字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Man, it's hot in here 老兄 真的好熱喔! Welcome back to the show 歡迎回到我的節目! Now, you've probably learned how to say the words “Cheap” and “Expensive” 現在 你很可能已經會說了 Cheap (便宜)和 Expensive (貴) but what if something is just “a little cheap” 但是 如果有東西 沒這麼貴 Or it's “Super Cheap”? 或是 超級便宜的呢 A little bit expensive 有一點貴 Or “Really Really Expensive” 或是超級貴的 What are you supposed to call those things? 你該怎麼說呢? Keep watching because today we are going to learn some new ways to talk about 繼續看影片吧 ! 因為今天我們要來告訴大家很多種不一樣的方式來說 Cheap and Expensive Cheap and Expensive 便宜 和 貴 And make your English sound more natural and more native 讓你的英文聽起來更道地更自然 Ok wait! 好 等等! 暫停一下! Stop! 在我們說 "cheap" 或是expensive 之前呢 Before we talk about “Cheap” or “Expensive” 我們需要來說幾種方式說"Money" We need to know what to call “Money” 對美國人來說 Dollars 或是 Bucks 都很常見 For Americans the most common is either “Dollars” or “Bucks” 兩樣都很好 Both are okay 舉個例子 這些運動鞋多少錢呢? For example, how much are these kicks (sneakers)? 兩百元 Two hundred bucks 那些房子要多少錢呢? How much is that house over there? 一百萬元! A million dollars 好耶!你現在應該很清楚 Dollars 跟 Bucks Alright, now that you're comfortable with “Dollars” and “Bucks” 那我們可以來了解不同程度的 "Cheap" 和"Expensive" We can now learn different levels of of “Cheap” and “Expensive” 舉個例子吧 我們來用我最喜歡的 椰子草莓口味的珍珠奶茶 For this example, we are going to use my favorite: Coconut Strawberry Bubble Tea 通常呢 在美國 這杯珍奶大約三美元左右 The average price of bubble tea in the US is about three dollars, give or take 所以如果你去一間店 然後只需要2美元又50分 So if you go to a shop and they charge, say, two fifty 那你就可以說 " Hey That's not bad (唉呦 . 價格不錯喔!)' Then you can say, “Hey that's not bad” 嘿 我真的很喜歡這間珍奶店 I really like this bubble tea shop. 價格不錯喔! The prices aren't bad 或是 " That’s pretty good' 真便宜! Or “That's pretty good 如果你想要更多特別的說法 你可以說 Or if you want to be more specific you can say “That’s not a bad price” 或 “That’s a pretty good price” 價格真的不錯 ! “That's not a bad price” or “That's a pretty good price” 嘿 我真的很喜歡這間珍珠奶茶店! 價格蠻便宜的! Hey I like this bubble tea shop, the prices are pretty good 現在 如果你想要他變得更便宜! Now maybe you want it to be even cheaper 所以走到另外一條街上 So you walk down the street 然後有一間店 發現只要兩塊美金 And this shop charges two dollars 你就可以說 " Hey, that’s a good deal" So you can say “Hey, that's a good deal” 你再說一次這杯多少? How much is the bubble tea again? 兩塊錢!? (美金) Two dollars? Hey, that’s a good deal 挖靠 太便宜! That's a good deal 或是 “That’s a bargain” 真划算! Or, “That's a bargain” 這杯珍奶多少? How much is the bubble tea here? 兩塊錢? Two bucks? Wow, that’s a bargain 挖靠! 真划算! Wow, that's a bargain 但是 But 但是 BUT!!! 也許這還不夠便宜! Maybe that's still not cheap enough for you 所以你又繼續走 So you walk down the street again 你又找到了一間店 And you get to the last shop. 你發現了一間只賣一杯一美元的珍奶 And they only charge a buck for a bubble tea 你就可以說 " “That’s a steal!” So you can say “That's a steal!” 這杯多少啊? How much is the bubble tea here? 一塊?! A dollar?! Dang that’s a steal 靠! 太扯了! Dang that's a steal 說steal 因為這幾乎便宜的就像你(從店家)偷的 It's called “A steal” because it's so cheap it's almost like you stole it 另外一個說法你可以說" “It costs almost nothing” 或 “It costs next to nothing” Another phrase you can say is “It costs almost nothing” or “It costs next to nothing” 就像是幾乎免費的 Almost free basically 這杯多少? How much is the bubble tea here? 一塊? Just a buck?? Wow that costs almost nothing! 哇! 這樣你們有賺到? Wow that costs almost nothing! 這多少啊? How much is the bubble tea here? 