字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What do you want me to show you? In your hands, in your hands, there's something. Where is it? 你想要看什麼?有東西在你手裡。在哪裡? I haven't got anything. Just do it. Stop it. Will... What? 我沒有東西啊,拿出來給我。Will 不要這樣,哪樣? Don't cower like that, like you're scared. 別畏縮得好像你很害怕的樣子。 Where did you put it? Where is it? 你到你藏在哪裡?快說? Do you want a smack again? 你還想挨巴掌嗎? Is that what you want? Is that what you want, Will? 這是你想要的嗎?Will,這是你想要的嗎? No, just... Do you want a smack? 不是的,只是。你想挨巴掌嗎? Lots of us would worry if we saw a man abusing 如果今天街上看到一位男性在欺負女性, a woman on the street, some of us might even intervene. 大部份的人都會上前介入。 However, what if the tables were turned 但如果角色調換的話, and there was a woman abusing a man? 是一位女性在欺負一位男性呢? So, this is Will. 所以,這位是 Will。 We're going to test this out in public 我們待會要在街上測試 and Will is going to start by being the aggressor, Will 會先開始演出霸凌者, and he's going to verbally and physically intimidate me. 他會用言語以及肢體的方式來恐嚇威脅我。 Are you ready for this? I think so. 你準備好了嗎?應該沒問題。 Just show me! 拿出來! Just do that. 沒有很難吧! Hey! Will... 嘿!Will... Are you all right? Thank you. 妳沒事吧?謝謝妳。 She's fine, we just... 她很好,我們只是… Well, she's clearly not fine. Are you OK? Do you need any help? 她看起來沒有很好。妳還可以嗎?妳需要幫忙嗎? Yeah, thank you so much. 需要,謝謝妳的幫忙。 So why did people react in the way they did?' 為什麼人們會做出這樣的反應? I was shocked - I couldn't believe this was happening in the middle of Ealing Broadway, 我當時非常地驚訝,我無法相信這種事會在大街上發生。 so I walked past her the one time and she flinched and I thought... 所以我有先經過他們一次,她當時很畏縮, ..like, is this really happening? I carried on walking 所以我在想這是真的嗎?於是我繼續走。 then I looked back at her and she must have flinched again I thought, 然後我又回頭看了一下,我想她真的是害怕得縮起來, No, I can't... "I can't walk away from this. 不行,我不能當作沒看到。 Just pick it up and just hand over. 把它拿出來,把它給我。 You OK there? Is everything OK? 妳還好嗎?需要幫忙嗎? I'm good. Thanks for helping me. 我很好,謝謝你的幫忙。 She was flinching... 她非常地畏縮… And looked scared. It looked quite abusive. 看起來也非常地害怕。這看起來非常地像霸凌。 I don't have anything. 我沒有東西。 Do it, come on. Stop it! 快點拿出來。別碰我! Come on, just get in there and get it. 快點,快把它拿出來給我。 Sorry, but don't put your hands on a woman. 抱歉打擾,但別對女生動手。 We're just having an argument, that's all. 我們只是有點爭執,就這樣。 Will shouted at Eline for 1.5 hours. 7 people stopped to help. Will 對 Eline 怒吼了 1.5 個小時。7 個人停下來幫忙。 Are you OK? I know I'm interrupting, but I'm just saying, are you OK? 你還好嗎?我知道我打擾到你們,但我只是想問問妳還好嗎? The way it looked, it looked like she was expecting to get hit. 她的樣子,看起來像快要被打的樣子。 So, that's where you've sort of... got to jump in, really. 所以那就是真的需要我們伸出援手的時候。 Her body language was so very obviously uncomfortable 她的肢體語言非常明顯地不舒服, that I couldn't walk past without... saying something. 我沒辦法袖手旁觀。 Tell me! 快說! But then...we switched roles. 但接著,我們角色互換。 Give it to me. I don't know where it is. Argh! 把它交出來。我不知道在哪裡。 This woman looks back, but keeps walking. 這位女生看了一眼,繼續往前走。 