Adam : Okay last year me and Anwar went on a road trip with two girls, Michelle and Nicole, I had Nicole and he had Michelle and she had red hair and I had blonde hair. And then we-we-we *sobs* we made sweet sweet love to both of them. *Inhales* And then we drove them to another country and we stopped talking.
Adam:好我說,去年我和Anwar和兩個女孩米歇爾和妮可一起去公路旅行,我跟妮可一起,他跟米歇爾,她有紅頭髮,我的妹有一頭金發。 然後我們 - 我們 - 我們*抽泣*我們對他們兩個都一起做了個甜蜜蜜的愛。 *吸氣*然後我們開車到另一個國家,我們就不聊了。