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The world began with several primordial beings.
First came Chaos. Then Gaia, earth. And finally Eros, love.
首先是混沌神 Chaos。然後是 Gaia,大地神。最後是 Eros,愛神 (或稱欲望之神)。
From Gaia they came Uranus, heaven, who both created the Titans.
從 Gaia 誕生了 Uranus,天空神,兩者一同創造出泰坦諸神。
Uranus disliked his children and locked them deep within the earth.
Uranus 並不喜歡他的孩子,並且將他們鎖在大地深處。
Gaia, sick of having her children imprisoned made a great sickle that she gave to her son Cronus.
Gaia 因為她的孩子被監禁而感到憤怒,便製作了一把大鐮刀並交給了她的兒子 Cronus。
Cronus hid until Uranus came to lie with his mother then leapt out and sliced off his father's genitals, which fell into the sea.
Cronus 一直藏著,直到 Uranus 躺到他母親的身旁,然後便跳出來將他的父親的生殖器砍下,扔入大海之中。
Cronus proceeded to release his fellow Titans from prison, and so, the age of the Titans began.
Cronus 接著從監獄中釋放他的泰坦同胞們,如此,泰坦諸神的時代就此展開。
Cronus married the Titan Rhea, who gave birth to most of the major gods.
Cronus 與泰坦神 Rhea 結婚,Rhea 生下了大部分的主要神祇。
Cronus, scared by a prophecy that his children would take his power, imprisoned them as soon as they were born, swallowing them whole.
Cronus 害怕「他的孩子會奪取他的權力」這個預言實現,就在他們甫一出生便監禁他們,並把他們全都吞下肚。
Rhea pleaded to Gaia for help, who taking pity hid Zeus after he was born on Mount Ida in Crete.
Rhea 懇求 Gaia 的協助,她心生憐憫地在 Zeus 出生於克里特島的伊達山後,將他藏起來了。
When Cronus came to eat his son, Rhea fed him a stone instead, tricking the Titan.
當 Cronus 要來吃掉他的兒子,Rhea 反而餵他一顆石頭,愚弄這個泰坦神。
Gaia raised Zeus until he was strong enough to take on his father.
Gaia 一直養育著 Zeus 直到他夠強壯,能與他的父親較量時。
The two fought and upon defeat Cronus was forced to release Zeus's siblings, starting the war between the gods and the Titans.
兩神交戰下,Cronus 戰敗了並被迫釋放 Zeus 的兄弟姊妹,也因此開啟奧林帕斯諸神與泰坦諸神的戰爭。
The war lasted 12 years until Zeus freed the Cyclopes and the Hundred-Handed Giants whom Cronus had imprisoned.
這個戰爭持續了 12 年,直到 Zeus 釋放了被 Cronus 囚禁的獨眼巨人族與百臂巨人族。
The Cyclopes gifted Zeus his famous thunderbolt, Poseidon his trident, and Hades a Hat of Darkness, tipping the balance of battle.
獨眼巨人族贈送 Zeus 著名的閃電火、送給 Poseidon 三叉戟、還有送給 Hades 隱形頭盔,讓整個戰局平衡偏向奧林帕斯諸神。
The Titans, defeated, were thrown into Tartarus, a prison deep within the underworld. And so started the reign of the gods.
Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades decided to share power, drawing lots to decide where they will rule over.
Zeus、Poseidon 跟 Hades 決定分享權力,抽籤決定他們要統治那些地方。
Zeus got the sky, Poseidon the seas, and Hades the dead.
Zeus 獲得了天界、Poseidon 擁有海洋、Hades 則是冥界。
Zeus, king of the gods, ruled from his throne on Mount Olympus, home of the immortals,
Zeus 作為眾神之王,在諸神的故鄉,奧林帕斯山的王位上統治天界。
often using his symbols of the thunderbolt and eagle to warn or encourage mortals.
Zeus was responsible for all weather changes from lightning to snow, depending on his mood.
