字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Over one thousand years ago 一千多年以前 in the Eighth Century, 在西元八世紀時 the most powerful empire 世上最強大的帝國 in the world 是哈里發國(阿拉伯的第一個世襲王朝) was the Arab Caliphate, 由伍麥亞王朝統治 ruled by the Umayyad Dynasty. 它是當時的人們所知道的最大帝國 It was the largest empire 在那時 the world had ever seen 直到西元七百二十年 up to that point, 帝國一路延伸 and in the year 720, 從西方的大西洋 the empire stretched all the way 到東邊的印度 from the Atlantic Ocean in the west 毫無疑問的 to India in the east. 那是世界上 It was, without a doubt, 最強大的帝國,但是 the most powerful empire 逐漸的,隨著時間的流逝 in the world, but 消逝在歷史的洪流裡 gradually, over the centuries, 這讓我們有了一個議題 receeded into history. 如果這個舊的帝國 That then begs the question: 在今天重新出現了呢 What if this old empire 在這個現代社會裡 was reunited today 有著和西元七百二十年時 in the modern world 一樣的疆界 with the exact same borders 儘管這是完全不可能的事情 that it had in the year 720? 讓我們假設哈里發國 Despite how utterly impossible this is, 突然出現並且存在在世上 let's just assume that the Caliphate 並有著跟他以前一樣的疆界 suddenly just appeared back into existence 三十六個不同的現代國家 instantly with its exact borders. 會失去他們所有或部分的 Thirty six different modern countries 領土給哈里發國 would lose all or some of 包含一些 their territory to the Caliphate, 距離彼此非常遙遠的國家 including places as 像葡萄牙和印度 far away from each other as 一億一千一百萬平方公里 Portugal and India. 大的領土 11.1 million square kilometers 會歸屬於帝國 of territory 會讓它成為世界上第二大的 would belong to the empire, 國家僅次於俄羅斯 which would make it the second largest 它會成為 country in the world, behind only Russia. 六億六千五百二十一萬七千人的家 It would be home to a population of 會使其成為世上人口第三多的國家 665,217,000 people, 只少於印度和中國 which would place it as the third 相比重新出現的羅馬帝國 most populous country in the world, (我做的其他影片) behind both India and China. 哈里發國會有相似 Compared to the recreated Roman Empire, 但稍微不同的 (that I did in another video) 人口數目 the Caliphate would have a similar 在我為製作這個影片而蒐集資料時 but slightly smaller 我發現一些有趣的事情 population. 當我們描述這帝國 Something interesting that I discovered 叫它阿拉伯 哈里發國時 while doing the research for this video 阿拉伯人 was that despite the empire 只會成為多數族群 being called the 'Arab Caliphate,' 占了全國46% Arabs themselves 的人口 would only form a plurality 很輕易的我們可以知道原因 within the country at forty six percent 畢竟這個帝國覆蓋了極其 of the population. 多樣化的土地 It's easy to see why, 西班牙和葡萄牙人在這裡 since the empire covers an extremely 土耳其人這裡 diverse amount of land, 庫爾德人這裡 with Spaniards and Portuguese over here, 波斯人這邊 Turks here, 以及巴基斯坦人和印度人在東邊 Kurds here, 阿拉伯語會成為官方語言 Persians here, 多數的人會使用它 and Pakistanis and Indians over here, in the east. 但阿拉伯語本身 Arabic would be the official language 在不同的地方差異很大 spoken by a majority of the population, 舉例而言 but Arabic itself 在北非的說阿拉伯語的人 使用的阿拉伯語 is quite different from place to place. 對敘利亞或伊拉克的說阿拉伯語的人 Arabic speakers in some parts 是非常費解的 of North Africa, for example, 或許每個不同品種的語言 are completely incomprehensible to 都會被考慮成為正式的 many Arabic speakers 但總體而言 from Syria or Iraq for a variety of reasons. 阿拉伯語仍會成為最 Perhaps every variety of the language would 好理解的 be considered as 'official,' 語言在帝國的範圍裡 but over all, 當然,從這部影片的標題 Arabic would remain the most 還有我們所談論的的地區 well understood 你或許可以猜測到 language within the borders of 伊斯蘭教會佔據主導地位 the empire. 