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  • - This episode of Nerdist News

  • is sponsored by Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.

  • Here's how the shocking ending to the Mandalorian

  • episode seven sets up the finale.

  • Now despite everything going on

  • in the wide world of Star Wars this week,

  • there's one thing that every fan can agree on.

  • This week, the Mandalorian delivered

  • one of its finest episodes yet

  • with chapter seven, the Reckoning.

  • And we're reckoning that the week and a half

  • we have to wait to see the Mandalorian season finale

  • is going to be excruciating because of that one thing

  • that happened, oh and then that other thing!

  • It was cool, and thrilling, and scary,

  • and well, it was all just pretty awesome.

  • But we're not gonna mention what those things were

  • until after this handy dandy spoiler warning,

  • because this episode of Nerdist News

  • is gonna dive deep into everything that happened

  • in this week's Mando.

  • So if you haven't seen it yet,

  • please take the 45 minutes or so to watch it,

  • and then come back and watch this.

  • - We all will be quiet.

  • - However, if you're sticking around,

  • why not take this moment to both like and subscribe?

  • So what happened in this episode?

  • Well, after several one-off stories,

  • all the threads get tied together

  • when bounty hunter, Guild Boss Greef Karga

  • offers a job to the Mando to kill the Client,

  • in order to rid the planet Navarro of its imperial presence.

  • Now in order to return, the Mandalorian gets

  • to keep the child and will be in good standing

  • with the Guild once more.

  • Sounds like a win-win situation, right?

  • What could possibly go wrong?

  • - It's a trap.

  • - I actually think there might be another way

  • to describe this.

  • - No, don't, it's a trap!

  • - Oh, you thought we were gonna do the other one,

  • but (chuckles).

  • - It's a trap! - Gotcha!

  • Anyway, even though the Mando enters

  • into this obvious trap of his own volition,

  • he tries to get the odds in his favor

  • by calling in his pals Cara Dune

  • and the Ugnaught Kuiil to back him up,

  • along with the newly rebuilt IG-11.

  • But now he's just kind of like T. Robot

  • voiced by Taika Waititi.

  • Oh my god, I just solved it!

  • - T. - Now a quick side note,

  • baby Yoda seriously needs a teacher

  • to instruct him on the right and wrong ways to use the Force

  • because look, we get it,

  • he wants to protect the Mandalorian,

  • but Force choking isn't the way to go about that.

  • There are rules to this game

  • and they only involve arms, you baby!

  • Now of course, the plan to betray the Mando goes belly up

  • after good Greef Karga has a change of heart

  • when the wee baby Yoda saves his life

  • by healing him with the Force.

  • A new plan concocted between the Mando and his friend-os

  • to allow them to go through with their original plan

  • of taking out the Client, but there's a twist.

  • And it all goes south, unfortunately,

  • when the Client's boss, Moff Gideon, straight up murders him

  • and like a bunch of Stormtroopers

  • in an attempt to recover the baby for himself.

  • - I would like to see the baby.

  • - And in true tragic Star Wars fashion,

  • this episode ends with the Mandalorian pinned down

  • inside the cantina while the wee baby Yoda

  • is in the hands of the Empire

  • after Kuiil gets mercilessly gunned down.

  • Needless to say, in episode seven,

  • things are looking pretty grim.

  • So where does this leave us for the finale of this season?

  • I mean look, this is a classic Butch Cassidy

  • and the Sundance Kid situation the Mando finds himself in.

  • He's surrounded by a bunch of fresh looking troopers

  • in the storm and death variety,

  • all in brand new, shiny armor.

  • Things could not be worse for him.

  • - You said four.

  • - Well, there are more.

  • What can I tell you?

  • - Well, if we add in all of the evidence

  • we've seen from the trailers so far,

  • we can assume that Moff Gideon will personally

  • get his hands on the wee baby Yoda

  • to whisk it off in his cool-ass TIE Fighter,

  • because we've literally seen that shot

  • of the Mandalorian hanging on for dear life.

  • Plus it looks like the Mandalorian's finally

  • gonna get his jet pack,

  • which probably means we can expect to at least

  • see the Mando-clando or the leftovers of their covert

  • in some form or another.

  • Now this episode will hopefully answer

  • one of the biggest questions of the entire series,

  • what does Moff Gideon, and by extension the Empire,

  • want with the baby?

  • - I would like to see the baby.

  • - Does he wanna make more force-sensitive clones

  • to bring back the Empire?

  • Is he secretly working for the First Order?

  • Does the baby's Midichlorians somehow tie

  • to Palpatine's return, as was teased

  • in the episode nine trailer?

  • Now a few weeks ago, the description for the season finale

  • revealed that the Mandalorian is gonna come up

  • against an unexpected enemy.

  • At the time, we posited this would be Boba Fett's return,

  • as he was hinted at in episode Five.

  • We still think this could be the case,

  • however to be fair, anyone we recognize

  • from the Empire or the nascent First Order

  • could also fit that description.

  • The other big X-factor still in play

  • is the newly rebuilt IG-11.

  • Will the Mando need to put his life

  • in the hands of what he hates most, a murder bot?

  • Will the droid seek revenge for the death

  • of his sorta-father Kuiil?

  • Or did the droid's old programming somehow come through

  • and now IG-11's the one that killed Kuiil

  • and let the scout troopers scoop up that wee baby Yode?

  • Now considering how much screen time was given

  • in this episode to how IG-11 had been reprogrammed,

  • we'd expect that he's gonna wind up being a major asset

  • in the season finale, and the Mandalorian's

  • gonna have to wait to do what Kuiil told him to,

  • and trust the Ugnaught's work

  • in order to get out of this mess.

  • But we'll just have to wait and see how

  • that all shakes out when the season finale

  • of the Mandalorian drops on December 27th.

  • But tell me, what do you folks think?

  • How will the Mando get out of this mess, though?

  • What do you wanna see in the show's second season?

  • And did that ending leave your jaw on the ground, too?

  • Let's discuss. (upbeat music)

  • Thanks again to Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

  • for sponsoring today's episode.

  • You play as Cal Kestis, a Jedi padawan

  • who narrowly escaped the purge of Order 66

  • following the events of episode three, Revenge of the Sith.

  • On a quest to rebuild the Jedi Order,

  • you must pick up the pieces of your shattered past

  • to complete your training,

  • develop new powerful Force abilities,

  • and master the art of the iconic lightsaber,

  • all while staying one step ahead of the Empire

  • and its deadly Inquisitors.

  • Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is available now

  • on XBOX One, PS4, and PC.

  • (upbeat music)

  • (electronic chiming)

- This episode of Nerdist News


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曼陀羅人》第7集的瘋狂結局解讀!(Nerdist News/Dan Casey)(Nerdist News w/Dan Casey) (The Insane Ending of The Mandalorian Episode 7 Explained! (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey))

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