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Today we are going to learn some common phrases you can use in a restaurant.
Let's get started.
Ok, so when you enter the restaurant, the host may ask you
“How big is your party?”
幾位?(How big is your party?)
That just means, “How big is your group?”
So if you have a group of two people, you would say
“We have a party of two.”
兩位 (We have a party of two.)
Or if you have a group of four people, you would say
“We have a party of four.”
我們有四個人 (We have a party of four.)
Or, for example, if I have a party of six and I'm waiting for a table, and it's my turn.
或者,舉個例子 ,如果我有六個人來用餐,然後我在等空位,輪到我的時候。
Then the host will call out and say, “Nick party of six”
接待員就會喊:Nick,六位的客人請進。(Nick party of six)
So, as soon as you sit down at your table, your server will immediately ask you
“Can I get you anything to start?”
要開始點餐了嗎?(Can I get you anything to start?)
“Can I get you anything to drink?”
要來點喝的嗎?(Can I get you anything to drink?)
Both of these mean the same thing, they are just asking if you would like to have anything to drink, so they can get your drinks
While you look at the menu and decide what you want to order.
當你在看菜單 在想要點甚麼的時候。
Common ways to respond are:
“Can I get a…”
我想要... (Can I get a…)
“Can I get a chocolate milk?”
可以來杯巧克力牛奶嗎?(Can I get a chocolate milk?)
“I'll have a…”
我想要... (I'll have a…)
“I'll have a chocolate milk?”
我想來杯巧克力牛奶 (I'll have a chocolate milk?)
“I'll take a…”
我想要... (I'll take a…)
Obviously you don't have to order chocolate milk, you can get whatever you want.
But if you do order chocolate milk…
When the server returns with your drinks, they will then ask for your food order and they will probably use one of these phrases
“What can I get you?”
能為你服務嗎?(What can I get you?)
“What would you like?”
想要來點甚麼呢?(What would you like?)
“What can I start you off with?”
想要開始點餐了嗎?(What can I start you off with?)
Then you can respond with one of these phrases
“Can I get a…”
我想要... (Can I get a…)
“Can I get a mac & cheese”
來點盤通心粉吧 (Can I get a mac & cheese)
“I'll have a…”
我想要... (I'll have a…)
“I'll have a mac & cheese”
我想來盤通心粉吧 (I'll have a mac & cheese)
“I'll take a…”
我想要... (I'll take a…)
“I'll take a mac & cheese”
我要點通心粉 (I'll take a mac & cheese)
Oh man I would KILL for some mac & cheese right now.
Ok, calling your server. So if you need to get your server's attention.
OK 如果你想要讓服務生過來。
Maybe you need some more plates.
Maybe you would like some more water.
If you need to get their attention, I always like to start with “Excuse me.”
如果你想要讓他們注意你 ,我總是會說:不好意思 (Excuse me)
“Excuse me, could I get some more napkins please? Thanks”
不好意思,你可以幫我拿餐巾嗎?謝謝。(Excuse me, could I get some more napkins please? Thanks)
“When you get a chance…”
你有空的時候... (When you get a chance…)
“When you get a chance could I get five more chocolate milks? Thanks."
等你有空的時候,我想再點五杯巧克力牛奶。謝啦。(When you get a chance could I get five more chocolate milks? Thanks.)
These are some of the same phrases you would use at a bar if you were ordering drinks.
If you want to see my video on how to order drinks at a bar, check it out right here.
如果你想看我的關於如何在酒吧點酒的影片 ,點一下這裡。
Ok, in English there are tons of ways you can say “bathroom.”
Water closet.
Water closet
The list goes on.
But in America, the most common ways to say bathroom are
但在美國,最常說的應該還是 bathroom。
And also, restroom.
還有 restroom。
So you would say, “Where is the bathroom?”
所以你可以說:請問廁所在哪呢? (Where is the bathroom?)
“Where is the bathroom?”
請問廁所在哪呢? (Where is the bathroom?)
“Where is the restroom?”
請問廁所在哪呢? (Where is the restroom?)
Or you can also ask, “Do you have a restroom I can use?”
或者你也可以問:你們有廁所可以借用嗎?(Do you have a restroom I can use?)
“Do you have a bathroom I can use?”
你們有廁所可以借用嗎?(Do you have a restroom I can use?)
Ok so now at the very end of the meal.
When you are all done eating and you are so full that your stomach is about to burst.
You just flag down your server and ask them
“Can I get the check when you get a chance?”
打擾一下,我想買單。(Can I get the check when you get a chance?)
“Excuse me, can I have the bill?”
打擾一下,我想買單。(Can I get the check when you get a chance?)
Ok, tipping
In the US, it is customary to tip your server 15-20%.
在美國呢,大家通常習慣小費給 15-20%。
But if your party is larger than six, they may automatically include tip/gratuity.
So make sure you check so you don't tip them twice.
If you're not sure, you can always ask your server
“Is tip included?”
這包含小費嗎?(Is tip included? )
“Is gratuity included?”
含小費? (Is gratuity included? )
But this is only for parties of six or larger.
Alright, so you've finished eating and you've eaten as much as you could
But, maybe your eyes were bigger than your stomach and you ordered way too much food.
但也許你一個不小心點了太多了 浪費了不少食物。
If you'd like to take the leftover food home, you can stop and ask your server.
“Excuse me, can I have a doggy bag?”
不好意思,給可以給我個袋子嗎?我想打包。(Excuse me, can I get a doggy bag? )
“Can I get a box?”
我可以要個袋子嗎?(Can I get a box?)
In the 1970's the term doggy bag was used to promote bringing your leftover food home to your pet.
在1970年代,doggy bag 當時是用來說你帶一些廚餘回家給你的狗。
But now we just use it as a general term to mean "dabou."
Alright so when you're ready to leave, after you've eaten and you've paid your bill and you've got your doggy bag.
You just simply say thank you to your server and your host and waltz out of the restaurant.
You've completed your first colloquial English dining experience.
We went over a ton of phrases today so I suggest that you write down the phrases in this video.
Rewatch the video so you can get some more practice.
And then next time you're in the restaurant, you can practice these phrases with your server.
If you have any questions or you want to make any comments, drop me a line below or send a message.
And I will get back to you as quickly as I can.
Now, time to go find some chocolate milk.
好了! 我要去來杯巧克力牛奶!