字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Depending on who you ask, insects are either gross or fascinating. 取決於你問誰,昆蟲要麼是噁心的,要麼是迷人的。 As it turns out, they're also incredibly nutritious, surprisingly delicious, and there's a chance they could help to alleviate world hunger and climate change. 事實證明,它們也非常有營養,出奇的美味,而且有可能幫助緩解世界飢餓和氣候變化。 So, are creepy crawlies really the future of food? 那麼,爬蟲真的是未來的食物嗎? Already, about 2 billion people regularly consume insects as part of their diet. 已經有大約20億人經常食用昆蟲作為他們飲食的一部分。 Beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, crickets, and grasshoppers are by far the most popular. 甲蟲、毛蟲、蜜蜂、黃蜂、螞蟻、蟋蟀和蚱蜢是目前最受歡迎的。 They're all packed full of protein, mono-saturated fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 它們都含有豐富的蛋白質、單不飽和脂肪、維生素、礦物質和纖維。 Grasshoppers have as much protein as ground beef, for example. 比如說,蚱蜢的蛋白質含量和牛肉粉一樣多。 And per gram, locusts contain as much protein as lobsters, shrimp, squid, and mackerel. 而每克蝗蟲所含的蛋白質和龍蝦、蝦、魷魚、鯖魚一樣多。 By 2050, the world will be home to 9 billion people, which means current food production needs to double. 到2050年,世界上將有90億人口,這意味著目前的糧食產量需要增加一倍。 However, there's an abundance of insects all over the world, and we could use them to feed millions of starving people as well as ourselves. 然而,世界上有豐富的昆蟲,我們可以用它們來養活數百萬飢餓的人以及我們自己。 As insects are also evolutionarily quite distant from humans, they are also thought to be far less likely to spread diseases that will affect us, unlike conventional livestock. 由於昆蟲在進化上與人類也有相當大的距離,它們也被認為遠不像傳統的牲畜那樣會傳播影響我們的疾病。 Normally cattle require a lot of food and water to maintain them, and a majority of their body masses aren't actually edible. 平時牛需要大量的食物和水來維持,而牛的大部分體質其實是不能吃的。 However insects take far less resources to grow, and we can eat almost every part of them. 然而昆蟲的生長所需的資源要少得多,我們幾乎可以吃掉它們的每一部分。 So, eating more bugs would be a lot better for the environment. 所以,多吃蟲子對環境會好很多。 Traditional livestock also accounts for 18 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions. 傳統的畜牧業也佔了我國溫室氣體排放的18%。 If the world farmed more insects for food, our carbon footprint would shrink dramatically. 如果世界上養殖更多的昆蟲作為食物,我們的碳足跡就會大大減少。 So, chomping on a cricket would help fight against climate change too. 所以,啃一隻蟋蟀也有助於對抗氣候變化。 You probably think that the texture and taste of bugs is unappetizing. 你可能覺得蟲子的口感和味道都不好吃。 But you've probably already eaten bugs without realizing. 但你可能已經吃了蟲子而不自知。 Weirdly, a lot of our food already contains bug fragments. 奇怪的是,我們的很多食物中已經含有蟲子的碎片。 Up to one percent of regular chocolate can contain tiny bug bits, and there can be up to 50 aphids per 100 grams of spinach. 高達百分之一的普通巧克力中會含有微小的蟲子,每100克菠菜中最多可以有50只蚜蟲。 So why not give entomophagy a try? 那麼,為什麼不試一試昆蟲學呢? Who knows? 誰知道呢? Maybe a sauteed spider or barbecued beetle is tastier than you think. 也許炒蜘蛛或烤甲蟲比你想象的更好吃。
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 昆蟲 蟲子 蛋白質 蚱蜢 蟋蟀 食物 Would you eat insects to save the world? 1456 54 Shinichiro 發佈於 2020 年 01 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字