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  • - Maybe topless today, if you're wearing something,

  • please, get naked. (chuckling)

  • All right, that goes for you too ladies.

  • - No.

  • - All right we come back from commercial

  • and see if they listen.

  • - If you're a 16 year old kid

  • and you have sex with your best friend's mom,

  • you usually get high fives, okay?

  • (gasps) - Oh my Goodness.

  • - No let me just finish, let me just finish okay,

  • she's not that attractive so - oh my God even worst.

  • - You might not have, you know, that kind of reception, but.

  • - She is--

  • - By the way - And how well

  • could she be eating, she needs to drop a few.

  • (gasping)

  • I mean I'm telling you that like

  • - You did not say that - No listen

  • - Come on over and make my dinner, will ya.

  • - Absolutely, I'll jam some stuffing.

  • - And there goes Brian, there, he's going down,

  • Brian's going down!

  • Brian oh, Heraldo, Heraldo.

  • - But I think that what a woman brings to a marriage,

  • more than anything else to a relationship,

  • is her youth, her youth is a fragile,

  • and diminishing resource.

  • - This is my move, I'm going to stand.

  • - Oh gosh. (laughing)

  • Very slow, just like this.

  • - Here we go. (slow clapping)

  • (all laughing)

  • - And you know, you walk by, and just the clapping

  • and I would say the success rate

  • is about 90% you get a smile.

  • - And our final contestant is Paige, oof.

  • All right. - (chuckles) my.

  • - I like the thought of friending her.

  • (laughing)

  • - What do you think about this?

  • - I think.

  • (laughing)

  • Steve!

  • - I like the sleeves,

  • I don't wanna wear long sleeves every single day.

  • - I long their proponent of deltoid exposure.

  • - Deltoid?

  • - Yes, and that's what - is that the hairline?

  • - Yeah this like, see you got the V.

  • (women laughing)

  • (shushing) - keep going.

  • - Chicks, sh.

  • (upbeat music)

- Maybe topless today, if you're wearing something,


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B1 中級

福克斯新聞。每日秀》:公平和平衡的厭女症 (Fox News: Fair and Balanced Misogyny | The Daily Show)

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