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-Here's how this works.
In front of us are two envelopes containing confessions.
One is true. The other is a lie.
Once you read the confession,
the other two players get to interrogate you.
Then they have to come to a unanimous decision --
is it the truth or is it a lie?
-Bring it on! -Alright.
Ryan, you'll go first. -I go first.
Oh, I'm so excited, you guys. -Which one?
-I'm going with -- I'm going with number 1.
-Okay. -Right?
-Nice. -I suppose. Yeah, sure.
-I think that's a good idea.
-This might be part of the ruse already.
-"My mom once washed her hands with a urinal cake."
-What's a urinal cake? -Good question.
-Alright. -I'm glad you asked me that.
-It's at the bottom of a urinal
when you go into the men's room.
-I don't visit those very often.
-It looks like a little white puck.
-Okay. -Yeah.
-It might be confused with soap.
-Wait. But where was your mom when this happened?
-She was at a funeral. True story.
-How long ago was this? -This was about two months ago.
-What?! -Yep.
-Wait. Wait. So, your mom --
Your mom did what with a urinal cake?
-It was an outdoor funeral.
There was, like, a little sort of porta-potty-type thing
that had both the -- you know, the toilet,
and then it also had, like, this little space-aged
kind of urinal thing that could very easily be confused
as a sink with a little puck in it.
Alright, it was me, not my mom!
No. No, no. It was my mom.
And she accidentally used the urinal cake,
thinking it was soap, washing her hands.
-The urinal cake was up by the sink?
-No, it was right in this sort of
space-aged little urinal thing.
-In what city was this porta-potty in?
-This was in -- just outside of
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
-Alright then. Anything happens in Canada.
-Yeah. -Yeah. Alright.
-She washed her hands with it and then left going like,
"Ooh, it smells funny.
This urinal cake is very --"
-Did she flush, like, thinking that was the faucet
and just -- with the urine water?
-That I do not know, Jimmy.
-Alright, I'm going to say I don't know.
I don't know. -Yeah.
-I'm gonna say --
-If it did happen, it's really funny,
but I don't think it really happened.
-I'm going to say that it's a lie,
because there's -- I don't know.
There's just some hesitation in the facial expressions.
-I'm going to say it's a lie, because I think if you went
to a funeral outdoors, I've never seen a porta-potty
by the cemetery.
-Gotta go, you gotta go. -By the cemetery?
Well, I mean, someone did go, I guess, right?
-Yeah. -True or lie?
-This is true. -What?!
-Oh, my God! What?! -True.
-Your mom did that? -Oh, my God!
-In her defense, a lot of people don't know
that that's a urinal cake.
-I didn't know what a urinal cake was.
I actually would have made the same mistake.
-Also, like, what kind of A-hole calls it a cake?
-Yeah. -Like, right?
-It sounds so pleasant. -Alright. Here we go.
It's my turn. Here we go. Alright.
Which envelope should I open? 1 or 2?
-2. -I say 2.
-Let's mix it up. -Yeah, 2.
-Why not? -Here we go.
-"There is a bronze statue of me at the bottom of the lake
next to Neil Young's farmhouse."
-What? That is so specific. When was the statue made?
-The statue was made in the early 2000s.
I'll tell you exactly what -- It was an award or something
that was actually given to me by Regis and Kelly Ripa.
-Kelly? -Back when Regis was on.
-Okay. Not Kathie Lee. This is the Kelly era.
-No, this is "Relly." -Wow. Okay.
-This is Regis and Kelly. -What's the -- Sorry.
-They gave me an award, like, some Jimmy Fallon award.
I did their show.
-And then they promptly threw it in a lake.
-No. What happened was, I was flying to Neil's,
'cause I was doing his Bridge School benefit,
which is a great charity.
-Yep. -And I was going with Lorne.
And we were going right --
I went right after I did "Regis and Kelly,"
so I had my -- Everything was packed.
I had an actual statue of me that they gave me, on the plane.
So when I landed, I had this statue of me.
And it was just -- I thought it would be funny
to show it to people.
-And how did it end up in a lake?
-Because everyone was making fun of me
that I had a statue of myself.
-So you threw it in a lake,
like the Heart of the Ocean in "Titanic."
You just let it go. -Yes. Yeah, yeah.