Zeus 掌管所有天氣變化,從閃電到飄雪,取決於他的情緒變化。
He was also a protector of the home and strangers, meaning being a bad host could land you in deep trouble.
Zeus married his sister Hera, who birthed the gods Ares and Hephaestus.
Zeus 與他的姊姊 Hera 結婚,Hera 生下了戰神 Ares 與火神 Hephaestus。
Zeus was also infamous for his many affairs with other goddesses from which Athena, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Persephone came.
Zeus 也因為與其他女神的風流韻事而聲名狼藉,她們為他生下了智慧女神 Athena、商業之神 Hermes、光明之神 Apollo、月亮女神 Artemis、還有冥后 Persephone。
He also engaged in many affairs with mortal women,
where he created the god Dionysus and many heroes like Perseus and Hercules,
在那裏創造出了酒神 Dionysus 還有許多英雄,像是 Perseus 跟 Hercules
most of whom experienced the wrath of the jealous Hera.
他們大多數也都經歷了嫉妒的 Hera 的憤怒。
Poseidon, one of the most powerful gods ruled the sea, created earthquakes, and was the god of horses, much prized in ancient society.
Poseidon 是權力最高的神祇之一,統治海洋,製造了地震,也是馬匹之神,在古代社會倍受重視。
He had a palace on Mount Olympus, but an even more magnificent one under the sea where he spent most of his time.
Sailors would have to pray to Poseidon and offer sufficient sacrifice, otherwise risked a painful death at sea.
水手需要向 Poseidon 祈禱並提供充足的祭品,否則在海中要承擔痛苦身亡的風險。
It was very unwise to cross Poseidon as he held a grudge and could deal out very harsh punishments.
當 Poseidon 懷有惡意時,橫越他 (海洋) 是非常不明智的,他可能會處以相當嚴厲的懲罰。
In the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, King Minos rules over the island Crete.
在 Theseus 與 Minotaur 的故事中,Minos 國王統治克里特島。
Every year he sacrificed his best bull to Poseidon. One year, he withheld his favorite bull, a huge white animal.
每一年他都會獻祭最好的公牛給 Poseidon。某一年,他拒絕將他最愛的公牛獻祭,那是一頭巨大白色的動物。
Poseidon noticed, but instead of punishing Minos directly he decided to target his wife.
Poseidon 注意到了,但他不是直接懲罰 Minos,反而決定將目標對準他的妻子。
He made her fall in love with the bull, which eventually led to the birth of the half-man half-bull creature called the Minotaur.
他讓她與那隻公牛相戀,最終導致她產下半人半牛的生物,名叫 Minotaur。
Hades, the oldest of the brothers ruled over the underworld where the spirits of the dead resided. He shared his throne with his wife, Persephone,
眾兄弟中最年長的 Hades 統治冥界,死去的靈魂所居住的地方。他與他的妻子 Persephone 共享王位,
and the two were considered to be gods of fertility.
The underworld had several guardians and trials,
making it difficult for the dead and near impossible for the living to enter.
The gates they pass the deadly river Styx.
The only way to enter was to get passage from the ferryman, Charon.
唯一進入的方法就是乘坐擺渡人 Charon 的船。
Charon required payment, and this is the reason why Greek burials included placing coins on the eyes of the deceased.
Charon 會要求報酬,這就是為什麼希臘葬禮會包括在死者的眼睛放上硬幣。
If the soul could not afford to enter, then they were fated to wait on the shores of the Styx forever.
Past Charon lay Cerberus, the fabled three-headed dog who guards the gates of the underworld.
過去 Charon 安置了一頭很有名的三頭犬 Cerberus 來守衛冥界大門。
Ultimately, the soul will reach the three judges of the underworld, who decide where it should go.
They can choose Elysium, the Fields of Asphodel, or Tartarus.
Elysium is akin to heaven, a peaceful place where the souls of heroes, demigods, and especially good mortals reside.
The Asphodel Meadows is the place for ordinary folk who did not achieve anything notable in life, good or evil.
Tartarus is very similar to Hell and contains not only the Titans, but also criminals who upset the gods who are tortured for eternity.