I was surprised, I thought it was a bit aggressive.... 我非常地驚訝,我覺得這已經有點攻擊性了… I wanted to say something, but then I was just like... No. 我當時是有想說點話,但我就還是安靜了。 Look at me. Stop! OK, all right. Don't hit, all right? 看著我。別動!好,不動就是,別打我好嗎? What are you doing? OK... 妳在幹嘛? My thought was... 我當時的想法是… he looks a bit soft. 他有點軟弱。 I feel bad thinking that, because it's a macho view, 我想到就覺得很糟,他看起來也是有男子氣概的, but I thought he looks a bit soft, letting her hit him like that. 但我覺得他看起來有點軟弱,讓女生欺負成那樣。 And I had the classic thing go through my head, 然後我當時腦海中閃現了不一樣的想法, I wouldn't let a girl hit me, and that's terrible, because... 我不會讓女生攻擊我,那會是非常地糟糕的,因為… why do I think that? 我什麼我要那樣想? That's a kind of stereotypical view. 那是個非常刻板的印象, I don't know what he's done to upset her, 我不曉得他對女生做了什麼,讓她這麼地生氣, he might have said something really, really personal, upsetting. 他可能說了些比較侵犯個人的東西,會讓人惱怒的事情。 A mum and her daughters approach. 一位媽媽和他的女兒正要經過。 Look at me! Look me in the FACE! 看著我,看著我的臉! And walked straight past. 然後就直接走過他們。 The thought did come to my mind 我的確有想過要上前說句話, to go and say, "What are you doing to him? 妳為何什麼要這樣子對他? Leave him alone. 離他遠一點。 So, I thought that the man... 所以我想那位男生 I think the man done something to the woman, like, I don't know, 我想那位男生有對女生做了些什麼事情,像是,我也不曉得, touched her or something. 碰她之類的。 That's why she got mad. 所以她才會暴怒。 And that's why... Yeah, that's why she got mad. 對啊,所以她才會暴怒。 So you think it could have been his fault? Yeah, that's what I thought. 所以妳認為有可能是男生的錯,是啊,我是這麼想的。 Eline shouted at Will for 1.5 hours. This time only 1 person stopped. Eline 對 Will 1.5 個小時。這次只有 1 個人停下來。 Look, I... Do you want a smack? No! Do you want a smack, Will? 聽著,你想要挨打巴掌?不!Will 你想要挨巴掌嗎? What is it? Where is it? 那是什麼?它在哪裡? If he had been shouting at her, 如果是男生在對女生怒吼 would you have stopped? 你會上前阻止嗎? Yes, I would have. I would have stopped. 會的,我會。我會上前阻止。 Unfortunately, 不幸地是, we do have this kind of stereotype 我們都有這種刻版印象, that a woman has less power than a man, 就是女生的力量往往小過於男生, but I've also unfortunately had friends who have been in... 但我也有不幸的朋友有這種 the reverse, physically abusive relationships, 顛倒過來的暴力感情關係。 so it can happen both ways. 所以兩種情況都有可能發生。 They didn't class it as that, but they have been hit 他們並沒有這樣的明確界定,但他們在爭論過程中都有被打過。 in argument situations, which is exactly the same thing, but he used 所以是一樣的事情,但他覺得這沒什麼, to think it was OK because he was a big, strong guy, it didn't hurt him. 因為他是個很魁偉的男生,那傷害不了他的。 But it's still physical. He was very embarrassed about it. 但還是屬於肢體傷害。他當時感到丟臉。 In their lifetime, one in six men will suffer from domestic abuse. 在他們的一生中,有 6 分之 1 的男性遭受到家暴。 The number of women convicted of domestic abuse went up 被定罪家暴的女性從 2006 年到 2016 年間 nearly four times between 2006 and 2016. 成長了將近 4 倍。
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 女生 男生 巴掌 幫忙 肢體 男性 女人當眾辱罵男人會怎樣? (What Happens When A Woman Abuses A Man In Public?) 124 2 Seraya 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字