字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This is the bathroom door on an airplane, and it can save your life. 這是飛機上廁所的門,它可以救你一命。 Not because it's the only thing standing between you and the guy that ate an airport burrito before he got on board. 並不只是因為它幫你隔絕了那個上飛機前吃了機場墨西哥捲的男子。 It actually has a hidden safety feature. 那道門其實還有隱藏的安全裝置。 Can you figure it out? 你知道是什麼嗎? 8 airplane safety features you didn't know existed. 八個你不知道的飛機安全裝置。 In case of an emergency that requires the pilot to land on the water, you'll be grateful for these little yellow hooks. 若發生緊急事件,而機長得迫降在水上,你會很感謝這些黃色小掛勾。 The number and placement of hooks on each wing vary from plane to plane, but they all do the same thing - help passengers to safety. 每台飛機的掛勾的數量跟位置都不一樣,但它們的功能都是保障乘客的安全。 They're an anchor for ropes, which passengers use to steady and pull themselves across the wing especially during a water landing. 這些掛勾可以用來固定繩索,讓乘客可以拉著繩子跨越機翼,尤其是在水面迫降時。 The ropes and hooks can also be used to tether rafts to the plane so they don't float away as passengers board. 掛勾與繩索也可以用來拴住逃生筏,以免漂走。 Let's say your plane does depressurize. 假設,你乘坐的飛機真的失壓了。 You know the drill: pull down on the mask to extend the tube, cover your nose and mouth with the yellow cup, and always put your own mask on first. 你知道該做什麼:將面罩向下拉,用黃色面罩蓋著自己的口鼻,記得先戴好自己的面罩。 But wait, why do you have to pull down on the mask? 但等等,為什麼要把面罩向下拉? It's not to reach your face. 並不是要把它拉向你的臉部。 It's actually to start a chemical reaction. 而是要引起化學反應。 There are no oxygen tanks on airplanes. 飛機上其實沒有氧氣罐。 They're just too heavy and bulky to be practical. 氧氣罐太重、體積太大,一點也不實際。 Instead, the panel above your head contains a chemical oxygen generator. 因此,你頭上的控制板含有化學氧氣產生器。 It's a small canister that holds sodium chlorate, barium peroxide, and a pinch of potassium perchlorate. 那是個小罐子,裡頭裝有氯酸鈉、過氧化鋇與少量的過氯酸鉀。 And when all three mix together, the extremely hot chemical reaction lets off oxygen. 當這三種物質混合在一起,高熱的化學反應就會釋放氧氣。 Your seat cushion functions as a flotation device, but did you know it's also fireproof? 飛機座椅的椅墊可當作漂浮裝置,但你知道它是防火的嗎? Let's take this back a few decades. 讓我們回到數十年前。 During a 1967 test for the first Apollo moon mission, three astronauts were killed when the interior of the capsule caught on fire. 在1967 年,一場阿波羅月球任務的測試,三個太空人因艙內著火而喪命。 An investigation showed that the craft was filled with highly flammable materials including the foam in the seat cushions. 調查指出,該飛船內有許多易燃物,包含座椅內的泡棉。 This led NASA to conduct a whole slew of research for a way to cover flammable things with a fire-resistant material. 因此,太空總署決定做一系列的研究,在易燃物蓋上防火材質。 So in 1984, the Federal Aviation Administration issued new regulations regarding the flammability of airplane seats. 所以在 1984 年時,美國聯邦航空總署發表了關於飛機座位易燃性的新規定。 And in fact, it's estimated that 20 to 25 lives are saved each year because their seats don't catch on fire. 實際上,每年估計有 20 至 25 人的生命得救,因為他們的座椅不會著火。 Above some of those flame-resistant seats, you might see a little black or red triangle. 在那些防火座位上方,你可能會看到一個黑色或紅色的三角形。 Those triangles actually signify what's nicknamed "William Shatner's seat." 這些三角形其實代表著,大家暱稱的「William Shatner 的座位」。 It's a reference to a 1963 episode of "The Twilight Zone," in which Shatner's character sees a gremlin on the wing of the plane. 這名字是從 1963 年,影集《陰陽魔界》裡所來的,當時 Shatner 從窗戶看到機翼上有個小精靈。 The triangles signal to the crew which windows have the best view of the wings in case a flap malfunctions or to check to see if they've been deiced. 三角形的標誌讓機組人員知道哪個窗戶能夠清楚地看到機翼,以免有阻力版失靈的情形,或是看看機翼是否已除冰。 