Hera, sister and wife of Zeus, and queen of the Gods, was the protector of marriage and women. She was deeply respected in Greek society.
Hera 是 Zeus 的姊姊也是妻子,是奧林帕斯眾神之后,還是婚姻與婦女的守護神。在希臘社會中她備受尊重。
She was one of the most vengeful and spiteful gods, punishing women who lay with her husband and any subsequent children.
When Leto was pregnant with Apollo and Artemis, Hera stopped her giving birth.
當 Leto 懷了 Apollo 與 Artemis,Hera 阻止她生產。
She kept Io, another of Zeus's mistresses as a heifer and had her guarded by the hundred-eyed monster Argos.
她留下 Io,另一位 Zeus 的情婦,當作小母牛飼養,並且由百眼怪物 Argos 看守她。
A famous tale of her jealous vengeance is the story of Hercules.
關於她充滿妒意的復仇,有個著名的故事是 Hercules 的故事。
Hercules was an illegitimate child of Zeus.
Hercules 是 Zeus 的私生子。
Hera sent serpents to kill the future hero when he was just a child, but the demigod crushed the creatures with his bare hands.
當他還是孩子時,Hera 送了毒蛇想殺死未來的英雄,但這個半神半人徒手便殺死了這些蛇。
She later drove him to madness, making him kill his wife and children, the event that sent him on his 12 labors.
Athena, goddess of wisdom and war, the child of Zeus and Metis, was not born in a conventional way.
智慧與戰爭女神 Athena,Zeus 與 Metis 的孩子,但出生的方式並不尋常。
Zeus received an omen that their children would take the throne from him and so swallowed Metis while she was pregnant.
Zeus 收到了一個預兆,他的孩子們會取代他奪下王位,因此他在 Metis 懷孕時將她吞入腹中。
After this, Zeus began to get a terrible headache.
在此之後,Zeus 開始感到頭痛欲裂。
He asked a fellow immortal thought to be the fastest to split his head open with an axe.
Athena was then born from his forehead, jumping out in full battle gear while letting out a war cry.
隨後 Athena 就從他的額頭誕生,全副武裝地跳出來的同時發出了一聲戰吼。
Athena had an affinity for heroics, coming to the aid of heroes like Perseus and Hercules.
Athena 對英勇的行為相當感興趣,會為英雄提供幫助,像是 Perseus 跟 Hercules。
Her favorite was Odysseus, who she worked hard to keep safe so he could return to his homeland.
她最喜歡的是 Odysseus,她努力確保他的安全,所以他才能回到他的家鄉。
Athena was highly revered in Athens, which was named after her.
Athena 在雅典相當受到崇敬,雅典之名也是因她而來。
She competed with Poseidon for the city, both of whom attempted to give it the best gift.
她為了這個城市與 Poseidon 對抗,他們倆個比賽誰能獻出最棒的禮物。
Poseidon struck the ground with his Trident, making a stream of water rise up.
Poseidon 用三叉戟敲擊地面使水流上升。
Athena kicked the earth and caused the first olive tree to emerge. The gods deemed Athena victorious, and the city took her name.
Athena 踢擊地表,使第一棵橄欖樹浮現。奧林帕斯眾神認為 Athena 獲勝,而這座城市便以她命名。
Athena was also one of the sacred virgin goddesses and so in her honor the temple built on the Acropolis in Athens
Athena 也是不可侵犯的處女神之一,所以為表示對他的敬意,建築在雅典衛城的神廟。
was named the Parthenon, which comes from Parthenos, meaning "the virgin".
便命名為 Parthenon,取自「Parthenos」,意思即為「處女」。
Ares was the bloodthirsty and cruel god of war.
Ares 是位嗜血、殘忍的戰神。
Neither God nor mortal particularly liked Ares.
不論是神或是凡人都不是特別喜歡 Ares。
The warfare he represents is not honorable nor heroic, but rather the primal rage and bloodshed of the battlefield.