"My Heart Will Go On." -Yeah, yeah.
-I had a few...beverages, and everyone was passing it around,
accepting the award and all this bit.
-So, wait. What was the size of the statue?
-And it was bronze. -It was bronzed.
It was, like, aluminum foil on plastic.
-It's next to a statue of
Neil Young at Neil Young's farmhouse?
-No, I was at Neil Young's farmhouse,
and I threw it in the lake.
-Is Neil Young aware of this? -Yeah, he was there.
-He's there?
-I'm going to say -- This actually sounds true to me.
It doesn't sound too crazy.
-I'm gonna go with -- Camila's right.
-Okay, okay, okay. -True. Okay, let's do it.
-It never happened. I made it up.
-Oh! I was there! -Wait.
-I made it up. I know. -Oh!
-I've never been to Neil Young's house.
That is the best acting of -- You've seen my movies.
You've seen my movies, right?
I mean, this is the best acting I've ever done.
-Yeah, what are you doing? I'm terrified of you.
-Camila, I love you. It's your turn to go.
-Alright. -I think number 1, right?
-I think number 1 for sure. -Number 1. Alright. Okay.
Let's see. -Let's see. Alrighty.
-I once lost -- this is your friend -- Taylor Swift's cat.
-You once lost her cat? -You lost her cat?
-I lost her cat. -This is a big deal.
-Would you like to hear the story?
-Yes. -Yes.
-So, we were on tour together last year.
I was opening for her on her Reputation Stadium Tour.
-Mm-hmm. -Mm-hmm.
-And she basically -- She asked me to babysit her cat.
Her cat kind of had, like, a weird little
stomach-infection thing.
She was gonna go do a meet and greet.
We were hanging out in the dressing room.
I'm taking care of her cat.
Somebody from my team asked me to do something.
I leave the door open.
The cat, Meredith, sneaks out, is nowhere to be found.
-Hours pass, and nobody can find the cat.
-Yeah. -Where are you? What city?
-It was also in Vancouver, actually.
-This is already reeking like a whole lot of bull.
-No, no, no. It was in Vancouver.
-Oh, really? -Ask me more questions.
-Yeah, yeah. Meredith.
I love that you threw in the name Meredith.
-Everybody knows that cats are banned in Vancouver.
-That's not true.
-Wait. So, wait. So, the cat's sick.
That's when she asked you to babysit the cat?
-Well, it's not like she was like, "Please babysit the cat."
I was already hanging out with her in the dressing room.
-And what was the cat like? The cat's sick.
Is it moving around or is it laying there?
-And she was like, "Take my cat with this
unpredictable stomach issue and enjoy it for a while."
No. Really?
-No, I mean, the cat was -- You know,
answering your question about the cat's activity,
it was just laying there.
That's why I did not expect for the cat to leave the door.
-So, you're saying that someone removed the cat from the --
-No. I'm saying I left the door open.
I didn't think the cat was going to go anywhere.
-Camila, don't give me this. This is ridiculous.
I mean, now, who found the cat? Who found the cat?
-One of her security guards. It was literally --
-Which one?
I know all of her security guards.
-Yeah. Was it Dan? -No, was it Steve?
-Was it Gil? -I don't know his name!
She has 13! -A lot of holes in this story.
-Okay. And then the cat was found in, like, one of
the seats of the golf cart.
I don't know the security guard's name, okay?
I'm sorry. There's a lot. -Is this true?
I think this is true. -Yeah, yeah.
-I feel like it's true.
-Yeah, I think we broke her, 'cause she was --
-I know.
-I think what happened was --
we were being fooled the whole time.
We were being played.
-She's also one question away flipping the table.
-Yeah, that's true. -You better say it's true.
-I'm gonna say true. -True. Yes.
-This is false! -What?!
♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ]
-Really?! -How did you do that?
-No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Did you actually think it was true --
-Yeah. 100%.
-Because I feel like I'm a terrible --
I came into this game knowing I'm a bad liar.
-It was the golf-cart thing. -You have a black belt in lying.
-Really? -Yes.
-That was pretty great. -Yes! We're liars!
We're good liars! -Wait, don't do that.
You guys are the greatest. -Amazing.
-Our thanks to Ryan Reynolds, Camila Cabello.
That was good.