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  • TIM ALBERTA: Senator Warren, you would be the oldest president

  • ever inaugurated. I'd like you to weigh in as well.

  • ELIZABETH WARREN: Uh, I'd also be the youngest woman ever inaugurated.

  • [crowd cheers]

  • ASMA KHALID: Hey, we're here at NPR's headquarters.

  • I'm Asma Khalid. I'm covering the 2020 campaign.

  • DANIELLE KURTZLEBEN: And I'm Danielle Kurtzleben,

  • I'm also covering the 2020 campaign.

  • And we are here to give you a few takeaways from the

  • latest Democratic primary debate, held at Loyola Marymount

  • University in Los Angeles tonight.

  • KHALID: That's right. And I think to me, one of the most fascinating

  • things to have seen was the degree to which Pete Buttigieg,

  • the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, actually did come under direct

  • fire from a number of candidates on a whole bunch of issues.

  • You know, the first topic I want to hit on was experience.

  • AMY KLOBUCHAR: I think this experience works. And I have not denigrated

  • your experience as a local official. I have been one.

  • PETE BUTTIGIEG: You know...

  • KLOBUCHAR: I just think you should respect our experience

  • when you look at how you evaluate someone who can get things done.

  • KHALID: And this is something that, you know, some of

  • the candidates are really eager to hit him on, in part because

  • he's been rising in a number of the early state polls, notably

  • Iowa and New Hampshire.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Right. He also got hit on his fundraising. A few photos went

  • around this week of a high-dollar fundraiser he had, I believe, in

  • California that took place in a wine cave. So if you hear wine

  • cave being thrown around on social media this next week with

  • regards to politics, you'll know why.

  • WARREN: The mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a

  • wine cave full of crystals and served $900-a-bottle wine.

  • Billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next

  • president of the United States.

  • ALBERTA: Mr. Mayor, your response?

  • KURTZLEBEN: And then, of course, that was an attack by Elizabeth Warren

  • in particular. And he very much hit back, accusing her of also taking

  • money from larger donors back in her last Senate campaign and then

  • funneling that money into her presidential campaign.

  • KHALID: And his point was that, you know, we really can't be running

  • these purity tests unless we can hold all of ourselves up to that

  • high standard. He made the point she has a larger net worth

  • than him. He, of course, is also significantly younger than her.

  • But I think the whole bigger, broader philosophical issue here

  • was the degree to which some of candidates see

  • Pete Buttigieg as a direct threat, and the degree to which they're also

  • willing to engage with him, as opposed to one of the other

  • leading candidates, former Vice President Joe Biden.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Right. We saw a reallykind of shouting match between former

  • Vice President Biden and Vermont Bernie Sanders tonight

  • over "Medicare for All."

  • JOE BIDEN: Put your hand down for a second, Bernie, OK?

  • [crowd reacts]

  • BERNIE SANDERS: Just waving to you, Joe.

  • BIDEN: I know, I know. I know.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Joe Biden really swung hard against Sanders on the cost of

  • Medicare for All. How much it might cost to have the government

  • give insurance to everybody, free of premiums and co-pays.

  • KHALID: Last thing to me that was interesting from tonight was the

  • degree to which gender dynamics were on stage at many moments.

  • I mean, I want to highlight the point at the end of this entire

  • debate. The candidates were asked this question about, you know,

  • would they gift another candidate something in particular

  • or would they ask candidate about forgiveness?

  • To me, what was noticeable — I mean, A, none of these candidates

  • actually answer question correctly, but, B —

  • there was a moment where the two women running for office, both

  • Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar as well as Massachusetts Senator

  • Elizabeth Warren, made the point of acknowledging that they wanted

  • to seek forgiveness.

  • WARREN: I know that sometimes, um, I get really worked up.

  • And sometimes I get a little hot.

  • KLOBUCHAR: I can be blunt, but I am doing this because

  • I think it is so important to pick the right candidate here.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Meanwhile the men said they wanted, were out there

  • plugging their books.

  • KHALID: Exactly.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Such a great counterpoint.

  • KHALID: But Danielle to me, what was interesting is that, you know, we

  • heard so much in 2016 about gender because Hillary Clinton

  • was the Democratic nominee. And this time around, because we had

  • a number of women running on the Democratic side, I would say we

  • just haven't heard as much or as frequently about gender.

  • KURTZLEBEN: Right. And gender came up in big ways tonight as well.

  • For example, there was something that President Obama's — former

  • President Obamasaid recently that got a lot of press, which

  • was that women make better leaders, so the moderators

  • asked the candidates about this.

  • And what was fascinating was that you had male candidates

  • being asked about their gender, which is not a thing we've seen

  • much happened before. It's fascinating. And you saw a heck

  • of a line from Andrew Yang.

  • ANDREW YANG: Our country is deeply misogynist,

  • and most all of us know that.

  • KURTZLEBEN: That is a big statement.

  • To me, it was it was actually stunning.

  • And I think, you know, some of this is by virtue of having more

  • than one woman on stage. Slowly, we are showing that women are not

  • flukes, that women are becoming parts of these presidential discussions.

  • KHALID: All right. Well, that's a wrap for tonight. I'm sure we'll be

  • back again pretty soon whenever there is the next debate.

  • But for now, make sure to tune into the latest episode of the

  • NPR Politics Podcast. You can find that, of course,

  • where ever you find any of your podcasts.

  • And we'll be there to wrap up all of the latest debate coverage.

TIM ALBERTA: Senator Warren, you would be the oldest president


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第六屆民主黨辯論會回顧|NPR政論 (Sixth Democratic Debate Recap | NPR Politics)

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