在帝國裡 Of course, from the title of this video, 伊斯蘭教會代表 and the area of the world that we're talking about, 85% you probably were safe to assume that 在現代哈里發國里的人口 Islam would be the dominant religion 其中會劃分成64%的 within this empire. 遜尼派 Islam would be represented by 21%的 eighty five percent of 什葉派 the Caliphate's modern population, 同時哈里發也會有非常多的 divided between sixty four percent 佔了9%人口的基督教信徒(比伊斯蘭仍是少數) being Sunni, 1%的猶太人 and twenty one percent 3%由印度教徒、拜火教徒和其他信仰者組成 being Shi'a. 而最後的2% The Caliphate would also have a very 則由無神論者 large Christian minority, 和無宗教信仰者組成 represented by nine percent of the population. 又,非常有趣的 Jews would make up 在哈里發裡最大的城市 one percent of the population, 卡拉奇(位於巴基斯坦) Hindus, Zoroastrians, and other faiths 會在主要的阿拉伯核心之外 would make up a following 卡拉奇的人口 three percent, 幾乎就和阿富汗的總人口一樣多 and the final two percent 哈里發其他的大城市 would be made up of Atheists 則是開羅 or non-religious persons. 德黑蘭(伊朗) Also, interestingly, 巴格達(伊拉克) the largest city in the Caliphate, 利雅德(沙烏地阿拉伯) Karachi, would be located in Pakistan, 無論如何,我會預期大馬士革(敘利亞) outside of the main Arab core. 最有可能成為 Karachi has almost as many people 重建的帝國的首都 living in it than all of Afghanistan 畢竟在西元720 combined, for example. 領土面積最廣大時 And the other biggest cities in the Caliphate 它就是哈里發的首都了 would be Cairo, 現在,我們要移動到 Tehran, 每個帝國 Baghdad, 最喜歡的議題 and Riyadh. 錢 However, I would expect that Damascus 重建的阿拉伯哈里發 would likely become 會有五點三四兆美金的G.D.P the reunited empire's capital city, 這會讓它成為 since it was the capital of the Caliphate 世上第三大經濟體 back at the year 720 超過德國和日本 at the empire's territorial height. 但在中國和美國之後 And now, we need to move on 但這是相當高價值的經濟體了 to every empire's 相比起其他我做過影片的帝國 favourite subject: 像蘇聯 Money. 還有非洲聯合國 而言 The reunited Arab Caliphate 不管怎樣,哈里發 would have a nominal G.D.P of 的人均G.D.P 5.34 trillion U.S. dollars, 會下降到 which would mean it would be the 每人八千零二十七美元 third largest economy in the world, 這代表平均公民的 overtaking both Germany and Japan, 平均生存條件 but remaining behind China and the United States. 會大致上跟 But that's actually a pretty high-valued economy 今天的中國的人均差不多 compared to other empires that I've overed in the past, 當然,鑒於哈里發 like the Soviet Union, 會包含以下的國家 and the United African Continent, for example. 像沙烏地阿拉伯 However, the Caliphate's 伊朗 nominal G.D.P per capita 科威特 would be down to 卡塔爾 just 8,027 dollars a person, 它會馬上變成 which means that the average living conditions for 目前 the average citizen 世上最大的石油出產國 would be roughly the same as it is 事實上,地球上將近30%的 for the average citizen in China today. 石油生產權 Of course, since the Caliphate 會被哈里發控制 would absorb entire countries 會給其在世界舞台上 like Saudi Arabia, 巨大的話語權 Iran, 至於其他 Kuwait, 會給帝國帶來話語權的 and Qatar, 會是其大規模的軍隊 it would instantly become 將會成為世上最大的 by far 四百二十一萬四千的現役軍人 the world's largest producer of 那是比 oil. 中國和美國總合起來還多的現役軍人 In fact, nearly thirty percent 此外,哈里發 of all the Earth's oil 會發現它擁有 production would be controlled by 額外的四百二十一萬六千軍人做儲備用 the Caliphate, which would give it an enormous 繼續說的話,哈里發 leverage on the world stage. 