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  • Every year we will exchange Christmas gifts to others but not face to face

  • There are some differences this year

  • What are the differences?

  • Are we going to exchange the gifts on the street?

  • Do not play on the street!

  • Later we can exchange the gifts at the center of the street

  • No I am going to bring you to a place

  • Follow me

  • A secret place?

  • Just follow me

  • Huangs' brother started their trip in Ximending (a place in TaiWan) which lead by ZheZhe who has a terrible sense of direction

  • Oh no..why we met Heiyu at this moment, it's terrible

  • I am so afraid

  • Hey! What are you saying XD

  • It is scary to see Heiyu

  • So scary

  • So you don't know how to go to the destination right?

  • Are you leading us by your sense?

  • What are the things inside the bags you are holding?

  • Are you asking the two bags on my hands? They are the sleeping bags for us to sleep on the street tonightXD

  • You will sleep here tonight?

  • Wow that's a great planning...(Hey are u seriousQQ)

  • Finally we arrived

  • We just made a detour to our destination

  • Yes...we just made a detour to here because of your "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" sense of direction

  • You are too great~X3

  • Actually the destination is just beside the point we start

  • I love to walk XD

  • Where are you going? We had already arrived, it's the second floor of this shop

  • Are you going to another shop again?

  • We can go upstairs now

  • Are you sure we can just go upstairs? Yes we can

  • Today we are going to exchange the Christmas gifts with these YouTubers

  • The rules are every groups of YouTubers will receive two gifts one good and one is evil

  • and all of us do not know who gave these gifts to us

  • So we have to guess who gave us the good one and the evil one

  • If our guess is correct we can get a special gift otherwise we will be hit by them

  • Today we received these two gifts both of them are huge

  • This letter will told us what is inside the gift!

  • But it said we can read this after we open the gift

  • Who gave this to us!

  • This person use a wire to tie it

  • What is happening now?

  • Maybe this person is a electrician

  • This gift is not bad it's not evil

  • It's a toy

  • Now it's a evil gift XD

  • Can we open the letter?

  • Yes you can

  • You just destroyed the gift

  • We can still play on it

  • This was bought in a online website

  • It was bought in a second hand online shopping website

  • Because I spent all the money to the good one

  • Oh I know who bought it

  • Did it's teeth break?

  • Nah..

  • But there are no lower teeth

  • Maybe it did not have any lower teeth

  • You have to put on the batteries and push the dog to the back

  • I have to push it back?

  • When you take a bone from the bowl it will...

  • Do you have batteries?

  • Oh there are on and off buttons

  • When it has reaction the bones will boom to everywhere

  • What do you want to do?

  • What are you doing?

  • paper scissor stone

  • me first

  • I have to take one red bone

  • Are we going to take the bone by our hand?

  • Nope~use the clip

  • Pay attention to everyone's faces XD

  • Why did all of you scream?

  • Zhe Zhe was scared by everyone screamed

  • It's scary

  • Is it just like that? It will not have other effect?

  • What are you looking for?

  • It really scary when it has the reaction

  • Will it bite our hand?

  • Maybe we are scared by it's sound effect

  • I just take anyone of these

  • Don't use hand

  • Wow you use hand but not the clip

  • Nothing happen?

  • You don't have any bones left!

  • Ok! this is the evil gift which we received

  • It looks like you

  • Wei Wei,I think it looks like you

  • yes! It looks like you

  • Who will give this to us?

  • The main point is this person bought it in that online shop

  • But I think this letter was written by a male

  • Not much person will buy things from that online shop website

  • That person drew a heart on the card

  • It doesn't matter we can open the good one first

  • Is this the evil gift?

  • I think this gift is really good!

  • There's too many furnitures

  • We need to build up the furniture~WeiWei I want to play~ Do you want to have a cup of tea?

  • Do you need some tea cups? (They become crazy!XD)

  • That's a wine cup not a tea cup

  • Where is the little baby?

  • Oh it can be like that it's too cute~

  • It looks scary

  • It looks really scary

  • It will look at you quietly

  • It will come back if you throw it

  • and it will tell you....