Ares had a relationship with the goddess Aphrodite who was married to the god Hephaestus.
Ares 跟女神 Aphrodite 私通,而 Aphrodite 的丈夫是火神 Hephaestus。
The two would sleep together whenever her husband was away.
When Hephaestus found out, he made an invisible net and hung it over his bed and told his wife he was going away.
當 Hephaestus 發現時,他做了一張無形網並掛在他的床上,告訴他的妻子他要離開了。
He hid, and as soon as Ares and Aphrodite got into bed together, they were trapped in the net and unable to move.
他躲起來,當 Ares 與 Aphrodite 一起到床上時,他們便被網子捕捉並且動彈不得。
Hephaestus called upon all the gods, inviting them to see the two naked immortals trapped in the net.
Hephaestus 將諸神叫來,邀請他們一同欣賞這兩個赤裸的神祇被捕捉在網中。
Laughter burst out everywhere and it was only due to the intervention of Poseidon that they were released.
笑聲四起,並且只因為 Poseidon 的干預他們才得以被釋放。
Aphrodite was the goddess of beauty and love,
Aphrodite 是美麗與愛情女神,
responsible for sexual attraction in both mortal and immortal alike, often using her powers for her own amusement.
Accounts of her birth vary with her either being born from the genitals of Uranus, or as another illegitimate child of Zeus.
她的誕生眾說紛紜,一說是從 Uranus 的生殖器而生,一說是 Zeus 的私生子。
Aphrodite had a pivotal role in the Trojan War when Prince Paris of Troy was tasked with giving an apple to the fairest goddess.
Aphrodite 在特洛伊戰爭中扮演關鍵角色,當時特洛伊王子 Paris 被派給任務,將一顆蘋果送給最美麗的女神。
Hera, Athena, or Aphrodite, each promising him something different in return.
Hera、Athena 或是 Aphrodite,每一位都承諾要給他回報。
Paris chose Aphrodite, who promised him the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen. Helen was married to the king of Sparta, Menelaus.
Paris 選擇 Aphrodite,她承諾要將世界上最美麗的女性 Helen 許配給他。而 Helen 已經嫁給斯巴達國王 Menelaus。
Aphrodite put Helen under a spell when Paris came to visit Sparta, making her run away with him.
Aphrodite 在 Helen 身上下了魔法,當 Paris 來訪斯巴達時,讓她與他私奔。
King Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon raised a massive army to go take Helen back from Troy, and so started the Trojan War.
Menelaus 國王與他的哥哥 Agamemnon 帶著大量軍隊前去特洛伊要接回 Helen,特洛伊戰爭也因此展開。
Goddess of the hunt and twin sister of Apollo,
狩獵女神 Artemis,也是 Apollo 的雙胞胎姊姊,
Artemis was a deadly Archer and an important member of Olympus.
Artemis 是個致命的射手,也是奧林帕斯的重要成員之一。
She watched over hunters as well as their prey, ensuring the wilderness was kept in check.
Artemis is also prized for her virginity and guarded it jealously.
Artemis 也很珍視她的貞潔,並小心翼翼地守護著。
The hunter Actaeon once stumbled upon her naked as she was bathing.
獵人 Actaeon 曾經撞見她洗澡時一絲不掛的樣子。
Artemis proceeded to change the man into a deer and set his fifty hunting dogs upon him, giving him a painful death for his mistake.
因為他的失誤,接著 Artemis 便把這個男人變成一隻鹿,放出他的五十隻獵狗追他,讓他痛苦地死去。
Twin brother of Artemis, Apollo was a god of many things.
Artemis 的雙胞胎弟弟,Apollo 是許多事物的守護神。
He was a god of archery, but also of light and music, seen with a lyre as much as a bow.
Apollo is closely linked with prophecy. He was born on Delos and honored the island by setting up an Oracle there.
Apollo 與預言息息相關。他在提洛斯島出生,並且設置神諭在此榮耀這片土地。
He later traveled to Mount Parnassus and slew the great snake Pytho.