擁有到目前為止世上最大的軍事力量 The other tool 唯二的兩個帝國 that the empire could use as leverage 那我曾介紹過(重建帝國系列)有更大的軍隊的 would be its massive military, 是蒙古 which would become the largest in the world with 和大英帝國 4,214,000 active duty troops. 考慮進一切的條件 That's more active duty soldiers than 重聚的現代阿拉伯哈里哈國 China and the United States combined, 會幾乎是理所當然的成為潛在的 and in addition, the Caliphate 世界超級大國 would find itself in possession 從它的首都大馬士革管理 of an additional 4,216,000 troops placed in reserves. 哈里發會是 If called upon, the Caliphate 世上第二大面積的國家 by far, the largest military force in the world. 國家人口數排名第三的國家 The only two empires 第三大經濟體 that I've covered before who'd have larger militaries 又擁有世上 would be both the Mongol, 最大的軍隊 and British empires. 並且控制了 With all things being considered, 世上三成的石油生產 the reunited modern Arab Caliphate 大大的超越了 would almost certainly be a potential 其他的個別國家 world superpower. 它或許會跟如今的世界大國 Governing from its capital of Damascus, 中國,有一部分相似 the Caliphate would be the 但它可能會忙著與國內 second largest country in the world, 非常多元化的民族鬥爭 have the third highest population in the world, 就像任何一個大帝國會帶來的 have the third largest global economy, 它的相對較低的 it would be in possession of the world's 平均生存條件 largest military, 和國家內伊斯蘭的兩大教派遜尼和什葉之間的巨大鴻溝 and also control 內部的壓力和問題 thirty percent of 也是當初歷史上在蒙古於1258年入侵 the entire world's oil production, 並臣服於蒙古以前哈里發帝國就已經分崩離析的原因 vastly more than 所以我們可以抱有很高的興趣 any other individual country. 對於 如何 It would probably be similar in world power projection to 現代版的帝國 modern day China, 克服這些相似的問題 but it could struggle with 在下方的評論區留下你的想法 the vast ethnic diversities 以及你的理論 such a large empire would bring, 關於如何統治及管理 its relatively low 這個現代的帝國 living conditions on average, 在我們的現代世界裡 and the large divide between 以及它可能存在多久 Sunni and Shi'a Muslims within the country. 或者任何事我在影片中所漏掉的 Internal pressures and problems 如果你喜歡你看到的 is what tore the historical Caliphate apart 我希望你可以點擊這裡 before it finally succumbed 訂閱我的頻道 to the Mongol invasions in 1258. 這個主題是由我的贊助者投票出來的 So it would be interesting to see 由正式Real Life Lore粉絲決定的 how, or if, 你可以點擊這裡 the modern version of it could 投出我未來影片的題目 overcome these similar problems. 你可以在左手側 Leave your thoughts and comments below 觀看我舊的影片 about your theories 我希望很快能再見到你 on how this modern empire 在下個星期五的新影片 would handle itself in our modern world. How long it may last for, or anything else that I missed talking about in this video. If you liked what you just watched, then I hope that you'll subscribe to my channel by clicking here. This topic was voted on by my patrons, over by the official Real Life Lore Patreon, which you can go to, and vote on future video topics by clicking here. You can watch some older videos of mine over here on the left, and I hope to see you soon for another new video next Friday.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 帝國 阿拉伯語 世上 國家 成為 人口 如果今天阿拉伯帝國重新統一了呢? (What If the Arabian Empire Reunited Today?) 169 3 Taka 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字