是斷腿。 Protecting them is pivotal to a quick evacuation. 因此保護好腳部,對快速撤離是很重要的。 Putting your carry-on under the seat in front of you closes that gap, so your legs can't slide under and get caught. 把登機行李放在座位下方,可以把縫擋住,這樣腳才不會在空難時卡住。 It can also pad your shins if they fly forward during an impact. 發生撞擊時,行李也可以當作保護腿部的護墊。 If you fly often, you might not always pay attention to the preflight safety briefing. 如果很常搭飛機,那你可能不會注意聽機上安全演示。 The US National Transportation Safety Board surveyed almost 500 passengers that were involved in a plane evacuation between 1997 and 1999. 美國國家運輸安全委員會調查了 1997 年到 1999 年間曾遇過空難的 500 名乘客。 A little more than half of them said they paid attention to only 50 percent of the presentation or less. 超過五成的人表示,他們只看了安全演示的五成左右,甚至更少。 13 percent said they didn't watch at all. 而 13% 的人表示他們完全沒看。 Of the passengers on the infamous 2009 US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson, only about 30% of them watched the briefing. 2009 年美國航空迫降於哈德遜運河,機上只有三成的人有看安全演示。 After the impact, only 10 out of the 150 people on board grabbed their life vests and evacuated with them. 而全數生還的 150 名乘客中,只有 10 名有抓起救生背心撤離飛機。 The most cited reason for ignoring the briefing? 不看安全演示最常見的原因是什麼? Frequent fliers thought they were already familiar with the equipment on board. 常搭飛機的人以為他們已經對機上瞭若指掌了。 The FAA has been testing brace positions on crash-test dummies since 1967. 美國聯邦航空總署從 1967 年開始,便用假人做了許多測試。 The postures have changed and updated throughout the years, but the general idea has stayed the same. 這些年來,求生姿勢已經有改變,但概念沒有變。 Lean forward and keep your head close to the seat in front of you. 向前傾,並把頭靠在前方座位。 This serves two purposes. 這有兩個目的。 One is to keep flailing to a minimum, and the other is to reduce the chance of a secondary impact. 一是讓降低手腳胡亂揮動的機會,二則是減少間接撞擊的機率。 Secondary impact is a head injury on top of a head injury, like what might happen if your head hits the seat on front of you multiple times during a crash. 間接撞擊是指頭部受傷外再次的頭部受傷,如墜機時頭部不斷撞擊前方座位好幾次。 The FAA recommends holding your head against the object it may hit and flexing or bending your limbs inward to keep them in place. 美國聯邦航空總署建議將頭部抵住可能會產生撞擊的物體,並將軀幹向內縮以固定身體。 In the rare event that an accident occurs while the plane is cruising, you could be faced with a free fall. 在空難事件中,有低機率你可能會面臨自由落體的現象。 Surviving a six-mile plummet is highly unlikely, but not impossible. 從六英里高空落下並生存下來機會渺茫,但並非不可能。 And if you stay attached to something, your chances are a little bit better. 如果你依附著某個物體,生存機率會微微上升。 "Wreckage rider" is a term coined by amateur historian Jim Hamilton. 「殘骸騎士」是業餘歷史學家 Jim Hamilton 所創造的詞。 Hamilton developed the Free Fall Research Page, an online database of nearly every instance of humans falling from great heights. Hamilton 設立了自由落體研究網站,一個網路資料庫,上頭記錄著幾乎所有人類從空中掉下來的事件。 The record for the longest survived fall without a parachute is held by a wreckage rider. 沒有降落傘,從高空墜落而生存的紀錄是由一位殘骸騎士所創下的。 In 1972, a Serbian flight attendant named Vesna Vulovic fell 33,000 feet after the plane she was on blew up over Czechoslovakia. 1972 年時,塞爾維亞空服員 Vesna Vulovic 從 33,000 呎的高空墜落,因她服務的飛機於捷克斯拉夫上空爆炸。 Wedged between a catering cart, her seat, a piece of the plane, and the body of a fellow crew member, she crashed into a snowy incline severely injured but still alive. 卡在餐車、她的座位、飛機殘骸與同事屍體之中,她摔落於一個佈滿雪的斜坡,嚴重受傷但仍活著。 People often have fatalistic attitudes when it comes to plane crashes, which can lead to apathy when it comes to safety briefings. 人們對於空難總有種「死定了」的態度,導致大家對於安全演示毫不在意。 But the NTSB says plane accidents, which are when a plane suffers substantial damage or someone suffers serious injury or death, have a 95 percent survival rate. 但美國國家運輸安全委員會表示,發生飛機受損或乘客嚴重受傷甚至死亡的空難時,生存率其實高達 95%。 So the next time you hit turbulence and start thinking about all the ways you could die, think about all the ways you could live instead. 所以,下次遇到亂流時,不要再想著你會怎麼死掉,而是想想可以讓自己活下來的方法吧!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 座位 飛機 生存 撞擊 演示 乘客 空難生存法則!原來坐這裡生存機率最高!? (How To Survive A Plane Crash) 7865 284 Mackenzie 發佈於 2020 年 04 月 07 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字