一塊! A buck?! Dang that’s next to nothing 哇! 這根本免費了吧! Dang that's next to nothing 好了 要是現在這間店一杯珍奶要超過三塊錢呢? Ok now, what if a shop charges more than three dollars? 是時候該來說點關於"Expensive(貴)的說法了 ! It's time to learn some new ways to say expensive 如果有一間店可能要你得花3.5美元買一杯珍奶 If a shop charges a little bit more, maybe three fifty instead of three dollars 你可以說“Ooo that’s kind of pricey” ㄜ... 有點貴阿 Then you can say, “Ooo that's kind of pricey” Pricey 就是感覺有點貴但並非真的超貴的那種 Pricey is like a little bit more expensive but not really expensive 這個杯你們怎麼賣? How much is the bubble tea here? 3.5美元!? three fifty?! ㄟ.... 這感覺有一點貴耶! 但我有點懶得再去找別間了 所以我會買 Mmm seems kind of pricey but I'm too lazy to go next door so I'll take it 或有一些地方 店家真的很貪心 也許他可能賣了一杯珍奶四塊錢 Or some places, if they're really really greedy, they might charge four dollars for 如果他賣四塊錢一杯珍奶 a bubble tea 那你可以說Wow that is steep And if they're charging four dollars for a bubble tea 四....四 塊錢!? 四美元一杯珍奶? Then you can say, “Wow that is steep!” Wow that’s pretty steep (真的有貴到) How much is the bubble tea here? Steep 你可以用在東西真的蠻貴的 但是還不是超級貴 four dollars?! four dollars for a bubble tea? 但是 有一些地方甚至會比4塊錢更貴 Wow that's pretty steep 要是他開五塊錢一杯珍奶 Steep you can use for something that is more expensive, but not quite super expensive That’s a ripoff 店家噱海了 But wait, some places will charge even more than that 這多少? What if they charge five dollars for a bubble tea? five dollars? what a ripoff! 五塊錢?! 你騙錢? 把我當盤子噱? That's a ripoff 我才不會付這個錢咧 How much again? 也沒有人會買的! five dollars? what a ripoff! 或者你也可以說 it costs an arm and a leg I'm not gonna pay that. 這就是在說東西超貴 就像你必須要斷手斷腳去付給他們 No one's gonna pay that Hey, this place is pretty good, but they charge an arm and a leg. 嘿 ! 這個地方真的不賴! 但是呢...它真的貴的要我去賣肝賣腎 Or you can also say it costs an arm and a leg 我會想去點別的地方 Meaning, it's so expensive, you have to chop off your body parts and give it to them 我知道聽起來很怪 但是我這些字不是我發明的 我只是教大家 Hey, this place is pretty good, but they charge an arm and a leg. 好了 這裡是今天教大家的字 I would suggest going somewhere else 還有阿 別只是看影片! I know, it sounds weird, but I don't make these words up, I just teach 'em 那是偷懶的人做的 Alright here are the words againnnnn 練習去說 And remember, don't just watch the video 在家練習 That's the lazy way out 造句 You have to practice saying it 跟外國人用這些字聊天 Practice at home 或是這有一個好方法練習 Make sentences. 下次你去window shopping (逛街) Talk to other native speakers 那已就去不同的店裡面 然後在你腦袋裡面想這些字 Or, here's a good way to practice That looks steep. 那看起來有點貴 Next time you're out window shopping 或是 that looks like a steal 那感覺真便宜耶! Just go to different stores and think about it in your head that looks like a ripoff! 挖靠 也太貴! That looks steep. 但就是在腦子裡想就好 Or that looks like a steal. 別告訴店家 " “Hey this is a ripoff” Or that looks like a ripoff! 你會冒犯到別人 But Just think about it though. 真的有好多說法用來說Cheap” 和“Expensive” Don't actually tell the owner, “Hey this is a ripoff” 我挑了一些大部分的人常說的 You're going to offend them 如果還有聽別人說其他的 留個言告訴我 And there are tons, tons more ways to say “Cheap” and “Expensive” 也許我也會從你們身上學到不錯的字 I just picked a few of the common ones that most people use 喜歡影片 歡迎訂閱及追蹤頻道 If you do know some other ones, leave me comment. Maybe I'll learn a word or two from you
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 珍奶 店家 美元 說法 價格 不錯 如何用英語比較價格|"便宜 "和 "昂貴" (How to Compare Prices in English | "Cheap" and "Expensive") 498 44 ShakesBeer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字