字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's hard to know how many cults exist out there right now. 我們很難得知現在到底有多少個邪教組織。 But Margaret Singer, she estimated about 5,000 in the United States alone. 但是 Margaret Singer 估計單就美國而言,有大約 5000 個邪教組織存在著。 [How easy is it to fall prey to a cult?] [淪為邪教的獵物有多容易?] A big misconception is that you'll be able to spot a cult and you'll be like, "I'm not going to fall for that." 有一個很大的誤解就是覺得自己能夠看出哪些是邪教組織,然後輕鬆地說:「我才不會掉入那種陷阱呢!」 But what's surprising about cults is that they can actually come in many forms. 但是令人驚訝的是,所謂的邪教組織其實可以以各種不同形式存在。 It could be a religion. 它可以是一個宗教。 It could be a business, a motivational seminar. 它也可以是一種商業模式,或者是一個激勵人心的討論會。 No one's going to walk up to you and be like, "Hey, you want to join my cult?" 絕對沒有人會走向你然後說:「嘿,你想要加入我的邪教組織嗎?」 It's something I think we're still figuring out as a society. 這也是我們正在持續研究的事情。 "Far Cry 5" takes place in the fictional town of Hope County, Montana. 遊戲「極地戰嚎五」的背景設定於位在蒙大拿州希望郡的一個虛擬小鎮。 It's about a cult leader, Joseph Seed, who calls himself The Father. 它的背景故事是關於一個稱呼自己為「聖父」的邪教首領 Joseph Seed。 He starts a doomsday cult. 他發起了一個末日邪教。 They're basically taking over the town and forcing people to convert. 基本上這個教接管了整個城鎮,並迫使人們改信他們的宗教。 While this seems like an extreme scenario, this kind of thing has happened before. 雖然這聽來似乎是一種極端的情境,但這種事以前真的有發生過。 Dave Koresh convinced his members to form an army of god at the Mt. Carmel compound. Dave Koresh 說服他的信眾在迦密山山莊組織了一支神的軍隊。 He gained a huge arsenal. 他有一個很大的軍械庫。 The ATF was just supposed to go in and put them all under arrest, but Koresh was tipped off. 當美國菸酒槍炮及爆裂物管理局才正要進去逮捕他們的時候, Koresh 早就得知這個消息了。 So, it turned into a 51-day standoff. 因此,這件事後來就演變成一個長達 51 天的對峙。 A fire started and then that just burned down the whole compound. 某天突來一把大火,迅速地把整個山莊都燒掉了。 It resulted in the deaths of 76 people. 最後導致了 76 人死亡。 People think that only dumb or gullible people fall for a cult, but if it's the right time and place, a charismatic figure can walk into anyone's life. 人們會覺得只有很笨、容易受騙的人才會加入邪教組織,但只要是在對的時間、對的地點,有魅力的領袖就能輕易地走進任何人的生活中。 [3 reasons people fall prey to cults] [三個人們淪為邪教的獵物的原因] [1. Instability in the world] If the world is in a state of instability, people are looking for assurance. 如果世界正處在不穩定的狀態時,人們就會向外尋求安慰。 Like, in the '60s, it was a time of new age movements, deconstructing of the nuclear family. 例如在 60 年代,當時新時代運動、核心家庭的解構正風行。 And that was just fertile ground for someone to rise up, a charismatic leader, Charles Manson. 而那正是一個能夠讓某人崛起的脆弱之地,一個充滿魅力的領袖,Charles Manson。 The type of people he looked for were hitchhikers and people who were part of the "free love" movement. 他所找尋的對象就是搭便車、還有支持自由性愛運動的那些人, He was definitely not a hippie. 他絕對不是一名嬉皮。 He just found what was working at the time and used it to his advantage. 他只是一個察覺當時潮流並加以利用的人。 Him giving his followers LSD was just a way to perpetuate that otherworldliness. 他給了他的追隨者 LSD 致幻劑,只為了要使那種幻想世界持續。 As he built this delusional world, he interpreted The Beatles as singing songs about a certain race war that was about to happen. 當他一邊建構起這種幻想的世界時,他也一邊將披頭四所唱的歌解讀成一個即將發生的種族戰爭。 In order to ignite that race war, he murdered Sharon Tate and her friends in her home. 為了要點燃這個種族戰爭,他謀殺了 Sharon Tate 和當時正在她家的朋友。 