字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The Arab Spring blossomed across North Africa and the Middle East. 阿拉伯之春在北非和中東展開。 Barack Obama has been re-elected before ... 巴拉克 · 歐巴馬之前複選成功... This award is for those forgotten children who want education. 這個獎項要獻給那些被遺忘、需要教育的孩童們。 The British people have voted to leave the European Union. 英國人民決定脫歐。 Fight for your lives before it's someone else's job. 在別人決定你的命運前,為自己奮鬥。 No. 不。 Well... 嗯...。 Tik Tok: ADHD in app form. 抖音:應用程式裡的過動症。 Old Town Road became the longest-running number-one single in Billboard's history. Old Town Road 成為 Billboard 歷史上佔據冠軍單曲。 Avengers: Endgame, officially the highest-grossing movie of all time. 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》成為有史以來收益最高的電影。 The Emmy goes to Phoebe Waller-Bridge. 今年的艾美獎得主是 Phoebe Waller-Bridge。 The United States of America, champions of the world. 世界冠軍,美國! Liverpool, GOAL! 利物浦隊得分! Trump is now ordering federal government workers to go back to work without getting paid. 川普現在要讓聯邦政府的職員無薪上班。 It's official: the government shutdown is now the longest in US history. 官方宣佈這是美國政府歷史上最長的罷工。 There's no sense that there's any room for the two sides to really find a compromise, both are digging in. 兩方國家沒有空間妥協不甚合理,他們都堅持己見。 We have Big Macs, we have Quarter Pounders with cheese. 我們有大麥克,有四盎司牛肉堡。 We have everything that I like, that you like. 我們有你喜歡的,我喜歡的一切。 The reason we did this is because of the shutdown. 我們是因為罷工才這麼做的。 We need border security, we have to have it. 我們需要保衛邊界,我們需要。 Despicable living conditions, migrants left in standing room cells for a week. 困難的生存環境讓移民們待在只能站立的小房間長達一週。 The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border. 美國正在南方邊界運作集中營。 Special counsel Robert Mueller has delivered his final report. 特別顧問羅伯特.穆勒交出了最後一份報告。 If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so. 如果我們有證據指出總統犯罪,我們會公開。 We're going to impeach the motherf***r. 我們要彈劾這傢伙。 President Trump is maintaining that there was no wrongdoing on his part in his phone call with the president of Ukraine. 川普堅持在與烏克蘭總理的通話中,他沒有犯下任何錯誤。 A history-making headline, the third time in history a sitting US president impeached. 這是個轟動歷史的頭條,美國總統第三次彈劾。 The 2020 presidential race is heating up. 2020 年總統大選的競爭正在升溫。 Hell yes, we're gonna take your AR-15, your AK-47, we're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore. 沒錯,我們會拿走你的 AR-15、AK-47,我們不會讓你拿這些來攻擊美國同胞。 Who can beat Donald Trump? 誰能打敗川普? No one is above the law and that includes the president of the United State. 沒有人在法律之上,包括美國總統。 I have not been able to deliver Brexit. 我沒有辦法實現脫歐。 India is counting votes for the world's biggest democratic election. 印度正在為全世界最大的民主選舉計票。 Narendra Modi has swept to a crushing general election win. 納倫德拉.莫迪贏得勝利。 Tensions rising between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. 因為克什米爾問題,印度和巴基斯坦關係緊張。 The long-planned Turkish military operation in Northeast Syria has been launched. 策劃已久的土耳其軍事行動已經在敘利亞東北方展開。 Chaos in Venezuela. 委內瑞拉也發生動亂。 Both the opposition leader and President Maduro are calling for supporters to protest. 抗爭者和總統馬杜若都在尋求支持者起身抗議。 We are witnessing a wave of demonstrations around the world. 全世界正掀起一股遊行浪潮。 From the Middle East, to Latin America, the Caribbean, from Europe, to Africa and Asia. 從中東、拉丁美洲、加勒比海,從歐洲到非洲、亞洲。 It is clear that there is a growing deficit of trust between people and political establishments, and rising threats to the social contract. 人民跟政府單位之間的衝突越來越多,甚至威脅到社會契約。 The young could see what's in store, what's lurking around the corners. 年輕一輩可以看到什麼即將發生,又有什麼壞事潛藏著。 It's their future, they have every right to fight it. 這是他們的未來,他們有權為其抗爭。 A teenager from Sweden called the Voice of the Planet is ready to cross the Atlantic on a mission to fight climate change. 一群名為「地球之聲」,來自瑞典的年輕人已經準備好橫跨大西洋,以對抗全球暖化。 The eyes of all future generations are upon you. 未來的每個時代都在等著看。 And if you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you. 如果你讓我們失望了,我們絕對不會原諒你。 This is the start of a day of global climate strikes inspired by teen activist, Greta Thunberg. 這是全球氣候抗爭的開始,因青年積極份子 Greta Thunberg 而起。 You are failing us, but the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. 你讓我們失望了,但年輕人們開始理解這是背叛。 A new United Nations report warns the impacts of climate change are increasing and inevitable. 一份聯合國報導指出氣候變遷的有想正在增加且無法避免。 An environmental disaster with global implications. 這是全球性的環境災難。 The Amazon rainforest is burning at record rates. 亞馬遜森林大火的燃燒已經破紀錄。 New Delhi, air pollution is putting the health of millions of people at risk there. 在新德里,空氣污染已經造成數百萬人性命垂危。 Cyclone that has swept across Southern Africa. 龍捲風橫掃整個南美洲。 Kerala for a second consecutive year is battling floods in some districts. 喀拉拉邦連續兩年都在與洪水抗爭。 Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas. 朵莉安颶風摧毀了巴哈馬。 We have seen what we thought was unseeable. 這是前所未見的。 We can get married in Taiwan. 我們可以在台灣結婚了。 Taiwan will be the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage. 台灣將會是亞洲第一個同性戀婚姻合法化的國家。 We are not immune to the viruses of hate, of fear, of other. 我們還是會遭受憎恨、恐懼或其他負面的感受。 We never have been. 我們還沒成功過。 But we can be the nation that discovers the cure. 但我們可以是找到解決之道的國家。 The answer lies in our humanity. 答案就在人性之中。 The first man to run a marathon in under two hours. 第一個在兩小時內跑完馬拉松的人。 We are here and we have to do something nurturing that we respect before we go. 我們都活在這世界上,必須在離開前找到能灌溉理想的方法。 To love somebody. 好好愛一個人。 To take care of somebody. 照顧好一個人。 Exactly what I was thinking. 正如我想的。 To make one other person feel good. 讓別人感到舒適。 And that just seems to make life not just livable, but a gallant, gallant event. 不只是過活,要讓它光彩。
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