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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 182. The verb phrase today is take
off. Okay. We actually have 12 meanings and uses
for take off today. So that's a lot. So we're only going to give one example for
each one. But it's , it's interesting again. I know a lot of students may know
a lot of these , but I'm sure you don't know them all. We got twelve uses and
meanings for "take off" today. So let's look at the first one. To decrease or minus or remove
from a higher number. So like to deduct lower. I got him to agree to take off an
additional 10%. So to lower it. To reduce another 10%. So this would be in business
this would be very very common. All right. number two. To rise into the air in
flight. Yeah. We hear this all the time. The flight is scheduled to take off at 7
p.m. Yeah. Of course, a very common one. Number
three here. To increase in activity very quickly to a high degree, especially with
sales. We often use this with sales The demand for that item really took off. So
the sales increased very quickly right away. So they took off suddenly. It went
out very very to a high degree or high level. Okay. Number four. To quickly ... to
leave quickly or move away you know, quickly. So he never hangs out after
class, he always takes off right away. So again. So he just goes. You don't know
where he goes, but he just go somewhere. So he takes off. Number five. Now this one is a
little similar. It's to depart but in this case it's to depart for a
particular place. So you could take off for somewhere. So this will usually be
followed with a " for. " I'm sorry to leave the party early, but I have to take off
for work. So you have to leave for work. Maybe you work the night shift. You went
to this party . You may be able to go to the early part of the party. But you can't stay all
night. You got to leave. You have to go to work still. So you have to take off for
work. Okay. Good. Let's see number six here. To physically
remove something from oneself or from someone else. Well this one we use every
single day. You should take off those wet clothes and put on something comfortable.
Yeah. So every day we probably take off our clothes or any accessories. You take
off your watch. You take off your shoes. Take off your underwear Take off
whatever it is you remove it from your body. So this one is very very common.
Okay. Let's continue. To release something. All right. I took off the dogs
chain. So he could run around the park. So yeah. He was chained up and now you let
him run around. You take off the chain. You're in the park. He's free to run
around this area. Okay so you released him. You released him from the chain. Okay.
Good. Number eight. Also to increase an
activity but not necessarily sales here. The party didn't take off you know, it
didn't get more exciting. People weren't moving around and doing something. The
party didn't take off until we started playing dance music. So that's when it
started to get exciting. That's when people started to do something. They made
some activity. Okay. Number nine here. To steal or leave with something without
permission. Okay. Good that burglar took off with several famous paintings. Yeah.
Maybe this was at a museum. He took off with these items. Of course. He definitely
did not ask permission. But if you leave with something without permission , it is kind of the
same idea as to steal. You took off with something. You left with something. You
didn't if something that you were supposed to ask for but you didn't. So
you left with it. You took off with it Okay. Good on number ten here. To remove
someone from an activity or an assignment. Okay. Here, so the captain took
him off the case. You know, we see this in the movies all the time. Maybe a police
captain took a policeman off the case. Maybe for personal reasons or maybe
maybe the policeman you know, maybe he knew the person that
was being charged or something. But he took them off the case for some reason.
All right number 11 here. To not go to work. Yeah, we this all the time. I'm taking
two days off for personal reasons. Okay. So you're not going to work for those
two days. All right and the last one here. To discontinue something. So you stopped
it , especially you know, you don't make it. Or you don't you know carry it or provide it
anymore. You know for as a service or an item. Here we say, that item has been
taken off the menu. We don't serve it anymore. So maybe you went
to the restaurant. You used to order this and say what happened to it ?
Oh I'm sorry we took it off the menu. So that means they discontinued it. They
don't have it there anymore. You can't get it at this restaurant anymore
because they took it off the menu. Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's
clear. I hope it was informative. Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.