There's also the case of Jim Jones. Jim Jones 是另外一個案例。 [2. Financial instability] Someone's financially unstable and let's say a wealthy cult leader comes around. 當人們經濟不穩定的時候,一個富裕的邪教首領就趁此時在旁邊伺機而行。 He actually attracted a lot of working class people. 他實際上吸引了很多勞工階級的人們。 He was very much about socialism. 他的理念有很大的部分和社會主義有關。 He gave everyone that chance to feel equal. 他給了每個人感覺到被平等對待的機會。 He moved his group to Jonestown in South America and he told everyone to give up all their assets to the group. 他把他的邪教團體一道南美洲的 Jonestown,然後叫每個人拋棄他們的財產並捐獻給團體。 Being poor and being isolated in Jonestown, it made the members vulnerable because, really, they didn't have any other option. 在 Jonestown 裡人們都很窮、與社會隔離,這讓組織成員們都變得脆弱,因為他們確實也沒有其他的選擇了。 If they had their doubts about their beliefs, he would publicly humiliate, sometimes physically beat them, hold a gun to someone's head. 如果信眾對於他們的信仰提出懷疑,教主就會公然地羞辱他們,甚至有時候也會打人或用槍抵在這些人頭上。 It brought about criticism and then, eventually, it turned into tragedy. 這些舉動帶來了批評,最終也導致了悲劇的發生。 When he told everyone to kill themselves by drinking a mix of cyanide with Kool-Aid, really they didn't have any other option. 當他叫大家喝下氰化物和 Kool-AId 飲料的混合物來自殺時,這些信眾其實也真的沒有其他選擇。 So, that's where we get the phrase "drinking the Kool-Aid." 這也就是「喝掉 Kool-Aid」這句話的由來。 [Charisma] Cult leaders definitely twist religious beliefs to make it about them. 邪教首領們絕對會扭曲原本的宗教意涵,使其跟他們有關係。 A lot of them claim to be the second coming of Christ. 許多的邪教首領都會宣稱自己是耶穌再世。 It's harder to disobey the leader because their sense of identity comes directly from the leader. 這使人們更難違抗邪教首領,因為他們的認同感是直接來自於邪教首領的。 "I'll tell you who I am." 「我會告訴你我是誰。」 "As to whether or not you believe who I am or not is up to you." 「至於你相不相信我到底是誰,這件事完全取決於你自己。」 Marshall Applewhite, he was actually a very charismatic figure. Marshall Applewhite 其實是一個非常有魅力的人物。 He just seems like a very warm and knowledgeable person. 他看起來就像是個溫暖又學識淵博的人。 He started Heaven's Gate. 他創辦了天堂之門。 He believes that their destiny was to transcend into space. 他相信他們的靈魂將超脫於地球之外、進到太空中。 So, they all took this poisonous cocktail in bunk beds and killed themselves. 因此他們就都在雙層床上喝了這杯有毒的調酒,自殺了。 One of the saddest things about cults is that I don't think people fall prey to a cult because they're suckers, as much as they're human. 其中一件關於邪教組織、最令人難過的是我不認為會加入邪教是因為他們很笨,而是因為他們是人。 People want to trust people. 人會想要互相信任。 We're social beings and in a social climate of confusion and divisiveness, people are looking for assurance. 我們是社會性動物,當社會的氛圍中充滿迷惑和分歧時,人們就會尋求安慰。 When someone comes and pitches this better life, who's going to say no to that unless you already have it pretty well. 當有一個人來並竭力遊說你說有一個更好的世界存在時,除了那些已經過得夠好的人之外,誰有辦法說不呢? I think it's important to take a hard look at yourself. 我覺得嚴格地檢視自己是很重要的。 Am I easily trusting of new friends? 我是否很輕易地信任新朋友? Am I in a financially unstable or vulnerable position? 我是否正處於一種經濟上不穩定或脆弱的狀態? Could you fall prey to a cult? 你有可能成為邪教組織的獵物嗎? ♪Well, give me that old time religion.♪ 給我那個舊時代的宗教。 ♪Give me that old time religion.♪ 給我那個舊時代的宗教。 ♪It's good enough for me.♪ 對我而言就已經足夠了。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 邪教 首領 組織 宗教 獵物 脆弱 邪教的力量...你以為你「絕對」不會加入邪教? (How Do Cults Trap People?) 14662 525 Lian 發佈於 2020 年 03 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字