While you're staring at the gremlin on the wing, you might notice a small hole in the window. 當你盯著機翼上的小精靈時,你可能會注意到窗戶上有個小洞。 Usually not a good feature for a window, but necessary in this case. 對普通窗戶可能不是件好事,但在這裡可是必要的。 It's called a bleed hole. 那叫作排氣孔。 And it prevents your airplane window from blowing out. 它可以防止飛機窗戶被吹走。 That's because the air pressure inside the plane is so much greater than outside, which would cause any normal window to explode. 因為飛機內的氣壓比外面還要高上許多,這會讓普通的窗戶爆裂。 But the windows on an airplane are made up of three panes: inner, middle, and outer. 但飛機的窗戶有三層構造:內層、中層與外層。 The outer pane takes the pressure, the middle acts as a fail-safe, and the inner is just there so passengers don't mess with the other two. 外層玻璃承受壓力,中層則是保險裝置,而內層則是要讓乘客沒辦法亂玩外面兩層。 The hole also lets moisture escape from the gaps so the windows don't fog up or freeze. 該洞也能讓水氣出去,避免起霧或結冰。 If the idea of your window popping out mid-flight causes you stress, just try to keep the shade up anyways. 如果會怕窗戶在飛機飛到一半的時候飛走,就把簾子打開吧。 That simple action could give you peace of mind and potentially save your life. 這個動作可以讓你心靈平和,還有可能救你一命。 Before taking off and landing at night, crews will often dim the cabin lights and ask passengers to open their shades. 在晚上起飛與著陸前,機組人員會調暗艙內的燈光,並請乘客將簾子打開。 This is to give their eyes time to adjust to the darkness. 這是為了讓眼睛適應黑暗。 In case of evacuation, passengers' eyes will already be acclimated to the blackness outside. 如此一來,若有需要疏散的狀況發生,乘客的眼睛早就適應好外頭的黑暗了。 If the lights stayed on, their eyes would need time to adjust and they'd end up wasting precious seconds stumbling blindly instead of quickly evacuating. 若燈光一直開著,疏散時,乘客就會浪費寶貴時間等待眼睛適應黑暗,而不是快速地疏散了。 While joining the mile-high club might seem like a fun idea, you won't get the kind of privacy you might expect. 參加高空性愛俱樂部感覺很刺激,但你可能不會得到你想要的隱私。 In fact, a crew member could open the bathroom door at any moment no matter if you locked it or not. 事實上,機組人員任何時候都可以從外面打開廁所的門,不論你有沒有鎖。 On the outside of most airplane bathroom doors is a little plate that says "LAVATORY." 多數飛機廁所的門上,都會有一塊牌子寫著「盥洗室」。 And under that little plate is a latch that unlocks the door from the outside. 那塊牌子下藏著一個門閂,可以從外面開鎖。 This allows the crew to access the bathroom in case of an emergency. 這讓機組人員可以在危急時打開廁所門。 While you're in the bathroom, you might notice an ashtray. 上廁所時,你可能會發現有菸灰缸。 "But wait," you think to yourself, "I thought it was illegal to smoke on planes!" 「等等」你開始想,「飛機上抽菸不是違法的嗎?」 You're right! 你沒有錯! Smoking on an airplane has been banned on U.S. airlines since the late 1980s and could saddle you with a fine of up to $25,000. 從 1980 年代起,美國航空就禁止了在機上抽煙,違反者最高會被處以 25,000 美元 (約 75 萬台幣) 的罰款。 Even with the threat of a fine, the Federal Aviation Administration isn't taking chances. 即使有罰款的威脅,美國聯邦航空總署還是想保障萬全。 It lists ashtrays in bathrooms as legally required to meet the minimum equipment needed for a plane. 它規定廁所裡一定得配有菸灰缸,這是飛機配備的最低要求。 Trash cans on a plane are mostly filled with flammable materials, like cocktail napkins. 飛機上的垃圾桶通常有許多易燃物,如紙巾。 So tossing a cigarette butt into one of those would not be good. 所以把煙屁股丟進垃圾桶,可不是什麼好事。 After all, there are still plenty of things in a plane that aren't covered in flame-resistant material. 畢竟,飛機上仍有許多東西沒有用防火材質覆蓋著。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 飛機 窗戶 機翼 乘客 裝置 面罩 飛機上的廁所鎖住時竟然可以從外面打開?八個你不知道的飛機安全裝置 (8 Airplane Safety Features You Didn't Know Existed) 10945 416 Mackenzie 發佈於 2020 年 01 月 15 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字