  • Alisa!

  • Wow~A big car~

  • It's a sport car

  • This gift is really good

  • WeiWei do you want to eat cake?

  • I am sitting on the car

  • You should take the little doll out from the box

  • eat the cake~

  • Did the person think she is giving this gift to a 10 years old children?XD

  • It can open

  • Huangs' wedding car

  • We can also open the box below the seat

  • They were scared by me but actually I want to scared you XD

  • It can store something

  • We cam also take the chair away

  • The door can be open too

  • This is a door but not for the car

  • We can change it to convertible car

  • Are you sure the convertible car looks like this?

  • It's a wedding convertible car

  • This gift is really good

  • I know who gave this gift to us

  • So the person who gave us this evil gift must not be the one who gave us the good one

  • This is not the evil gift this is the good one

  • oops sorry~

  • I think the dog one is also a good gift

  • ah! your car~

  • Oh it's my car~

  • I am so happy~

  • Huangs' brothers were broken

  • So we have to guess now

  • We have to guess who gave us the dog and barbie

  • There is something on my head?

  • You just saw it now?

  • There is a board you can write on the board

  • The evil gift was bought from the online shop

  • come on you can go inside the mouth

  • oops we put in a opposite way

  • It should be the best way to put it

  • I like it

  • (They are too stressful)

  • In my opinion this card should be written by San Yuan

  • I am not really sure because I don't know if this card was written by himself or not

  • But I saw his handwriting before when we cooperate in a video

  • It's similar with the card?

  • I have a idea of the good gift

  • The barbie one should be given by Heiyu

  • He want to give you a wife

  • Actually this one is his own collection

  • When I went to his home I saw a lot

  • Which one should I give to Huangs' brothers?

  • This must be the best~I love it very much

  • It's a little story in his mind XD

  • The second answer is more easy to guess

  • I guess San Yuan and Heiyu

  • Are you sure?

  • It must not be Alisa's hand writing

  • If this gift was given by here you have to hit by us

  • Ok if it was given by her the thing I can tell is her handwriting is really ugly

  • We guess the evil gift(the dog) was given by San Yuan

  • And the good gift(barbie) was given by Heiyu

  • Who hit me?

  • The first one who hit you shows that the gift was given by her

  • How can you be that stupid?

  • The correct answer is the good one was given by Heiyu and the evil one was given by Alisa

  • The hand writing is easy to guess and she is the one who usually buy thing from the online shops

  • there is also a heart

  • So these words were written by you?

  • Are you sure these is your handwriting?

  • My handwriting cannot be ugly?

  • Can we hit him now?

  • Let's start to hit him

  • I give you to hit him because he made you cannot get the surprise gift which is a tasty cake

  • I can buy it for you so don't hit me

  • Thank you ~

  • You don't think it's a good gift? It's really cute~

  • I've got a dog which know how to bite people

  • Thank you Heiyu and Alisa

  • Sorry it's a little dog

  • I've just throw it into it's mouth

  • I return the little dog to you~

  • This is the end of today Christmas gift exchange activity

  • Heincream is the one who held this activity~ Thanks a lot~

  • Actually we've got two bad presents but not a good and a bad gifts

  • We have also prepared a good present and an evil present, the two gifts will be shown up in two other channel of these YouTubers

  • You can go to their channel and search where are our presents

  • Ok! There is a video on every Wednesday and Saturday, we are challenging to put on a video on every Monday too

  • Our live broadcast will not be on time every week so please one the bell beside the subscribe button

  • Remember to subscribe our channel, give us a like for the video and share our videos to your friends~You may also follow our facebook and instagram

  • See you next time bye~

  • I am going to let the dog to bite the barbie

  • this is the ending of the video

  • It's a bit scary

  • It's not suitable to watch by children

  • Oh no It cannot move

  • The camera was not straight

  • How can the barbie sit inside

  • It should be like this

Every year we will exchange Christmas gifts to others but not face to face


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    芭芭拉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日