隨後他行至帕那索斯山並殺死了巨蟒 Pytho。
He created a temple where he had achieved the feat marking the foundations for where the famous Oracle of Delphi would reside.
Hermes, the messenger of God and patron of thieves.
Hermes 既為神界的使者,也是小偷的守護神。
Known as a trickster amongst the gods.
He often pulled pranks and stole from his fellow divinities.
When he came of age, he assumed the role of messenger, taking a golden rod with him as a mark of his authority.
He is often seen with a winged helmet and sandals, which he used to fly around and deliver messages.
Demeter, the goddess of farming and watcher of the harvest.
Demeter 是農業女神與收穫的守護神。
The one thing she prized more than anything else was her daughter, Persephone.
她最珍視的事物就是她的女兒 Persephone。
It happened that Hades was also interested in Persephone as he had fallen in love with her.
碰巧 Hades 也對 Persephone 很感興趣,他愛上了她。
One day, while the girl was picking flowers, he opened up the ground and dragged her down to the underworld.
Demeter was distraught when she found out and searched for her daughter for nine days and nights,
當 Demeter 發現時相當地焦躁不安,九天九夜不停地尋找著女兒,
until the Sun God Helios revealed her captors identity.
直到太陽神 Helios 透漏綁架者的身分。
Demeter locked herself indoors for an entire year, refusing to come out until Persephone was returned.
Demeter 把她自己關在房裡一整年,她拒絕出門直到 Persephone 返家。
Without the goddess of farming, the world went into famine.
In order to save the world, Zeus ordered Hades to release Persephone.
為了拯救世界,Zeus 命令 Hades 釋放 Persephone。
Hades had fed the girl the food of the dead, a pomegranate, meaning that she was bound to him.
Hades 餵食這個女孩冥界的食物,一種石榴果實,意味著她已經被他綁住。
After much discussion, Zeus decided that Hades could have Persephone for three months of the year,
在多次議論之後,Zeus 決定 Hades 每年可以擁有 Persephone 三個月,
and Demeter could have her for the other nine months.
而剩下的九個月則屬於 Demeter 。
This explains why the winter months are cold and the plants die as Demeter waits for her daughter to return.
這說明了為什麼冬天那幾個月當 Demeter 等待女兒歸來時,既冷又寸草不生。
God of smithing, Hephaestus, had a difficult start to life.
鐵匠之神 Hephaestus 一出生便相當坎坷。
He was born lame and so his mother Hera decided to throw him off Olympus into the sea to drown.
他出生便是瘸子,所以他的母親 Hera 決定從奧林帕斯山上將他丟入海中,想淹死他。
He later returned to the home of the gods and was given Aphrodite as wife by Hera to reconcile with him.
後來他回到萬神殿,Hera 為了與他和解便將 Aphrodite 許配給他。
He was a great inventor and fashioned many of the palaces on Olympus.
He also fashioned the equipment of many heroes such as Achilles who he created armour and a magnificent shield for.
他也為許多英雄打造裝備,像是 Achilles 的盔甲與精緻盾牌就是他打造的。
God of wine and parties, Dionysus was perhaps the most fun of the Olympians.
Dionysus 是酒與歡樂之神,他可能是奧林帕斯眾神中最有趣的一位。
Frenzied women called Maenads and half-goat man called Satyrs followed him. He had a huge cult following in Greece,
追隨他的是一群瘋狂的女人Maenads ,還有羊男 Satyrs。他在希臘有著龐大的異端組織追隨,
where his followers would participate in mass drinking and the orgies his mythological companions were so well known for.
The Greek gods represent humanity at its best and worst, from the violent and destructive Ares to the beautiful and seductive Aphrodite.
這些希臘神祇代表了人性最善處與最惡處,從象徵暴力與破壞的 Ares,到美麗誘人的 Aphrodite。
Greek mythology demonstrates the epic power struggle between parents and children in an endless quest to gain control over the world.
Tales passed down from each generation, showing them to be some of the most influential deities in human history
that continued to have a significant impact to this day.
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